Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 191: Get a big guy in


Gawain walked on the avenue of this "City of Fantasy" with Charles I's face on his face, without any worry that he would be exposed.

Because he has seen more than 20 Charles I along the way...

Charles I is not an earth-shattering handsome guy, but obviously, walking on the street with the face of the founding king of Ansu has a different feeling. These eternal sleeper cultists immersed in the virtual world still have seven emotions and six desires after all. Mortals who still have personal hobbies in some... strange places.

All this gave Gao Wen an inexplicable sense of disobedience.

Is this what the Eternal Sleepers are trying to pursue and create? An illusory, beautiful, even mythical world... dream

Gao Wen could clearly feel that this virtual world was very different from the illusions he had encountered before. This place was not only more magnificent, but also more real, making it easier to indulge in it. Every leaf and every ray of sunshine here , and even every speck of dust has been molded and operated according to the real world, while the "residents" walking in the streets and alleys enjoy all this with satisfaction and joy, as if they don't remember at all This is like a virtual space.

Gao Wen was still a little surprised. He didn't expect that there would be so many people in the Eternal Sleepers.

If this huge city and the floating lands and palaces in the sky are full of people, then the number of Eternal Sleepers cultists may reach a sensational level, and millions of them are possible.

A low-key cult group that is secretly developing... Could it have such a large population

Gao Wen walked in this dream city full of doubts, and in the process of meeting the "residents" of the city, he also gradually increased his understanding of this incredible place.

Crossing the avenue in the center of the city, Gawain wandered here following his intuition, looking for things that might reveal more about the mysteries of the city, but when he tried to pass through a dome building that no one visited, he had to He didn't stop.

There is a loophole here in the supposedly perfect "dreamland". He saw that the light and shadow inside the dome building were messy and broken. In the gaps in the marble floor, you can see large gray-black dull voids, and the messy and broken light in mid-air connects with the voids, forming a chaotic appearance.

This is already the fourth "unfinished area" he has found in the city.

He thought of the information he had heard from the "residents" before.

This city of dreams was activated in advance. It seems that in the original plan of the Eternal Sleepers, they will have to prepare for a long time before activating this huge spiritual network. However, the change of the situation forced them to start all this in advance. As a result, there are many "loopholes" in the city of dreams. And not only is the city of dreams unfinished, but even the land and palaces floating in the sky are unfinished. Many lands only have complete outlines, and there are no plants or colors on the surface, while the palace is simply an empty shell. It is a "spiritual void" that can devour the mind.

Gawain didn't know what was the "change in the situation" that prompted the eternal sleepers to activate this spiritual network in advance, but he instinctively believed that it was mostly related to the "return of the stars". The "Son of the Storm" who fought seemed to know about the return of the stars and the recovery of the gods. They often held grand astrological ceremonies, or painted paintings related to the stars and ancient gods on the reefs. The closely related Eternal Sleepers must also know this information.

The stars returned to their positions, and the gods woke up. In order to welcome this grand event, so the cultists had to offer "sacrifices" that had not been prepared in advance

This is the only reasonable explanation that Gao Wen can think of. Although there are still many unknowns in it, the general direction should be correct.

It's just that any cultist would never have guessed that the position of the stars in this world has been correct sixteen times, and their god still can't wake up.

Gao Wen didn't know if there were other god corpses on this planet, but he knew that the only god whose whereabouts were clear was lying on the bottom of the sea, and there wasn't enough for those deep-sea gods to eat.

In this way, the psychic network activated by these cultists in advance is tantamount to a waste of effort, and the loss of manpower and material resources, plan disruption and rearrangement, and exposure risks caused by their forced advance in the process will severely hit their arrogance .

Thinking of this, Gao Wen couldn't help laughing happily, shook his head and left the impassable dome with a smile.

He knows that the three major dark sects have a rich background, even if they all start some large-scale rituals in advance by accident and suffer losses, they will not have any impact on their foundation, but in any case, the loss is at least a loss. In a short period of time, the frequency of their troubles will be greatly reduced.

The "residents" in the city are still "living" happily, and everyone has a beaming look on their faces. They use hallucinations and dreams to numb their nerves, and immerse themselves in the joy of fulfilling their long-cherished wishes. I just don't know how long their happy mood can last, maybe until the position of the stars has passed, but still no one wakes up.

In order to avoid trouble, Gao Wen did not return to the main road of the city, but walked along the small road between the buildings, gradually approaching the central area of this dream city, and the moment he stepped into the central area, he felt The surrounding atmosphere has changed.

There is a solemn and solemn atmosphere lingering here. The relaxed and leisurely atmosphere in the outer city area disappeared as if blocked by an invisible barrier. Gao Wen looked around in astonishment, and finally saw something. An extremely thin, almost transparent "wall" stands behind him, and this wall extends to both sides, as if to surround the entire city center.

Gao Wen cautiously did not move around, but carefully observed the situation around this transparent wall. He soon discovered that almost all the "residents" were only active outside the wall, and only a small number of "residents" would pass through. The walls, and these "residents" who pass through the walls are divided into two types, some just walk in casually like myself, and some have to stop in front of the wall for a long time, recite some formulas or press their hands on the wall to input some instructions Only after that can you come in.

Is this a "permission lock"? Only those who are qualified can pass

Gawain looked down at his body in astonishment. He was sure that he just walked in casually. Even after passing through the wall, he realized the existence of this barrier due to the change of surrounding breath.

I have some kind of "high authority" here

Where did this high authority come from... Could it be the "authority" of the eternal sleeper that he swallowed

Gao Wen frowned. If this is the case, then this group of Eternal Sleepers is really messed up in the authority system. The dead members of the religious order did not have a cancellation number and replaced them with vests. …

But after thinking about it carefully, he found that this is actually not a loophole. Under normal circumstances, the death of this person is equivalent to automatic cancellation. Who would have thought that a devourer like himself would come in wearing a dead man's vest? …

In any case, Gao Wen raised his vigilance and decided to avoid contact with others more cautiously: the higher the authority, the fewer people can pass through, and the fewer people can pass, he will attract attention in it The higher the probability, if the eternal sleeper swallowed by him is an existence similar to the four heavenly kings and five elders in the entire cult group, then he will break into the highest authority space and follow the remaining few heavenly kings. Once the elders meet each other, everything is exposed.

He is not afraid that he will lose to this group of weak chickens who have less than a few hundred years of memory experience in the confrontation at the spiritual level, but if he is canceled and kicked out of this spiritual network, he will be in big trouble.

While walking forward in such a low-key manner, he suddenly noticed a small square in front of him. An extremely beautiful light blue crystal was suspended above the ground in the center of this small square. The shimmering particles emitted from the surface of the crystal The entire square was reflected mysteriously and beautifully, and around the crystal, there were scattered figures standing. They didn't talk to each other, obviously they were not gathering here. Gawain saw several of them put their hands on the crystal. on the surface, while the rest of the people just stood there with their eyes closed, as if thinking.

What are those crystals for

Gao Wen frowned, and began to search for the memory of the Eternal Sleeper that he had devoured. After a difficult search, he finally found a hint from the messy and broken information that it seemed to be some kind of thing used to transmit information. And it's also high-end.

Is it the superior communication node of the mind network? The "embodied projection" of communication nodes in virtual space

Gao Wen hesitated for a moment, and decided not to let this opportunity go.

He came to the square calmly, and the cultist who put his hand on the crystal next to the crystal gave him a sideways look, but no one spoke, and the two nearest people just moved a little to make room for Gawain. Open up some places.

Gawain didn't respond too much, just nodded slightly. He has already established a connection with the crystal, and now he must concentrate on it.

After several unsuccessful attempts, he finally figured out how to use the knowledge he had devoured. Suddenly, he felt some pieces of information flashed in his mind, and in the next second, the huge database The door is open to him!

It worked!

Huge amounts of data and information are flowing through Gao Wen's mind. He observed in amazement the "database" constructed by these Eternal Sleepers cultists in this spiritual network, and lamented once again that this world can't tell whether it is advanced or not. Outdated tech tree.

Who would have thought that a group of crazy cultists would create a huge spiritual network, a huge virtual world, and a huge information exchange and processing structure in such a seemingly backward world of the Middle Ages!

Of course, they built all of this rudely with unreasonable magic, and the way of using this advanced system is also very primitive and backward. In Gao Wen's view, they are obsessed with creating a virtual world of extreme enjoyment. Far more than using this psychic network to solve various practical problems, but it is undeniable that this is really a great creation.

It was so great that Gao Wen couldn't help thinking of it...

At the same time that various ideas of stealing technology came to mind, Gao Wen did not stop searching for those information streams. Most of these information were useless, because this virtual world had just started, and most of the content in its information network was He was reporting the operation status of illusory spaces everywhere, but suddenly, a piece of information caught his attention:

"The eighteenth cracking plan for Gawain Cecil's memory fragments, and the notice to requisition more computing power."