Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 184: Druids' Faith Changes


Hearing Gao Wen's words, Pittman couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "Very few people know the history of druids so well."

"It's not really understood. It's no secret that druid magic was born out of natural magic. It can only be said that the knowledge of people in this era is too narrow," Gawain said lightly, "during the Gondor Empire, Drew The Ido schools are all listed in the Temple of Knowledge of the Empire."

"Hey, I forgot again, I can't use common sense to judge you, an ancient man from seven hundred years ago," the little old man laughed, and began to pack up the tools for making potions. Originated from the natural magic in ancient times, in fact, Druids were a pure religion at the earliest, just like the current God of Light or the God of War sect, but time has changed, many religions have declined and disappeared, and they can barely What was passed down...either became a cult, or changed form like the Druids."

"There are many Druid factions, the Heart of the Forest, the Spirit of Nature, the Wild Sect, the Grotto Sect, the Elemental Sect... There are five or six of them that I can name. These are large-scale ones, and those small-scale ones are probably There are dozens of them," Gao Wen talked eloquently, "it is said that the division of Druid factions originated from the 'White Star Fall' three thousand years ago. Over time, it has disintegrated into many schools of thought, large and small. You originally believed in a "natural god" that did not have a clear image, but this belief has also changed after the fall of the white star... "

Although Pittman seems to be an unreliable druid, his spells are enough to prove that he has indeed accepted the complete druid inheritance, so there is no pressure to answer in these areas of professional common sense: "The natural gods are divided into There are many images, and each school claims that its interpretation is the most correct. Some believe in the spirit of the forest, some believe in the spirit of nature, and some even believe in deified beast spirits or elemental spirits... This is really not the case. What a secret. However, unlike other religions after the split, after the Druids split into many sects, although the ideas were somewhat divided, we never really fought, and all factions lived in peace, even before the "Holy Covenant" was formulated The various druid factions are also peaceful."

Gao Wen showed an interested expression: "I really don't know the specific reason for this, can you tell me?"

"Every faction follows a code, and Druids have the same origin. No matter what path they take in the future, Druids will always be brothers and sisters," Pittman stroked his beard, "This is not a simple organizational rule. It's the Druid's rules, before accepting the inheritance, one must swear a poisonous oath with one's own soul."

Gao Wen rubbed his chin, silently memorized this knowledge point, and then the topic returned to spells and divine spells: "The original natural magic of the Druid sect was transformed into the later Druid spells, and it was also in this process Bar?"

Pittman nodded: "That's right, it was slowly completed in the long time after the fall of the White Star and the division of factions."

Gao Wen: "The last step of refining the potion and blessing the potion just now is actually the trace left by the original druid magic?"

Pittman nodded with a half-smile, but did not speak.

This is the druid spell, the most special "magic" in the world. It is probably the only magic that can clearly explain its origin, but its origin points to the gods three thousand years ago. The druid was originally a unified Just because of a druid that has become a legend, the religious druids have become a scattered school organization, and the magic they have mastered has become magic inconceivably.

To this day, there are still traces of divine rituals in these spells, such as prayers or specific sacred symbols, but in fact these "divine spells" have long since lost their practical effect, and they are more of a kind of Cultural and spiritual inheritance and sustenance, the more serious druids will strictly follow the inheritance to reproduce these useless sacred steps, while the less serious druids such as Pittman will choose to casually follow the spellcasting process. Blind bb a few words to delay time.

But how did divine art become magic

These two kinds of power should be two completely different things. The former comes from the gods, and what is needed is to pray sincerely, so that one's body, mind, and mind can be integrated with the gods' thoughts, so as to "borrow" powerful power, while the latter is The power derived from the individual caster and the cognition of the world are different from the source.

After so many years of evolution, druid spells are already distinctive magic, just like Pittman preparing runes and chanting spells, all of which are using personal power to trigger "natural miracles", while standard magic spells are None of these steps.

Therefore, some people have made bold guesses about this. Some scholars even believe that the druids used some kind of taboo ritual to completely steal the power of the gods three thousand years ago, turning the "natural miracle" that could only be performed by magic into a miracle. A spell that can be reproduced artificially, and the so-called falling of the white star is not the meteorite rain recorded in the history books at all. It is actually the natural gods who fell from the kingdom of God after losing their authority...

Of course the druids didn't recognize this statement, but Gawain had to say... it's quite credible.

Of course, he would not bring up this kind of conjecture in front of Pittman, but just said casually: "Why do you think only you Druids have successfully turned divine arts into magic? And the clergy of other sects can't?"

The little old man suddenly twitched: "Are you asking me who am I asking? You don't know my true level? It will kill me to learn my own skills. I don't have the energy to study others..."

"Then you still cook, fry, cook, divination, fortune-telling, astrology, taking care of children and everything?"

"...it's not like those..."

Gao Wen didn't continue to pester Pittman on this issue, but said as if talking to himself: "It is said that there were believers of the God of Light who tried to transform the magic. He studied the abilities of magicians and tried to use The method of casting spells to attract the Holy Light ended up being swallowed by the rampant Holy Light and turned into a pile of ashes."

Pittman snorted twice with a half-smile: "Heh, and this is a case deliberately propagated by the Holy Light Sect to warn those who don't respect the God of Holy Light enough and try to opportunistically steal the Holy Light."

"The priests of the Holy Light Sect use magic to release the miracles of the Holy Light, and they will be swallowed by the Holy Light, but the priests of the Druid Sect use magic to release natural miracles, it is no problem," Gawain looked at the alchemy tools and the inscribed runes. He shook his head slightly with the console of the magic circle, "What do you think is the biggest difference between them?"

"Because the God of our family is broad-minded," Pittmante solemnly made a religious gesture on his chest, "while the God of Holy Light is narrow-minded."

He acted very serious and serious, but Gawain was absolutely sure that this little old man had no respect for the gods of nature at all.

Although the abilities of druids have always been regarded as "half-magic and half-magic", the so-called divine magic here only refers to their sacred process. Everyone who knows the inside story is very clear that Drew Yi no longer has the ability to release divine spells, and in this world, without the support of divine spells, the so-called belief will become a pure spiritual sustenance of the natural spirits and various souls that druids believe in, to put it bluntly They used it to deceive themselves, so is Pittman the kind of person who deceives himself

If he was, he wouldn't even be unable to recite prayers!

So Gawain recognized that this druid is a miracle in the profession, so he didn't believe in his piety at all, but continued to look at him with a half-smile, until Pittman couldn't hold back anymore, and took the initiative to spread his hands : "Of course I have an explanation..."

Gawain laughed: "I just want to hear your druid's opinion."

"It's not that humans have stolen the authority of the gods, but that the gods have cut off the power that belongs to humans." Pittman said in short words enough to scare a lot of people to death in this era.

Of course, he dared to say so in this place far away from the center of the church, and the lord himself did not believe in religion.

Seeing that Gao Wen didn't react too much after hearing these words, but nodded thoughtfully, Pittman exhaled and said unhurriedly: "You should know, except for the druid who has become a spell Except for divine spells, all other divine spells are 'strictly self-locking'. Only the priests of the corresponding sect can perform divine spells on the premise of observing the teachings and performing divine spell rituals. As long as one condition is not met, even the most advanced It is impossible to release the simple holy light technique. If it is released forcibly, it will even cause the out-of-control and engulfment phenomenon we just mentioned. Why is this

"Three thousand years ago, the druids were still priests, and they used natural magic that was similar to the belief system of the god of light and the god of war. At that time, the druids' release of magic was actually similar to other priests, and they had to be strictly followed. According to the rules, if there is a slight deviation, the divine magic will go out of control. Why do you think the method of releasing magic has used the 'natural miracle' that should have disappeared?"

Gao Wen didn't say a word, but an answer gradually emerged in his heart:

Because the admin is offline...

When Xin looked at Pittman again, his eyes became strange.

Pittman shrank his neck uncomfortably.

"Your opinions are not like those of a low-level druid, half-baked antique appraiser, crappy stalker, or fake and shoddy hermit," Gawain said unhurriedly. Most scholars may not be able to say these words."

Pittman was taken aback immediately, and then had a bitter face: "I just said I shouldn't say it, it's a disaster..."

"I didn't say what to do with you," Gao Wen changed the subject, "Everyone has a little secret, you have it, I have it, and Amber has it, it's no big deal."

"Why does this suddenly involve Amber?" Pittman curled his lips, feeling a little more at ease in his heart, "But you just said that those scholars who are full of knowledge can't say these things... I don't agree with that."

While talking, the little old man chuckled twice: "The history of druids is not a secret, nor are magic and magic. Ordinary people may know little because of their status, but those who belong to various sects At the top, couldn't the big shots who can look up all the information and have a particularly good brain think of the same thing as me

"The smartest people know it in their hearts, but no one says it.

"After all, they can't reach God..."8)