Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 186: returnees


That's why Gawain brought Tire here.

Although the actual "identification operation" of this seafood was not the same as he originally expected, the result was still very satisfactory.

"This is the same type of creature as the giant squid, although their shapes are quite different," said Miss Siren who still retained a basic sense of reason in front of delicious food. She remembered the task that Gao Wen gave her, so she completed the "identification" "After that, he quickly arched back, and reported while drooling, "They have the same high-energy response. After the main body dies, the body tissue remains active... Sucking, and there is a natural attraction to the sea monster, which is an elemental creature. Force... sucking, and especially chewy... sucking... "

Gao Wen felt that he couldn't stand it any longer: "Why don't you take a nap first?"

"No, no," Tyre wiped his mouth vigorously, "I'm very reserved."

After saying this, the salted fish spirit raised his head and tried to shift his attention to a place other than "Small Dim Sum".

She stared blankly at the severely distorted metal wreckage floating around the body of "Giant Deer Amorn". As an individual from a highly civilized society, she naturally had an unusual understanding of these wonderful wreckage.

"This looks like a suicide attack," Miss Kraken guessed, "I found a large tear wound near the spine of the big white deer, and there were also fragments of metal debris in those wounds. The two seemed to have happened together. Very bad impact...”

"Suicide attack..." Gawain frowned and looked at the metal and crystals floating around the corpse, thinking about what benefits these things could bring to his territory.

This is a technological creation far beyond the imagination of today's human beings. There is no doubt about it. However, when the technology generation gap reaches a certain level, the relics of high civilization will lose their research and reference value for low civilization. It is stronger than Gondor back then. The empire, in the case of a gathering of elites, only roughly imitated the energy reaction on these wreckages, so as to create a protective barrier that can resist the "God's Will". Technical details of any kind, so what can today's Cecilland learn from these wrecks

I'm afraid they can't even cut these metals, just like the fragments of the Eternal Slate. All contemporary races believe that the Eternal Slate is a creation of the gods, and it cannot be divided by mortals except for self-disintegration.

Sit back and watch Baoshan but return empty-handed, this is probably Gao Wen's current mood.

"It would be nice if I were a deep-water technician." Tire shook the tip of his tail, seeming a little regretful, "Maybe I can learn something from these wrecks... We sea monsters have observed every season of civilization on the mainland, but never Having seen something like that, the wreckage is just... incredible."

Till seems careless and careless, but she is actually cautious and delicate in her bones. She knows that she is in a strange civilization entity, and as a special individual in this environment, she has well controlled her words, deeds and curiosity Xin, even when she came to this ancient fortress, saw the so-called dead bodies of gods, and saw the suspected god-killing weapons, she had never acted too outrageously, but at this moment, she still couldn't help but show her disapproval. interest in these wrecks.

"The deep-water technician you mentioned can analyze these wrecks?" Gawain listened to Tyre's words, and immediately turned his head to ask, "Can your technology analyze this thing?"

"I'm just talking," Till thought about it carefully, and waved his hand regretfully, "Our technology is stuck in a very subtle... bottleneck state, and deep-water technicians probably can't analyze these things that are completely different from our technical route. thing."

"That's right... That's really a pity."

Tyre was silent for a moment, then suddenly asked in a low voice: "By the way... this thing is the 'god' you mentioned, right?"

"Yes, you should have heard that this is the God of Nature."

After staying in human society for such a short period of time, Tire is no longer as confused about human religious system and three views as she was at the beginning. Now she probably understands what the gods human beings believe in. Meaning, and recently saw the flesh and blood of the gods collected by Gao Wen, she finally realized what the "big squid" she and her sisters usually dig in the deep sea is. Those supernatural idols really couldn't resonate with Tire, and she wanted to express her surprise when she heard Gawain's affirmative answer, but in the end she could only sigh: "Oh, it's quite chewy. "

"I don't know how many believers will be scared to death by your words," Gao Wen smiled helplessly, "but having said that...there are not many people who still believe in the God of Nature."

Since the fall of the White Star, the demise of the God of Nature has become a fact that people don't say but they know. Three thousand years have completely destroyed the original druid belief system. In the only "sacrifice" druid" After the "Holy Spirit School" also degenerated into the Death of All Things Society, there are no open believers in the God of Nature in this world.

But Gawain is still sure that if the secret in this different dimension is made public, it will still be enough to cause a huge shock in the whole world.

Then Cecil Collar would be on the cusp.

So he must not let these news leak out, at least now that the territory is still fledgling, he cannot let these news leak out casually.

However, Gao Wen still hoped that this time he could dig out as much as possible from this "treasure mountain" and take it out, so he turned his head to look at Kamel: "Kammel, back then, you recovered from the corpse of the god and the wreckage around the corpse of the god. Is the tool used to cut the sample still available?"

Kamel's voice came from the armor piece: "It's definitely unusable, and even if it can be used, I absolutely don't recommend you touch anything here."

Gao Wen frowned: "Why?"

"The giant deer Amoen is not as 'calm' as you seem," Kamel warned solemnly, "The god is dead, but his flesh and blood are immortal. He has a life pattern that humans cannot understand. What you see This corpse has never stopped regenerating in the past three thousand years, and some unknown power has been repairing it, but these steel wreckages entangled with the god's corpse inhibit this regeneration process, and the two form a delicate balance It can be maintained until today. When we collected samples here, no matter whether we collected samples from the corpses of the gods or from those wreckages, we would pay a huge sacrifice every time, and at the same time, it would be accompanied by great dangers, but now... we may not be able to afford this risk."


Gawain muttered something to himself, and couldn't help but look at Tyre, who was babbling beside him.

The gods seem to be unkillable, although there seems to be a wave of powerful Zentraedi fleets killing the gods a long time ago, but after they left, these dead gods returned to the gods one after another ( Anyway, regardless of whether they return or not, there are people on the gods who answer the phone), and the Lord of Storms in the deep sea and the God of Nature in the Shadow Realm are unable to return because of accidents, one is the life of being gnawed I can't take care of myself, one is the life of being stunned by the interstellar car accident and I can't take care of myself...

But it seems that as long as these external inhibitory factors are lifted, they will still be alive

Gao Wen didn't know if the benevolent, great, and selfless gods that those pious believers said were really so majestic, but he judged from the scene of the car accident in front of him, if the giant deer Amoen woke up, he would probably be very happy …

He decided to follow his inner guidance (and Kamel's warning), not to rashly touch Amorn and the wreckage around him when his technical ability and productivity were not enough, and let the god of nature continue in the Shadow Realm. Sleep peacefully.

But other samples that can be used in the fortress should be packed away as much as possible. Maybe when the magic door is closed again, those samples that have been handed down from the Starfire era to the present will be wealth that cannot be copied by then.

"Let's go, we've stayed in this place long enough." Gawain glanced back at the corpse of the giant deer Amoen, and then took a deep look at the distorted and seemingly unchanging creatures floating around the god corpse. The wreck exhaled lightly, and then looked at the ancient magister floating in the air not far away, "Kamel, are you ready to return to the human world?"

The ancient magister fell silent.

When this day really came, Kamel found that he was completely unprepared.

In the past hundreds of years, he has imagined countless times when he left this place and returned to human society, but he never thought that this day would really come, let alone that he would be before this day. It lost the most basic attribute of "human being".

Hearing Gao Wen's question, he lowered his head, looked at his completely heterogeneous body, felt the magic energy flowing in his body, and suddenly flinched and feared.

"This appearance... can it return to human beings?"

"The outside world has changed a lot. You will face challenges when you return in any form, but in the land I rule, I can at least guarantee that you will be accepted by everyone," Gao Wen said slowly, "There are already people in my territory. Quite a lot... challenge the conventional things, my people are used to accepting things beyond the three views, and a powerful magister from ancient times will be respected by them. Of course, the premise of all this is that you have to learn to abide by this The rules of the times, respect... my right to rule the land."

After a longer silence, the arcane energy in Kamel's body gradually became brighter, and he finally broke the silence: "Before accepting this long mission, all of us knew that this is a road full of hardships. But for the continuation of the race, we are willing to give up everything we are born as human beings... Now, perhaps it is time to re-fulfill the vows we made back then.

"Senior advisor to the Magisters of Gondor, the watchman of the 'disobedient' fortress, Kamel Slane, will continue to fulfill the oath I made a thousand years ago. In the name of humanity, I swear allegiance to you, Lord."