Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 179: girl


Whether there is a problem with his own perception is indeed a situation that makes Gao Wen extremely irritated, but he still lacks more control groups and ways to explore, so this question can only be shelved for the time being, and compared to this temporarily shelved question, He cared more about other things, about the gods.

The fragments of the eternal slate are real, but are the things recorded in it also true? If those things are also true... Gao Wen has to pay attention to a fact that is rather horrifying after careful consideration:

The gods are dead.

The names of the gods are clearly mentioned in those messy and broken call records, and the content of the call itself can make people piece together a shocking war of hunting gods. According to the records, the gods in that war were almost in an overwhelming situation. The disadvantage is that it is not so much a war as it is that those gods are being wiped out one by one in a planned way, and the gods of all the major sects that Gao Wen knows are among them.

So, the gods are dead, so what is it that tens of millions of mortal believers worship every day in this world? !

What answered the prayers of mortals, what controlled the flow of divine power, what performed miracles, what whispered indescribably indescribable whispers to believers during meditation, and Whispering down one after another "Oracle"? !

When those devout priests prayed sincerely, they would hear whispers from the God Realm deep in their hearts, and if the whispers were not from the gods at all, then their source would make people shudder.

Immediately afterwards, Gao Wen couldn't help thinking of the "White Star Fall Incident" that caused the Druid sect to split and degenerate into the Druid sect.

What happened three thousand years ago, even for the Gondor Empire at its peak, is already an "ancient event" beyond the accuracy of history. It is difficult for human beings with a short and changeable lifespan to record such ancient events clearly, but Germany The main inheritors of the Ruy Sect are the elves, but the long-lived elves can clearly record such things that span thousands of years.

In the historical books of the elves, "The Fall of the White Star" was a "dark miracle" that only the Druids observed and perceived. For two, the dark starry sky descended to a height that seemed to be within reach, while the blazing stars shook violently in the starry sky and fell to the earth. But except for the druids, all ordinary people at that time did not see anything fall. on the ground.

Therefore, the fall of the white star is regarded as a huge collective hallucination. However, due to its huge scale and the fact that the event itself involves gods, scholars dare not use "illusion" to perfunctory the past and explain it instead. Because of a meteorite rain that occurred at a higher level and parallel to the current time and space, they believed that something fell from the world of gods and landed in the gap between the world of mortals and the world of gods. Naturally, it cannot be noticed, this is "White Star Falling".

But no matter what the truth of the fall of the white star is, the druid magic is invalid after that incident.

Gao Wen initially believed that the fall of the white star was the fall of the natural gods, but now the information in the fragments of the eternal stone made him doubt this: the history of the eternal stone is much longer than the fall of the white star!

These light golden metal plates first appeared in the first pioneering era, which was tens of thousands of years ago, and the real formation or birth time of the eternal stone plates can only be older than that, that is to say, in Before mortals established civilization on this land, the gods recorded in the Eternal Slate were already dead!

So what were the white stars that fell from the sky in the collective hallucination of the druids three thousand years ago? The god of nature, which has been completely cold, got up again and died again

While Gawain was contemplating the fragments of the Eternal Slate, in a forest far away from the Dark Mountains and Leslie's territory, large groups of vines suddenly emerged from the ground, entangled and swelled into a huge sac , a moment later the sac ruptured, and a staggering figure emerged from it.

This figure is wearing a black robe that has been tattered into strips, short brown hair messily stuck to the scalp, thin and pale, with gloomy eyes, his entire right arm has been blown off at the root, and the terrible wound is now being covered Covered in squirming flesh and blood, it is undergoing difficult regeneration.

This is exactly the cultist who managed to escape from Tanzan Town before.

Severe physical injuries, mental exhaustion, and the long escape distance all made this middle-aged man, who was originally considered a strong man, extremely weak. He walked unsteadily among the woods, and then Following his footsteps, the shrubs and weeds that passed by him withered and rotted one after another, as if their vitality was absorbed out of thin air and died in the blink of an eye.

After absorbing the vitality of these plants, the middle-aged man's face finally regained a little color. He stopped in front of a big stone and looked down at the symbol carved on the stone with a sharp tool: a group of withered and curly thorns.

Seeing the sign of the End of Everything, the middle-aged cultist took out a wooden whistle from his arms with his remaining left hand, but before he blew it, he heard the rustling of leaves around him, and a large number of fallen leaves Blown up by the strong wind, a hazy figure condensed on the boulder. After the fallen leaves dispersed, the figure gradually became clear: a tall woman with long dark green hair, fair skin and a pretty face, dressed like a priest's robe He was wearing ordinary clothes, but all the sacred religious symbols were erased from the robe, and at the hem of the robe, what was exposed was not human feet, but a group of terrifying "limbs" like tree roots.

"A disgraceful failure, Mr. Bard," the tall woman with long dark green hair spoke, her voice seemed to be mixed with the noise of cracking dead leaves, "It turns out that your self-confidence is blind."

"Gavin Cecil really succeeded in resurrecting, and he took action to sabotage my operation," the middle-aged cultist called "Bud" was respectful, but not timid and humble, he stood up straight and explained He said, "Ms. Bertila, his strength exceeds expectations, and I even suspect that he hasn't lost any combat experience!"

"If he is really as powerful as he was back then, you won't have time to breathe out a second breath after seeing him," the tall woman called Beltera said unceremoniously, but immediately changed the topic, "But he The fact that he can easily defeat you shows that he is indeed not as weak as I imagined at first... "

"How could this be?" Bard's voice was full of confusion. "Didn't it mean that his soul has been annihilated, and even if his body remains and is revived, he will become a cripple or even a living dead?"

"He has come into contact with those 'apocalyptic objects', and even directly communicated with a certain ancient spirit. No one knows what kind of knowledge and power he has gained in this process," Bertila said lightly, There seemed to be a trace of strange emotion in his eyes, which was mixed with jealousy and emotion, "So no one knows whether his current behavior is due to some ancient guidance... All in all, things about him don't need you get to the bottom."

"I see," Bud nodded, and finally lowered his head slightly, "Then what should we do next? Should we leave him alone?"

"Just leave it alone, including the fragment of the Eternal Slate," Bertila said indifferently, "The war between Typhon and Anzu is approaching, we have been preparing for this day for hundreds of years , can't cause trouble because of anything."

Bud nodded: "I understand."

Bertila nodded slightly, and then glanced at the squirming flesh and blood on Bard's right shoulder: "After your arm grows, go to Typhon, go to the Quicksand Coast to meet the local congregation, and go to the Son of the Storm together." Sea Territory. The Grand Priest arranged for you to help them as emissaries of the End of All Things Society."

"Son of the Storm? Those believers of the God of Storms?" Bard frowned, "They rarely ask for help from the outside world..."

"They provoked the Kraken in the Eastern Sea." Beltira said lightly.

Bud's eyes flickered, he stopped talking, and just lowered his head slightly to express his acceptance of the order.

The strong wind blew up again, and the withered fallen leaves swirled around Bertila's figure. Her body gradually disintegrated into debris and dissipated in the whirlwind of fallen leaves, but before her upper body disintegrated, her sight fell on On the broken sword on Bud's waist, a slightly distorted voice came out of the whirlwind: "Bud Wendell, your obsession with the past will hinder your path to the truth, if you want to One step further on the path of the withered priest, you'd better lay down your sword..."

Bertila's voice and her figure disappeared together, leaving only the magical reaction that was gradually dissipating. Bud stood in front of the falling leaves, and after a long time he sneered, turned around and walked slowly into the depths of the forest.

The remnants of the magic erased the mark of the end of all things on the boulder, and finally, there was no trace left here.

New Cecil Collar.

Gawain finally decided to temporarily seal up the fragments of the Eternal Slate and focus on the construction of the territory.

The secrets of the gods are indeed heart-stirring, and the truth of "God is dead" may be enough to shake the entire world. However, Gao Wen is still sober: this is not an area that he can touch and intervene now, and this important truth will not last for a while. There will be no way to bring him any income.

The gods are dead, this truth is indeed shocking, but it can only shock the world, so what if you know this truth? In this era of this world, before there is enough power, even if you master the laws of the universe, it is nothing more than a madman. He can't find anyone to tell this secret, and even speaking out will cause unnecessary attention and hostility , so for the stable development of the territory, he might as well keep this matter in his heart.

After putting away the fragments of the slate, Gawain took out the rune logic materials he had copied from Jenny Perot, and prepared to continue his unfinished study and research.

But not long after he entered the state, the curtain of the tent was thrown open by someone, and Knight Byron rushed in with a particularly strange expression on his face.

There was tension and shock, but more of bewilderment and embarrassment.

By the way, this old fritter-shaped knight has quite a rich expression.

"Why are you in such a panic?" Gawain looked up at the middle-aged knight, "Has Amber been beaten by Rebecca? Or has Rebecca been beaten by Hetty?"

"Neither!" Knight Byron was full of awkwardness and bewilderment, and he rubbed his hands vigorously, "My lord, I... I'm afraid I can't adopt that dumb child..."

"I can't adopt it?" Gawain stopped flipping through the materials, and looked at Byron steadfastly, "You can't talk nonsense, you are a knight, and I was the witness when you decided to adopt the child. "

"But...but that child..." Byron's expression was so awkward, "She's a girl!"
