Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 205: Spy, good spies


Hearing Hetty's words, Gawain was not at all surprised, because he had expected everything.

Suddenly came back from the dead, suddenly returned to the southern border, suddenly established a pioneering territory, and suddenly began to export cheap "secondary alchemy potions" and magic machinery... The name Gawain Cecil itself is an eye-catching signboard, plus After this series of events, it is impossible for the nobles and nobles in the southern border to be curious about this rapidly changing land.

The contemporary Ansu nobles are dull and slow. When Gao Wen just started to open up and build, most of the southern nobles didn't realize it at all. Probably in their concept, eight hundred people ran to the foot of the dark mountain to open up and survive. Looking for a dead end, even if they survived, it may take several years to be self-sufficient, and before that, the entire pioneering territory may still need to be supported by the royal family, so they did not invest too much energy in this place at the beginning

No one can imagine how these 800 people gained a firm foothold under the leadership of Gawain Cecil, and no one can imagine that this land has grown to With a population of tens of thousands, cities and towns have been built, with a stable food base, and even began to export products to the outside world to grab profits. The dull nobles of the southern border probably only panicked when the caravans from Cecil Territory poured into their territory. Sensing the change in the situation, they opened their eyes and saw that merchants in the name of the Cecil Chamber of Commerce had spread all over the southern region, and only then did they take action slowly.

Well, compared to the current aristocratic system, the aristocrats in various places have actually responded quite quickly, but in Gao Wen's view, they are still slow enough.

Gao Wen listened carefully to Hetty's report, and the latter couldn't help asking curiously after he finished speaking: "Ancestor, how did you know in advance that a large number of refugees who came to seek refuge in winter would be spies sent by nobles from all over the world?" ?”

Gao Wen said indifferently: "It's very simple. They can walk to Cecil's territory alive. This is the most suspicious thing."

Hetty froze for a moment, and suddenly understood what Gawain meant.

It is winter in Ansu now, and the southern border is the most desolate place in Ansu. The wilderness here is far more dangerous and vast than in the central region. Especially for Cecil, who is at the foot of the dark mountains, the surrounding traffic conditions are even worse. is bad.

Under such circumstances, how did the refugees who lacked food, lacked warm clothes, were weak, and had no means of transportation get to Cecil Territory

Although it sounds cruel, the fact is: the real refugees will either not migrate to Cecil Territory, or they will die on the way of migration.

Thinking of this, Hetty could only sigh and shake her head slightly, while Gao Wen asked her casually: "Didn't there be much commotion during the investigation?"

The territory will be seriously short of population for a long time in the future, and attracting foreign population will be a long-term policy, so even though he knows that there will be some "not simple" guys among the refugees, Gao Wen does not want this kind of investigation work to be too troublesome Well, once people panic, not only outsiders will be afraid, even those new immigrants who have recently joined the territory will become unstable, which is not what he wants to see.

Heidi couldn't help laughing when she heard this question, she shook her head: "Nothing happened, in fact, it's too easy to find those guys. The population registration system and resident district management system you implemented are very difficult for those guys. It's a new thing, they probably never thought that everyone on this land would have their own identity, name and registration information, and they would have been exposed without even going through the detailed investigation by the government affairs department. In addition, according to your instructions from the beginning Except for those who were caught on the spot when passing on information or trying to sneak through the checkpoint, we haven't alarmed the rest of the locked-up spies, but just monitored them."

Cecil has an unprecedented population management system in the aristocratic territory of this era. Whether it is entry-exit registration, resident registration, or community management, it is beyond anyone's imagination. However, the spies who tried to infiltrate were completely unaware of their delusional intentions. They pretended to be migrant workers and sneaked into the construction team that returned from outside the city every day. As a result, they were dumbfounded when the workers lined up to hand in their badges and receive their meal tickets. Most of them pretended to be refugees and tried to get away at the docks, city gates and other gates... They probably never thought in their life that there would be any nobleman who would specifically register the name, age, origin and professional skills of each "untouchable". Moreover, the "untouchables" had to receive observation and education in isolation camps before entering the city, and almost 80% of the spies were exposed during this process.

Of course, there are also many lucky and smart guys who have passed the tests. No matter what method they use, they have successfully sneaked into the city, but their imaginary actions after entering the city are "as a refugee, I will not be raped by the nobles." The master is concerned, most of them will be kicked into the gutter to fend for themselves, and then they will move around to collect information while no one is in charge, and develop their influence among the local gangsters by the way", but the actual development is that they are registered After collecting a lot of information, he became a glorious Cecil construction worker. He had a badge to work and a job number to go in and out. He lived in a dormitory and ate in a collective cafeteria. By the time they remembered that they were actually spies, they had already moved on the construction site. Bricks for days...

Gawain listened to Hetty's report and found various situations during the investigation, and even felt a little sympathy for those spies.

Hetty was even more smiling throughout the whole process. After the report, she couldn't help sighing: "Ancestor, these personnel management methods you designed are really a genius move. No guy with ulterior motives can sneak into the territory!"

Gao Wen raised his eyelids and glanced at his eldest granddaughter: "Then you still complained to me every day?"

Hetty's face was a little embarrassed, and she lowered her head slightly: "At the beginning, I really thought I would be exhausted, but now it's better, the government affairs department has been running, and the newly recruited clerk and second-level person in charge have taken over most of the work. I can relax a little bit."

Gawain nodded with a smile. Hetty is a person who never shows fatigue or other imperfections in front of others, but in front of herself, the "grandfather who unraveled the coffin", this lady has become more and more used to letting go. To blame herself, it is probably because she has to bear too much pressure on weekdays, but because of her own identity, she can only bear it by herself. Now that there is finally an elder who can act like a baby and complain, she has gradually adapted to this way of getting along.

But no matter what, he still wanted to remind Heidi to prevent the other party from being too slack and careless: "The system is not completely perfect, and someone will always find a loophole. Don't pin everything on your opponent being always so stupid."

"Yes, I know." Hetty nodded immediately, and then asked, "Ancestor, how do you plan to deal with those families with evil intentions? They have already started sending spies to Cecil..."

Gao Wenhun waved his hand indifferently: "There is no need for additional response."


"The Cecil Chamber of Commerce has already started operation. This network will penetrate the entire southern part of the kingdom, and even the entire kingdom. Its development comes first. Now we just need to slowly build and build this intelligence and Economic Network, there is no need for any more actions,” Gao Wen leaned back on the backrest, looked at the surprised Hetty and said slowly, “Those who are ‘curious’ about Cecil will not die Absolutely, as long as we are still developing, there will always be more eyes staring at this place, and with the promotion of magic machines and magic nets, they will only pay more attention to this place. Under the current situation, we cannot send troops To wipe out all the nobles in the southern border, it is better to let them rest at ease for a while, and wait for Cecil's economic and intelligence network to penetrate into every corner of their territory."

The noose is slowly being tightened, and at this time the knife is on, and the prey in the noose will be scared away.

"But those spies who have already entered the territory... are you going to execute them?"

"Execution? Why execution?" Gao Wen smiled slightly, "They have already been exposed, and with their common sense and 'professional level', no matter how they jump, it is impossible for them to jump out of Cecil's management system. At this time, mass execution These spies from various aristocratic collars in the southern border will not do us any good. On the contrary, they will stimulate the fragile nerves of the aristocrats everywhere. They may not take any action on the surface, but the expansion of our chamber of commerce will definitely be affected. After all, in terms of face We still have to maintain the friendly situation.”

Hetty frowned: "Then you mean..."

"Send all the spies who were directly captured to the north bank to open up wasteland, and those spies who have been locked but have not been alarmed...haven't they become glorious Cecil construction workers? Organize them into a new construction team, specializing in the construction of each The new district is currently building a new industrial zone on the west side of the territory, and there is a shortage of a large number of manpower, so just treat it as their new work task. Remember, this is a normal job transfer, don’t let them doubt this.”

Gao Wen paused, and then said: "The new construction team will be named 'The Twenty-fifth Production and Construction Brigade', and they will implement separate management and isolated production and life. They can communicate with the outside world, but all communications must be reviewed. From now on, if new spies are discovered, first check their capabilities, and those who are stupid will be sent to land reclamation or mining, and those who are smarter and good at disguising will be sent to the 25th brigade."

Hetty didn't turn the corner for a while, and asked in a daze: "Then don't these people realize that something is wrong? If they are restricted in movement and communication, they should immediately realize that they have been exposed..."

Gao Wen smiled slightly: "No, you just need to tell them 'don't ask about the situation, you are carrying out the Duke's secret plan', and they will figure out the rest."

Hetty was dumbfounded: "..."

After being stunned for a moment, Hetty held back another question: "But if they observe the people around them, won't they still realize the essence of the 25th Brigade... Ah, no, they won't realize it!"

"That's right, the spies who have successfully lurked into the territory before being discovered must be excellent spies, and the spies who enter the 25th brigade later will also be excellent spies, and excellent spies will never let themselves be exposed," Gao Wen said. He said cheerfully, "Everyone in the 25th Brigade will firmly believe that they are the only spy. Of course, it is not ruled out that there may be two or three people lurking in together and then sent to the 25th Brigade together, but this is harmless."

Hetty continued to be dumbfounded: "..."