Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 172: The Void of Shadowlands


After being ejected from the critical state of the Shadow Realm, Amber tried a few times in disbelief, but each time, she fell back into the real world as soon as she entered the critical state without any change.

When she tried it for the fourth time, she was really dizzy and couldn't stand it.

Gao Wen was also dazed by this situation (of course, he might have been dazed by these several critical switches), and subconsciously asked, "What's going on? Your cheating expired?"

"Cheat? What is a cheat?" Amber didn't understand what Gao Wen was saying, but she guessed from the other person's expression that it was probably not a compliment, so she curled her lips angrily, "There must be something wrong with the environment here! Wait a minute, I I don't believe that even my shadow affinity..."

"Stop, stop, stay away, calm down and analyze the situation," Gawain waved his hand to stop the half-elf's death move, "Sense the shadow environment here carefully, and then try ordinary shadow step or stealth skills. use."

Amber calmed down under Gao Wen's reminder, she took a breath, her figure gradually faded in the air.

After a few tests, she lifted her shadow state: "The normal shadow step and stealth skills are fine, including skills such as shadow mist can also be used smoothly, it seems that only when entering the shadow world will be affected by... a kind of Like the impact of interference, it will be popped up in an instant."

"The Shadow Realm... so the problem is on the 'other side'..." Gawain looked thoughtfully at the ring device in the center of the room that seemed to be the magic gate, and then frowned. Come on, "Isn't the Shadow Realm equivalent to some kind of reflection of the real world? You try to enter the Shadow Realm outside this room, and then come over from the 'other side' to see the situation."

"I'll give it a try!" Amber agreed, and dragged Gao Wen to the door, "Come here and protect my eyes..."

Does this guy think of himself as an eye protection barrage? Specially used to block the face of the ancient gods...

Gao Wen reluctantly followed behind Amber. After leaving the circular room for a certain distance, the two entered the Shadow Realm smoothly.

Seeing the familiar black-and-white horizon appearing in front of his eyes, and seeing Amber's figure switch into that unique form in the Shadow Realm, which looks like some kind of primordial monster, Gawain immediately heaved a sigh of relief: "Scare me!" For a second, I thought your cheating had really expired..."

"You speak so strangely that you can't even understand it." Amber muttered, then grabbed Gawain's arm and walked towards the circular hall in the Shadow Realm.

They stepped through the ancient door, but after stepping through the gate, all they saw was an ordinary rotunda.

There is no flesh and blood of gods, no hidden research facilities, not even redundant doors, windows and passages, there is nothing here.

Amber looked around curiously: "It's strange... it's just an ordinary hall, why is there interference... and the interference is so funny, you can get in with just a little detour..."

However, Gao Wen immediately noticed the violation after scanning the surrounding environment: "No, I'm afraid we couldn't get around it."

He raised his hand and pointed to the center of the hall: "The ring device is gone, and there are remaining tear marks on the ground."

In the hall of the present world, the most eye-catching thing is the ring device in the center of the room, but here, the three-to-four-meter-high ring has disappeared, replaced by a broken trace on the ground, and the whole dug out ring. A large piece of floor where no doubt there was once something.

"Except for the laboratory that encountered the flesh and blood of the gods, the shadow world and the real world basically maintain a one-to-one mapping state, and based on the traces left on the ground here, it can also be judged that there should be a corresponding ring here. That's right, but it's gone now." Gao Wen frowned, and came to the excavated floor, "Look at the size here, it corresponds to the base of the ring."

"Someone ran to the Shadow Realm and stole the gate on this side?" Amber thought curiously, "This method is okay..."

"No one will steal a magic door full of food," Gawain glanced at Amber, "I think some kind of force tore this place, and 'transferred' the things that should be here to other places." Place. When we enter the Shadow Realm from the rotunda of the real world, we should come to the corresponding circle, and when we enter the Shadow Realm from the corridor outside the room, we can only see this empty 'inner hall', which is a certain A misplaced mapping…”

Amber didn't know how Gao Wen thought of this, but after thinking about it, her thoughts were zero, so she followed Gao Wen's thinking: "So what is the 'disturbing' force for?"

Gawain frowned, letting his thoughts spread: "Perhaps it is to prevent unauthorized people from bypassing the 'Magic Gate' to reach a certain place... only through the correctly paired 'Magic Gate' can they be reached The correct location, otherwise you can’t enter the Shadow Realm, or you can only enter this empty hall, which was often used by the Gondor magisters to encrypt important treasure houses.”

"That is to say, if we want to find out where the correct corresponding position is, the only way is to repair the ring in the real world?" Amber raised her eyebrows, "Then this touches my blind spot of knowledge it's..."

"It's not just your knowledge blind spot. I'm afraid no one in the territory can interpret such a complicated ancient magic device." Gawain shook his head regretfully. The circle "outside" is not a simple magic circle, but a mixture of magic. Complex magic devices including formations, ancient synthetic materials, and Gondor Might and Magic technology, things of this level may not be able to cope with the current level of spellcasters in the territory.

Amber stuck out her tongue, feeling that she was helpless in this regard, and then wandered casually in the rotunda.

She looked here and there, drawing out her small dagger from time to time to scratch at the runes on the wall or on the ground, but when she walked around to the opposite side of the hall, she stopped suddenly.

She noticed that there was a dark crack on the curved wall here. The crack was not very wide, but it branched out into many cracks. The dense cracks even covered the entire wall in sight.

Curiously, she stretched out her fingers and stroked the crack.

Gao Wen was inspecting the traces of runes left on the floor of the hall, when he suddenly heard a continuous sound of cracking from not far away, he looked up in astonishment, and what happened in front of him surprised him:

I saw that the side of the hall away from the entrance is rapidly disintegrating and collapsing. The originally seamless curved wall has been covered with large black cracks, and the solid ancient concrete is falling down piece by piece, as if there is a piece of land outside the hall. The endless abyss is devouring this building!

And Amber standing in front of the wall seemed to be frightened by this scene. The ground under her feet had cracked slightly, but she herself stood there unaware, motionless!


At the very moment, Gao Wen yelled and rushed forward, pulling back the dazed Amber. The two of them retreated to the entrance of the hall before stopping, and it was only at this moment that Amber exclaimed: "Mom!" Ah, the wall collapsed with my finger!"

Gawain held Amber's arm tightly and watched the collapse of the hall. He was ready to evacuate at any time, but soon he found that the collapse had only spread to a quarter of the hall and stopped Although the momentum was huge, it ended extremely quickly.

However, the scene after the wall and ceiling collapsed made him frown, and a sense of weirdness welled up in his heart.

It was pitch black outside, as if the world had disappeared and the universe had died out.

"That... what..." Amber's nervous voice changed, and what made her even more nervous was that she watched Gawain walk towards the collapsed place, "Hey! Be careful!"

Gawain was indeed very careful, he cautiously came to the collapsed boundary of the hall, and looked at the space outside the wall.

Behind the wall, there should be deep and thick layers of rock and soil in the Dark Mountains, but Gawain only saw darkness and nothingness in his vision, and the complete darkness filled his vision, as if everything in the world was beyond that boundary It stopped abruptly.

But he squinted his eyes and observed carefully, and finally saw some extremely distant and extremely vague things from the darkness.

He saw an undulating outline like "the land on the other side" at the far end of the dark space, and a faint ray of light could be seen far above it, which was like the light of the sky, and even in the darkness of nothingness, He could also vaguely make out some floating objects, which seemed to be boulders and islands that lost gravity and floated and rolled in mid-air.

Gao Wen finally realized what was going on with the darkness in front of him: this was not the end of everything in the world, but an unprecedentedly huge "void".

The scale of this void is so large that it exceeds the limit of light that the human eye can accept, so it gives people the illusion of "everything disappears", but the special "light environment" of the Shadow Realm determines that there will be no absolute light here. It was pitch black, so Gao Wen could vaguely recognize the things in the hollow.

He casually took out a magic spar, injected magic power to activate the crystal, and then threw it forcefully into the distance.

The brightly shining crystal flew forward after it was released from its hand. It could have illuminated a wide room, but it immediately turned into an inconspicuous light after entering the large void. Due to the lack of reflective surfaces around it, its The light seemed too small to be worth mentioning.

This confirmed Gao Wen's conjecture.

"Is this... a cave?" Amber also boldly followed. She looked at the scene in front of her in astonishment, and noticed the ray of skylight far above, "It seems to lead directly to the surface? This hole... in the end How big is it!?"

"Leaving aside the size, Knight Byron has been drilling in the Dark Mountains for so long, and the corridors he has explored include the area corresponding to the hole in front of us. In other words, there is absolutely no such hole in the Dark Mountains in the real world. "Gao Wen said with shock, "This void is limited to the Shadow Realm... If it didn't form naturally, it could only be caused by some kind of power beyond ordinary people's imagination..."

Amber finally came to her senses at this time: "So I couldn't enter the Shadow Realm before, not because of the interference of Might and Magic, but because this area...doesn't correspond to the real world, and the dislocation here is too serious?"

"...I don't know," Gao Wen admitted frankly that he was also confused at the moment, "I only know that we may not be able to solve the mystery here... Unless the ring device outside can be repaired, no one will be able to understand the ancient world. What the hell are the Magisters of Gondor doing here."

Amber rubbed her arm that started to get goosebumps: "Hey... Anyway, I can't stay here anymore, this place is too weird, I think the right way is for us to leave quickly."

Gao Wen breathed out, "I quite agree with you this time."