Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 196: Computational power


"The infinite expansion structure of the magic net?" Hearing the series of words suddenly popped up by Rebecca, Rao Yigaowen was a little dazed, "Have you mentioned this to me before?"

"I didn't mention it to you, you mentioned it to me! Did you forget?" Rebecca waved her arms (to be honest, Gao Wen was really worried that she would smash the iron staff on his head with a slip of her hand), "Didn't you tell me before that you want to make the magic net more open, more expandable, easier to lay and add or remove units? Then I have been thinking about this, but I have been thinking about it for a long time Nothing came of it until a while ago.”

As she spoke, she raised her finger to Jenny who was panting next to her: "Didn't Jenny come here a while ago, and she also brought the early research materials of Wild Mage, so I finally completed this system. Ancestor Do you know, my lord? The notebook of the wild mage can only be regarded as a part of the result, and the magic net above is only the conclusion of the second half, but without the derivation process and construction principle of the first half, we can only use a very stupid way to make the magic net The 'simulation' came out, but the information in Jenny's hands is the complete set of logic when the wild mage first constructed those basic runes... "

Although Rebecca is usually silly and dazed, once she mentions these professional matters, she immediately starts babbling. Gawain knew that the girl had to talk about the next meal, so he quickly interrupted He said to her: "stop, stop, stop, I understand what you mean, that is to say, you have finally put together the theory, so you have finally mastered the law of the magic net from the principle level, instead of following the gourd, right? I understand these, you tell me Look at your infinitely expanding structure."

"Let's go inside and see, there are a lot of them!" Rebecca grabbed Gawain's arm and walked towards the tent, turning her head and calling out to Jenny loudly, "You come too, most of the calculations are still yours." It's done!"

In Gawain's tent, Rebecca spread out the paper rolls brought by Jenny with an excited expression, covering the entire table in order, and finally unfolded the large blueprint in her hand , placed in the exact center of all drawings.

It is a paper full of calculation formulas, geometric figures, and logical induction process. They repeatedly optimize and combine the basic runes with rigorous and incredible logic, and dense lines and patterns can be seen on every piece of paper. Wen also has a lot of knowledge in magic, but at first glance, he just felt dizzy, but on the last piece of paper that Rebecca spread out, all the complicated calculations and connections were simplified.

There is only one most basic unit figure on it, which is a hexagonal symmetrical structure, composed of eight rune knots, six of which form the border, and two are located inside, its simplicity and beauty reach an incredible level After just one glance, Gao Wen's eyes were deeply attracted by it.

"This is… "

"The most basic unit in the magic net," Rebecca's eyes sparkled, "after all possible optimizations and simplifications, I found that the magic net only needs these eight rune knots to carry out the most basic charging and output operation, and it has only one interference junction inside, so each such 'unit' is well below the interference threshold, and the more such units are connected, the lower the interference will be. You see, it is symmetrical, Opposite sides complement each other, so…”

Gao Wen could no longer hear Rebecca's next words, and a shocking scene belonging to the future was emerging in front of his eyes

This hexagonal basic unit is expanding and extending. Through its basic symmetrical structure, countless hexagons are connected into a shape like a honeycomb. It is spread in any possible place, covering factories and cities. Covered with human activities, this great energy device finally got rid of the limitation of the "magic circle". After Rebecca and Jenny optimized it day and night, it became the smallest basic unit and thus the largest Magical spectacle.

The magic net can finally become a magic "net".

"How to solve the connection between this structure and 'Magic Net One'?" Gao Wen immediately asked a very practical question.

Magic Net No. 1 and the same type of Magic Net No. 2 are currently functioning in steel factories and brick kilns. In addition, there are several small "prototype magic nets" that provide power for magic engines in mines and other places. These old models of magic nets Although the net is "old", in fact the oldest one has only been in operation for a few months. Now Rebecca has tossed out a more advanced "honeycomb magic net", but several old magic nets must be removed and replaced. The new ones are not very cost-effective, and the wasted manpower and material resources are a great waste of today's territory.

"Don't worry, I've already thought about it," Rebecca obviously wasn't worried about this, "Although the hexagonal structure you see looks completely different from the previous magic net, it's actually derived from the old magic net. It is cut and deformed in the magic net, and the two can be directly connected, just modify the pattern of the runes at the connection. Jenny is a fourth-level rune master, and she is best at this."

Gawain nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, then from now on, all magic nets in the territory will be built on the basis of the new 'Honeycomb Magic Net'... But one thing needs to be confirmed, how safe is it?"

At this time, what popped into Gao Wen's mind was the extremely serious hidden danger of "Magic Network Collapse".

Although Rebecca has found a way to simplify and deform the magic net to form an infinitely expanded network, which can connect all the magic nets to make it have great scalability, but there is no doubt that there is a huge hidden danger: when all After the magic net is connected together, it means that its overload risk is also connected together. The huge magic power will surge in this infinitely expanding structure. Once something goes wrong, the magic power that runs away is likely to escape along the magic net Scatter, destroy all the magic energy equipment connected to it!

On the earth, there are various safety devices such as circuit breakers and voltage regulators to ensure the safety of the power grid, so Gao Wen immediately thought that the magic net might also need similar safety measures.

Rebecca was stunned when she heard Gao Wen's words, she opened her mouth and reacted for a long time before saying anything: "Ah... I really didn't think about it..."

Immediately afterwards, she was full of admiration: "Master Zu, you are amazing! Why do you think of so many practical problems every time this new thing just draws a blueprint, as if you have watched it operate for decades?"

"Ahem...the experience of the elderly, the experience of the elderly," Gao Wen coughed awkwardly, and pulled the topic back on track, "Now think about it, how to solve the security problem of this network. All the magic in the honeycomb structure They are all free-flowing, relying entirely on the self-balancing and energy-discharging mechanism of the magic net itself to ensure the stability of the magic power, but once the self-balancing of some 'units' is out of control, the excessively high magic power will exceed the tolerance limit of the adjacent units, and it is very likely that It will instantly burn all adjacent units, and then there is a vicious circle... ”

Rebecca's eyes widened, as if frightened by the possible scene, while Jenny next to her frowned and tried to think: "Then let's...don't make the magic net too big, and divide it into areas. gone."

"Then the value of this honeycomb structure will be lost," Gao Wen shook his head. "This honeycomb structure is for the infinite expansion and connection of the magic net."

Rebecca looked at Gawain curiously: "What do you mean, my lord ancestor?"

Gawain looked down at the magic net honeycomb unit on the table, and suddenly asked: "How are two such honeycomb units connected together?"

"Direct connection," Rebecca nodded as a matter of course, "Put two rune knots together, so the transmission efficiency is the highest."

"Make the connection between them fragile." There seems to be no suitable solution in the knowledge of this world, so Gawain can only turn to the idea of the previous life, "You can add a partition... A connector made of cheap black stone is enough Yes, black stone is a magic-guiding material, but its tolerance is very poor, and it will shatter directly when the magic power fluctuates violently."

"You mean, each honeycomb unit is separated from other units, and a 'buffering material' made of black stone is added in the middle?" Rebecca scratched her hair, "But the efficiency of black stone's magic guidance is not high, so I'm afraid It will reduce the effectiveness of the entire magic net by more than a quarter... "

"But the trade-off is safety. Even if a few units are out of control, they will only leave the main network by themselves without endangering other things," Gao Wen explained. "As for the reduction in efficiency, these basic units are connected in large numbers. After getting up, I will make up for the lack of efficiency. And this is only a preliminary solution, and I will definitely find a better way in the future."

While talking, Gao Wen laughed: "The current magic net is still very primitive even with this honeycomb structure. It directly absorbs energy from the environment, and then the magic energy device receives energy directly from the magic net. There is no safe buffering process in the middle, no steady flow, no metering, and even no 'conduit' energy-consuming equipment to directly stick yourself on the magic net, don't you think this connection method is worth improving?"

Rebecca nodded thoughtfully, while Jenny was still not quite used to this completely equal way of communicating, and she seemed a little cautious, but the flashing eyes were enough to show that she was thinking about what Gawain said.

"This is a new thing, and it still has a long way to go." Gao Wen didn't let the two girls think about these problems that might take a long time to solve on the spot, "Take your time, don't rush. This time you You have made great contributions, do you want any rewards?"

"I want to change my staff to a new crystal!" Rebecca and Grandpa Taizu were not polite, and immediately waved their iron staff happily, "Look, the crystal on the staff is very old!"

Gawain took a closer look, and immediately saw that the crystal inlaid on the top of the iron staff was indeed old. Not only was the luster dull, but it was also missing several small corners, and the claw holder used to fix the crystal was also obviously deformed...

This tm can only be like this when you are a Warhammer, right? !

Gao Wen's eyebrows twitched, and he wanted to persuade his little granddaughter not to change the crystal at all. It would be better to go to the machinery manufacturing plant to find Nicholas and get a barbed three-edged stick to weld it on. But think about it, this girl has also made a great contribution , and the last mage temperament of her whole body was supported by that crystal, so she sighed in her heart and said, "There is a fire elemental core over there in the treasury, which was brought out from the Gondor Empire back then. Take it away, and let the rune craftsman process it for you and install it on the staff."

Then he looked at Jenny: "What about you? What reward do you want?"

Jenny shrank her neck suddenly: "I... I just did what I should do... I dare not ask for rewards..."

"Aren't you used to this place yet?" Gawain laughed. "Here, all contributions will be valued and rewarded, regardless of your background and status. I just heard Rebecca say that the main calculation The process is done by you."

"I..." Jenny hesitated, and finally said, "I hope you can put Mr. Keith's name in the list of contributors to the honeycomb magic net... because he summed up the most important formulas."

"Of course." 8)