Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 202: Fish, big fish


When the first ray of sunshine in the morning sprinkled on the earth, the peas had already got up early.

The first thing she had to do was to fetch water from the small square at the corner of the Street of Knights.

"Knight Street" is one of the earliest blocks built in the territory. It is said that it is also the former site of the soldiers' barracks when this pioneering territory first camped. After that, there were two neat rows of brick and tile houses and a square at the end of the street.

Most of the Cecil soldiers with families live in this area. On one side of the block is the new barracks area, and on the other side is the lord's mansion and the offices of several major departments, so "Knight Street" can also be It is regarded as the innermost line of defense of the Cecil Territory.

Living in this place seems to be the dream of many young people in the territory.

This means that they have the most respectable status, and they can also wear mighty enchanted armor, use the legendary powerful heat ray gun, and are already eligible to let their families enter the ranks of "citizens".

Pea came to this territory when the reconstruction project of the brick and tile house on Knight Street was halfway through. She witnessed how the workers on this land removed tents and wooden sheds with amazing efficiency, and then built a neat and solid There are brick and tile houses, and magic spar lamps driven by magic power are installed in front of each house, making this a beautiful place that is brighter and brighter than the wealthiest neighborhood in Tanzania Town. She lived in one of the earliest brick and tile houses on Knight Street with Byron, the chief knight in her adoptive father's territory. Now she is the daughter of the chief knight and the "dumb lady" in Knight Street.

But for Pea, these changes in life don't seem to affect her too much, or others can't figure out what is going on in the mute girl's mind. She can't speak, and this kind of "silence" can easily become the ground for others to speculate for no reason, so she is used to working silently, silently completing the things that others entrusted to her, without being curious, without trying to communicate, and without There will be troubles on the upper body. This is the wisdom of life that Pea has accumulated in the past days, even if she moves to a strange place and lives in a big sturdy house.

It's just that as she lived here longer and longer, she also realized that this place was indeed very different from the environment she was familiar with.

After closing the door, Pea carried a bucket and walked on the way to the small square. On both sides of the road, you can see neat double-storey brick houses. Houses are not seen in other places, at least the houses in other places cannot be so luxurious that every gate is inlaid with magic spar lamps; and on the streets between the houses, basically no men can be seen , only the women were working in front of the door while doing household chores.

Most of the men on Knights Street are soldiers from Cecil, even if they are not soldiers, they are workers from various factories. The former spend most of the month in the barracks or sentry posts, while the latter go out to work during the day. workers, so what can be seen on the street during this time period is basically female relatives.

Mrs. Merlene, who was drying dried fish at the door, saw the peas. This fat lady was one of the few people who survived from the old Cecil. Her husband was a veteran, and she herself was on this road. Prestige in the street. Seeing Pea coming out with a bucket, this prestigious lady immediately greeted her with a loud voice: "Pea, fetch water? Do you want to help?"

What makes Cecil Territory different from other towns: there will be someone to help you.

Pea made an "ah" sound and shook her head at Mrs. Mai Lin, expressing that she could do it.

"What a nice girl," said Mrs. Marilyn, who liked to chat with people very much. Her taste in this area was so strong that she could even chat with a dumb person for a long time. "Knight Byron hasn't come back yet? Or go out again gone?"

Holding the bucket, Pea thought for a long time and didn't know how to answer this complicated question, so she could only shake her head apologetically.

However, Mrs. Marilyn didn't care whether Pea answered, she just said by herself: "Hey, I heard that he was exploring the ruins in the mountains. My guy went there with him before, but he didn't tell me anything when he came back, tsk tsk, Men always have secrets... Pea, are you going to the castle to find Miss Betty later?"

Although Duke Cecil did not build a "castle" in the traditional sense, it is obvious that people are still accustomed to using "castle" to refer to the place where the lord lives: in their simple concept, the lord must live in a castle. .

At the mention of Betty, Pea finally laughed and nodded happily.

What makes Cecil Territory different from other towns: even the chief maid who lives in the lord's castle is very talkative, and even takes a newcomer to visit the territory, and distributes the candies that the lord gave her to herself eat.

Although the lord seems to have only one maid...

Then Mrs. Marilyn talked about a lot of things, from the weather after winter to the rumbling construction site on the territory, and from the amazing machines to this year's exceptionally good harvest, but fortunately she still remembered that the peas should be Going to fetch water, so she stopped decisively after extending the topic to how big the big fireball of Viscount Rebecca could become: "Hey, I couldn't stop when I started talking, hurry up and fetch water! I'm back Come to my house for dinner!"

So Pea bent over to Mrs. Marilyn, and quickly walked towards the small square with the bucket in hand.

People greeted her frequently along the way. Most people called her by her first name "Pea", while a few people called her "Byron's girl" or "Miss Kirk", the latter is derived from Byron. Kirk last name. Pea will seriously respond to every greeting, and a slightly brisk smile gradually emerges on her face.

Cecilland is different from other towns: People here will call her by her first name, instead of calling her "dumb" or "waste".

At first, Pea thinks it's because of her "status" that people have to respect a little mute because she has an adoptive father who is the chief knight, but she soon finds that this attitude pervades the entire territory, people and people This was always the case, and after a while, she heard a sentence from Duke Cecil from her adoptive father:

The vast majority of vices and bad practices stem from a lack of food, and when people have enough to eat, they start to think about morality. Although this is not absolute, it is the case in most cases.

Pea still doesn't quite understand the wisdom of the lord, but she vaguely feels that this sentence makes sense. She also committed petty theft when she was hungry, and was whipped by the sheriff for stealing a piece of bread, and was beaten by the magistrate. The sheriff publicly announced that she has a "natural, blood-derived habit of stealing", but now, her first reaction when picking up something that doesn't belong to her is to hand it over to the patrolling soldiers and gentlemen.

She also believed that those gentlemen soldiers would not take all the things they handed over to the public, because her adoptive father told her more than once how strict the lord's management of the army was, and she trusted her adoptive father very much.

Pea came to the square with a bucket in hand. The small square was very quiet at the moment. You could see that there was a construction site on the opposite side of the square making preparations before the start of construction. There was a new residential area. The homeless people are moving materials and distributing tools under the supervision of soldiers and supervisors. They still have some dazed and numb expressions on their faces. They don't seem to understand that they still have to work in winter, but Pea knows that these people will soon It will be hot when they understand the "Cecil Housing System" read by the soldiers, and understand that what they are building is the house they want to live in.

Pea came to the well in the center of the square. The water in this well was actually drained directly from the Baishui River. Although the lord had mentioned the concept of "supplying water to households", everyone didn't understand what it meant , everyone in the block draws water from this well, which is already very convenient for Pea.

She put her bucket aside, then opened the teeth on the well pulley, and threw the wooden bucket tied with a rope into the well

There was a strange "clang" sound from the well, and Pea couldn't help being stunned for a moment, but then she heard the normal sound of the wooden barrel entering the water, so she felt relieved.

Maybe he hit the wall of the well just now

She grasped the handle of the pulley with both hands and pushed hard to try to roll the bucket up.

But nothing happened.

Pea tilted her head and tried to push it again, but it still didn't move.

The little girl became confused. She had never encountered such a situation before. Although she was only a child, she had always been very strong because of her work since she was a child. In addition, she had been able to keep up with nutrition recently and was in good health. Her strength was even stronger than before, and it shouldn't be so strenuous to fetch a bucket of water from the well.

Pea was close to the mouth of the well, carefully held the bracket of the potter's wheel next to it, and looked inside, but it was dark inside, and there was nothing to see.

At this moment, a voice came from the side: "Isn't this a girl from the Byron family... what's wrong?"

Pea turned her head and took a look, and saw that it was a carpenter she knew, probably passing by, and saw herself squatting by the well, so she came to ask, and the carpenter was followed by his two apprentices.

"Ahh!" Pea made a vague sound, while stretching out her hand and gesticulating at the mouth of the well, indicating that something stuck in the bucket inside, the carpenter and the two apprentices looked at each other, and soon understood what she meant .

"Watch while we help you get the bucket up."

Pea stepped aside obediently, watching the three big men try to turn the handle together, and the pulley made of strong iron pillars and hard wood made a creaking sound, as if a big man was falling under the rope. Like a living person, but anyway, the rope finally started to go up.

"Come up, come up! Don't relax!"

The carpenter spoke loudly, and the moment his words fell, Pea suddenly heard a loud sound of water coming from the well.


A figure surrounded by water splashes suddenly rushed out of the well, and the upper body of a human being could be vaguely seen, as well as the tail of a fish...

Pea looked at this figure in a daze.

Cecil Land is different from other towns: fish will pop out of the well here, and it is a big fish...