Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 189: missionary


When Gao Wen brought Amber and Heidi and followed the soldiers' guidance to a construction site near the brick kiln factory, the weird priest who suddenly appeared on the territory had been busy for a while.

He was a shaggy, weather-stained, and remarkably muscular burly man who, despite the cold late frost month, was just like the workmen, delivering heavy baskets of bricks to where the walls were being laid. He was sweating so much that he took off the shabby priest's robe and tied it around his waist as a loincloth, revealing the strong muscles and bronze skin of the upper body.

That shoulder meat is almost ready to die with the heretics at any time.

The workers were engrossed in working with this man who appeared out of nowhere, but they secretly looked up at him from time to time, obviously they had already discovered that this was a strange stranger, and the supervisor (and recorder) of the construction site Then he looked helplessly at the side, and after noticing the arrival of the lord, the overseer immediately trotted up to greet him: "My lord! You can count yourself here, this is really..."

"What's the situation with this man?" Gawain looked at the burly man on the construction site in bewilderment who was busy moving bricks, "The priest of the Church of the Holy Light? What kind of painting style? Why did he suddenly come to work on my territory?" gone?"

"We don't know where he came from!" The overseer looked mad, "He said that he was ordered to come to the south to preach, and then asked the workers if anyone was interested in the Holy Light. Does anyone know the origin of this person? Of course, no one paid attention to him. I also told him that everyone has not finished their work now, and no one has time to listen to him. As a result, this person ran to move bricks without saying a word, and he couldn’t stop his strength Scary big!"

"... Just looking at that size, you can tell that your strength is not small," Amber glanced at the burly man in astonishment. When she heard that a priest who seemed to be from the Holy Light Sect came here, she was excited and ready to fight against him After three hundred rounds (or being beaten up by the other party), she planned to extort a sum of medical expenses from Gao Wen, but because of her brain circuit, she didn't expect such a number one person to come, and she couldn't react immediately. "Isn't this really a paladin who went out wearing the wrong clothes and came out in a robe?"

The overseer spread his hands: "I asked, and it is said that it is a missionary who traveled from the central region."

Gao Wen frowned, and waved to the soldiers and the supervisor in front of him: "Don't be nervous, I'll go over and make contact."

As he spoke, he led Amber and Hetty forward.

The workers who were working soon saw Gao Wen approaching, and all of them stopped their work nervously and in awe to salute, but Gao Wen stopped them with his eyes and waved his hand: "Don't worry about me, busy!" Just do it yourself."

The sturdy man who was working finally noticed the change in the atmosphere. He unloaded a basket of bricks from his shoulders, looked up at his surroundings, and then turned his head to look at Gao Wen: "The manager is here? Is it the manager?"

This style of speaking... really doesn't look like the priests that are common in the Church of the Holy Light.

Gao Wen was now wearing casual clothes, and although he carried the Pioneer Sword with him, it was blocked by the scabbard. Apart from his height, it would be very difficult for an outsider to immediately see him without a decent guard around him. The big man in front of him was associated with Duke Cecil (Amber belonged to a bad guard), and realizing that the burly man in front of him did not recognize his identity, Gawain followed him and said, "Yes, I am from this area. steward. What do you do?"

"Great, I finally met someone who can speak effectively!" The big man looked very happy, he casually wiped his sweat, then fumbled for a long time from the robe tied around his waist, and finally took out a crumpled Handed over the paperwork, "Can you help me deliver this to your lord? I stood on a high place and watched for a long time, but I couldn't find where his castle is."

Gao Wen took the document, randomly found a pile of bricks beside him and sat down, and motioned for the other party to sit down too. Then he looked down and saw that the document written on high-grade parchment only had a simple sentence: Appoint the loyal servant of the Lord and priest of the Holy Light, Wright Aviken, to go to the southern border to preach the teachings of the Lord and spread the way of the Holy Light.

Below it is the emblem of the Church of the Holy Light and the seal of a certain bishop.

Is this really a missionary

Gao Wen was stunned, and put away the paperwork casually: "Okay, I will pass it on, but I have to ask you a few questions first."

"Okay... ah, wait a minute," the big man just nodded halfway, then he stood up suddenly and stopped a serf who was walking by him, "wait a minute, there is something wrong with your arm."

The serf stopped blankly, and suddenly showed a little nervousness when he saw Gawain sitting next to him, but the latter just nodded slightly, expressing that he didn't need to care about Gawain and was also curious about what this inexplicable missionary wanted. what to do.

Then he saw the missionary named "Wright" put one hand on the serf's shoulder, drew the emblem of the God of Holy Light in the air with the other hand, and recited the words of prayer, and As the prayer proceeded, a faint white light also appeared on his two hands, and a serene and peaceful atmosphere filled the surrounding air. The bare-chested, slovenly burly man seemed a little holy in this holy light feeling.

Soon, the treatment was over. Missionary Wright withdrew his hand and nodded to the serf: "Okay, a little dark wound, and it won't happen even in cloudy and rainy days. May the Lord bless you."

The serf moved his shoulders inexplicably, probably because he felt obvious comfort. He couldn't help but nodded to Wright with an excited expression, and then returned to the working position while moving his shoulders.

Missionary Wright slapped his hands as if he had finished a trivial matter, and turned to look at Gawain: "I'm done, you can ask."

Gao Wen watched the whole process indifferently, and was only a little surprised at the end that the "missionary" only said "May the Lord bless you" instead of taking this opportunity to hold people back and talk for half an hour. The Way of the Holy Light, then he came back to his senses and nodded to Wright: "Are you here to preach?"

"It's stated in the document that the Central Diocese sent me," the man nodded, "The signature is Bishop Megaul. I set off from the Plain of the Holy Spirit and walked all the way here. , stop and go all the way, it has been more than a year."

Then he added: "I only recently learned about the Cecil family's establishment of a new pioneering land here. Originally, my last stop was Tanzanite Town, but now my next stop is here. I am planning to go to this place Stay here for a long time, and if you can get the permission of the resurrected Duke, you can build a church here."

Amber poked Gao Wen's arm and whispered, "Hey, what about you?"

Gawain tensed his arm muscles calmly, causing Amber to retract her fingers as if they were poking on a steel plate. Then he frowned and looked at Wright: "Then why did you suddenly come here to help with work?"

"The supervisor said just now, everyone is working, so they don't have time to listen to my preaching," Wright shrugged, "Then I can help them finish their work quickly, so I can preach."

"Just because of this?"

Wright took it for granted: "Yes, it's because of this."

At this moment, Heidi finally couldn't help but speak: "Excuse me, but I have also seen missionaries from the Church of the Holy Light traveling abroad, but none of them are like you... Could it be that you were a paladin before?"

"I am a priest, I have always been," Wright looked down at the muscles on his body, taking it for granted again, "However, it is more dangerous to preach abroad, and I often encounter beasts and robbers. The priest's own combat magic is too little, exercise It’s also good to protect your health. And sometimes you don’t have enough money, so you have to help the local people to do some work in exchange for some food. It doesn’t matter if your body is not strong.”

"The missionaries of the Church of the Holy Light don't have the tradition of working for food," Hetty said with a strange expression on his face, "Supernatural beings don't need to sell their physical strength wherever they go, let alone selling their physical strength to ordinary people. I have never heard of such a thing. "

"Ma'am, you're wrong," Wright immediately looked serious, "The way of the Holy Light tells us that people cannot get something for nothing, and the way of the Holy Light tells us that everyone is a citizen of the Holy Light. The people of the Holy Light, why should there be any difference between ordinary people and ordinary people?"

Amber looked the strong man up and down in surprise: "You really take these words seriously?"

Wright once again showed a natural expression: "How can the teachings of the Holy Light be regarded as false?"

Looking at this strange missionary, Gao Wen didn't speak for a while.

He was quickly thinking about whether the person in front of him was suspicious, guessing whether he was related to the previous visit of Princess Veronica, and guessing how credible his words were.

If those words are true, then it seems that there is nothing to worry about. This priest of Shengguang has been traveling since a year ago, and at that time, Gao Wen hadn't opened his coffin yet. The arrival of this priest was just an accident .

If it is not true, it would be a sensitive matter in Gao Wen's view that a missionary of the Holy Light came to this territory suddenly.

But for some reason, looking at this missionary of the Holy Light with a strange painting style, Gao Wen always felt that this matter... had nothing to do with conspiracy.

But no matter what, even if he has a little wariness and estrangement from the current belief in the gods in this world, as a lord, he can't just drive out such a missionary, especially if the other party has no one in this land. If he breaks any laws, and even offers to help with work and treat patients, he can't do so, otherwise the law and order he himself enforced will be hit.

And he also wanted to observe to see where this person came from and what his purpose was.

While Gao Wen was thinking, the missionary Wright was also looking at the three people in front of him, and suddenly asked: "By the way, are you three interested in the way of the Holy Light?"

The three of Gao Wen did not speak in unison at all:

"I am a believer in the goddess of magic, and I don't want to believe in other gods anymore."

"You are lame, I believe in shadows!"

"Not interested, thank you."

Missionary Wright nodded: "Oh, forget it." 8)