Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 173: The History and Dynamics of Religion


For as long as a year after the outbreak of the demon tide, all believers lost the ability to listen to the revelation of the gods. lost this ability.

Of course, even under normal circumstances, human beings cannot directly hear the voice of the gods. The so-called "listening to the revelation of the gods" actually refers to the fact that devout believers, in the process of praying sincerely, performing sacraments, and fulfilling covenants, are close to God because of their mental state. The "spirituality of God" of the gods, so that you can hear some almost hallucinatory, whispering whispers, these whispers will directly echo in the minds of believers, and form a long-lasting and indelible "spiritual imprint". And this spiritual imprint will in turn change the spirit of the believers, bringing them closer to the "spirituality of God". This is the main way for the priests in this world to be promoted and become stronger.

Because those vague whispers really have the power to change the human spirit and make human beings stronger and purer, it is sublimated from ordinary hallucinations and auditory hallucinations, and is regarded by the priests as a sacred phenomenon.

However, in the year when the magic tide broke out, all believers in God could not hear such "whispers from the gods". They no longer made any response, as if the gods had disappeared collectively.

Because of the loss of divine grace, all priests could not be promoted during that year, and there was no newcomer who could master divine arts among shallow believers and ordinary people, not even a baby born in that year Afterwards, it was proved that he did not have the slightest talent for divine arts.

If the situation continues to deteriorate according to that trend, it is hard to say what kind of future the believers of the gods on this continent will have, but it seems to be the last hope in despair. People find that the magic they have mastered has not failed. The power is slightly weakened than before, but at least the priests who have become official priests before the demon tide can still use divine magic, and these priests who can still use divine magic managed to maintain the crumbling churches at that time. In this way, at that time, many small sects failed to survive, and disappeared in the wasteland when people fled from the Gondor Empire.

Gao Wen remembered that at that time, the leaders of the major sects had more than one secret meeting and experiment, and people gave up their previous prejudices and hostility one after another, just like ordinary people walking side by side in the tide of evil, and the priests no longer had to worry about their own ways. beliefs and historical hatred, and instead come together to try to find a solution to the problem. Later, several large sects represented by the God of Holy Light, the God of War, and the Three Gods of Abundance finally made some progress. There was an attempt to communicate with the gods on the top of the "Peak of Ancestors". That attempt was a closed-door meeting. Even Gawain Cecil didn't know the details of what happened. He only knew that the leaders of various sects announced it after they came down from the mountain. , the gods sent down a new oracle, enlightening mortals to abandon disputes and unite to survive. The tide of evil is precisely the disaster caused by various foolish actions of human beings.

Various sects signed an agreement called the "sacred covenant" on the peak of the ancestors, declaring that they would renounce all disputes of belief. The sects will no longer confront each other, and will do their best to continue human civilization. It seems that this is really the move After pleasing the gods, in the second month after the signing of the sacred covenant, that is, on the anniversary of the full year after the outbreak of the demon tide, the gods once again favored mankind.

Believers can hear the voice of the gods again.

This is what Gawain knows about the historical events that lead to various sects flourishing on this continent but maintaining a relatively peaceful situation.

This historical event changed many things:

It ended the disputes among the various beliefs in the mainland, and also united the clergy of various sects to help human civilization resist the evil tide and rebuild their homes. However, there are also some too stubborn sects that cannot accept this fact. They chose to degenerate. , against all the sects that signed the "sacred covenant", became various distorted heresy beliefs, and gradually evolved into several of the most frightening dark organizations in the world today. The magic they use is also called " Dark magic"...

To this day, those depraved and twisted zealots remain among the most chilling shadows in the world.

As a person with a normal logic and no brain, Gao Wen certainly has a high evaluation of the "Holy Covenant". Although he does not believe in religion, he appreciates those who have faith to put down disputes, unite and continue the struggle at the critical moment of life and death. The effort of civilization is whether or not that effort is due to a divine order.

But he also knows that for a race like humans with a short lifespan (compared to elves), even the sacred covenant is not permanent.

Now that seven hundred years have passed, although the covenants of that year are still engraved on the cornerstones of various sects, just like the "brother agreement" between Typhon and Anzu that has long since disappeared, people have gradually forgotten those who lived in the ancestors. The significance of the covenant concluded at the foot of Zhifeng Mountain.

Although many divine religions in mainland China still maintain a peaceful situation today, in fact there has never been a lot of tit-for-tat, exclusion, and squeeze in private. Some sects with huge deviations in doctrine have even reached a situation where they have almost declared war openly.

After all, no one can really clearly hear what the gods are saying to him. Even the Pope of the Holy Light Sect can only hear vague whispers from the gods, and the vagueness of the divine revelation is given. space for people to play

"What if the gods tell us to fight the heretics? Anyway, I think so, and it definitely has nothing to do with eating too much dream grass before I pray..." Many people thought so.

But in any case, after all, the sacred covenant has a little more authority than the alliance agreement between several human kingdoms (after all, it is in the name of God). In the situation of hello, me, everyone, it is very common that in big towns several churches get together and the priests of various sects look up and see each other. very common.

It's just that no one would tell the truth about this situation, especially the high-ranking priests of various sects, it is even more impossible to say something in public, "Although there are many gods, my boss is better than you!" "In this case.

Veronica said so.

Gawain didn't know whether the Saintess Princess was implying it on purpose or whether there was a heart that spoke without thinking hidden under the holy and intelligent appearance. Anyway, he was very concerned about this matter, and the one who appeared with Veronica seemed to be a light The cast-like high-ranking priestess made him full of doubts. Under such circumstances, he didn't dare to rashly accept anything thrown by the other party.

As for whether to build churches or introduce churches in the territory in the future, he really doesn't have much resistance in this regard. After all, there are gods in this world, and magic is indeed a part of people's daily production and life. As a pragmatic person Well, even if he doesn't believe in God himself, he won't stop others from believing in God. He has come to such a fantasy world. If he still insists on atheism, it would be too idealistic.

It's just that when the time comes, he will definitely strengthen the supervision of the church to ensure that everything is under his control: the magic is true, and it is true that theocracy will affect the political power, and he is not willing to make trouble in this regard.

Just like every qualified traveler's magic, in Gao Wen's mind, it is used as a means of production.

Of course, it is too far away to plan these things now. When the territory cannot even build a small church, it is better to think about how to control the faith on the land than to think about how to toss the infrastructure, so Gao Wen decided to take advantage of the foreign aggression During the temporary flat period, first lay the groundwork for the territory.

The news about the eastern border brought by Veronica and the others reminded him that in this unsettled world, dangerous things are far more than a simple wave of demons in the wasteland of Gondor. After enjoying peace for seven hundred years, there are too many things that are about to move under the appearance of peace, and if you want to live comfortably in such a situation, you must first get nervous.

Gawain returned to his tent and said that more and more tents are now becoming more solid and warm wooden houses or even masonry houses. It is time for his tent to be upgraded. When he woke up, he was curled up on the mat and sleeping soundly. The drooling Betty asked the girl to bring over all the drawings he had accumulated in the past few days.

He unfolded these drawings one by one, and then removed the unrealistic things inside (but not going to destroy it, in case it is useful in the future?), and finally he found what he wanted: it was some kind of simplified mechanism , the metal wheels, connecting rods and cylinders are cleverly combined, and the disassembly and detailed description of these mechanical structures are shown in several sub-drawings, but under the main drawing, there is a line of eye-catching red letters: The initial power cannot Solved, put it on hold for now.

"Go and call Rebecca and Hetty." Gawain looked at the little maid who was standing dazed by the table, "Just say I have something... Forget it, just remember to call them here."

Betty trotted out, leaving Gawain thinking about some semi-finished drawings. Amber's voice suddenly came from behind him: "What are you drawing? Why can't I understand?"

"Some kind of power mechanism," Gawain said without looking up, and at the same time, he slapped the half-elf thief's paw away from his silver seal with ease. Things that move on their own and can drive other mechanical structures, but they haven't been designed yet."

Amber's entire body broke away from the shadow form, and she looked down at the blueprints on the table curiously: "Oh? You mean those puppets powered by elemental cores?"

Gawain shook his head: "No, it's not a thing at all. This is a more general and basic device, but its value is far higher than those puppets... Unfortunately, it still lacks the most important part."

Yep, the part that doesn't boil the water...