Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 183: Kant's guest


The story told by Pittman aroused great interest in Gao Wen, and at the same time gave him a lot of irrepressible associations.

Many people will regard unofficial tales as absurd stories that are not worth mentioning, but at the same time, many people are willing to admit that no matter how absurd wild tales are, there are always some reflections from reality.

And for those elves with a long lifespan, whose historical records are far more detailed and coherent than humans, Gawain believes that their legends and stories have facts to follow, especially those about the ark floating and galloping above the sea, the sea area of perpetual night, As for the giant tower reaching the sky, these things beyond the cognition of ordinary people in the Loren Continent were described in such detail and so conclusively in the legend of the silver elves, which made Gao Wen have to think about it.

Outside of this Loren continent, are there really other continents

Before the civilization on this continent developed, did civilizations appear on other continents

The "primitive elves" fled their homeland in an ark that floated and galloped above the sea. What is the body of the ark? From the description... Is it something like a ground-effect aircraft? Or a large hovercraft

What about the sea forever shrouded in night? Is it located in the polar night range? Does polar day and polar night also exist at the north and south poles of this planet

And what is that legendary giant tower? It is obviously not a natural product, but more like a man-made one. There are projections of the starry sky and images of animals, plants and minerals in the tower... Could it be related to the ancient super civilization that left a monitoring satellite? !

If the secret voyage carried out by Gawain Cecil back then really found the Sea of Eternal Darkness and the giant tower, then those crystals were brought out by the other party from the giant tower

Countless pieces of information seemed to be linked together at this moment, and the cause and effect of the incident seemed to reveal some clues, but when Gao Wen searched and analyzed it carefully, he found that there was still no result from the analysis.

The information was too messy and fragmented, mixed with many vague legends, ghost stories, speculations, too many uncertainties, and it was not enough for him to piece together the truth back then!

At this moment, Gawain even had an irresistible urge to build a big ship and go directly to the northern border of the kingdom to explore the sea, to find the place that is always shrouded in night (or at a certain time, it may be in a long-lasting state). In the extreme daylight state of time), go and see what the legendary giant tower is!

This impulse was throbbing in his chest, and he had to take a deep breath, silently thinking about the territory's current resource reserves, technological foundation, industrial production capacity, and the remaining gold and silver in the treasure house in the mountain, going through these things one by one Afterwards, his impulse completely disappeared, and his heart was cold...

"Ancestor, are you alright?" Hetty looked at Gawain with concern, the change of emotion on the latter's face made her worry about the possibility that the old ancestor would die again (and depending on the circumstances, this death is still very unsafe) , but luckily Gao Wen came back to his senses in time, and waved to her: "Don't worry, it's fine."

"Are you interested in the Sea of Eternal Darkness?" Pittman next to him said, and then frowned, "But with all due respect, even in the mighty Silver Empire, the Sea of Eternal Darkness is just a story, as we all know, Storms, fog, and chaotic magic fields block the entire ocean. Even with the technical power of elves, it is impossible to navigate in seas far away from the coastline. It is even more impossible for human countries after the decline of technology. The God of Storm Before the church fell, the storm priests could still guide the captains to sail in certain routes around the mainland, but now the Church of the God of Storms has fallen into the Son of the Storm, and no one can sail on the ocean anymore... "

It was rare for this little old man to persuade himself with such a serious attitude. Gao Wen was quite moved, but he still couldn't help asking: "It has been seven hundred years, and countries are still trapped on the mainland, unable to go to the mainland. Is it far away from the sea?"

"Occasionally there will be bold explorers who challenge the ocean, but less than a third of them come back alive, and even if they come back, most of them are crazy, and their minds are ruined by the chaotic magic environment in the far sea." Hetty shook her head, "and the challenge What is the use of the sea? Wealth comes from the land, no matter whether minerals or crops can only be obtained on land, it is really unnecessary to challenge the sea. At present, the only one on the mainland that has developed the sea is the Typhon Empire, but they also It's just that I found some magic materials near the sea..."

Gao Wen couldn't help but frowned and glanced at Heidi after hearing this: "Do you really think there is no wealth in the ocean?"

"Wealth in the ocean?" Hetty was taken aback. "Humans are creatures that live on land. What wealth can be useful to us in the ocean?"

Gawain looked at Hetty, wanting to have an impassioned inspiration and education, but soon he found that these preaching was of no use to Hetty who had limited knowledge and vision, so he could only sigh in the end: "Mr. One day you will understand that this continent is too narrow for human beings who have enlightened their minds. Besides, there is nowhere to hide when a demon wave comes."

There is a wave of magic coming... nowhere to hide...

This sentence immediately touched Hetty, but just as she was about to ask something more, Gawain had already mentioned another matter: "Let's not talk about this, Hetty, I want you to help me collect some scrolls material."

"Is it still the basic spells and spellcasting theory information of each faction?" Hetty asked subconsciously. Gawain asked her to collect this information most often.

But Gao Wen's answer surprised her: "No, it's about my biography."

"About your... biography?" Hetty blinked in confusion. This request is really weird. In the whole world, only my ancestor, who suddenly jumps up from death to death, can make it. "You What kind of form is it referring to? Is it the official biography of the hero released by the kingdom?"

"Not only that kind, but also various folk versions, I want any kind of thing that describes my life." The clues of the secret voyage in Cecil's memory can only make this kind of general request, "even unofficial gossip, even absurd stories about country people scaring children."

Hetty's expression became strange: "What do you want these things for?"

Gao Wen just wanted to make up a reason, such as being interested in the changes of people's thoughts in the past seven hundred years, when suddenly an amber popped up from the shadow beside him, and this amber was still in baba: "He is free, I want to see Who in the past seven hundred years wanted to blackmail him... or just to see how everyone praised him, and feel refreshed..."

The moment Amber popped out of the shadows, Hetty had already picked up the staff and made a gesture of flattening the sand and falling wild geese, but the half-elf lady had also improved her memory since she was beaten a lot last time. , the moment the blind bb finished, he ran behind Gao Wen, used the latter as a cover in front of him, and poked out half of his head provocatively: "rua, I don't believe you dare to face your ancestor... Damn it hurts!! "

Before she could finish the second half of the sentence, Gao Wen dragged her out by the ear. Gawain was very curious as he dragged, "What do you think, that you hide behind the person in search of safety after making arrangements for others? Is it possible that I won't hit you?"

"Oh my god, I was wrong, wrong, wrong!" Amber almost jumped up and down, "My ears are going to cramp, my ears are going to cramp!"

And so the tent was filled with a cheerful air...

A few days after sending out the messenger, a reply from Viscount Victor Kant was sent to the territory of the Cecil family.

The old viscount expressed great enthusiasm for Duke Gawain's willingness to visit, and kindly invited Gawain to visit the ancient castle and manor that the Kant family is proud of. Therefore, on the second day after the messenger returned, he had already prepared Gawain prepared and embarked on a journey to Kant Territory.

He set off in a carriage and deliberately did not bring any followers. Apart from the groom driving the carriage and two soldiers, he only brought Amber, who served as his personal bodyguard, and Knight Philip, who had just escorted the refugees back to the territory not long ago.

When the silhouettes of villages, towns and farms on the edge of the Kant Territory appeared at the end of the road, the sky gradually darkened, and the cold wind swept across the land with the breath of moisture and soil. The wind brought the signal of the coming rain, as if At the end of the frost moon and before the foggy moon comes, this land will usher in a generous rain.

After this rain, the short autumn of the Kingdom of Anzu came to an end, and then came the long winter of the Northern Kingdom, first with a foggy, cold and foggy month of sixty days, and then sixty days. In the cold moon of the day, the nationwide snowfall will continue intermittently until the recovery moon arrives. Even the "Southern Territory" where Cecil Territory is located will be covered by frost and snow.

After all, the entire Ansu Kingdom is in the north of the mainland.

I don't know whether the refugees in the wilderness will have time to arrive in Cecil Territory to accept asylum before the coldest day, whether the winter construction plan in the Territory will be realized as expected, and whether the border between Ansu and Typhon will be restored. Go to war this winter...

Gawain pulled the cover on the side of the carriage. In the gradually gloomy and darkening sky, he could already see Kant Castle standing on a hillside in front of him. The ancient stone building rose from the highest place on the territory Rising from the ground, several dark spiers pointed directly at the cloudy sky, and on the vast land below the castle, there were row upon row of town buildings.

Now that night and cloud are approaching at the same time, the early darkening of the sky has gradually lit up sparse lights in the town. Gao Wen counted the number and distribution of those lights, and judged the wealth and order of this land.

There are more lights than imagined, and they can be seen all over the town.

A drop of rain slanted through the baffle of the carriage shed, and landed on Gao Wen's face. Along with the raindrops, the bleak cold wind came in. Amber wrapped herself in the blanket in a corner of the carriage, dazed. He muttered quietly: "Gao Wen, close the window..."

Gawain smiled, and put down the baffle, the sound of rain gradually gathering on the roof of the carport made of waterproof wooden boards.

The carriage galloped through the fertile and harvested farmland in Kant Territory. In the direction the carriage came, the road leading to the outside of the territory was gradually covered by the rain curtain, becoming blurred and unrecognizable...