Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 187: pea


Hearing Byron's words, Gawain was finally stunned: "Girl?"

"That's right..." Knight Byron's face almost wrinkled into an abstract painting, "I only found out when I was giving her a bath, and I was shocked at the time!"

Gawain's eyebrows trembled twice, and he looked at the middle-aged knight with a strange expression: "Don't tell me what you think, the kid is probably not ten years old, okay?"

When Byron heard this, he quickly waved his hands: "Impossible, impossible. Although I am a mercenary, I am not so vulgar, but I think I may not be able to adopt her..."

Gao Wen found it interesting, so he was not in a hurry to continue researching his own information, but looked into Mr. Knight's eyes: "Why? Just because she is a woman, you think you can't adopt her as your heir? Can't see you Still a stodgy guy in that regard."

"Of course it's not because of this," Byron said with a bitter face, "she saved my life, and it's okay for me to pass on my martial arts and property to her, but I'm a big bastard...how can I raise a girl well? I thought it was a boy at first, but now I don’t know what to do... "

Gawain half smiled, but his gaze suddenly passed over Knight Byron's body and looked in the direction of the tent door.

A thin and small figure was standing there.

Byron also realized something, and looked back hesitantly, and sure enough, he saw the little mute who secretly followed him.

He...she had already taken a bath, combed her hair, and changed into a clean coarse cloth dress, but the plot of "a stray dirty child takes a bath and changes into a little princess" did not happen to this child. Although she can see that she is a girl now, she has not become much prettier than before: long-term malnutrition and labor beyond the body load make her look yellow and emaciated, her skin is rough, and her hair hangs like a clump of dry weeds. On the head, even after combing, her body was thin, and her face was sunken and sunken from lack of nutrition, and there was nothing lovely about it.

She ran over in a daze, as if she didn't realize that this place was not allowed to trespass until now, and now she stood at the door stupidly, and at the same time carefully put her hands and feet together, her face was full of nervousness and helplessness.

She should have heard the conversation between Gawain and Byron just now.

"Your daughter is here to look for you." Gawain glanced at Byron with a smile, and then waved to the dumb girl at the door, telling the child to come over.

"My lord..." Byron yelled a little helplessly, but then saw the little mute walking towards him, and the expression on his face quickly turned into embarrassment and anxiety, "You... why did you follow, it doesn't mean that this place cannot Are you running around?"

"Byron," Gawain said, "I know you think it's difficult, but you can't throw this child aside. Since you promised to adopt her at the beginning, then this promise should not be based on any follow-up. Conditions. Take good care of her."

"I..." Byron opened his mouth, but finally nodded, "Yes, I understand."

"If you encounter difficulties, you can ask someone to help. There are people in the territory who know how to take care of children. Don't let go of your knight airs and I guess you don't have such airs." Gawain laughed, "This child not only saved you , It also helped me, I can solve the crisis in Tanzan Town thanks to her, this child has brought good luck to our territory, we can't treat her badly."

Knight Byron nodded in agreement, while the little mute blinked and looked at Gawain and then at Byron. She could understand what these people were saying, but she didn't understand the profound content of knights and territories, so she seemed a little at a loss .

At this time Gao Wen suddenly asked, "Does she have a name?"

"Name?" Byron seemed to have thought of this at this moment, "Oh, yes, I don't know her name yet... I was so anxious about it before."

"She should have a name, but it's a pity that she can't speak. I'm afraid none of us will know her name." Gawain glanced at the little mute, "Do you want us to give you a name?"

The dumb child immediately stretched out his hands to make gestures and strokes, but Gawain and Byron didn't understand her meaning at all. After a difficult communication failed, the little mute suddenly yelled "Ugh" and ran out of the room at a trot. tent.

Gawain and Byron looked at each other blankly, and then decided to wait and see, but after a long time, the child ran back out of breath.

She stretched out her hand in front of Gao Wen, with a few peas lying in her palm.

After reacting for a long time, Gao Wen finally guessed what the child meant: "You mean, your name is Pea?"

The dumb child nodded vigorously, and with one hand he grasped the waistband of the coarse cloth skirt a little harder, and with the other hand, he pushed the peas forward a little.

It was Byron who reacted this time: "You don't want a new name, but you want to continue to be called Pea?"

The dumb boy nodded vigorously again.

"This name should be given by her parents. If it was given by the businessman who cut off her tongue, she would not pay so much attention to it," Gawain said speculatively. I hope she can fill her stomach with thoughts."

As he spoke, he reached out and pressed "Pea"'s hair, which really felt like a mass of weeds.

"Although she can't speak, she can understand. In the future, you have to pay attention to your words and deeds and set an example for your children." Gawain glanced at Byron with a smile, and remembered something at the same time, "By the way, The purchase of serfs and the handover of refugees in Tanzania Town are now being assisted by Viscount Andrew, and you don’t need to watch them personally. You can leave this matter to a few smart and capable subordinates. I have a new task for you. .”

Hearing that there was a new mission, Knight Byron immediately straightened up with a serious expression.

"Don't be so nervous, the mission location is within the territory. I want you to organize a group of people and go to the ruins in the Dark Mountains to investigate the situation."

Byron became curious: "Are you ready to fully explore there?"

"Viscount Andrew dug out the fragments of the Eternal Slate under the Tanzanite Mine. I am getting more and more worried about the ruins in our territory, so I have to speed up the progress." Gawain nodded, "You are a mercenary, yes You should have some experience in exploring this kind of ruins, find some cautious and courageous players, bring the best equipment, first find out all the corridors and rooms on the shallow floor, and draw a map. I don’t ask for speed, but for safety I don't want experienced fighters to die in that kind of place, and I don't want you to miss something important, understand?"

Byron straightened his body: "Yes, don't worry, I do have some experience in this area, and I won't let you down."

Knight Byron left, and Gawain walked out of the tent, looking at the territory that had been growing day by day.

Not long ago, it was just a "camp".

The Frost Moon is approaching, and the weather is getting colder day by day, but the New Cecil collar is gradually on the right track. The first-generation mana engine has been adjusted and optimized by Nicholas Egg, and it has now officially appeared in the In front of the citizens, this grotesque but powerful machine that operates by magic but can be controlled by ordinary people shocked many people's eyes. When they were first put into use, many serfs and civilians even Looking at those machines with fearful eyes, they seem to think that there are countless invisible little devils living between the repulsion mechanism and the connecting rod bearing. It was difficult to recruit, and later even forced means were used to ensure that each machine had enough manpower to operate it...

But this stupid and ridiculous situation lasted only a short time.

At the request of Gao Wen, the system of "preaching" and "educating" is being followed in the territory. All new things, whether it is new laws or new machines, must be repeatedly read and educated to the people. Eliminate ignorance and ignorance in a piece of land, so within a few days, people know that those machines are a new kind of magical device, and it can be manipulated by ordinary people not because there are demons in the machines sucking the soul and flesh of ordinary people , but the crystallization of wisdom and technology.

In his propaganda, Gao Wen deliberately emphasized the existence of "ordinary people" in the entire machine R&D team. In particular, he engraved the names of all the craftsmen who participated in the early R&D on the surface of the machine, and those craftsmen lived with everyone on weekdays. As a result, they received countless admiring and admiring glances, and what Gao Wen gained was the spirit of those serfs and commoners who were once numb and ignorant.

Now in the territory, ordinary people can already be seen walking around with smiles on their faces.

And under the surging power of the magic engine, the various basic productions of the territory are proceeding at an astonishing speed.

The mine is using the magic engine to pull the mine cart and pump out the seepage water. The supply of iron ore is becoming stable. Now the only thing that restricts the supply is the uneven road between the mine and the steel factory, and Gawain has already started to order the construction With the help of Hetty's magic, it was not difficult to level and build a simple road for this section of the road.

The production progress of the machinery manufacturing plant is astonishing. Although the golden thigh of the iron ball star man has no legs, he is stronger than Gao Wen expected. All kinds of simple lathes he can think of are being produced day and night. Without the rune furnace powered by the magic net and sufficient ore supply, the steel reserves of the entire territory may not be able to keep up with the consumption rate of Nicholas eggs.

The brick kiln factory has already used the simple molding machine from the machinery manufacturing plant, and the "cement" that Rebecca tossed has also achieved preliminary results. She has tossed out a cementing substance that meets the standard strength. There are still big problems, but Gao Wen can already consider letting the territory get rid of wooden houses and tents, and enter the stage of "hard housing"...

At this stage of material construction being carried out smoothly, the biggest problem is the shortage of talents.

Labor is not a problem for the time being, because the area opened up by the territory is only that big for the time being, but there are not enough talents to maintain and continue to promote the new machinery and new technologies that are constantly emerging.

Technological progress cannot be accomplished by a few people. Although a few genius ideas may indeed produce things that can change the times, but to promote the application of these things and form a continuous industrial chain, it requires a lot of low-end technology personnel.

There are not many "geniuses" in those one hundred people, and there are not even many talents.

Not everyone who is deviant and rejected by the mainstream society is a genius. In many cases, they are rejected by the mainstream society only because of their low EQ. However, the lost EQ will not be turned into skill points and added to IQ.

Although Gao Wen had said at the beginning that "the territory welcomes deviant people", it was more for his own encouragement and encouragement. He himself knew that it was quite unrealistic to expect the capital to screen him a hundred times changers. And the fact is exactly the same: except for Jenny, who is of great value and a few good seedlings, among the hundred people, the rest are basically mediocre people, who may be able to complete their jobs, but they cannot demand More.

I don't know how many intellectuals Viscount Andrew can find for himself... Considering the overall level of education in this era, we can't expect too much.

At this moment, a shout from not far away suddenly interrupted Gawain's thinking.

"Master Ancestor! Lord Ancestor!" Rebecca yelled and ran towards this side, bouncing up and down, waving her signature iron staff while running, Waving a large roll of paper.

Gao Wen subconsciously trembled when he saw the iron staff in the girl's hand. Is this another test of the Sabbath staff from his ancestors

But then he saw Jenny following Rebecca. The rune teacher was holding more scrolls. Becca slow down.

Only then did Gao Wen heave a sigh of relief: It seems that Rebecca didn't come here to murder her ancestors...

After the two of them ran in front of them, Gao Wen looked at his great-granddaughter curiously: "Slow down, catch your breath, what's wrong with you?"

"I... we both studied the wild mage's notes and... and the rules of the runes," Rebecca panted hard, and finally took a deep breath and said, "then we calculated the infinite expansion structure of the magic net !!"