Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 178: Close contact


As the highest core of the "Rebellion" fortress, this fortress facility is entirely built in a different space, and its energy source is directly obtained from the god of nature "Julu A It is because of the continuous energy supply brought by the god's corpse that the fortress has been operating in isolation until today.

But this is also what makes Gao Wen regretful. The extremely special energy system of this fortress and the special environment in which it is located determine that its internal technology lacks versatility and reference. At least in a short period of time, this fortress cannot deal with it. His territory produces direct use value.

It is very advanced, but it is too special, it is meaningful, but it is too dangerous. With the current technology and production level of the territory, it is neither possible to develop it, nor to study it.

The same is true for the corpses of gods floating in different spaces and the "God Killing Weapon". They are all treasures that are beyond the digestion capacity of the current Cecil Territory, and also beyond the psychological endurance of the current Cecil Territory. The only solution that Gao Wen could think of was to temporarily seal them here, and wait for the territory to develop in the future before launching large-scale research and excavation work.

For him, Kamel himself was the most valuable gain compared to this impenetrable fortress.

Gao Wen stood in front of the partition wall, looking at the giant white deer from a distance. The shimmering white giant deer was the only existence that gave people a sense of warmth and brightness in this dark and chaotic space. Under normal circumstances, mortals can't feel the horror of the giant deer, but can only feel the shock and awe from the heart from its amazing carcass. It is so beautiful that it is soul-stirring. Every line of His, every piece of fur, and every ray of holy brilliance, has an unimaginable beauty for ordinary people.

It was a true mythical creature, a creature that only exists in the best imaginations of human beings and the most perfect dreams. It made Gawain think of the "eternal dream" created by the believers of the Eternal Sleepers, but Different from the "Eternal Dreamland", the giant deer Amoen is real, and he really lies here, proving the real existence of the age of the gods.

"Can the barrier be opened?" Gawain turned to look at Kamel, "I want to take a closer look."

"Never!" Kamel was taken aback by Gawain's words, "Don't be fooled by the appearance, if there is no protective barrier, mortals will go mad and die almost immediately after coming into contact with the gods at close range! There are no protective gear available…”

"You may not believe it, but the coercion of the gods has no effect on me." Gawain glanced at Kamel with a smile, and then raised his finger to Tire beside him, "it doesn't affect her either."

Kamel fell into great consternation. To be honest, since he transformed into a life form and endured loneliness for so long, he has rarely had strong emotional fluctuations. However, the emotional fluctuations he produced in a day today Almost more than the sum of his past hundreds of years, his arcane body trembled, and it took him a long time to organize his words: "Are you serious?"

"Will someone use this kind of thing as a joke?" Gawain looked at Kamel seriously, "I have been in contact with the flesh and blood of the gods, and Tyr has been in close contact with it many times. We are very sure about this .”

The arcane brilliance on Kamel's body flickered, and he seemed to be in conflict for a while, then he floated up, with a determined tone: "I can open the barrier to an exit, but I must be with you."

"You?" Gao Wen raised his eyebrows, "Didn't you say that there are no protective devices available here?"

"I don't need protective equipment," Kamel said. "After the transformation of life form, I have lost many of the weaknesses of mortals, including the weakness of being affected by the will of gods... I can act with you."

The attitude of this ancient man was very firm, and Gawain understood his thoughts very well: Kamel waited so hard for the hope of leaving here, so naturally he didn't want to see this only hope kill himself, so He nodded: "Okay, you come with us. Tyr, come with me too. I see you drooling for a long time."

"No way!" Tire wiped the saliva dripping from the corner of his mouth vigorously, and followed Gawain without hesitation, "I'm reserved, you see I even brought a knife and fork..."

Gao Wen was shocked: Why does this seafood carry a knife and fork with him when he goes out? ! Where did she come from!

Hetty knew something special about Gawain, but she still reminded him with concern: "Ancestor, please be careful, this place is really weird."

"Don't worry, I will pay attention," Gao Wen comforted the eldest granddaughter, "You wait here with the soldiers, and I will come as soon as I go."

Kamel came to an ancient operating table next to the partition wall. After a series of operations, Gawain noticed that the energy barrier outside the partition wall shook slightly, and the flow of magical light wandering on its surface also condensed. A hazy phantom appeared, which was obviously the exit.

"Follow me," Kamel walked towards the exit first, and reminded while floating forward, "Follow me closely, I don't know if you can really resist the influence of the will of the gods, but as long as you stay away from me for too long Even if something really happens, I will have time to take you to a safe place."

After passing through the translucent protective barrier, Gao Wen was surprised to find that... the outside environment was actually almost the same as the inside of the barrier.

After seeing the fragmented world, the first thing he worried about was whether there was any breathable air outside the barrier, because the environment was really like a space where life was forbidden, but after leaving the barrier, he discovered that not only could the outside be Breathing freely, even... still has gravity.

Although the land in sight is countless floating boulders, although there are many material fragments floating in mid-air as if they have lost weight, as long as you step on those larger floating boulders, you will feel the same gravity as the outside world .

Kamel also issued a reminder: "Don't leave these stones. Once you leave too far, you will lose gravity. After drifting away, you will never come back unless you find a new foothold."

Gawain nodded while making various conjectures in his mind.

All kinds of facts seem to show that this different space is still a reflection of the real world, just like the shadow world, with weird but corresponding physical rules. He looked up at the chaotic deep space, as well as the boulders and wreckage floating in the sky , Suddenly remembered what Kamel said before.

"This is really the Shadow Realm?"

Kamel nodded when he heard Gao Wen's words: "We have spent more than ten years confirming this matter, and finally confirmed this point. Scholars' conjecture about the world's layered structure is correct, and there is indeed a world under the Shadow Realm. There is a more disordered and chaotic place, where the land is in a broken state, and the gravity environment is also scattered due to the shattering of the earth. It is the chaotic reflection formed by the secondary mapping of the real world to the deep layer... If we say that in Some outlines corresponding to the real world can still be found in the Shadow Realm, so here, the images of the real world have been distorted to the point of being completely unrecognizable."

"I found a big hole in the dark mountains of the Shadow Realm," Gawain said. "That big hole is located next to the Might and Magic Gate. Is it related to the Shadow Realm?"

"That's the passage from the Shadow Realm to the Shadow Realm," Kamel affirmed Gawain's conjecture, "We don't know what force caused this phenomenon, but this terrifying phenomenon is occasionally found in the Shadow Realm." The big hole, through proper guidance, can use the big hole to enter the deeper Shadow Realm. In fact, this is the only way to enter the Shadow Realm. It is relatively easy to enter the Shadow Realm, only need a strong shadow talent, appropriate Ritual magic, plus some spell-casting materials can open the door to the Shadow Realm, but if you want to enter the Shadow Realm, you must find that kind of big hole."

Gawain couldn't help mumbling: "It always feels like someone carved out those holes in the Shadow Realm..."

"What did you say?"

"No, nothing." Gawain shook his head, "Have you found any other voids in the Shadow Realm?"

"Yes, we have discovered it before, but we only managed to build a magic gate," Kamel replied frankly. "This process requires a lot of energy, and it needs some kind of 'guidance'. We first use magic and The method of divination found the corresponding coordinates of Bai Xing's fall in the real world, and then built the surface 'rebellious' fortress on this coordinate, and then opened the space rift at the bottom of the fortress. Pushing to the edge of the Great Void of the Shadowlands, finally opened the only door that can lead to the Realm of Shadows. This success is almost impossible to replicate unless we can find another fallen god across the other Great Void of the Shadowlands. "

Sure enough, there are other large holes in the Shadow Realm, and these big holes are the passages leading to the Shadow Realm, and the power of the gods can open these passages...

All kinds of clues gathered in Gao Wen's mind. After a while, he raised his head and looked at the corpse of the "God of Nature".

This corpse is so huge that it stands a hundred meters away like a small hill. The faint white light permeating the body of the huge white deer carries a warm aura. Just approaching, Gao Wen felt a vigorous vitality coming towards him.

It is really a weird thing to sense this kind of vitality on a corpse.

While sensing the vitality, he could also clearly sense that something remaining in the corpse was afraid of him.

Is that the remaining consciousness of the gods? Is it a fragment of the soul? Or is it just the conditioned reflex of those undying, vigorous tissue cells? Gao Wen couldn't explain what this subtle feeling was, but he could clearly feel that a part of the energy response in this corpse was rapidly declining as he approached, as if trying to hide himself.

Even Kamel noticed this change. His life form was transformed by the power of the gods, so he was extremely sensitive to the changes in the energy in the "Giant Deer Amorn". He looked at Gao in horror. Wen glanced at it, but in the next second, he was even more horrified to see that half-snake creature named Tyr rushing towards the body of the God of Nature, and raised the knife and fork high...


Tyr spoke highly of the God of Nature.