Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 169: God of nature


It's not easy to survive. three inch room

A magic fortress left in a different space has been cut off from the outside world, and inside there are no resources sufficient to sustain long-term survival Large-scale material warehouses, and in the only remaining structure of the fortress, Kamel and his fellow watchmen had to plan carefully for the coming days.

"We are participants in the 'Abomination' experiment, each of us has undergone the final stage of mutation transformation, which allows us to survive longer than ordinary humans, but the lack of supplies is still a big problem. We firmly believe that the situation will It’s getting better, there will be a day when all problems will be solved, but first we have to live until that day. Under the leadership of the great magister, everyone began to save every resource and began to repair the remaining facilities in the fortress.”

Kamel led Gawain and his party through a series of abandoned areas, which were already close to the existing edge of the "fortress". The magic tide destroyed many things in this area, and fragmented rooms and corridors were the most common sights here. But with a strong magical barrier still in effect, these areas aren't nearly impossible to live in.

"We first restored the supply of magic energy. This fortress built in a different space has its own energy circulation system. We can directly draw energy from the external environment to maintain the operation here. Then we repaired most of the damaged interior. Walls and barriers to prevent the dangerous Chaos energies from penetrating in, and finally we started trying to re-activate the magic door to the outside world... Attempts in this area failed.

"The magic tide has changed the operation mechanism of the magic gate. It is not damaged, but it cannot be activated. We have transferred half of the energy of the fortress to the magic gate, but it cannot even open a small crack. In the In the process of continuous attempts and research, our supplies have become less and less, and the health of each member has begun to deteriorate.

"The tide of magic has not completely affected us. In fact, its influence is everywhere and subtle. As time goes by, everyone's body begins to have problems. Facts have proved that the transformation of "sinister" can't make us survive forever. Claude Pirin was the first to die, a rapid illness brought him down in the laboratory, followed by the eldest son of the Pardini family...

"Some people died in accidents. The brothers and sisters of the Corden family were knocked out of the platform by a boulder floating in space when they were trying to repair the barrier, and Xirod was killed when he was repairing the magic power focuser. Our number has been decreasing, but we still can't see the hope of leaving here. Even if we can release a mage's eye to see the situation in the outside world, it is a pity that the gate is closed and cannot be opened at all."

Hetty's eyes were sad: "Then... everyone died..."

"Human beings are very fragile creatures, both physically and mentally," Kamel sighed with an energetic trill, "We failed to maintain order to the end. In the last few decades, we broke out once Serious... chaos, heavy pressure shattered everyone's hope, and the great magister was unable to maintain it any longer, and right here, more than half of the people got... 'relief'."

Kamel brought Gawain to a very open place, which seemed to have been a party hall, but half of its outward extension had been completely broken, the floor, walls, and roof fragments were floating messily in the dark space, and An energy barrier shrouded the fragmented dividing line.

Traces of damage by powerful spells can be seen everywhere here.

"After everything was over, the survivors who calmed down realized what a stupid thing they had done. However, everything was irreparable. There were only a dozen people left alive, and none of them would live for long."

"We quietly accepted our ending, and at the end, we finally retained the last bit of decency as an imperial magister."

Gawain looked at Kamel's body full of energy: "Then...how did you become like this?"

Kamel was silent for a moment, then slowly said: "I am the last one, I can't tell whether it is luck or misfortune, the transformation I carried out on myself was exceptionally successful, I became the one with the healthiest and longest life here, among all After all died, I also showed no signs of weakening.

"I spent more than ten years in a daze, and during this time, I placed the remains of all my colleagues, as you can see, let them sit there, as if everyone was still alive... I think I may Crazy, but I don't remember what a normal mind is supposed to look like. Then I wandered around this empty fortress for a few more years, going about my job inspecting the ancient equipment, counting the contents of the warehouse, Observe the changes in the external environment, keep records, occasionally do some experiments, occasionally talk to yourself, and occasionally talk to those people sitting in the hall...

"But I still don't die, and the end of my life seems so far away, and in the process, I find my mental state is getting worse.

"So, I decided to end my life early by a method of my own choice."

"The method you chose?" Tyre looked at Kamel curiously, "What method will turn you into... this look?"

"I said before that this is the place where the white star fell. The God of Nature fell in this place three thousand years ago, and this entire 'rebellious' fortress was built with the 'white star' as the core and foundation. This place has cost me my whole life, so I have decided to end my own life with 'Him'"

Kamel stopped in his tracks, and a partition wall painted with runes and made of some unknown metal blocked everyone's eyes. As Kamel released some kind of spell, the runes on the partition wall were activated. Array, this heavy metal wall immediately began to vibrate, and as the runes on it lit up one by one, it slowly and solemnly rose up in front of everyone.

There is a translucent energy barrier outside the partition wall, and through that energy barrier, the real situation outside the facility is finally presented to Gawain.

This is indeed not the Shadowland, but it is a weirder and more chaotic place than the Shadowland. Countless fragmented boulders float in the dark and deep space. These densely packed stones floating in the air constitute the boundless "" "Earth", and above this fragmented land hovers a chaotic cloud that never dissipates. Strange dark lightnings rage silently at high altitude, and various indescribable shapes are outlined in the chaotic cloud. , Horrific illusions, and in this chaotic world, there is one thing that deeply attracts everyone's attention.

It was a huge white deer like a hill. He was floating among the fragmented boulder floating islands. His limbs were bound by countless thick chains, and a hazy white light shrouded him. On the body of the giant deer, beside the giant deer, you can also see many broken metal and crystal wrecks floating in the air. Those huge metal wreckages have been severely distorted and deformed, and their shapes are so weird that Hetty can't imagine their original appearance and appearance at all. What is the function, but Gao Wen vaguely felt that those huge metal wreckages looked like some kind of flying device. They had a tail structure like a propeller, and extended bones like a weapon pylon. These structures were Today's Loren Continent is completely incomprehensible to humans!

And more importantly, the texture of those metals and crystals resembles the Eternal Slate!

Gawain felt his heart beating fast, and he heard Kamel's voice from the side: "Look, this is the fallen white star, the giant deer Amorn, the natural god that the druids once worshiped!"

"God of nature!" Hetty couldn't help exclaiming at this moment, "Oh my God!!"

"Don't worry, the 'barrier' will protect your minds." Kamel seemed to think that Heidi was worried about the consequences of facing the gods, so he raised his finger and pointed to the hazy energy barrier outside the metal barrier, "This layer The barrier is the most valuable achievement we found from the wreckage around the god's corpse. We simulated the energy fluctuations of those wreckage and found that the magic power of the same frequency can offset the damage of the god's power to the mortal mind. As long as the barrier is still there, you are safe."

Gawain looked at the translucent energy barrier with shock, and looked through the barrier at the metal wreckage around the corpse of "Giant Deer Amorn". He never thought that he would come into contact with the secrets of the gods so soon. , came into contact with the relics of those "God Killers", and when all this was truly presented in front of his eyes, apart from surprise, there was nothing but a heartfelt shock in his heart

This is where the gods fell, this is the fallen gods, and this is the "weapon" that killed the gods...

Those who built that weapon have left, but their creations remain here, and the "monitoring satellite" they left in this world is still functioning today.

Gawain retracted his gaze and looked at Kamel who was not far away: "So, it was the power of the gods that turned you into this?"

"I'm still not sure whether my mind was influenced by the gods at that time. Although there is this barrier, after all, I have lived with the corpses of the gods here for hundreds of years. It is impossible for my mind to be completely normal. "Kamel said mockingly, "I opened the door and entered that unprotected space. I didn't carry any protective equipment, and I didn't activate any protective spells. I walked towards the giant deer and directed his energy to Inside myself, hoping to kill myself in this way and then that energy exploded, my body was torn apart in the divine impact, and finally...became like this."

"You have become an energy creature, and you can't die," Gawain casually wiped off Tyre's saliva beside him, and looked up at Kamel, who had been transformed into a life form, "How many years have passed since then? "

"I can't remember clearly. After the life form was transformed, my memory was in an intermittent state," Kamel said helplessly, and pointed to the armor piece on his chest, "I carved these on myself. , just to remind myself to prevent myself from completely becoming an unconscious monster, but if I didn’t meet you all of a sudden, I’m afraid it’s only a matter of time before I become an unconscious monster…”

"When we first met, you questioned if we were real," said Hetty, remembering what happened at the beginning. "What does that mean?"

"Do you know, before you showed up, I've 'saw' living people appearing in front of my eyes at least seven times," Kamel's voice was full of bitterness, "I saw someone find this dusty and forgotten fortress, I saw that someone opened the magic door, and I saw those colleagues who had withdrawn back to this place. They came to pick me up and told me that the mission was over... I was hallucinating, hallucinating again and again, at first I thought It was my mental problem, but later I discovered that it was the power of the gods that was constantly affecting me. Its power would occasionally seep through the barrier and create all kinds of illusions in front of my eyes, so I doubted you only after I saw you Is it a phantom, I suspect that there is something wrong with the barrier... "

Gawain finally understood what was going on with Kamel's strange behavior at the beginning. He looked at the ancient magister in front of him with emotion, and felt that the other party's mind could be maintained until today. Kamel was countless times farther back, but he knew it was because his life form had mutated from the very beginning, and this person in front of him... he persisted as a human for hundreds of years before his life form transformed!

After a long silence, he breathed a sigh of relief: "Don't worry, we are real."