Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 165: Under the starry night


Although she has poor magical talent, poor aristocratic cultivation, and troublesome personality and behavior, Rebecca is still the most favored one in the family since she was a child. After all, the Cecil family has completely declined by her generation. There is simply no other heir to nurture and care for.

So Rebecca has received a lot of gifts since she was a child, so many that she can hardly count them.

But few of those gifts could impress her deeply.

Whether it's beautiful clothes, or new magic books and history books, in Rebecca's opinion, there is nothing new. She doesn't like flowers and new clothes like ordinary noble ladies, and she is not interested in learning about history and etiquette. But since her ancestor was unmasked, she finally found someone who could identify with her and always bring her a sense of freshness. An ancestor from seven hundred years ago, Rebecca originally thought that Gawain would be The most rigid and serious elder in the family she had ever met, but she did not expect that this ancestor was so interesting, full of whimsical ideas that were not weaker than her own at all.

Even the gift he gave himself was very interesting.

But holding this so-called "telescope", Rebecca is still a little entangled (or angry with herself): "I don't like looking at stars! What's the point of not liking it since I was a child!"

Gao Wen just smiled, and forced the silly girl to the terrace on the top floor of the Lord's Mansion. Under Hetty's surprised gaze, he helped Rebecca fix the bracket of the telescope and adjust the focus of the lens, and then pressed Hold Ironhead Baby's head and let her stick her eyes on the eyepiece.

After half a minute.

"It's so interesting to watch the stars!!" Rebecca made a spineless voice.

"Ancestor, this is... the gift you mentioned for Rebecca?" Hetty was also attracted by the movement here, and couldn't help but put down the astrolabe in her hand and came over, "There is no magic wave … What's this?"

"You can try it," Gao Wen smiled, "Well... Although it doesn't have a matching star chart plate, it may not be as professional as a stargazing plate for you to use, but if it is only used to observe distant objects, it should be Easier to use than your magic items."

Hetty made great efforts to finally squeeze Rebecca's head aside, and then leaned in front of the eyepiece to take a look, suddenly showing a surprised expression.

In this world, the eagle eye technique and the "stargazing disk" technology developed on this basis have become the main ways for people to observe the distance and observe the stars respectively. Although they are limited to the circle of the caster, the two This technology still hinders people's exploration of optical research routes. The basic physical rules of optics in this world are no different from what Gawain knows. However, under the premise that casting a spell can observe the distance Thinking of combining several convex lenses and concave lenses to make a telescope

After all, the difference between these two technical routes is too far.

Rebecca stared blankly at this magical metal device. She circled it several times, but she didn't see even a single rune and a piece of magic material on it. She couldn't help scratching her hair in confusion: "But why? Is that so?"

Hetty also raised her head curiously: "Yes, why?"

Hearing their questions, Gao Wen couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

They finally learned to take the initiative to ask why and delve into the principles instead of just being satisfied with what can be used. This is the idea that he has been trying to instill in the technical staff of the territory. Now the efforts during this period of time have finally seen results in the two descendants.

"This is about the propagation of light," Gao Wen thought for a while, and decided to explain briefly, "You should at least know about magnifying glasses..."

He explained the effects of convex and concave lenses and the principle of telescopes, but he didn't explain all of this too deeply and with certainty. He just tried to describe how the telescope works with an attitude of answering conjectures, and this is due to necessary caution

This weird world is so strange in terms of physical laws, who dares to be sure that the telescope works, so the optical principles here must meet the earth's standards? Perhaps in the macrocosm, the propagation and refraction of light showed what he was familiar with, but one day, when he studied the microcosm, what should he do if he discovered that the "light" of this world is essentially something else

He knew how much influence he would have on Hetty and Rebecca. Even if they had the skeptical spirit of a qualified scientific researcher now, what he said would leave an overly deep impression on their hearts, so he always avoided When the two talked about their conjectures about the principles of magic, they used an overly certain tone unless the knowledge had been fully verified by practice. This was to prevent them from affecting their research ideas one day.

Rebecca was stunned when she heard this. She knew the theory of magic, mathematics, mechanics and some theoretical knowledge of alchemy, but she never thought that the way the world works could be done from this perspective. To explain, this brought her a great sense of freshness: "It turns out that the light that can be seen everywhere...is there such an interesting place?"

While talking, she moved her eyes to the telescope and looked at the stars in the sky with great interest. She imagined that those distant stars had traveled a long distance, passed through the atmosphere full of magic, and finally fell into a set of lenses and became a clearer and more magnified image between the lenses. She saw more and brighter stars that she had never seen when she was a child, and also saw the faint celestial structures that were originally hidden among the stars. .

Due to the limited craftsmanship and low magnification of the first telescope, she could not see too many secrets of the stars in the lens, but even so, the starry sky that was more brilliant than imagined was enough to make her exclaim again and again up.

"I've always wanted to throw a big fireball into the sky and blow those stars down," Rebecca looked up, blinking, "but they're so far away..."

"Actually, did you know that most of the stars in the sky are basically burning fireballs," Gawain said with a smile, but quickly added the second half of the sentence, "Of course, this is just my guess."

"Stars are also burning fireballs?" Rebecca looked at Gawain in surprise, "Then what do they use as fuel? How can they burn for so many years?"

In my hometown, it is hydrogen, but God knows what the stars are burning here...

However, Gao Wen couldn't answer directly like this, he could only smile awkwardly: "I don't know either."

"Master Zu, you lied to me, didn't you?" Rebecca looked at Gawain suspiciously, "How could the stars in the sky be big fireballs!"

"You can't talk to your ancestors like that!" Hetty immediately gave Rebecca a serious look, but just as Gao Wen was moved, she said the second half of the sentence, "The ancestors were hung in the sky back then, he must have seen it with his own eyes. How did those stars burn, right Ancestor?"

Gao Wen: "...um... yes, yes..."

"Oh, it's amazing!" Rebecca exclaimed exaggeratedly, and then touched her chin and fell into thought, "Then tell me, if I hold the fireball very big and hit it very, very far away, Can it also become a star?"

"... That's probably impossible," Gawain spread his hands dumbfounded, "The true size of the stars is much larger than you imagined. Of course, this is my guess."

Hetty showed a thoughtful expression: "Ancestor, do you think 'Ao' is also a burning fireball?"

"Oh... probably too."

Gawain crossed his arms and looked up at the brightest star in the night sky.

Of course he knew what it was, or rather, he could probably guess what it was.

That is the "sun" that this planetary system actually orbits around.

The planet under my feet (currently assumed to be a planet) is not a standard planet, but is most likely just a satellite orbiting a gas giant planet. ", but this gas giant planet is also orbiting another celestial body. According to the current information, the latter's body is very likely to be "Ao", which is the brightest star in the night sky. The mysterious lone star that can also be seen during the day is the "ultimate mystical star" that has a special place in the minds of magicians and professional astrologers.

Extraordinary people have various explanations for "Ao", but no matter who they are, they seem to agree that it has a special role in the field of mysticism: it is the benchmark for almost all astrological observations, and it is also the most common place for magicians to meditate. The "spiritual focus" used, and even in some religious legends, "Ao" is also related to the abode of the gods: it is the guiding lighthouse leading to the abode of the gods.

Rebecca looked at the sky and suddenly found something: "Speaking of... today's 'Ao' seems to be brighter than before."

"After winter, the brightness of Ao will increase, don't you know? This is the common sense of astrology!" Hetty looked at Rebecca helplessly, "I really don't know where you have thrown all the things you learned when you were young. "

Rebecca pouted her neck: "I know this, but the brightness of 'Ao' in the Sun of the Stars this winter seems to be brighter than in previous years!"

"Is that so..." Hetty looked at the sky suspiciously. She couldn't judge such subtle changes with the naked eye, but she knew that Rebecca really had amazing sensitivity in these inexplicable details, so she also became dubious. , "Maybe there is a change... Speaking of which, I remember reading in some relatively unpopular magic books that when the position of the stars is correct, the connection between the ultimate mysterious star 'Au' and the world will become stronger , the gates to the realm of the gods and the world of humans will become loose, and the year when the prophesied stars are in the correct position seems to be the last few years."

Hearing Hetty's sudden babble, Gawain inexplicably felt a sense of sight.

The stars are in the right place... why does that sound so ominous

And just when he was wondering whether this "stars are in the correct position" was a wilderness tale or some kind of magical phenomenon, the balcony door was suddenly pushed open, and the panicked cry of the siren lady followed. : "Oh, it's over, it's over, it's over!!"

"What the hell?!" Gawain had never seen Tire yelling in such a panic. No matter what he was doing, this seafood who was always in hibernation was lazy. This surprised him all of a sudden. , "Someone wants to stew you?"

"The position of the stars! The position of the stars!" Tire jumped up to Gawain with his fish tail, dancing and gesticulating, "Today is the time for the stars to return! Once the stars reach the correct position, the stars in the deep sea will Big squid... big squid..."

Gawain was just thinking about the nonsense about the stars and the evil god of the deep sea, but when he heard Tyre, a deep sea creature, mention the thing that was suspected of being an ancient god in such a panic, he broke out in a cold sweat: "You Be clear! What happens to the 'big squid' in the deep ocean when the stars are in the right place?"

"There will be no limit to the big squid!" Till was so anxious that tears almost came down, "I missed the meal!"

Gao Wen: "... what?!"