Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 199: What do sea monsters usually do


This was the first time Gawain saw such a solemn and heavy expression on the face of the Siren Tyre. He originally thought that such an expression would never appear on the face of this deep-sea saltwater fish that seemed to never wake up. However, it turns out that the other party's laziness is still limited.

And what she said with this expression naturally didn't look like she was joking, and Hetty immediately asked, "What do you mean by reshaping the world?"

"Literally," Tyr shrugged, "the nature of all matter will change, some changes are subtle, hardly noticeable by humans, and will not affect the nature, and some are turned upside down, and even change from stone to magic Minerals; the magic power environment in nature will also change. The area originally full of magic power may become a magic power exhausted area, and the place where the original element is thin may become a new gate of the element world. It will be formed in a short period of time, and most of the creations of civilization will disappear in this earth-shaking change."

"... You are scaring people, right?" Amber listened blankly to the siren's words. She understood the meaning of every word in the other's words, but the meaning after connecting them was unbelievable. She After being stunned for a while, I finally couldn't help shaking my head, "Your statement is almost the same as those cultists who preach the end of the world every day."

Tyr snorted softly, "There is a difference. They only know that the end is coming, but the sea monster knows how the end will come."

Gawain looked into Tyre's eyes quietly, "Have you ever experienced a real magic wave?"

"You should know that the sea monster is a kind of intelligent creature that is far older than the land races. Before your civilization learned to catch fire, we have survived in this world for many years," Tire continued to poke with the tip of his tail Looking at the bread and potatoes in front of him, he said in a natural tone, "Of course we have seen some things that you haven't seen."

Gao Wen continued to ask, "If the demonic tide is really what you described, how did you survive the real demonic tide?"

Rebecca stopped her work of killing bread slices and looked up at Gao Wen in surprise, "My lord ancestor, do you really believe these claims?"

Gao Wen waved his hand, "It's okay to discuss things during the meeting."

"That's right, it's just chatting," Tyr laughed, "The tide of magic is indeed terrifying, and most mortal species can't resist it, but we sea monsters are a bit special, we are... well, this should be related to our It is related to the nature of elemental creatures. The magic tide has a great influence on the present world, but it cannot change the "essence" of the elemental field, and the life form of sea monsters is based on elements, and many of our magical powers are also driven by elements, so we have survived safely until now. Our civilization has survived to this day. Of course, there are still some influences... "

Tyr paused at this point, as if he didn't intend to continue on the topic, and just muttered under his breath "I have to start all over again..."

Hetty and Rebecca looked at each other. To them, the things Tyre said were already too unbelievable. Sometimes a thing would not be real if it was too shocking to a certain extent, but Gawain still Continuing Tyre's words seriously, "So, the 'magic tide' that happened on this continent seven hundred years ago was just a 'small fluctuation'?"

Till replied casually, "Probably, after all, I didn't see what happened with my own eyes, and I guessed it based on your description."

"Do you know how often the real tide comes? How long is it until the next time?"

"I can't answer this for you," Tyr shook his head, "We do think that the magic tide will happen periodically, but this 'cycle' is very unstable, and the deviation is calculated in thousands of years, that is to say, even if today is Theoretically, the day when the demon tide erupts, its actual eruption time may also be a certain day in the next thousand years, who can say for sure."

The atmosphere during the banquet had become dull unconsciously. Gawain looked at Hetty and Rebecca who hadn't touched a knife and fork for a long time. He knew that Miss Siren's unabashed words had already caused a lot of pressure on them.

So he smiled and shook his head, "Since it's all uncertain, then we don't have to worry. Don't forget why we decided to establish a pioneering territory in places like the Dark Mountains."

"Just listen to what I said as a story." Tire probably noticed that she had messed up the atmosphere, she shook her head, "With the average lifespan of your human beings, there is no need to worry about God knows how many generations after this kind of death. Things that will happen, look open, look open."

"Let's talk about something more relaxed." Gao Wen also changed the subject, "By the way, you live in the deep sea, what do you usually do?"


Gao Wen "...I mean the normal sea-monsters other than you, and you can't do nothing every day and just sleep, right?"

"Then there are too many things we can usually do, such as building houses, raising jellyfish, holding transformation competitions and so on," Till counted with the tip of his tail on his fingers, and suddenly became happy at the end of the count, "but the most interesting The most important thing is to dig squid!"

Gao Wen was stunned, "What the hell is squid digging?"

"It's just digging giant squid! It's a kind in our area..." Tyr frowned, trying to find a suitable word, "Renewable natural resources?"

Then she flicked her tail, "Anyway, it's something that looks like a giant squid. It may be the remains of some ancient creature. It's so huge that it covers an entire seabed. Its tentacles can grow and recover by themselves. After a while, the squid will grow back by itself, and the big squid will grow small tentacles to greet the siren or dance together, which is very interesting! We will dig squid every now and then. Humans fight because they built a smoky altar above the seabed where we dug squid, and they keep casting spells on the bottom of the sea, messing up our mines, and we send people to negotiate with them It didn't work, it was the last fight."

This time, even Amber, Betty, Rebecca and the others looked confused. In all fairness, with the three views of normal human beings, it is really impossible to understand what the siren is describing!

"The corpse of a certain huge creature? It's already dead and it will continue to regenerate?" Rebecca was taken aback for a while, "Then... how many people can it eat!"

This girl is worthy of being a down-and-out Viscount. This way of thinking is correct. In fact, when Gao Wen heard those descriptions, the first thing he thought of was eating, but he was more thoughtful than Rebecca's way of thinking, and he realized something immediately. The flesh and blood that is constantly regenerated is probably not a "safe ration", especially since that thing comes from the weird and terrifying deep sea, so who knows how many weird things there are down there

In fact, Siren is already one of the "strange things" in Gao Wen's eyes...

Even Amber couldn't help becoming interested in the miraculous daily life of the sea monster, and couldn't help but ask, "By the way, what are you digging up squid for? Are you really eating it?"

"Well, it's actually mainly used as fuel for the magic reactor, but it can also be eaten..." Tier's face was a little embarrassed, "the meat of the big squid has very concentrated energy, and the taste is super good. Our seafood Don’t demons have no sense of taste? So things that are rich in energy and good in taste are our delicacies. It’s just that under normal circumstances, the big squid should be given priority to the reactor, and we usually just sneak a little... "

Gao Wen continued to be dumbfounded. It can be used to burn and eat, what the hell is this!

By the way, these deep-sea saltwater fish usually steal fuel from their own homes... Is this a brat who steals gasoline

Sure enough, it was just as he had imagined, in the deep sea... there were some weird things.

Then, out of curiosity, Gawain asked Tire a lot about the "big squid", and the latter's various characteristics were gradually pieced together in everyone's minds.

An extremely huge remains of an ancient creature, the length of a single tentacle may reach several kilometers, like a small mountain range.

It has died on the seabed for countless years, but there is no sign of decay, and it will even be reborn continuously, but every time it is reborn a little, it will be dug and burned by the sea monster.

Small tentacles sometimes grow on the surface of the tentacles of the giant squid. Those tentacles will greet or dance with the siren. The siren's main evaluation of these tentacles is that they are chewy.

The deep-sea creatures living around the giant squid have a strong tendency to attack, and they are also relatively chewy.

Occasionally, the giant squid will attract some distant sea creatures to the past, making them die near the tentacles of the squid like suicide, and these creatures from other sea areas are not chewy.

Obviously, Tyr's evaluation criteria for many things in the deep sea start from "chewy". I don't know if this is her own habit or the race of sea monsters is like this...

After listening to Tire's descriptions, Gao Wen suddenly had a doubt in his mind.

This group of salted fish... What the hell did they dig up in the sea

Are they afraid they dug up an ancient god? !

Gawain's horrifying idea was not out of his mind, but the various characteristics described by Tire really made him think of the piece of god's flesh and blood he found in the ruins in the mountain. The god is dead, but the flesh and blood are not rotten. Annihilation, and it will also affect the minds of other creatures. This feature is too special and distinct, and it is hard not to think of it together.

The "big squid" in the deep sea will continue to regenerate, but the piece of god's flesh that Gawain found will not. This may be because the crystal cube made by the Gondor magisters has a certain suppressive effect;

But the "big squid" can affect the minds of many creatures, why didn't it affect the siren? These sea monsters not only use the "big squid" as fuel, but even as food... So what material are these salted fish made of? .