Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 168: Kraken's digging plan


As for what the "big squid" is, the sea monsters themselves can't tell clearly.

Regarding the forced landing in ancient times, the memory of many sea monsters is a bit blurred. Although they are elemental creatures that are immortal and immortal, they can't remember things that are too old, but only one thing that sea monsters can be sure of, That is, since they made an emergency landing in this world with land, the "big squid" on the bottom of the sea has already existed.

It was the remains of a creature far older than ancient times. Its remaining tentacles snaked on the seabed like mountains. The size of its body can be imagined. The Krakens were shocked by the size of the corpse at first. , and feared this world for a long time, they worried that this strange world was full of such huge and terrifying life forms, but soon, they found that their worries seemed unnecessary.

The deep sea is full of protozoa that are weaker than them, and the "big squid" seems to be the only exception, and this powerful exception is dead.

The "big squid" was killed by some kind of external force, which can be seen from its fragmented corpse and the metal fragments left on the seabed, but the person who killed the "big squid" is a mystery. Among them, the sea monsters have never been able to find clues to that powerful race. Although they have also searched on various continents, there are only some barbaric and backward indigenous civilizations on those continents. Those civilizations do not even have the ability to sail in the ocean. Naturally, it is impossible to be the strong one who kills the "big squid".

After realizing that there is a "magic tide" that periodically destroys the ecosystem in this world, the Krakens completely gave up their search for that civilization, and instead lived their lives in this ocean with peace of mind.

Digging the "big squid" is one of their most important jobs, and this job is a part of restarting the core engine. Although the day of success is still far away, the sirens are creatures that are slow to the passage of time, just like Like many elemental creatures, they also have plenty of patience and a poor sense of time. This characteristic allowed them to successfully complete the transformation of civilization in the deep sea in the extremely long past, and now allows them to immerse themselves in their work and enjoy themselves. .

The excavation team arrived at the scheduled work site. A huge piece of flesh and blood that fell off from the tentacles lay quietly in a deep pit on the seabed. After several months of "life cycle", this piece of flesh and blood had been reborn into a The starting size, which means it's diggable again.

The Krakens spread out around the flesh and blood tissue, and drove a dozen force field shielding generators deep into the seabed, and the light blue energy barrier blocked the entire area to prevent the "big squid" from escaping. The force that came out polluted the water area, and then they started to cut this group of extremely strong flesh and blood tissue with a group of three, carrying all kinds of equipment.

The excavation team leader is patrolling the periphery. It is very important to check whether the field of vision obscuration generator is working properly, because these devices are only barely able to operate now, and all kinds of weird and bizarre failures are commonplace for them. It's easy to go wrong if you look at it carefully.

But this is much better than it was many years ago, at least now more and more equipment has been restored to operation, although the restart of the core engine is still in the foreseeable future...

Captain Siren walked around to the back of the fleshy tissue, which was the target of the next excavation. She leaned over to the rough skin that looked like a pile of bark and fungal growths, and checked the regeneration of this part of the tissue.

But at this moment, the mass of flesh and blood suddenly wriggled as if it had come to life!

Dark red blood gushed out from the wound, and the muscles and skin grew in a meandering manner. They quickly condensed into a small tentacles with strange patterns and bright edges, wriggling crazily in front of the sea monster.

The patterns on the surface of the tentacles are shining, and with twisting and wriggling, they continuously present various weird and bizarre shapes. Any ordinary mind will go crazy in front of these patterns, and even the most tenacious mortal warriors cannot be safe after facing them.

Captain Kraken stared blankly at this tentacle, made a bold assumption, calmly analyzed it, and decided to say hello to the other party as well.

As a result, her body disintegrated and reassembled in an instant, and her form changed in the blink of an eye, turning into a tentacle that was exactly the same as the other party's, wriggling and curling rapidly on the seabed.

An indescribable tentacle and a tentacle imitated by a siren performed an ecstatic dance on the seabed for ten minutes. The two sides did not reach any consensus, and the three sirens who had completed their excavation task had already swam over.

One of the krakens carrying the vibrating cutter poked the mimic tentacles on the seabed with the tip of their tails: "Captain, what you said just now is not to go too far with the squid..."

The mimic tentacles suddenly turned back into the appearance of a siren, looking a little embarrassed: "I thought it greeted me..."

Another sea monster wagged its tail curiously: "It is said that there are often tentacles twisting and twisting on the big squid... What does it mean?"

"Who knows, deep-water scholars have always thought that this is some kind of communication signal, but after so many years of deciphering it, there is no result. I suspect that they are just twisting and turning, just like seaweed."

"No, it must be communication, but we can't understand it," said the Kraken carrying the cutting machine seriously, "Why do people on land get so excited when they see these tentacles? ? And yelling at these tentacles... that means there is communication!"

Captain Kraken thought for a while, then swung his snake-shaped tail: "Whatever it is, cut off this heel and take it away, who made it jump out on its own initiative."

The Kraken carrying the cutting machine activated the equipment in his hand, but before doing it, he asked with a little expectation: "Then... can I have some?"

"emmmmm... The reactor fuel should have been collected enough... Well, you can eat a little. But only a little!"


The remaining Krakens cheered and rushed to their "lunch".

At the same time, in Lord Cecil's mansion, the discussion between Gawain and Pittman about the siren finally came to an end.

Pittman stroked his beard: "Generally speaking, the sea monster is such a legendary creature. There are only a very few sighting reports, and each record cannot withstand scrutiny. Their history is older than human beings, and their lives In the east of the endless ocean, there may be occasional landing behaviors, but most of the time they will not leave the deep sea, nor communicate with humans and other land races. Sirens in the ocean are dangerous and will strictly protect their territory. Navigation in their territories will attract their attacks, but now that all ocean-going routes have been cancelled, there is no need to worry about that."

Gawain frowned, looked at the biography of the knight in his hand, and sighed slightly: "The legendary species... It would be great if I could find a siren to communicate with. Alright. Let's not talk about this, I came back from Kant's tie earlier. Have you checked those biological tissues? What's the progress?"

Gao Wen took a lot of samples with him when he left Kant Territory, including the weird biological flesh and blood connected to the human brain in the underground hall, and the soft, "creep"-like dark substance on the rectangular table around the stone pillar Of course, he rubbed the runes carved on the stone pillars by the cultists of the Eternal Sleeper. Although all the runes have been destroyed by Philip Knight, there are many stone pillars. After rubbing the runes from all the places and putting them together, they can still be combined. get the complete pattern.

It's just that those magic circles are too dangerous and their mechanism is unclear. Gawain has not started research on them for the time being. However, the dead flesh and blood tissues have not rotted after returning to Cecil Territory, so they are handed over to Pittman for research.

"About those biological tissues, I conducted a series of tests," Pittman nodded, "It has been confirmed that they have traces of magical transformation, and there are druid spells involved, and the end of everything will obviously intervene like As you worry, Doom will cooperate with the Sleepers in the technical field, if they have the same cooperation with the Son of the Storm, then the threat level of these cultists... I am afraid it will exceed many people's imagination."

"I have already written a letter to Francis II, and I hope that my personal warning will give that king some relief," Gao Wen rubbed his forehead, "What I am most worried about now is that the Eternal Sleeper has controlled a large number of nobles, and they The power of the power is more strange and terrifying than the end of all things. Once they have penetrated, it will be difficult for outsiders to notice their existence. If I hadn't just swallowed the consciousness of a cultist of the Eternal Sleeper, I am afraid that even I would not be aware of it. There's something unusual about Kant's collar."

"That's what the king has to worry about," Pittman nodded, "In addition, I found some clues when testing the flesh and blood. Although they all have signs of being transformed by magic, this kind of transformation is acquired. , which means that there are natural prototypes for them."

"Natural prototype?" Gawain instantly realized what Pittman meant. "You mean, those weird biological tissues are transformed from some kind of species already in nature? Are there such weird species in the world?"

"Yes, the soul-destroying octopus on the west coast of the dwarf kingdom, the spirit-eating monster near the peak of the ancestors, and several monsters related to the power of shadow and undead. They all have similar developed neural organs that can link and control the brain tissue of the victim. , and in the tissue samples you brought back, I also found primitive structures similar to those of the above-mentioned monsters, which are obviously part of the raw materials. But the abilities of these monsters are not strong enough to kill so many humans The extent to which they are connected together to create real dreams, and their respective races are so different that it is impossible for conventional life-cultivating spells to fuse them together, so I suspect that the cultists of the Death of All Things Society may have made some breakthrough in the field of life fusion The progress is so great that so many monsters can be spliced together abruptly, and a functional product that can be mass-produced has been created."

"... The feeling that the cultists master the core technology, but the civilized society is standing still is really uncomfortable," Gao Wen sighed, "Don't you have any good news for me?"

Pittman looked a bit embarrassed: "There is, but you may not be too happy."

"What is it?"

“Those pieces of meat taste good after braised…”
