Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 180: Territory construction


After completing the test of the heat ray gun, Gawain left the proving ground, and Hetty, Amber Rebecca, and Jenny also left with him to continue optimizing the rune group, and Nicholas Egg returned to the mechanical The research institute designed a new production line, and the two knights had their own tasks, so they didn't go with Gawain.

The success of a new weapon inspired Gao Wen's spirit, and he couldn't help but feel happy. In a happy mood, he saw that everything in the territory was much more optimistic than before.

Half of the frost month has passed, and the temperature is dropping day by day. It won't be long before this southern land will enter the cold winter, but the first batch of crops have already been harvested, and the food supplies promised by the king have arrived one after another. The non-staple food purchased by Sang Town is also continuously filling the warehouse, and the territory will not have to worry about hunger at all this winter.

The Cecil family may be the most generous nobles in terms of food. In other noble lands, commoners often have to hand over 70% to 80% of their harvest as taxes, and serfs even need to hand over nearly 90% of their grain. With the aid of Rui magic or the magic of abundance, the poor people at the bottom are always living on the verge of famine. As long as the year is a little bad, it is common for people to starve to death, and all kinds of wild vegetables, bark and even grass roots He is a frequent visitor to most poor people's pots, but in Cecil's territory, Gawain directly set the grain tax to half.

The citizens are grateful to Dade, but Gao Wen feels that the tax rate is still too high.

Other nobles charge extremely high taxes. On the one hand, they often don't really care about farming on their territories, and they don't know how to improve farming techniques or conduct effective labor management. As a result, the income from their land itself is not high. On the other hand, their extravagance and extravagance have reached a sensational level. A small baron has to build a castle and support a butler, a personal servant or maid, Four first-class servants and four first-class maids, as well as a large number of handymen, laundry maids, kitchen maids, grooms, etc., and endless banquets and hunting activities, if you have faith The nobles will also donate a large amount of wealth to the local church every year, and these will be converted into taxes and pressure on the poor who have not had a high harvest.

But Cecil doesn't need these.

And Gao Wen is also very clear about one thing: when the magic energy industry has started, the economic output of agricultural society will eventually be surpassed and replaced by industry. Farmland used to be the main source of income in this world, but soon Gold coins will flow out of the chain of factories and commerce. He doesn't intend to continue the development model of absorbing nutrients from farmers. It's just that the magic industry is still just a bud, so he has to maintain this situation for the time being.

The gold and silver stored in the treasury in the mountains will be used up sooner or later, but Gao Wen is confident that before the wealth is used up, the territory will be transferred from net expenditure to balance of payments. Time, time to send out caravans...

When passing by the bank of the White Water River, Gao Wen saw a large ship docked at the pier. Many people in rags were disembarking from the ship to undergo routine registration and inspection. Those in charge of these affairs were from hundreds of people. The clerks drawn from the aid and construction team and the literate soldiers on the territory: After a period of adaptation and learning, these people are now able to undertake this kind of work.

The population of the territory is still increasing. After confirming this year's harvest, Gao Wen boldly made way for the "Population Introduction Office" in Tanzan Town to add a new batch of serf orders and increase the propaganda of recruiting refugees Now almost every three or four days, a boat full of people will be transported here from the upper reaches of the White Water River to become new residents of Cecil Territory, and what is even more gratifying is that more and more people are appearing among these people. More refugees.

This shows that those homeless people who are wandering outside have finally heard and believed the news about Cecil's pioneering land, and as long as there is a start for such things, there will be a steady stream of population immigration.

In places where there is no shortage of population, the refugees are indeed a major hidden danger for the magistrate, but in the Cecil Territory where Hetty and Gawain have lost their hair because of the lack of people, the refugees are simply gold flowing into the territory. It's worth it, and it's not too much to come.

Compared to slaves with a clearly marked price and a fixed cost, these refugees who will continue to flow in are the most stable source of population for the Cecil Territory in the future.

"How's the housing security situation?" Gao Wen asked casually, looking towards the direction of the pier, "The weather is getting colder every day."

"The wooden house is enough. According to the new method you stipulated, the serfs or refugees who arrive in the territory do not need to participate in agriculture and factory labor at the beginning, but build their own houses first, and learn the labor system here and common sense in the process. Education, this method is surprisingly good. They work extremely hard, and they all praise the kindness of the Cecil family. After they finish these tasks, the basic labor system and common sense of life have been firmly imprinted in their minds .”

"Everyone will do their best to build a home for themselves. It's a simple truth," Gao Wen smiled. deeply rooted in people's hearts."

As he said that, he frowned slightly: "But after all, a wooden house is no match for a brick house, especially in winter... Even if we prepare enough hay and paste the walls with mud, the house will still be cold. "

"Your kindness is indeed touching, but the output of the brick and tile factory can't keep up," Hetty shook his head regretfully, "the new population is too large, and it is impossible to build brick and tile houses for everyone. In fact, if It’s not that the lumberyards and sawmills have stockpiled a large amount of wood in advance, and the efficiency of the sawmill driven by the magic energy engine is extremely high, I’m afraid it’s difficult for us to ensure enough wooden houses…”

"Then at least ensure the supply of charcoal, let them survive the first winter," Gawain nodded, "Have the new construction areas been laid with honeycomb magic nets?"

"Yes, according to your request, the magic net is being laid in all areas, even if it can't be laid in the entire area, it can at least ensure that the honeycomb structure is connected into a line, connects every building area, and leaves space everywhere. Downloaded the exposed magic net interface."

The so-called magic net interface is actually a small piece of magic guide material rod extending from the magic net unit. They are made of iron rods coated with a thin layer of mithril or cheaper black stone rods. One end is connected to the underground The other end of the magic net extends out of the ground, which can be regarded as the foundation laid by Gao Wen for the future development of the territory.

Although the magic net can carry out "wireless energy supply", as long as the magic power can be transmitted within a short distance directly above the magic net, the efficiency is not high. If many "magic net interfaces" are reserved, it can be used for future Prepare for the urbanization development of the city, such as connecting street lights or giving magic power to every household.

"Now there is one more question," Hetty hesitated, but decided to speak out, "it's about your night school education."

Gao Wen frowned suddenly: "Evening school? Those general education courses? What's wrong?"

"You require everyone in the territory to receive education, but now there is a large influx of people, and basically all of them are poor people who can't read or write. The number of teachers is completely insufficient," Hetty said embarrassingly in the central area of the territory. The West and South Districts have added learning places, and let all soldiers, craftsmen, and department heads who can read and write take turns to teach after finishing their work, but they are still too busy. Each 'classroom' accommodates a limited number of people, and those newcomers lack discipline. Once there are too many people, the level of chaos in the scene is simply a disaster. But if there are fewer people... we need to add more classrooms. "

"Adding more classrooms means adding more teachers," Gao Wen frowned, "Didn't Tanzan Town send some secretary apprentices?"

"It has been sent to teach classes, but it is still not enough."

"Then recruit from the 'Hundred People Aid and Construction Group'," Gao Wen decided. "In addition to the 'high-end talents' like Jenny, there are also some ordinary craftsmen or apprentices who are literate. In addition, you have to start publicizing the recruitment news of steel factories, mechanical research institutes, etc., and tell the locals that both free men and serfs can work in factories, but they must be able to read and write before they can sign up. Working in a factory can be the same as craftsmen, with additional food subsidies, so that they will be motivated to learn and maintain discipline will be easier."

Hetty nodded slightly: "Yes, I understand."

Gao Wen thought for a while and asked, "Is there anything else that needs to be reported?"

Hetty looked at Amber next to her: "She is really good at walking and sleeping."

Gawain was taken aback, turned his head to take a look, and was surprised to see that the half-elf was really following him with his eyes closed, as if he had fallen asleep for a long time.

"When did this guy fall asleep?!"

Hetty looked helpless: "When we first started discussing building a house."

Gao Wen was stunned: "... In a way, she is really talented."

As soon as he finished sighing, he saw Amber waking up leisurely. The half-elf lady rubbed her eyes, looked at Gawain and Hetty, and asked curiously, "Are you two finally finished talking?"

Gawain's mouth twitched, and he deliberately looked at Heidi: "Let's talk about the steel production..."

Amber closed her eyes: "Call me when dinner is ready."

Gao Wen was at a loss, and was about to grab Amber's ear and twist it half a circle to see if she could wake up, but out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw a soldier running towards him.

"My lord!" The soldier ran up to Gao Wen, stood at attention and saluted, "A stranger came to the territory!"

"Stranger?" Gao Wen was taken aback, not knowing the urgency of this kind of thing, "Is it a refugee from the north? If you come here by yourself..."

"No, the man is wearing the clothes of the Holy Light Sect, he seems to be a missionary, but for some reason, he is working on the construction site now."

"Huh?" 8)