Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 198: in the deep sea


Missionary Wright's short and clear answer stunned Gawain for a long time. He had already prepared a lot of reasonable and euphemistic remarks to deal with the missionary's chatter, including but not limited to "There is no money in the territory." Maintaining the church", "There is no money in the territory to support the priest", "You can buy the bricks and tiles of the church yourself" and so on, but I didn't expect this missionary who was suspected of being a gladiator to become a priest to forget it like that... That's all for it...

Could this big brother be the undercover agent of the Church of the Shadows infiltrating the Church of the Holy Light

"You just leave it like that?" Even Amber couldn't help saying, "Aren't you going to persuade me any more?"

"The way of the Holy Light tells me that if I do good deeds, then the Holy Light will naturally shine on people's hearts. If I do not do good deeds, then even if I break my tongue, it will not work," the big man drew a picture of the Church of the Holy Light on his chest. The insignia of his face, his face is full of stubble and muscles, but he still looks holy, "So it doesn't matter if you are not interested, and it will not be too late to come to me when you are interested."

"He's really an interesting guy." Hetty shook his head incredulously, "By the way, you're from the central region, right? Why did the church in the Holy Spirit Plains send you to the extreme south to preach? And they gave you a document...you What about your entourage and guards?"

Today is no longer the era when civilization was chaotic and various sects were running hard in the wilderness. Even the missionaries who traveled around were no longer walking alone like ascetics, especially the missionaries who set off from the rich Holy Spirit Plain. Basically, they will move around the world with a considerable number of entourages and guards, so such teams are also called "mobile churches", which means that a church has all kinds of armed personnel, servants, and priests, but this Mr. Wright But he came here from the Plain of the Holy Spirit with a tattered document in his arms. Not to mention his entourage, he earned his own travel expenses and food with his own hard work.

This trance gives people a feeling of traveling through time and space, as if the missionary walked out of the barbaric age in the history books.

But Wright just smiled indifferently after hearing this question: "I was on the road alone. The bishop gave me a document and asked me to come to the south to preach, so I came. As for the followers and guards... I am alone. A little low-ranking priest, where do you get followers and guards, and I don't need it either."

As he spoke, he flexed his muscles: "Many paladins can't beat me, and many followers are not as agile as I am, so what do I want them to do?"

Then he looked up and looked around, and found that another batch of new bricks had been sent to the construction site, so he stood up and patted the dirt on his pants: "It seems that there is another job, do you have any questions? If If there is no problem, I will help unload these bricks first."

Gao Wen's expression was strange: "...please go ahead."

Wright waved his hand: "Then I'm going. Oh yes, don't forget to help me hand over the paperwork to your lord. I need the lord's permission to build a church and preach publicly."

Gao Wen was a little dumbfounded: "Don't worry, I will pass it on."

Wright nodded, turned and walked towards the construction site, but turned his head again just after taking two steps away: "By the way, there is something I forgot to ask."

Even Hetty couldn't laugh or cry: "You can ask me anything."

"Where do you go for dinner after work?"

Hetty sighed: "... Just follow the workers, and the workers will have food to eat, and they will be full."

After the missionary walked away completely, Amber murmured softly: "I thought that the people from the Church of Holy Light would definitely look for trouble when they saw me, but it turned out to be such a stupid...weird person."

"Don't be paranoid, people don't know who you are and what you are doing." Hetty glanced at Amber, then looked at Gawain, "Ancestor, do you want to allow this...'missionary' to preach in the territory? ?”

"Observe for two days first," Gao Wen said lightly, "You send a clerk to register his basic information, then arrange a residence for him near the administrative district according to the standards of skilled immigrants, and pay more attention to his actions at the same time. .If there is nothing wrong with the man... let him preach and operate within Cecil's laws."

Gao Wen himself has a estrangement from the belief in the gods, but he does not intend to prevent people from carrying out religious activities in the territory because religious activities are an "established fact" in this world, and magic is also part of the local productivity. The people in the territory themselves Eighty to ninety percent have faith, either the gods of abundance and the god of light, or the gods of craftsmen, commerce, knowledge, warriors and other fields, most of them are shallow believers, and a small number of them are devout believers In this context, it is neither necessary nor meaningful to prevent a missionary of the Church of the Holy Light from operating in the territory, and it will also make people feel suspicious.

And as long as this weird and upright missionary has no doubts or stains in his background, then his arrival is a good thing. Gawain still remembers what Veronica mentioned last time, and he believes in the saint princess It's not as simple as just mentioning it casually, she will come to him again sooner or later, but if before that, a small church recognized by the Church of the Holy Light has been established on the territory, then he has a good reason to decline the infiltration of the church from the capital .

A regional church established by a wandering missionary with the support of the local lord is much easier to control than a church directly commanded by the Holy See in the royal capital.

Thinking about what was there and what was not, Gawain returned to his tent.

Looking at the tent that has been lived in for several months, he also felt a little emotional.

It is indeed time to move out of here, into the brick house.

At least the new mansion he designed has formal study rooms, bedrooms, warehouses, and various laboratories. Whether it is living or conducting magic research, it will be much more convenient than here.

But I don’t know why Amber is also very interested in Gao Wen’s ability to move into the new house as soon as possible. Last time Gao Wen asked her curiously, but the latter said a lot of strange things, such as "I haven’t opened the window to enter the house for a long time", "You This tent doesn't even have a door that can be broken", "What kind of aristocratic mansion does it have without a basement and a treasure trove"...that's weird.

Gao Wen had to knock Amber's head around to correct her strange speech, but it didn't seem to work.

Several reports on the population and the expansion of new residential areas in the territory were placed on the table, and Gao Wen sat down by the desk and began to carry out daily work.

Relying on the inherent appeal of ancient heroes and Gawain’s factual prestige in protecting the people and taking the lead, the measures he promulgated were quickly implemented in this land, even planning town roads, building sewers before building houses, and banning the streets. Urinating and defecating, etc., which are difficult to advance in the current era and difficult to explain to the people, have been well implemented. It seems that people don’t really care about the purpose of these measures (even though Gao Wen has sent people to continuously preach every meaning of this policy), but as long as the lord says it, it must be right.

But Gao Wen knew that the execution efficiency brought about by this kind of blind trust cannot be relied on for a long time. It will inevitably wear out in the process of promulgating one system and one law after another, and the only way to maintain this execution rate is two.

First, let as many new systems and laws produce visible benefits as possible, at least let the people believe that the improvement of life is promoted by those systems and laws, so that they will be willing to follow the new laws.

Second, promote education so that the people know how to think and discern, so that they can truly understand what the lord is saying, and under this premise, still support the laws and rules of the territory.

The second article can not only maintain the current execution rate, but also greatly improve the efficiency of every job in the territory.

But... where do teachers come from? Especially in the Gaowen Project, it is even more difficult to find this kind of teacher to carry out the extraordinary knowledge education of the whole people.

Ordinary people who can read and write may be able to hire them with money, but those who are really knowledgeable and can carry out relatively high-end education are hard to find. It is impossible for them to be willing to explain something to a group of noisy "lowly poor" It's called runes and calculations, even if you give money.

Maybe I should ask Jenny, maybe she knows some extraordinary professionals who are extremely poor in the upper class... In the spirit of being poor and thinking about change, those mages who are about to starve to death should be easier to buy...

At the same time, in the far sea to the east of the continent, the storm was gradually dissipating.

The raging water element returned to the atmosphere and the ocean, and almost all the energy accumulated in the atmosphere was splashed on the islands and reefs before, smashing the entire island and reefs to pieces, but now the remaining energy is being released together with the water elements. Calm down and gradually return to the embrace of nature.

The blood of the cultists stained the surface of the sea red, and the bloody smell attracted the predators in the ocean, but those predators just patrolled the periphery of this water in fear, not daring to get close to this still emitting a dangerous atmosphere. place.

After all, the Sons of the Storm failed to resist the real storm. They tried their best to resist the natural disaster caused by the Kraken army for a long time, but in the end they still had to give up this "miracle domain".

At the cost of nearly one-third of the believers' lives, they forced their way out of the turbulent ocean and escaped from this place.

Now the island reef is back in the hands of the Kraken.

There are still many gigantic and terrifying ferocious behemoths patrolling the surface of the sea. The bodies floating on the water, covered with carapace and bone spurs, and filled with magical brilliance are daunting, but soon, each of these behemoths sank into the water. Into the water, after a while, some female figures floated up from the sea water.

They have beautiful faces, elegant and well-proportioned bodies, and eyes full of wisdom and agility like humans, but their cheeks and arms are faintly covered with tiny scales. These scales are not scary, but rather It brings people an unusual sense of beauty, and in the process of stirring the sea water, the structure of the lower body of these women will turn out of the water from time to time, but it is like a long tail like a sea snake, or a tail like a fish.

There are even octopus-like tentacles with suction cups.

These intelligent creatures in the water looked at the islands and reefs left behind by the cultists after they evacuated, but they had no interest in the so-called holy vessels and altars that the cultists desperately guarded.

A sea-monster with long sky-blue hair looked towards the direction of the island, while another sea-monster floated up from the water and swam to the leader with long sky-blue hair: "Those people with sick brains ran away, Fanny! General Sarah."

The sea monster known as General Vanessa frowned: "It's really an inexplicable creature. I clearly remember that they weren't so crazy hundreds of years ago, why can't they even communicate now..."

"Probably because they can't live in the sea, and their brains are exhausted after living on land all day."

"Forget it, it doesn't matter," General Siren shook his head, "Since those humans with sick brains have run away, we can continue to work."

"Then..." The young Kraken soldier had an eager expression on his face, "Shall we go down and continue digging squid?"

General Siren laughed and nodded vigorously: "Well, continue digging squid."

"Keep digging squid! Digging squid! Big squid!"

The sea monsters cheered together, and then rolled up the waves one by one, and rushed to the bottom of the sea with their tails shaped like sea snakes, sea fish, and octopus, to continue the work they had planned to do in this sea area.

Go to the deep sea, go to the seabed, and continue digging for that "big squid" that died below for some unknown reason, and the fragments of the corpse spread the entire seabed, no matter how hard you dig...

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