Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 170: Gawain's perception problem


For five full minutes, Gao Wen didn't recover.

After recovering, he stared blankly at the fragments of the eternal stone slab in front of him, falling into a long-term lying state.

A huge amount of information echoed in his mind, and his mind was full of thoughts, jumping up and down like drunk amber. At this moment, Gao Wen felt that he had a thousand words stuck in his throat, but it was because the block was too solid. , the result was that I couldn't say a word...

There was only one thing for sure: he had indeed heard those things just now, and the slight dizziness caused by the "immersion state" still remained until now, which made him very sure of it.

So these are the contents recorded in the eternal stone? Is this the knowledge about gods

Gawain looked at the pale golden metal plate as if he had seen a ghost, and couldn't help but shook his head as soon as this thought came to his mind. Impossible, those mortal sages who first founded religions could not have heard these things in the eternal stone plate. Stuff, after listening to these things, which brainless person would create a church for these gods who sound as if they have been killed!

Then he wondered if it was a nasty joke, or some daring hoax.

But what's the point of this joke? Who would do such a scam? Who would concoct such content with what purpose? And most importantly, in such a primitive and backward medieval society, who with a big brain can make up the term "heavy bomber"? !

Gawain frowned, thinking about the meaning behind the information carried by the eternal slate, and deeply doubted whether what normal believers heard after touching these slates was the same thing.

After thinking for a long time, he finally made a decision, and greeted the outside of the tent: "Betty! Go and call Philip, Hetty, and Amber."

After a while, the three came to Gao Wen's tent.

Gao Wen looked at the three people in front of him. These three people were the most reliable and faithful people he knew in the territory, and they could represent three different types of believers: Philip was a devout follower of the God of War sect , and even been baptized; Hetty is an official believer in the goddess of magic, but has a relatively shallow degree of belief; Amber is a neurotic believer in the goddess of the night and the god of shadows.

Almost the three mental states of ordinary people after believing in God can be found in these three people...

Gawain put the fragment of the Eternal Slate on the table and pushed it forward: "You guys know what this is, right?"

"Shards of the Eternal Slate," Amber said logically, "I watched you carry this thing in your arms."

Because Hetty was not there at the time, she looked at the light golden metal plate very curiously at this time, but she had also learned about the fragments of the eternal stone plate from Gao Wen before, so she was not surprised at this time, just curious Looking at his ancestors, he didn't know what Gao Wen wanted to do.

"Touch it with you," Gawain nodded, "Touch it with mental power, Philip, you come first."

Gao Wen was not worried that the "stone slab" would be harmful, because he had tried it himself, and apart from some horrifying information records, it would not cause long-term effects on the body, and even if the three of Hetty would really listen to the shards when they touched them. Knowing the knowledge of the gods, because this fragment is very small, it will not brainwash the three into fanatics, otherwise those kings, nobles and big businessmen who used the slab fragments as collections would have all become fanatics long ago.

Philip showed a look of surprise and hesitation: "My lord, are you... really sure? You want to give me this opportunity?"

"I'm sure, but I have something to remind you," Gawain nodded, "No matter what you hear or see after touching the fragments, keep calm, even if you hear something that goes against your beliefs... don't be too concerned. I was too excited, because this thing might be fake."

He took a vaccination first to prevent the pious knight Philip from collapsing after hearing something that shouldn't be heard, while Philip asked curiously as he approached the slab fragments: "Maybe it's fake?"

"I'm not sure, you can contact and try it first."

Knight Philip nodded, put his hand on the fragment of the stone slab, and activated his spiritual power to make a tentative connection with the fragment.

Almost immediately, Gawain felt a subtle change in the aura of the young knight. A vast, ancient and mysterious power seemed to envelope him, making him "sublimated". However, this aura In fact, it might just be an illusion, because Gao Wen didn't feel any change in Philip's own power, and the strange aura only appeared for a moment, and then disappeared.

After a while, Knight Philip opened his eyes. He glanced at the slab fragments with a surprised and excited expression, and then backed away slightly with joy on his face: "My lord, I seem to have heard the voice of God of War. The sense of enlightenment and enlightenment that came out flooded my heart, and I felt that I seemed to have received some kind of blessing, and this blessing may be of great help to the future training of martial arts!"

Gao Wen raised his eyebrows: "That's all?"

"Yes, this is a feeling that is hard to describe," Knight Philip nodded frankly, and then asked curiously, "But your lord just said that this may be false... Could it be that I have an illusion?"

"I'm just saying it might be fake, but judging by your reaction, there's a good chance it's real." Gawain's mood changed, but he didn't show his expression, he just looked at Heidi, "You have a try. "

Hetty nodded, and also stepped forward to put her hands on the fragments of the Eternal Slate.

This time, Gawain also felt a subtle change in Hetty's breath, but this change was more slight and short-lived, and Hetty also opened his eyes faster: "Ancestor, I feel like I have glimpsed some magic There is also a vague sense of enlightenment, but it is not as obvious and profound as Philip Knight said. And I don’t know if it’s an illusion, this stone seems to be repelling my... contact, I just want to use that sense of enlightenment To think about a certain spell model, the power of the slab fragments suddenly avoided, and there seemed to be a voice that made me avoid further contact with it... "

"Actively avoid it?" Gao Wen repeated in surprise, and suddenly felt that the situation was a little more complicated.

Is the goddess of magic different from other gods? Isn't her inheritance carried out through the eternal stone

While thinking about it, he set his eyes on Amber, and before he could speak, the half-elf lady couldn't wait to come up to her: "Hey, it's my turn! It's my turn to see you all talking so mysteriously, Is this thing really that powerful?"

Before she finished speaking, she had already pressed her hand on the surface of the debris, then closed her eyes and held back her energy to establish a connection with the metal plate.

After a while, her brows were furrowed, her hands were getting more and more vigorous, her face was flushed red, and even the table was shaking slightly. Gawain saw the situation and quickly said, "Isn't it for you to use your mental power to connect?" You push this thing into the table with all your strength, and you are responsible for digging it out?"

"No response!" Amber opened her eyes all of a sudden, and took her hand away in frustration, "I used my mental strength! But there was no reaction at all, and I didn't hear or feel anything... By the way, you two are acting to lie to us. right?"

Philip Knight: "How could it be! You can clearly feel a very obvious enlightenment!"

Hetty also frowned: "I can feel it too, although it's very weak..."

Amber looked suspiciously at the two people in front of her, and then at the metal plate on the table: "Could it be that this thing has limited energy? Once touched, it weakens once, so you two feel weaker and weaker, and I have no reaction now." ?”

Gawain immediately felt that what the girl said made sense, so he asked Knight Philip to try again on the spot, but the result was completely different from Amber's guess: Knight Philip was shrouded in that strange aura again, and Gawain even suspected that he would try again on the spot. After a while of contact with the fragments of the slate, it's time to become a fairy...

"It seems that Amber, you really can't resonate with the slate," Gawain shook his head, "Maybe it has something to do with the degree of religious piety, Philip is a devout believer, Hetty is an ordinary believer, and you are a neuro... shallow believer, this is probably the reason .By the way, are you really a follower of the Shadow God?"

"Yeah! Why not!" Amber suddenly puffed up her eyes, as if she was very dissatisfied with Gao Wen's questioning, "I have believed in the goddess for more than ten years! Let me tell you, although I have not been baptized, I have never been to a church, but I have prayed hard every time I think of it, and the goddess has talked to me several times... "

Heidit looked Amber up and down questioningly: "Are you sure you are not hallucinations caused by drinking too much Shadow Potion?"

Amber jumped up immediately: "Don't think you can talk nonsense because you have big breasts!"

"Ahem, can you two stop arguing when you meet each other, and every time you quarrel about such a trivial matter?" Gao Wen interrupted the two with a headache, and waved his hands, "Okay, okay, I have nothing else to do Now, you go back and do your own work, I have to think about it."

The three of them, full of doubts, left the tent, leaving Gawain lost in thought while looking at the shards of stone on the table.

According to the reactions of the three of Philip, the slate fragments may be real.

However, what they heard after touching the slate was completely different from what they heard!

And this "different" is not the first time.

The high-ranking priestess Sandy from last time was a fairly normal human being in the eyes of others, but in Gao Wen's eyes, it was a translucent image that glowed all over her body.

The fragments of the Eternal Slate this time, after being touched by others, felt that they had heard the knowledge of the gods, but in Gao Wen's mind, what echoed was a group of forces suspected of being the Zentraedi Star Fleet, who searched through the communication records of the entire God Realm.

Gao Wen couldn't help rubbing his forehead.

Could it be that as long as "gods" are involved, my perception will be different from ordinary people? What I saw and heard... Is it the truth, or an illusion