Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 175: The legend of the eternal dark sea


In any case, Kant Ling had to go there, and Gao Wen had to go in person.

The Ansu Kingdom has a loose system, and the protection of the remote areas by the royal family is as low as the power of rule. Moreover, the southern region has been peaceful for a long time, and no matter how powerful the military family is in this environment, it will gradually decline, so it is in the extreme south. It is almost impossible for Gawain to expect any support from a third party (this environment is probably one of the reasons why the cultists were able to erode this area), and not being able to wait for support is just one of the reasons why Gawain decided to go himself The other reason is that he saw something in that "dream".

He mentioned to Hetty and Pittman that the Eternal Sleeper left an evil thing in Kant Castle, but he did not explain what the "evil thing" was, but in fact, he had seen that thing and recognized it. it.

That thing is located in front of the gorgeous stone hall in the center of the underground hall, and it is placed on a small altar like a "holy object" to be enshrined. It is an exquisite magic lantern, and more than seven hundred years ago, Gao Vin Cecil gave it as a gift to Selina Gerfen, who was chaplain with the Blazers at the time.

That was once a gentle and quiet lady, a priest of the God of Dreams who was deeply trusted by the pioneers and used dreams to heal the wounds of countless soldiers in the age of darkness and panic. Her devout faith and outstanding Her contribution allowed her to become the Dreamland Bishop in the Northern Exploration Army before she was thirty years old. If fate hadn't played a bad joke, then she might even become one of the candidates for the Pope of the Dreamland Church, becoming a person like Gawain. A well-known pioneering hero like Cecil.

But in the mysterious ceremony that tried to communicate with the gods, she went to the peak of the ancestors with the Pope of the Dream Church at that time. No one knew what happened in that ceremony and the subsequent meeting. Gawain only knew that in the After that fateful day, several sects including the Druid Sect, Dreamland Church, and Storm God Church became enemies of human society.

There was no publicly announced break, no religious debate, and several sects rushed out of the meeting place of the Ancestor Peak as if they went crazy at the same time, and then their believers scattered throughout the continent seemed to have received some kind of order They generally left their respective churches and assembly halls at the same time. A certain invisible huge spiritual net seemed to cover every member of the dark sect from that day on. In just a few days, several major churches fell successively and completely Disappeared before the eyes of the world.

Since the entire Ancestor Peak at that time was blocked by the armed priests of the Holy Light Church and the God of War Church, no one knew what happened that day. The spokespersons of several righteous gods explained afterwards that "a small number of extreme churches cannot accept the terms of peaceful coexistence with other faiths, and therefore choose to defect," but in the mind of Gawain Cecil, and later Gawain, he always had doubts about this explanation.

As for Selina Geerfen, she has never appeared since that day. In the past, she used dreams to soothe the pain of soldiers, and the gentle priestess trusted by the pioneers disappeared. She may be like a part of the fallen Germans. Ruy rushed into the wasteland of Gondor like that, and he might have turned into some kind of more twisted and darker existence. Gawain didn't know what the final outcome of that old friend would be. He only knew that seven hundred years later Today, a relic of Selina Gerfen appeared here, placed in the old castle of the Kant family as the core of some evil sacrifice ceremony.

He thought it was necessary for him to reclaim that thing, which might help him understand what happened on the Ancestor Peak seven hundred years ago, or at least understand what happened to the first batch of priests when they degenerated into cultists. what a change.

The evil power that is growing and transforming in Kant Castle has not yet reached its peak state. According to the progress sensed in the dream, Gawain can slowly prepare to arrange for himself a place that can enter Kant Castle without causing Vic Viscount Do Conde was vigilant and suspicious of the opportunity. He didn't intend to go in with full armor, but to find a chance to stop the incident before it broke out.

It is very troublesome and noticeable for a duke to visit a viscount, but it is not so complicated for a duke who only has a title and is essentially just a pioneering lord to visit his "neighbor". Gawain knew that Kant A large part of the grain and herbs produced by the leader will be sent to Tanzania Town, and then bought back by Cecil Leader, and not long ago, Cecil Leader also bought a group of slaves from Tanzania Town (regular, by Slaves sold by slave traders), which means that there is actually a lot of trade between the two territories, which is a reason to visit.

He prepared a set of rhetoric and asked Hetty to do it: "Send a messenger over and say that I will visit to discuss the purchase of food and medicinal materials in the coming year. A handover in the market will not only increase the price, but also take a long time. We can build a new trade route between Cecil and Kant. Anyway, we are also planning to develop the north bank of the White Water River. It is worth my time to talk to him about it. talk."

Hetty nodded: "I understand."

After arranging this matter, Gao Wen rubbed the space between his brows and focused on another matter.

"Have you two heard of 'Eternal Dark Sea'?"

Hetty and Pittman were taken aback for a moment, and looked at each other.

When Gao Wen saw the expressions of these two people, his heart suddenly sank: It seems that there is not much hope.

Hetty is a mage who has received orthodox aristocratic education and gained a lot of mystic knowledge. He should be regarded as an expert in orthodox history and natural history knowledge. Pittman has received a social education and has learned a lot of cheating knowledge He is also an expert in unofficial anecdotes and bluffing tales. The knowledge of these two people complements each other, and it is almost an alien version of Zhihu. If neither of them has ever heard of "Eternal Dark Sea" , then he would probably not be able to inquire about this information in the field of knowledge of normal people.

"This sounds like a term that superstitious sailors would make up," Hetty frowned, guessing, "The ocean is shrouded in magical vortexes and storms all year round. Few ships dare to challenge the deep sea. Occasionally, there are bold ones. Adventurers went out to sea to try to find waterways, but few of them came back alive. Over time, sailors made up all kinds of superstitious stories about the ocean, and even inspired all kinds of strange sea areas that the adventurers who came back from madness talked about. All kinds of names... Patriarch, where did you hear this name?"

"It's also from the memory of the Eternal Sleeper cultists," Gawain didn't hide this aspect, and then looked at Pittman, "You seem to have something to say?"

Although the old Druid was at a loss when he first heard the words "Eternal Dark Sea", but when Hetty told the superstitious stories of those sailors, he gradually showed a thoughtful expression, so Gao Wen asked him curiously.

"Yes, my lord, if you are interested in some unofficial tales, I can tell you those stories that have been circulated among the people and cannot be put on the stage," Pittman nodded, "I have indeed heard of the 'Eternal Darkness' Sea Territory', but it is not a word created by humans, in fact, it originated from the silver elves, and it is a story circulated among elves, so I didn't think of it just now."

"The unofficial tales of the silver elves?" Gawain was suddenly taken aback. He didn't expect that the "sea of eternal darkness" mentioned by a cultist of the Eternal Sleepers turned out to be a word that originated from the silver elves. "Those super-living long-eared Will you still pass on this kind of thing?"

"The silver elves living in the southern part of the continent established the oldest civilization on this land, tens of thousands of years before the rise of human beings in the central part of the continent. Now, although the original elf empire has been lost in history, the newborn silver empire has Inherited many historical documents of the ancient elf empire, but because the age is too old, and various elemental creatures and strange beasts active in ancient times are easily mixed with myths and legends, those historical documents also have a lot of mistakes and omissions. It is normal for them to evolve into unofficial tales, after all, elves are just mortal species," Pittman laughed, "and about the Everdark Sea, it is the most bizarre of all elf legends."

Then he cleared his throat and continued: "Ahem. In the legend about the Eternal Dark Sea, the elves talked about the origin of their own race. It is said that there were no silver elves, gray elves, dark elves and other elves in the world. Subspecies, there is only one kind of 'primordial elf' who is born with great power and immortality, living on another continent far away.

"One day in ancient times, a disaster occurred on that continent, so a group of primitive elves escaped from their ancestral continent in an 'ark' that could hover and gallop over the sea. He was lost at sea, and after half a month of being lost, he suddenly broke into a sea area that is always in darkness and shrouded in starlight. In the center of that sea area, there stands an extremely majestic and extremely tall giant tower. It has a mountain-like figure, with its top protruding straight into the starry sky.

"The primordial elves who lost their way were touched by the giant tower and the starry sky, so they prayed devoutly under the starlight, hoping to find a new place to live, but their prayers were actually conveyed to the ears of the gods among the stars through the giant tower, so The starlight gave blessings, and the giant tower opened the gate, allowing the original elves to step into it.

"All the original elves walked into the tower, and they saw endless wonderful things in that tower, including projections of the universe and starry sky, and the evolution process of various animals, minerals, and plants in the world. Realizing that the tower contained incredible knowledge, they became greedy. They were no longer satisfied with sheltering from the wind and waves on the outer layer of the tower, but tried to enter the inner and upper layers of the tower to touch the knowledge.

"So the giant tower sent down a punishment, and a kind of light filled the whole tower. Those original elves who tried to steal knowledge were shrouded in light. According to the degree of their intrusion, they were transformed into life forms in the light, and became people who feared the sun. Dark elves, gray elves with short stature, sea elves who can't leave the water for a long time, and silver elves with the least defects. Because the silver elves are afraid of the power of the tower, they don't step into the forbidden area too much, so they receive the least punishment .

In this way, the immortal and powerful original elves became sub-species elves with various defects, and these sub-species escaped from the giant tower in horror, returned to their ark, and left the area they called The 'Sea of Eternal Darkness' is a mysterious place that is always shrouded in night and starry sky, and where a giant tower stands. It was after that that they drifted to the current Loren Continent. "

Pittman took a breath and stroked his beard: "My lord, this is the legend about the Sea of Eternal Darkness."