Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 181: Dinner time at Gao Wen's house


After returning to the real world, both Gawain and Amber looked a little unhappy.

Knight Byron, who had been waiting outside for a long time, came over immediately: "My lord, are you alright?"

"I saw the uncanny workmanship of nature," Gao Wen exhaled, slowly dispelling the psychological discomfort caused by facing the big void, and at the same time shook his head helplessly, "I hope it is the uncanny workmanship of nature, right?" .”

Knight Byron looked confused. Even with his experience, he couldn't deduce what Gawain had seen in the Shadow Realm at the moment, but he was smart enough not to ask too much. Since Gawain didn't take the initiative to say it, it means the news It cannot be made public at this stage. There are still many ordinary soldiers on the scene, so he decided not to ask too much.

After calming down, Gawain looked at Byron, "Are there any more exploration reports besides this new area?"

"Yes, we have been going well recently, and we have made many discoveries," Knight Byron nodded, and immediately began to briefly report the information he has accumulated so far. "Our current position should be the bottom of this group of ruins. If there are no more ramps or stairs, then this hall should be the 'base' part of the entire facility. So far, the entire ruins can be roughly divided into upper, middle and lower floors, and the middle area is connected to the entrance we originally discovered The hall, the room is empty, and the corridor structure is straight and symmetrical. It should be the main activity area at the beginning; the upper area leads to the front line of the top of the dark mountain. There are many hidden ventilation holes in the area and the entrances and exits that should be emergency passages. It has been blocked due to the weathering and collapse of the mountain, and it cannot be cleared out for the time being; the lower area is where we are currently. It is the smallest of the three areas, but the structure is the most complicated. There are a large number of rooms full of discarded equipment. And the mezzanine with unknown purpose, and the hall we found. These three areas are connected by the 'big ramp' located in the center of the facility, as well as shafts and narrow stairs distributed in various places. In addition, in each area there are There are some floors of different heights, and I have carefully drawn the structural diagrams of the floors."

Knight Byron paused, and continued: "We are going to explore the south and east of the middle zone in the next stage. We found additional connecting passages in these two places. There are debris accumulation in the passage, but there is no sign of collapse. Once the manpower is in place, we will clear the roadblocks and start further exploration. I suspect that the undiscovered area in this ancient ruins is still very large."

Gawain frowned, sketched a comparison chart of the ruins and the overall trend of the Dark Mountain in his mind, and said slowly: "The southern area... If the entire middle layer is a symmetrical building, then the southern part may lead to the Dark Mountain Nanlu, you have to be very careful during this process. Once you find that a building has passed through the mountain, immediately block the passage and report it. You must not enter the black forest on the south side of the mountain at will. As for the east... "

Amber mobilized her limited knowledge of continental geography, and suddenly said, "Isn't it leading to the Typhon Empire?"

Knight Byron was startled immediately: "Is this possible?"

"Nothing is impossible," Gao Wen said indifferently, "The area we are in itself is in the southeast corner of Ansu, and the Dark Mountains extend all the way to Tifeng. If this ancient facility is really hollowed out The mountain range was built...then it is possible that its end entered the territory of Typhon. After all, in the age of Xinghuo a thousand years ago...there was no such thing as the border between Ansu and Typhon."

Speaking of this, he looked into Knight Byron's eyes with a very serious expression: "If that's the case, then you have to be more careful, understand?"

Knight Byron is more or less a knight, even if he becomes a monk halfway, he has a bit of military common sense. He immediately realized what it would mean if there was a passage leading to the territory of Typhon in this mountain ruins, so he stood up straight: "Yes !I see!"

After arranging the business, Gawain decided to return to the territory first, but before leaving, he patted Byron on the shoulder and reminded: "Your exploration work in the mountains is very important, but you still have to have some vacations. , after finishing work this time, go home and rest for a few more days."

Knight Byron laughed: "Actually, I'm fine. When I was a mercenary, I drilled into various ruins all day long, and sometimes I stayed in the underground palace for half a month..."

"But you didn't have a daughter when you were a mercenary." Gawain glanced at him, "Pea misses you a lot."

Byron's hey expression froze immediately, replaced by a little embarrassment: "Oh... oh... then I'll go back and spend more time with her."

Gao Wen and Amber returned to the Lord's Mansion, and after a busy day, when they returned home, it was already sunset and it was almost time for dinner.

Betty is the only maid in the lord's mansion besides the two temporary servants. The little girl is in charge of everyone's meals and some chores. There were only five of them in Siren Tyr, and Gawain himself was simple, and his daily meals were also simple, but adding in the food for the servants and daily chores, it was no small burden.

Seeing the little girl running around in the restaurant like a gust of wind arranging plates and distributing bread, Gawain couldn't help pulling Amber forward to help. While helping to set the plates, he mentioned to Betty: "Every day Are you busy?"

"You're too busy!" The little maid replied crisply, carrying a big bottle of wine, "Oh, sir, don't put the plates yourself!"

"To be idle is to be idle," Gao Wen was not used to the kind of life where he would sit at the table and a servant stood behind him to pay attention. In fact, he would feel indigestion even if there was someone beside him who was serving him meals. So he is always trying to change this kind of atmosphere, but it is a pity that it seems to be ineffective at present. The little maid is about to cry when she sees him taking away the job of setting the plates, so he has to take the plate in his hand. The plate was put down, "If you are too busy, just tell me, this house is much larger than the previous tents, and there will inevitably be a shortage of people to take care of it."

Gao Wen didn't intend to place dozens or even hundreds of servants in the mansion like the mainstream nobles of this era. Even planting flowers and raising dogs would be so extravagant and depraved that two people were assigned to each post, but he also admitted that such a big mansion needed More people will take care of it, and it should be necessary to arrange necessary personnel for necessary jobs. Betty is a hard-working little girl, but she is not capable of superficiality, so it is inappropriate to put all the heavy housework on her.

Betty didn't think too much about it. She was just a low-level maid who helped in the kitchen. She didn't even think about what would happen if the lord had only herself as a maid. When she heard Gawain's words, she just stood there in a daze. Huhu nodded, not knowing what the nod meant.

After a while, Hetty, who was busy dealing with personnel transfer affairs, and Rebecca, who was obsessed with runes, finally returned home, and when they walked into the restaurant, Amber had already covered herself with all kinds of pre-dinner snacks and cheese. Filled to seven full...

Gawain reckoned that if dinner was served a little later, Amber would be able to eat the wasabi mixed with butter on the table... Maybe this half-elf died in a previous life

When the family members were seated, Gawain mentioned what he and Amber had discovered in the Shadow Realm.

"You said you found a 'big void' in the Shadow Realm?" Hearing Gawain's description, Heidi showed great surprise, "And that big void doesn't match the dark mountain terrain in the real world? "

"That's right, the size of that hole may be able to squeeze our entire town into it, and it's so high that it even breaks through the peak of the dark mountain range, so that you can see part of the sky. The light inside the hole is extremely dim, dark Disturbing," Gao Wen described the situation in the cavity in detail, "There is some kind of unnatural phenomenon inside the cavity, I saw huge stones floating in the darkness, as if they had lost gravity."

"I heard you and Amber describe that the Shadow Realm corresponds to the real world, and apart from black and white and desolation, there is no significant difference in physical rules..." Hetty frowned, "Is that big void Means some 'Law of the Shadowlands' that we don't yet know?"

"I'm more worried that it was caused by some kind of external force. A force beyond human imagination has been active in the Shadow Realm, and 'digged' a large piece of Shadow Realm matter, and changed the physical rules within that range," Gao Wen was not without worry, "What is even more concerning is... the Gondor magisters a thousand years ago were obviously aware of the existence of this big void, and they set up a device similar to a magic gate at the bottom of the mountain ruins. The other side of the door should be connected to the big void or somewhere related to the big void. Unfortunately, the magic door can no longer be activated."

Hetty lowered her head in thought, while Rebecca was struggling with the uneven spread of butter on her slice of bread, and said casually: "Then the plan you mentioned earlier to move part of the territory's facilities to the mountains is still going on? "

Gawain looked at Rebecca's movement of waving the butter knife with some trepidation. Her aura was as if a slice of bread had killed her whole family: "Slow down your movements, do you need to be so big to spread butter?"

Then he answered Tietouwa's question: "The relocation work still needs to continue, at least the workshops that make grenades and various explosives have to be moved out of the territory, and then there are military factory production lines that are always adjacent to residential areas. No. By the way, how is the team of craftsmen who laid the magic net trained?"

"They are all well-educated. When I said that the salary of magic net technicians is twice as high as that of ordinary construction workers, they are very energetic. In addition, those craftsmen have a good level of literacy and numeracy. The best among them I have even learned to arrange the connection method of the honeycomb unit according to the laying environment and the blueprint tutorial, and the connection success rate is the same as that of the first and second level rune masters. Now they can complete the task independently without my guidance."

Gao Wen nodded with satisfaction: "Very well, send the best team to the ruins in the mountain, start laying the honeycomb magic net from the entrance hall, rebuild the magic power supply in the facility, and prepare for the subsequent mechanical entry."

Hetty, who was next to her, sighed sincerely after hearing this: "To be honest, who would have thought that ordinary people who don't have the ability to cast spells, or even the ability to sense magic power, can use this method to control magic power... Magic net and magic engine, Thermal energy ray guns, Rebecca crystals, these things have now achieved the point where they can be produced by ordinary craftsmen completely without the guidance of mages or with only a few guidance from mages... "

"Right now they're just stuck at the stage of following the blueprints to make sure they don't make mistakes. This is just 'imitation'," Gao Wen smiled, "and when the Rune Research Institute led by Jenny achieves the first phase of results, the academy's The first batch of freshmen majoring in runes graduated, and you will see the 'creation' of ordinary people in the field of magic... "

Hetty couldn't imagine what it would be like, in fact, even Rebecca couldn't imagine it.

But Gao Wen could vaguely outline that new era. Even if there is no spellcaster, even if there is no magical talent, ordinary people can rely on brains and calculations, rely on rigorous scientific analysis and mathematical tools to control magic, and even develop and create. The era of various magical technologies.

At this time, Hu Po, who was engrossed in eating, suddenly raised her head and interjected, "But then again... where's that siren?"