Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 197: lead to truth


Gao Wen asked one after another, and after dropping down several "whys" in a row, Hetty felt that the excitement and joy that was stirring just now had been cooled down quite a bit. She thought she had come into contact with it not long ago. In the magical world, a field that no one has ever set foot in before has mastered new knowledge that she had never imagined in the past. However, after Gao Wen asked "why", she realized that there were more things she didn't understand. .

Instead of revealing the truth of the world, he became more deeply aware of his ignorance of the truth.

Even though this was not the first time that Gawain threw out a series of "why", Hetty still felt full of pressure.

But Kamel next to him couldn't see any disappointed look on his face because he had no expression at all. After hearing Gawain's question, the ancient magister fell into deep thought, and each question echoed in his mind. As he said this, he suddenly felt a kind of enthusiasm that had been absent for hundreds of years was overflowing from his heart. He thought of a long time ago, when he was still a magic apprentice, and when he first learned that there are so many mysteries in this world, his mentor once said:

Human beings always go from the unknown to the known, and then from the known to another unknown. As long as you can still have new confusion about the world in your mind, your progress will never stop.

Kamel did not expect that it was such a knight lord who gave him a new impetus in the magical world, and he sincerely sighed: "Lord, your desire to seek the truth is admirable, it even exceeds A lot of old-fashioned magic researchers."

"I'm just very curious, and I can't help but think about a lot of things." Gao Wen shook his head with a smile, looking at the magic obelisk in the middle of the room, "I had doubts about this a long time ago. What is the 'magic' all over the world? Why are only a small number of human beings able to sense magic naturally? How does magic affect all things? I tried to find the answer from ancient scriptures, but found nothing... People seem to be obsessed with the unilateral use of magic power, but few people consider its essence... "

Kamel let out a long sigh: "I believe that in the long history, there have always been people who have raised this issue, but unfortunately... our civilization has still not been able to take a critical step in this essential field."

Gawain thought about it. The appearance of the Obelisk of Mana Energy actually gave him some associations, and this association cleverly coincided with some of his conjectures about magic power a long time ago:

Is magic a "wave"? Or something similar in nature to "waves"? Or is the phenomenon of "magic" itself a kind of fluctuation

But in this world of weird physical properties, do the ubiquitous "waves" still fully follow the laws that Gao Wen knew? Picking up a stone and throwing it into the water, the water ripples seem to be no problem, but in the invisible magic field, will everything still work like the material world

Even the legendary knight's magic power perception ability can only perceive the vague and chaotic magic power environment in nature. At this stage, there is no technology that can accurately observe and test magic power... But maybe Kamel can

Thinking of this, he looked at Kamel and Heidi, trying to inspire their inspiration: "Have you ever thought about what is the magic power used to spread when the magic obelisk is running?"

"'By means of' what?" Hetty frowned, showing a thoughtful look, "The transmission of magic power requires a medium...but how does it spread without a medium..."

Kamel was also lost in thought: "The ancient communication spells were the first to break through this bottleneck. The information is carried by magic power and can reach distant places in an instant, but its appearance is just a product of coincidence. The ancient magicians just I discovered it by accident and thought it was very useful, but until today, no one has figured out what the principle of this spell is... Those ancient rune combinations have not been improved for thousands of years."

Gawain's heart seemed to be lit up. He seemed to see a glimmer of hope to unravel the mystery of magic power in the ancient communication spell and the current obelisk of magic power, and also saw some kind of dawn to solve the communication problem: "Although The actual effects are different, but they all involve the spreading of magic 'out of thin air', and I think there is something in common."

Hetty looked down at the "receiving device" in her hand. The small Holm crystal inlaid in the center of the receiving device had dimmed as the "transmitting end" went out, but her thinking was more active than before.

What kind of mystery is hidden in this small device

"Actually, I have a conjecture," Gawain cautiously put forward his opinion seeing that Kamel and Hetty were in a state of thinking, "Do you know the ripples in the water?"

"Ripples in the water?" Hetty couldn't think of it immediately, "What is the relationship between the ripples in the water and magic power?"

"The ripples will spread outward!" The arcane brilliance on Kamel's body brightened for a moment, but then he fell into hesitation and confusion, "Is it such a simple explanation? The magic power... set off ripples, so something Did it spread along the ripples? Is it information...or energy? What is the 'medium' carrying the ripples? The water surface makes waves because of the water, but what is in the empty space... the magic power itself is its medium Is it?"

"Maybe you don't need a medium?" Gao Wen tentatively said, but then he stopped talking, "I just said it casually, don't be affected by my words."

"We are all just guessing. Don't take all the assumptions made during the guessing stage seriously," Kamel said seriously, "Lord, every word of yours is very informative. If you have any guesses, just say it. I can see that you have thought a lot on this subject, and I am afraid there are already some assumptions to come up with."

Gawain didn't expect Kamel to be so perceptive. He hesitated for a moment, not because he didn't want to say it, but because he knew that the rules of this world were very different from the earth he knew. A complete theory will mislead local researchers and lead them astray, but Kamel's words made him determined: a real researcher must be able to make bold assumptions and carefully verify them.

As long as he emphasizes that everything he said is speculation and does not interfere with Hetty or Kamel's research ideas, then there is nothing to worry about.

So he roughly explained the concept of fluctuation and field. He deliberately made his description simple and straightforward. will appear more real.

"To be honest, these are all my guesses based on my daily experience and my superficial understanding of magical phenomena," Gao Wen emphasized, "But I think that's the case when searching for knowledge and truth, especially in the In areas that we cannot observe intuitively, all we can do is to assume the unknown based on the known, boldly assume and then seek confirmation or falsification.”

"Suppose...and then verify it..." Kamel pondered, "We did the same in those days."

Gao Wen smiled slightly, and his heart twitched slightly: This b didn't pretend to be successful...

But Kamel went on to say: "But there are not many people who can understand it as deeply as you, especially you are a knight lord who was born as a warrior, and you can also have this kind of awareness on the road to explore the truth. This has surpassed many mediocre so-called 'scholars'."

Just as Gawain was about to speak, Hetty reminded Kamel with a serious face next to him: "Master Kamel, a knight is better than a mage..."

Gawain broke out in a cold sweat as soon as Hetty uttered the first few words, and before the other party finished speaking, he coughed vigorously: "Ahem! Curiosity is a human instinct, as long as the motivation to explore is stimulated, the knight It's no different from a mage."

Kamel was actually quite curious about what Hetty wanted to say, but the low air pressure escaping from Gawain made him immediately choose to ignore this question, and nodded seriously: "I definitely disagreed with this sentence before, But now I have to agree with you."

Gao Wen didn't continue to extend the topic, he had already mentioned enough points, I believe that with Kamel's intelligence, as long as he finds one or two breakthrough points, coupled with his own "natural ability", he will definitely be able to overcome the magic power. To break through a way out of the essential field of the ancient scholar, and to continue to instill knowledge can only restrain or influence the thinking of this ancient scholar.

Kamel left with the transmitter and receiver of the obelisk of magic energy. The ancient master couldn't wait to devote himself to a new round of research. He has found his way forward in this strange new era. direction, but before that, he must first hand over the relevant technical information to Mr. Nicholas Egg of the Machinery Research Institute, so that the achievements at the current stage can be converted into practical technologies available in the territory as soon as possible.

There are indeed too few talents in the territory. If there are a few apprentices as assistants, he can send the apprentices to run errands. He can save time in the laboratory. Drifting rapidly all the way, at the same time thinking about how to increase the number of magicians on this land.

Hetty stayed in Gawain's office. This elegant lady stood quietly beside Gawain's desk, and said softly, "Ancestor, I actually think your ancestral teachings are quite..."

Elegant is false, thinking gradually Rebecca is true.

"Don't keep spreading nonsense after drinking high." Gao Wen felt dizzy when he heard this, and felt that he had to find some time to correct the three views of his two granddaughters, "I asked you to investigate clearly. Is it?"

"I've found out that, as you expected, among the refugees who arrived in the territory after the first snow fell, quite a few of them had doubtful identities, and these people with doubtful identities came from almost the entire southern border except Leslie and Kant. Everywhere outside the territory."


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