Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 185: Hetty's work schedule


Gawain rubbed his eyes, and completely withdrew from the magical connection with the dream lantern.

After the video of the Ancestor's Peak ended, there was no more updated video data in the lantern.

This may be because Selina Geerfen transformed into a dark priest after that, and she lost the habit of recording her surroundings at any time due to her temperament change. So much for the clues in .

But these clues are enough to reveal countless facts.

Gawain was 80 to 90% confident that the set of equipment that Megal III was wearing at that time was some kind of "space suit", and the various magical blessings he had received before should also be for the purpose of allowing him to travel in space. (or similar environment), and as for the purpose of the whole ceremony, or the "destination" of Megoll III... If Selena's "narration" is to be believed, then the mysterious attempt to communicate with the gods, the other The essence is to send a Pope to the God Realm

So the God Realm is located in space? Or to go to the God Realm, one must experience a space journey for a period of time

What kind of truth did those religious leaders grasp seven hundred years ago

Selena mentioned a "divine revelation" in the narration. Those religious leaders seemed to have obtained information about the God Realm from the divine revelation, and learned about the environmental parameters of the God Realm, so they designed a plan based on those parameters. Protective clothing similar to spacesuits, and the divine inspiration seems to come from the Eternal Slate... In other words, those high-level church officials who can directly touch the Eternal Slate can not only learn about divine arts from the Slate, but can even "see" Spirit world

Gawain stood up, pacing the study while meditating. What he was most curious about now was whether the final result of the ceremony was Megaul III's success? Has he reached the God Realm? is he back What did he see, what did he hear, and what did he bring back

After the meeting of the Ancestors Summit, there were several dark sects that had degenerated into cults, but among them the most powerful, most mysterious, and most thoroughly depraved were the three parties of Doom, the Eternal Sleeper, and the Son of the Storm, and the sects of these three parties The leader happened to be the three people standing on the altar at that time...

At this moment, a knock on the door interrupted Gao Wen's thinking.

Gawain instantly judged that the person standing at the door could not be Amber, because the half-elf lady would come in directly through the window or come out from the Shadow Realm, nor could it be Rebecca, because Rebecca usually slaps the door open Remembering to knock on the door after he opened it, he shook his head, temporarily put aside his complicated thoughts, and cleared his throat: "Come in."

The door opened, and Hetty, with two big dark circles under her eyes, walked in holding a large stack of arranged documents, and her staff was floating beside her: she was the one who controlled the staff to knock on the door.

"Ancestor, the production report of the steel plant and the land survey report of the North Shore are here." Hetty came to the desk with the documents in her arms, carefully placed them on the table, and then exhaled slightly, "There is still next season." Take a look at the forest development plan, mine production and scale expansion plan, new residential area construction plan, night school scale expansion plan, stone factory construction plan, and pharmacist recruitment and training proposals!"

The eldest granddaughter babaed out the names of a lot of proposals in one breath, and even Gao Wen felt slightly shocked when the heavy documents were smashed on the table, and he suddenly looked stunned: "You have specially saved a bunch Are you looking for me?"

Hetty looked overly cultivated: "Of course not, I sorted out all these overnight, and each item is an imminent project. You have specially ordered it before. Once these plans are made, they must be given to you immediately. look."

The plan is a procedural product set by Gao Wen. Hetty has to admit that it can greatly improve the efficiency of the team and the accuracy of execution, but dealing with the plan reminds her of being crammed when she first learned magic. The suffering experience of endorsing, but there is still a little difference between the two. When she was a girl, she was forced to learn magic and was forced to duel with the teacher with a staff, but now she was forced to make a proposal. Grandparents fight...

So before I came here, I had to use eye shadow to draw big dark circles, hoping that my ancestors could notice the fact that I had over-cultivated immortals, and I could reduce my workload a little bit...

And Gao Wen also felt the deep resentment in Hetty's tone, thinking about it carefully, it seemed that he had ordered such a large number of tasks, so he could only comfort him with a dry smile: "Ahem, it's good, well done It's good, you can have two days of leisure after finishing all these busy tasks... "

He lowered his head while talking, roughly browsing a summary report placed on top, while Hetty took advantage of this moment to breathe a sigh of relief, and glanced at Gawain's desk casually.

She first saw the dream lantern, and paid a little attention to it, but this kind of magic auxiliary item is not her specialty, so she quickly averted her eyes, and then she saw the knight book in the corner of the desk. Biography, so I curiously picked it up and glanced at the title of the book on the cover.

Gawain Cecil's Affair with Heroes and Princesses.

The next second her expression became weird: "Ancestor, you... Is it really okay to read this kind of book?"

Gao Wen raised his eyelids for a glance, and suddenly saw that the book with a sensitive subject matter was in Hetty's hands. He was extremely embarrassed on the spot: "Oh, I forgot to put it away... Cough cough, I mean it's just a book ,Need not… "

In the middle of speaking, he suddenly realized, and looked at Heidi suspiciously: "... how do you know what this book is about?"

Hetty was stunned for a moment, and the next second her whole body froze there, cold sweat began to flow down her face, and it took her a while to hold back an explanation: "I just guessed the content after seeing the title of the book..."

Gawain looked Heidi up and down: "If you said that just now, I would still believe you, but your expression now is too unconvincing."

Hetty: "I... I just glanced at it accidentally! After all, it is really popular in the circle of noble ladies and ladies, and this... this is just a love book, which is actually very decent... I'm sorry ancestor, I was wrong!"

The corners of Gao Wen's mouth twitched, looking at the "Ms. Hetty" who was always known in the entire aristocratic circle for being "mature, stable, elegant and wise", bowing and apologizing to him like a little girl who had done something wrong, his face flushed Not only was she flushed red, but she was also sweating all over her forehead. If she were to change someone casually, she might never see her like this for the rest of her life. How should I put it, it was quite interesting.

To be honest, occasionally teasing Hetty, who is usually too serious, like this is quite fulfilling, but Gawain also knows how to let it go, and soon he coughed lightly, with a serious face: "Okay, okay, so Why are you nervous? I’ve read this book. Although the story has a lot of random fabrications, it’s just a romance of a normal knight marrying a princess. Although it’s a bit much to marry more than 80 people... huh, there’s nothing illegal about it place."

Hetty nodded vigorously: "What the ancestor said is true!"

Gawain curled his lips and glanced at Hetty: "But I have to remind you of something."

Hetty said in fear, "Ancestor, please tell me!"

"The dark circles under your eyes have taken off your make-up," Gao Wen looked helplessly at the n-tier great-granddaughter, "the color has faded from sweating."

Hetty: "..."

After a while, she bowed again: "I'm sorry ancestor, I was wrong!"

The corners of Gao Wen's eyes twitched, and he was worried that the work pressure he had put on Hetty was really too great, so that the eldest granddaughter could not bear it under the heavy pressure. Rebecca's thoughts gradually began to flow. Blood, just look at Rebecca's behavior style, most of the bloodlines are not only reckless but also harmonious...

The more he thought about it, the more he felt it was possible, so he sighed, and said dumbfoundedly: "Well, your work pressure is indeed a bit high recently... But fortunately, the most important winter construction projects have been finalized. Each of them has a craftsman leading a team, and the few clerks and internal affairs apprentices you brought should also be useful, so you can take a little rest and I will give you two days off."

Hetty blinked her eyes, but felt a little apprehensive despite being pleasantly surprised: "No... ancestor, I'm actually fine, now is the key to the construction of the territory..."

"Every day in the pioneering period is the key, but people can't rest forever. Even Nicholas has a special holiday for sunbathing, so you should also take a break." Gawain smiled and glanced at Hetty who was struggling, " However, after the holiday is over, I hope that you can conduct an assessment of the apprentices who are interns in various departments in the territory as soon as possible, and sort out a result of the assessment. If it is useful, you must consider implementing what I made a few months ago. That administrative apparatus."

For a long time, Gao Wen has worked hard to realize a complete, scientific, and efficient administrative organization in New Cecil Territory, but the scarcity of intellectuals in this era has led to a shortage of relevant talents. Key departments such as agriculture, internal affairs, military, and medical care There are always only one or two people running with full authority. It can be said that everyone from the department head to the grass-roots clerks is under the pressure of one person. Although this division of labor is much better than the chaotic management of most noble territories, it is different from the high-ranking officials. There is still a huge gap between what Wen thinks.

Therefore, as long as there are "intellectuals" who can read and write in the territory, Gao Wen will immediately select outstanding people to fill in the subordinates of the heads of various departments. These people have never been exposed to advanced organizational management concepts, so they were all You can only start as an apprentice, even the down-and-out scholars and bankrupt knights hired by Tanzan Town must be honest apprentices here.

And precisely because of the complex composition of these apprentices, Gao Wen did not think that all of them could successfully complete the "transformation within the organization".

Especially those broke knights and scholars.

Now that the "internship period" has passed, those apprentices who can't bear the pressure or adapt to the new system should be on the verge of running away. Gao Wen thinks it's time to conduct an assessment on them to screen out the truly usable talents and Let the management of the territory go a step further.

Hetty accepted Gawain's arrangement very seriously, but before leaving the study, she seemed to suddenly recall something, and said uncertainly: "Ancestor, I just saw that second-level arcanist who came from the king's capital has been Wandering around the Lord's Mansion, do you want to call him in?"

Gao Wen was stunned for a moment, and thought carefully: "... so there is such a person?"