Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 182: Dive into dreams with the wind


Gawain could hardly remember how he and Tire completed the next communication. He only knew that he had finally pulled the wonderful three-dimensional harmony god of the deep sea to complete a series of experiments mainly to test the relationship between the sea monster and the sea monster. The latter's various reactions when the gods come into contact with flesh and blood.

After testing, he found that although Tire was not afraid of the influence of the god's flesh and blood like himself, there was still a big difference between the two: when he came into contact with the god's flesh and blood, the latter would show obvious signs of shrinking and inactivation, while the When you come into contact with the god's flesh and blood, the latter will not have such a reaction of fear and retreat.

Another difference is that Gawain didn't think that weird biological tissue would be "tasty", but Tire could drool on his feet (tail) when he looked at the meat in the crystal cube...

From the perspective of whether he can suppress and intimidate the lump of meat, Gawain is obviously stronger than Tyre, but when Gawain faces Tire, he will still feel a kind of exhaustion from the bottom of his heart. It is too tm energy-consuming to exchange seafood.

After sending Tire back to the room, the physically and mentally exhausted Gawain came to the terrace again.

Hetty had gone back to her room to rest, and Rebecca also returned to her room with her precious new gift, the telescope. For a while, Gawain was the only one left on the terrace.

He raised his head and looked up at the star-studded sky. In the moonless night, the "O" located in the middle of the sky was emitting a particularly eye-catching brilliance, watching the world like the eyes of the legendary gods.

Until today, he has not been able to find the shadow of the monitoring satellite among the stars.

Whether he asked Heidi to perform the eagle eye technique or used the newly manufactured astronomical telescope, Gawain was unable to find the surveillance satellites, nor could he see any traces of man-made objects in space.

Of course he knows how difficult it is to find satellites in space with only primitive astronomical telescopes and limited eagle eye techniques, not to mention whether he can see them, even if he can see them, it would be very difficult for him with the current technical means Tracking, but at the same time, he also knows that there is an "intuitive connection" between himself and the satellite. Even if he can't see it, he can know where the satellite is when he looks up. However, he still failed to find the shadow of the satellite. There can only be two explanations for this.

Either the size of the satellite is very small, and the magnification of the current observation method is seriously insufficient, so that it is impossible to observe at all, or the satellite is hidden by some kind of concealment technology...

If it is the former, then with the advancement of technology, it is only a matter of time to observe the ancient satellites from the surface. If it is the latter, then Gao Wen can only wait for himself to point out the aerospace technology and go to the sky to check it out. up.

Gao Wen's thoughts fluctuated, one thought after another was turbulent in his mind, and at this moment, he suddenly felt himself in a trance.

That kind of trance is hard to describe in words, it seems that the "consciousness" that was originally locked in his body suddenly "extends" for a moment, and in that short trance, Gao Wen felt that his thinking suddenly became abnormal Sharp, with an extremely wide range of perception, even the soul has expanded beyond the body, and has established connections with countless souls in extreme distances. He suddenly woke up and realized that all of this is by no means an illusion.

And just when he was thinking about what was going on, the feeling of trance struck again, and this time he grasped the context of this feeling in time, and in the next second, some knowledge naturally emerged from his mind, Gawain discovered that he actually knew how to control this wonderful state, and use this state to establish a spiritual connection. He almost immediately realized where this knowledge came from the eternal sleeper who was swallowed by him!

He condensed his spirit almost subconsciously. Under the guidance of the knowledge and experience he had devoured, he instantly re-stabilized his mind, and at the moment when he regained control of his mind, Gao Wen saw The scene turned upside down in an instant.

He found himself standing in an indescribable city. This city has almost exhausted human imagination of words such as "majestic", "magnificent", "elegant", and "beautiful". There are countless white and magnificent buildings. Standing in the middle of the city, the edges of every tower and palace are inlaid with rims made of pure gold. A large number of magic crystals containing endless power are suspended above the city, and the escaping magic energy forms a gorgeous aurora sky. , Between the aurora canopy, one can see large and small floating lands, floating castles and palaces suspended in the extremely high sky, just like the legendary residences of the gods.

Whether it is the city of a thousand towers that the Violet Kingdom is proud of, or the Temple of the Stars, which the elves claim to be the pinnacle of art, or even the capital of Gondor seven hundred years ago, nothing can compare with this city. Human beings are built for living, but it is more like it was created specifically to express imagination and confirm the majestic scenes in myths and stories. With Gao Wen's heart, when he sees this city and the world, he feels I was so shocked that I couldn't speak for a long time.

What is this place? How did this come about? This... is also a trick of the Sleeper? Is it an illusion they created

Gao Wen was thinking in astonishment. Only the real dream of the Eternal Sleeper could explain the incredible scene in front of him, but he also found that this scene was infinitely more complicated and grand than the illusions he saw last time. Knowing that the Eternal Sleeper who invaded his brain last time is already one of the best high-level personnel in the cult, the illusion he created should be regarded as the top level among the Eternal Sleeper cultists, but the scene in front of him...

He is so taller than the cultist last time that he doesn't know where he went.

Could it be that a more powerful eternal sleeper has appeared? To deal with their own

Gao Wen frowned. He didn't expect those eternal sleepers to forget their lessons so quickly and found themselves again. Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly noticed a new figure suddenly appeared in the empty city streets. A faint shadow.

After the shadows appeared, they quickly solidified, and soon became lifelike figures one after another. They emerged like the aborigines who suddenly appeared in the city, and walked around the city, living in this scene. Gao Wen couldn't help but think of the "loading" process in the virtual scene.

Wait, these aren't "lifelike figures", they are real!

Gao Wen saw almost instantly that these figures that suddenly appeared were not illusions: each of them had vivid brilliance on their faces, and their words and deeds were no different from those of real intelligent creatures. More importantly, they were acquired through devouring With knowledge and skills, he can completely judge which part of the illusion is fabricated out of thin air, and which part is reflected in reality.

The figures that suddenly appear in this city all have "reality mapping" and these are all real real people!

Gao Wen's heart was pounding, he vaguely realized what kind of place he had entered, but before he could carefully observe the "residents" moving around in the city, someone tapped him on the shoulder from the side.

Gao Wen forcibly restrained the urge to fight back and expose himself on the spot. He turned his head calmly and looked curiously at the person who patted his shoulder. It was a handsome young man who was looking at him curiously.

Before Gao Wen could figure out how to speak, the young man took the initiative to speak: "I thought it was the image of Gawain Cecil just now? It looks very similar to the portrait!"

Gawain was startled when he heard the words "Gaowen Cecil", and thought he had been exposed, but after hearing what the other person said, he immediately realized: Thanks to the experience of being exposed to games in his previous life, he will immediately Guess what the other party means by "image".

Did the "residents" of this city set their own image in this world

He looked around, and immediately thought that his guess must be right, because the real world couldn't have so many handsome men.

In the real world, it is even less likely that there will be scorpion-tailed people who have been extinct for thousands of years.

what is this? Is it a large-scale immersive vr game made by the Eternal Sleeper... These cultists actually tossed such a set of emotional things in private? This style of painting... This style of painting is different from what he has seen since time travel!

But all these thoughts just flashed in Gao Wen's mind, and he smiled without any abnormality on the outside: "Try something new once in a while."

"That's right, that's right, the image of Gawain Cecil is indeed heroic," the handsome young man laughed, "But you don't need to keep that beard, it looks too old-fashioned, I think the portrait of Gawain Cecil at the age of twenty-five is prettier than the one he died of... ”

The beard provoked you! The portrait has provoked you! Moreover, it has been more than half a year since Gawain Cecil was unmasked, the portrait back then can no longer be regarded as a portrait, do you understand that!

The corners of Gao Wen's eyes twitched, and he forcibly resisted the urge to beat up this young man who looked handsome and kind, but in fact he was such a cruel and vicious cultist, and he said a few perfunctory words with a fake smile Then he walked away quickly.

He lowered his head and moved quickly in the gorgeous and wide streets of this incredible city, and finally found a corner where no one was there.

After getting out of the sight of the cultists, the first thing he did was to find a way to hide his true face.

Although there was a cult member who didn't doubt his face before and thought it was some kind of special "personal hobby", Gawain didn't dare to take the risk of facing his own face in this world, which is most likely to be the Eternal Sleeper. Floating around in the "virtual world" created by the Internet of Human Brains, after all, he had swallowed a high-ranking eternal sleeper before, and the chance of his face drawing hatred was too high.

He is not an Eternal Sleeper, but the Eternal Sleeper he swallowed left him with a wealth of knowledge. Gawain still remembers how he used his ideas to create things out of thin air in the dream world. In this world, he discovered Creation with ideas has become much easier than last time.

A few minutes later, a tall young man with short pale blond hair came out from the corner of the street.