Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 176: Spells and Magic


Pittman invited Gao Wen into his wooden house. This little old man who looked very old had eyes that were more shrewd and flexible than a young profiteer. He was courteously serving tea and pouring water while secretly looking at Gao Wen: "The duke personally came to visit me in such a dilapidated cabin. Could it be that he encountered some difficult problem and needed my druid spells? Or are you finally interested in my transfer ritual and divination?"

Gao Wen casually scanned the furnishings in the house, and found that it was very neat and tidy. The workbench for alchemy experiments and various containers for preparing potions were neatly placed in the work area in the northwest corner of the capital, as was the living area. It's very simple and concise, completely different from the dirty and messy feeling that Pittman had when he first came to this place.

Hearing the little old man speak, he directly ignored the second half of the other side's sales promotion, but said directly: "I am very interested in the process of you concocting alchemy potions and blessing them."

Pitmante was surprised: "Dispensing potions and blessings? Just for such a trivial matter, you still come here in person?"

"Just passing by, so I stopped by to satisfy my curiosity," Gao Wen waved his hand, "And I remember telling you before that we want to increase the production of agricultural catalysts, but I don't know the result."

Pittman grimaced: "How can it be so easy, your time is too..."

Gao Wen waved his hand: "It doesn't matter if there is no result for the time being, just let me see the progress of your work."

Only then did Pittman heave a sigh of relief, and piled up all over his face: "That's no problem, I'm just about to start working."

While talking, he walked towards the work area for dispensing potions, and began to make preparations for dispensing potions: anyway, preparing these potions is his daily work, so let's just satisfy this eccentric duke's personal hobby.

Gao Wen followed behind the little old man, watching him busy among the potions and alchemy tools, but more complicated thoughts were spinning in his mind.

The magic engine succeeded.

This is really something to be happy about, even the mature and stable Hetty is immersed in the joy of success, and of course it is no exception.

However, there was not only joy in Gao Wen's heart, but also the doubts that had arisen before but were temporarily suppressed: What is magic power? What is the law of this world

The operation of the magic engine undoubtedly shows the existence of logic and laws, and also shows that various phenomena in this world are not independent of each other, but are interrelated and can be combined into a system. The repulsive circle will push the piston, and the piston will drive the crankshaft and The rotation of the connecting rod and the flywheel will generate inertia, and the inertia will connect every workflow of the engine, and extending outward, the energy of the engine comes from the magic net, and the energy of the magic net comes from the environment...

Everything seems to be in order and completely closed.

But where did the magic come from in the first place? The magic web draws from the natural environment? And what about magic in natural settings? Is it really endless and everywhere? Can it really be continuously replenished into the magic net, endless

Doesn't this world even obey the conservation of energy

In other words, magic power actually has its own source and its own limit reserves. It is only stored in everything in the world in a way that humans cannot observe and calculate. Human beings use it ignorantly, thinking that it is infinite, but it says Maybe someday it will run out

Facing this most worrisome question, Gao Wen couldn't even think about what the "repulsion" generated by the magic circle was.

To be honest, at the moment when he saw the magic engine spinning, what popped up in Gawain's mind along with joy was worry.

Mechanical operation is a more intuitive way of releasing energy. Compared with the static magic circle on the rune furnace, Gawain is more aware of the existence of the process of "consuming energy". However, he is not yet used to not being able to see energy storage substances The fact that he couldn't see the "Magic Fuel", he couldn't see the battery, he couldn't see an actual wire and a meter panel to measure energy consumption, which gave him a feeling of emptiness, as if he was afraid that the magic engine would turn Turning around and suddenly stopping...

Even if the wireless power transmission on the earth is realized, Gawain at least knows that fuel is burning in the power plant, but here... there is only a magic net that is constantly filled out of thin air. People in this world may be accustomed to this phenomenon, but he But suddenly felt awkward.

Gao Wen wants to understand the secret of the essence of magic power, why the world works like this, why it is difficult for water to do work when it turns into steam, but still maintains the three-state change, wants to understand Why does electromagnetic induction fail in this world, but there are still independent magnetic and electric fields here, and theoretically, "light" as a special electromagnetic wave still exists (if it is really "light")...

These contradictions made him feel a huge sense of separation. Many phenomena that should be closely related to each other and the principles behind the phenomena appear fragmented in this world, as if matter is no longer an orderly existence, but is forced by the so-called gods. As if they were set there, they each present a variety of strange physical and chemical properties, not because the microcosm supports them, but because they "should be so"...

These contradictions and feelings of separation were once suppressed by the busy office, and were temporarily forgotten by Gao Wen. However, when the magic engine really started to work according to his idea, these thoughts resurfaced irresistibly.

But he knows that he can't become a fat man by eating one bite. It is impossible to directly explain the microscopic fields and basic principles of this world at this stage. He must proceed step by step. To understand the bottom truth, he must first observe the most superficial phenomena To get started, start with experience and practical areas.

For example, first observe the various magics in this world and their effective mechanism.

Both Hetty and Rebecca are serious mages (although their talents are a bit biased), but Gawain did not go to them, but found Pittman, because he knew one thing: Druid's spells are The most special thing in the world, its origin and changes seem to reveal some secrets about magic.

Druid magic evolved from divine magic.

Pittman has already prepared the potion materials that need to be configured today and the props for the druid ceremony. He explained while operating: "It is not very difficult to configure alchemy potions. The most basic catalyst potions require very cheap materials. Medicinal herbs are found everywhere, and it is mainly time-consuming in post-processing, such as smoking, drying, grinding, etc. In fact, more people can solve this problem.”

As he spoke, he put the ground cedar grass seeds and perilla chrysanthemum petals into a heating container, poured pure water and some kind of grass juice prepared in advance.

"I heard Amber explaining to me the labor systems you invented, such as process division, responsibility system, and assembly line work. To be honest, they are all amazing ideas. In this way, the complex alchemy potion preparation process can be broken down and handed over to others. For the layman to do it, but the most critical part can't be helped... ”

Bubbling began to bubble from the heating vessel, and a pungent, pungent smell emerged, and Pittman hurriedly added a new potion to balance the potency of the mixture.

"The potion made in the pre-steps is just a mortal thing and does not possess extraordinary power. Even if it has an effect, it is very weak. If it is to exert magical power like magic, it must be injected with magic power, and this step must be passed through Drew. Iraqi ritual to complete…”

Pittman has already sealed the lid of the heating container. Through a curved copper pipe, the gas evaporated from the container is exported to the nearby condenser pipe, and condenses into drops of light green juice. The little old man carefully puts the light green juice The green sap was collected, and eventually a small cup was made and placed on a small altar nearby.

Gawain watched the little old man operate without blinking his eyes. He saw that Pittman placed elemental runes representing wind, fire, water and earth around the altar. Two crystals are placed on the top layer, which are very common white crystals, the cheapest kind of natural crystals.

Then he began to chant the druid's obscure incantation, and Gawain immediately activated his magic power perception ability.

He saw the radiance of magic power gradually filling up around Pittman. Guided by the runes, these energies arranged special geometric figures, and trembled and affected around the semi-finished potion. The color of the potion also changed from light green to dark green.

When the transformation was about to be completed, the druid stopped chanting spells, removed the two white crystals, and solemnly began to pray about the gods of nature: "O great gods of nature, protectors of life, Great spirit of nature... O heart of no forest, guide of life, your devout believers are here to pray for the response of the gods of nature, may you grow from oak... palm wood... or oak, may you grow from Give the Gospel from your oaken throne, fill the potion with life, make it... oh finished?"

Pittman looked down and confirmed that the potion had been completely transformed, so he simply stopped the prayer that was almost out of order, and took the potion off the altar with a smile and handed it to Gawain: "Look, it's fresh. The plant growth catalyst is still hot."

Holding the potion, Gao Wen felt his entire face trembling, the kind of trembling that even a square face and beard couldn't save.

Is the old boy's last prayer a joke? !

But it was the other party's almost nonsensical last prayer, which was put on normal believers and had been wiped out by his own god seventy or eighty times, that made Gao Wen's thoughts completely determined.

The former druid magic... Sure enough, it has completely disappeared.

The only thing left in the world now is druid magic.

He put the small cup of potion that was still steaming next to him, and looked into Pittman's eyes: "If I remember correctly, the prayer you just said is actually the scriptures of the Heart of the Wood sect of the Druid sect, " An excerpt from Words of the Jungle."

Pittman was a little surprised: "You even know this?!"

"I've read this book." Gawain waved his hand, indicating that this question is not important. "What I want to say is that Druid's spells are really born out of divine spells?"

(Tweet the book, "I, the God, the Redeemer" written by Shi Yu is right, it was written by the Little Bubble God, this book is still the Guac God, the culture invades the preaching stream.) 8)