Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 166: Breed in the shadows


Gao Wen walked in this lucid dream.

He didn't know what the reason for this change was, but he guessed that the reason for this change was mostly related to that unlucky Eternal Sleeper cultist. It's not just as simple as memorizing data, as "knowledge" in the extraordinary domain, it is a kind of power in itself.

They brought Gawain this ability to function in lucid dreams.

While walking, Gao Wen shaped some things in his hands from time to time according to his thoughts, and discovered the limitations of this "shaping" in the process. Probably because he has not obtained the real power of the eternal sleeper, so the things he created in the dream still have full "fantasy" characteristics, only have a fake appearance, but have no real effect.

The drink he made had no taste, and the mobile phone he shaped from memory couldn't be turned on.

And those imaginary items that don't exist in the real world at all are even more difficult to maintain their shape for a long time.

But from this incomplete and useless ability, he continued to understand the nature of the special heretical sect of the Eternal Sleepers, as well as their possible purpose.

Immersed in an eternal dream, trying to seek relief in a false world, this is probably the pursuit of the eternal sleeper. In Gao Wen's opinion, their ability to create illusions in the dream world has reached the level of completely false ones. In fact, if the truth is not known in advance, anyone who enters the dream of the eternal sleeper will instantly get lost in that false world. People with weak minds, even if they know the truth in advance, can easily indulge in all kinds of beautiful things in the imaginary world.

Although the outside world evaluates the Eternal Sleeper as an "expert in creating nightmares", after Gao Wen devoured the remnants of the cultist's mind, he vaguely realized that what the cultists who weaved people's hearts were really pursuing was probably a sweet dream and created nightmares Just a means to an end for them.

Gawain walked through the long corridor. In this strange place, his mind was as calm as water, but his thoughts were exceptionally quick.

To paraphrase a sentence from the previous life, people who are addicted to the virtual world mostly want to escape from reality, while the eternal sleepers seem to Gao Wen to be some kind of group virtual world fanatics who escape from reality, but what they are escaping is specifically reality What part of the world

Is it the social collapse and the deterioration of the living environment caused by the magic tide? Is it the changes in the religious structure and the exclusion of other sects? Or... the truth that the gods are dead

At the end of the corridor in front of him, a heavy oak door stood in front of him. Gawain frowned. He saw a somewhat familiar emblem on the oak door, which was the emblem of the Kant family.

Is it because I have been paying attention to the affairs of the Kant family recently, so their family emblem appeared in my dream scene? Or... this is really Kant Castle

Gawain frowned and looked around. He confirmed that he had never been to this place. Under normal circumstances, things beyond his memory or cognition would not appear in human dreams. It is the subconscious distortion of the things seen in ordinary times, but all the scenes in this dream are stable and orderly, even the pattern on the wall and the brilliance emitted by each magic spar lamp are flawless. Gawain suddenly suspected that this scene might be born out of the memory of that cultist.

That cultist was active in Kant Castle

After hesitating for a moment, Gao Wen stretched out his hand and pushed open the oak door in front of him.

Behind the gate is a cellar-like space, wide, deep, and shrouded in dim light. As an underground structure in the castle, the scale of this "cellar" is far beyond necessary, so that it seems to be a banquet on the surface. The hall was moved underground, and in such a wide and abnormal space, Gao Wen saw that there were upright pillars connecting the ground and the stone ceiling above, and there seemed to be writing on the surface of those upright pillars.

Gao Wen approached one of the pillars, and he saw that there were no words on it at all, but countless deep dents scratched with his nails!

The moment Gao Wen saw these dents, Gao Wen felt that his vision suddenly blurred, and then a large number of water-like ripples appeared in the dark space in all directions. In the ripples, countless shadowy things separated The "disguise" of the subconscious layer appeared in front of Gao Wen's eyes.

They were human-like phantoms one after another, with translucent, off-white figures, and vague faces showing numb expressions. They stood here in shadows layer upon layer, staring blankly at them with their empty eyes. The center of the entire "cellar".

When these figures appeared, Gao Wen was startled, but the latter realized that these shadows were not aware of his existence at all, or in other words, these shadows probably did not have the ability to think at all.

After calming down, he followed the direction these shadows were staring at, and he suddenly saw a stone platform in the center of this "underground hall". Huge and ornate coffin.

Gao Wen frowned, and walked towards the huge coffin through the countless shadowy figures beside him, but he had just walked halfway when he heard an illusory and indistinct voice appearing in his ears, that voice seemed to be divided into two parts. The individual was talking, but it was difficult to distinguish intermittently. Gao Wen carefully pricked up his ears, and only then heard a few clearer words:

“…how I wish this was just a nightmare and wake up from it and everything is still fine…”

"... What is the difference between dreams and reality..."

"I... don't know what to do, losing them..."

"The Eternal Sleeper will help you, don't be afraid, don't believe the rumors that slander us, we are still committed to saving sentient beings from suffering just like seven hundred years ago, but seven hundred years ago we kept sentient beings away Nightmares, and today we save all beings from the nightmare reality...

"You just put it here, feed it well, and believe me, it'll be fine.

"The lost ones will eventually return, not only in dreams, but also in reality..."

The conversation was low-pitched and vague, with serious distortion, so that Gawain couldn't even judge the gender of the interlocutor, but he was almost certain that one of the speakers was the Eternal Sleeper who was swallowed by him Heretics!

After waking up from the dream, Gawain immediately called Heidi and Pittman.

"Ancestor, we have finished questioning that mercenary mage," Hetty thought that Gawain called him to inquire about the progress of the interrogation of the prisoners, so he said as soon as they met, "They are indeed doing things for the Kant family, but They didn't know what their employers wanted them to do by arresting the refugees. The only thing they could be sure of was that they never saw the refugees captured by them appear in Kant as slaves in the future, nor did they see any slave traders. Take those people away from Kant's collar, and the refugees who were captured back disappeared on that land as if they had evaporated."

Gao Wen frowned: "Sure enough..."

"Sure enough?" Hetty was taken aback, not understanding what Gawain meant, "Do you know anything?"

"I'm afraid I have to go to Kant immediately." Gao Wen had already made a decision before, and now he said bluntly, "The sooner the better."

This time Hetty was really shocked: "Go to Kant Land? What are you doing there? Do you want to go to Viscount Kant to inquire about the refugees? This kind of thing..."

"It's more serious than that," Gao Wen said seriously, "I came into contact with some of the fragments of his consciousness when I was fighting against the cultist of the Eternal Sleeper. One thing was handed over to someone in the Kant Territory, most likely the current Viscount Victor Kant, and that thing is an evil thing, it has been in that land for many years, more than ten years or even dozens of years During this period, it has been absorbing the souls of living people and growing!"

"An evil thing that sucks the souls of living people?" Pittman was taken aback. "Could it be that those refugees who were captured into Kant..."

"It's probably been fed," Gao Wen frowned. "That thing has grown to a critical point, but it hasn't completed its final transformation, but once it completes... I'm worried that people including Tanzan Town and New Sisi will Its power will envelop all areas including Carroll Territory further north."

Gao Wen's words were not alarmist, because when the dream was about to end, he had already clearly felt the existence of a growing "item" supporting the dream world.

He could feel the power emanating from that item, and he could feel its influence on the minds of all human beings in a fairly large range. Perhaps because of devouring the original owner's mind fragments of the item, Gawain had established a subtle relationship with that item. This makes him almost 100% sure: Once enough energy is absorbed, the cursed thing placed by the cultists in the Kant family castle will explode with terrifying power, and the new Cecil leader And ordinary people in Tanzania Town will be involved in it without exception!

He had already threatened himself, so he couldn't just sit back and watch.

Gao Wen's serious attitude also infected Hetty, who became nervous and worried: "Ancestor, you have already committed a personal risk in Tanzan Town, this time..."

"No, it won't be that dangerous this time." Gawain shook his head, "As long as I find it in time, then it will pose no threat to me and I can control it."

His answer was quite confident, which reassured Hetty a little bit, but the latter couldn't help but care: "But if Viscount Victor Kant has been completely bewitched and controlled by the cultists, will he be right?" You are disadvantaged?"

"In this whole incident, there is only one person who has the ability to threaten me." Gawain looked at the concerned Heidi and smiled slightly, "but that person has already been destroyed by me in the space of consciousness."

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