Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 194: Santis Seid


Santis Seid stood stiffly in front of the mansion's gate, checking every button and crease on his body over and over again. His messy hair and slightly bloodshot eyes showed that he had been in the same place last night. Didn't get much sleep all night, and that was the result of extreme stress.

"You have to be confident, you have to show your profound knowledge in magic theory, you have to answer every question of the lord in a timely manner, you can't cough loudly or be vague, and you can't be casual in front of the lord..."

The second-level magician muttered in a low voice, repeating several key points as if he was memorizing exercises before an exam. At this moment, the door of the lord's mansion in front of him suddenly opened, and a woman in a maid skirt A girl who didn't look like a teenager ran out of it quickly, ran out the gate, ran across the small front yard, and slammed on the brakes in front of Santis Seid in a dangerous posture as if she was about to fall Stand still, startling the latter.

The little maid Betty looked around, then stared into Santis' eyes, and said crisply: "Did you see a suspicious figure stalking around?"

Santis just woke up from his own nagging, but didn't realize it all at once: "Ah? Suspicious person? Didn't see..."

"Okay, thank you!" Betty bowed exaggeratedly, turned around and ran back as quickly as when she ran out, leaving Mr. Arcanist in a daze behind, not knowing what happened.

It wasn't until two seconds later that Santis woke up and realized that he might be the person the maid was looking for

How can there be such a reckless maid in the world...

And just when he was in a daze, the door of the lord's mansion was pushed open again, and the hot-tempered little maid ran out of it again, and ran to Santis: "Are you the one nearby?" Suspicious figures skulking around?"

"Uh... I was wandering around just now, but I'm not sneaky or suspicious," Santis explained a little at a loss, he always felt that the little maid in front of him seemed to be not very smart, I'm afraid that if I say a wrong word, the other party will misunderstand that the maid is not a person of high status, but if she can send a message, it means that she can talk directly to the lord. You must be careful when you speak, "I have something to do. I want to see the lord, yes..."

Betty didn't wait for the other party to finish speaking, and said loudly with a happy face: "Oh, then you come in, the master is looking for you!"

A while later, Gawain saw this second-level arcanist from the royal capital: Santis Seid in the study.

He already remembered that he had seen the other party's name in the one-hundred-member support team from the capital, and a second-level arcanist was considered a rare "upper-class talent" in that team. According to the level distribution of this era, professionals are destined to be nobler than ordinary craftsmen, and spellcasters are nobles among professionals. Knowledge, this arcanist can be said to be the backbone elite of the team, so he was arranged by Gawain to the Mana Crystal Smelting Factory to test various ratios of crystal products.

But after that, he completely forgot about this person.

On the one hand, he is indeed busy with affairs, and he has no peace all day because of the disturbance of the territory and the cultists outside. On the other hand, this Mr. Santis really has no sense of existence, and he has neither tried hard to get higher treatment. He didn't make any outstanding contributions, and after he was assigned to the smelting plant, he honestly fired kilns there. According to what Heti heard, this Mr. Arcanist of the King's Capital "" Mixed with those kiln workers, so ashamed that they couldn't tell the difference." If he hadn't taken the initiative to run over this time, Gawain would have completely forgotten that there was such a spellcaster on the territory.

Now that he remembered it again, he looked at the mage in Wangdu in front of him with a mess of hair, red sunken eye sockets, a thin and tall figure, and was wearing an old robe that had been washed a little white with extra curiosity. , he stood stiffly and nervously in the middle of the room, subconsciously fiddling with the buttons on his clothes, and the buttons were about to be pulled off by him.

"Santis Seid, a second-level arcanist, from the Royal Association of Mages, isn't that right?" Gawain looked at the nervous young mage for a while, and suddenly said, "What do you want to see me for?"

"Ah, I... I'm coming..." Santis forgot all the prepared drafts in his mind in an instant, and he held back for a long time before expressing his intentions in a straightforward manner, "I heard Miss Jenny say , the lord is recruiting teachers..."

Gao Wen was stunned for a moment. The notice to recruit teachers for the territory had been out for more than a month, and it had also reached the 100-person Aid and Construction Group. A second-level arcanist would also be attracted by this news: "Indeed, I'm recruiting teachers. Are you interested?"

"Yes... yes," Santis Said tried his best and finally pulled the buttons off his clothes, "I... I can... I hope I can be your tutor in your residence. I am good at arcane arts and basic theories of magic. , I also have some understanding of heraldry, Ansu history, and aristocratic etiquette. Although I am not of a high rank, I am good at teaching others. Your heirs can be entrusted to me with confidence... "

"Stop, stop," Gawain knew halfway through hearing that the Arcanist had made a complete mistake, so he had to interrupt, "I think you made a mistake. The purpose of this recruitment order is not for my heirs." Look for a noble tutor."

Santis rubbed the buttons in his hand nervously with a blank face: "Ah? Isn't it?"

"Don't you know? Now I only have two heirs, one is Hetty and the other is Rebecca. The former has been a teacher for many years, and the latter is both civil and military. Both of them have higher spellcasting levels than you. Rebecca may indeed need to make up for etiquette class, but you obviously can't beat her, unless you are proficient in both hands and weapons, and are also good at running and charging," Gao Wen spread his hands, "I am not looking for a tutor for my two granddaughters, but a teacher for the night school."

"Night school?" Santis continued to look blank, as if he didn't know about it at all.

"Haven't you heard of it?" Gawain suddenly became curious about this strange arcanist, "The most common civilians and serfs in the territory know about the night school, but you don't?"

"I... have been working in the crystal smelting factory since I received the appointment," Santis said with a look of shame on his face, "other than that, I just read books in my own residence and didn't pay much attention to other things. If it wasn't Miss Jenny told me I didn't even know you were recruiting teachers."

Gawain looked at this stiff, nervous and dull arcanist dumbfoundedly, and said to himself that he was indeed a talent carefully selected by the nobles in the capital, and it was not easy to be included in the hundred without any character flaws. Come from the ranks of people: "Night school is for common people, including serfs and slave labor in the territory, do you understand? I am not looking for a senior teacher to teach etiquette and heraldry to noble children, but one who can A person who teaches common people to read and write."

Santis opened his mouth in a daze for a while. It seemed that he knew for the first time that Gawain was eradicating illiteracy among the common people, and obviously he couldn't understand it very much. When Mr. Arcanist was about to say goodbye politely, the latter suddenly nodded and asked, "Then as a teacher in the night school, will you pay extra remuneration as stated in the recruitment order?"

"Are you willing?" Gao Wen was surprised, "Do you know that you are going to teach a group of commoners who have just learned a few words and can only count to a hundred?"

Santis smiled cautiously: "I taught magic theory to uneducated merchant children in the capital. I don't think it will be too difficult... Probably."

After confirming again and again that the Arcanist really intended to accept the job, Gawain couldn't help laughing.

Finally, there is an official caster who is willing to teach at night school. He has tried many times to recruit mages from Tanzan Town or Kant Territory, and even recruited mage apprentices to serve as night school teachers in the territory, but when they knew they had to face When it was a group of "untouchables", all of them without exception expressed their rejection. It seems that in their minds, people of commoner and serf origin are born with intellectual disabilities, and they belong to a different species from mages or nobles in terms of brain structure. , so they don't believe that they can teach the common people those advanced knowledge, and they are not willing to accept this challenge at all.

They refused not only because of arrogance, but also because they believed that they could not teach those "untouchables", so they rejected the failure early.

But now there is a second-level Arcanist who took the initiative to "apply". Although the process is a bit different from expectations, this Mr. Santis Seid seems to be really willing to do this job.

"Are you short of money?" Although Gao Wen was happy in his heart, he couldn't help asking, because he could see that the other party was attracted by the extra monthly salary, "Mage should not be short of money, right? "

"Actually, mages are also short of money, especially those of commoner origin," Santis Said said shyly, "I want to send money to my family, and my family members stay in the capital..."

Gao Wen raised his eyebrows: "Are you from a commoner?"

"Yes... my father is a chef in a noble family in the capital, and my mother is a herbalist."

They are indeed commoners, but they belong to the wealthy class of commoners and have quite a status. It is indeed possible for a family of this level to fight hard and send their children to learn magic in order to be able to enter the upper class. A person who has obtained the official second-level arcanist qualification has actually got rid of his civilian background and is already qualified to join the upper circles, but judging by his appearance...you can't tell it at all.

Gawain expressed his doubts, and Santis' expression became even more embarrassed, even a little ashamed: "I have indeed obtained the qualification of a second-level arcanist, but my magic power reserves are congenitally defective, and I only... Can cast three to five spells."

It suddenly dawned on Gao Wen that there were flaws in his heart, which led to his fall to this point.

Santis's spell flaw is similar to Rebecca's, but it is a different extreme: Rebecca has a strong mental power and mana reserves, and she can throw hundreds of fireballs every day without feeling tired, but she can only construct A spell model, while Santis can construct multiple spell models, and can learn the most profound and complex arcane spells, but has very little mental power and mana reserves...

Although Rebecca has flaws, she is a nobleman, even if her family is in trouble, she is still a nobleman, so she can still live in the castle and live a better life than any commoner, but Santis was born as a commoner. After he finally became an official spellcaster but was found to have a congenital defect in his magic power reserves, he would only be kicked out by the upper class, and at the same time, his family might owe a lot of debts and money.

He will join the 100-person Aid and Reconstruction Group, and I am afraid that part of the reason is for the subsidy given by the king.

After figuring this out, he finally no longer has any doubts about Santis' choice.

"Then, you are welcome to become an honorable teacher," Gao Wen stood up behind the desk, nodding and smiling at the young mage in front of him, "and the courses you want to teach... shouldn't be limited to ordinary literacy and numeracy. You have other plans."

Santis bowed hastily: "Ah, yes, my lord."

Gao Wen: "Now let's talk about the first thing, put down the button in your hand, it's almost time for you to take out the patina..."

Santis: "…"