Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 207: A way out of the tide


Sirens are a race full of mysteries, not only because they live in the deep sea far away from the land, and have a physical distance from surface creatures, but also because they seem to have a different way of thinking and worldview, which leads to the There may be a big difference between the things you know and the things you really know. For example, when humans divide the monsters in the deep sea according to their magic power level and attack attributes, what the sea monsters come up with is a chewing If the leaderboard is strong, then tm can't communicate at all.

So Gawain was not sure what the "big squid" dug by the Krakens in the deep sea was. He could only boldly guess that it was something related to gods based on the various characteristics mentioned by Tyre, but Whether it is... that will not be known until he sees it with his own eyes.

It's a pity that there is no chance to go to the deep sea at all.

After the dinner, Tire stretched his waist. This deep-water creature that was preparing to hibernate at this moment seemed to have no concept of walking a hundred steps after a meal. Answering a bunch of questions from Gawain during the dinner had already made her yawn. Miss Yao untied her coiled tail, waved her hands and told everyone that she was going to go back to paralyze, and then crawled out of the dining room with a bow and a bow.

The crawling posture is still so embarrassing...

Betty got up to pack the tableware, Rebecca returned to her room with a large pile of rune substrates and scrolls to continue the calculation, and Amber rolled into the shadows just after eating and drinking, not knowing what to do, and soon there were only Gawain and Hetty were left.

Gawain could see that Hetty was worried, so he took the initiative to ask, "What are you thinking?"

"Ancestor, do you believe what the sea monster said?"

Gao Wen first asked the other party, "What do you mean?"

"According to legends, things from the deep sea have the characteristics of bewitching and tempting people to go crazy. There are even rumors among sailors that as long as the ship leaves the near sea, they will hear the song of the siren on a windless night," Hetty said of herself From the knowledge in the books, "The singing will lure ships into the vortex and hidden reef areas, and even drag people into nightmares, leaving only empty and tattered ghost ships drifting on the sea."

"But you obviously don't believe these legends," Gawain smiled and glanced at Heidi, "and those sailors' superstitions are ridiculous for seven hundred years. How many ships really went to the high seas and came back alive? Those gangs Sailors don't get a lot of 'eyes and ears'."

Hetty shook her head lightly: "The legend is indeed absurd, but what Tyre said is indeed sensational and shakes people's hearts."

"You mean the part about the 'real magic wave'," Gawain knew what Hetty meant, "To be honest, I'd rather believe it's true."

Hetty frowned: "Is it because of the minerals recently discovered in the Dark Mountains?"

"The original stone of Home was formed in the magic tide, and what we can't be sure about is what substance will disappear during the magic tide," Gao Wen said quietly, "The mutation in the dark mountains can be seen by everyone, and when In the wasteland of Gondor... We have also seen countless things that have been affected by the magic tide and changed their nature. A large number of new magic materials may be a fortune, but if this phenomenon occurs all over the world, it will be a huge blow to mortal civilization. It’s a disaster, can you imagine what would happen if all the general-purpose magic materials known to mankind suddenly changed their properties overnight or even disappeared out of thin air?”

"Even the Stars Temple of the elves will fall," Hetty smiled wryly and shook his head, but then continued, "But there are still iron ore in the Dark Mountains, there are still building stones, giant wood is still giant wood, quartz sand It's still quartz sand... "

"This is the last ray of goodwill left by the world to mortals. Not 100% of the substances will change in the magic tide. Now it seems that the most basic substances with low magic sensitivity are the least susceptible to the magic tide. And Even for the affected magical materials, the conversion rate is not 100%, but no one can say whether it will still be the case when the "real magic wave" erupts. And even if the material affected by the magic wave is only 100% Ten, this is also enough to destroy the foundation of mortal civilization: those magic circles in operation, magic wells all over the world, mage towers, those magic guide materials that have been installed in magic devices, once they are affected by the magic tide during operation …”

Gao Wen didn't say the last sentence, but Hetty and he both understood what it would be like: Mortal civilization exploded in an instant, spiraling into the sky...

It is not unreasonable that the mighty Gondor Empire persisted in the demon tide for only one month before being wiped out.

This is a hopeless future. If the true power of the demon tide is really as described by Tyre and what Gawain imagined, then the mortal civilization at this stage can't think of any way to save itself, even if Gawain's two lifetimes and millions Years of satellite experience plus one piece, he can't imagine how to use today's human civilization to fight against the magic tide. The foundation of the material world will be shaken. This world is so "changeable". Who would have thought of it

But... is there really no way

For some reason, Gao Wen suddenly thought of the sentence he saw in the laboratory of the ruins in the mountains:

Human beings will live forever, even if they rebel against the gods.

Could it be that those Gondor magisters were not studying the method of immortality, but trying to find a way to fight against the tide of magic by studying the power of the gods? In the age of sparks a thousand years ago, the Magisters of Gondor already knew that the tide of magic was coming

That's why they said "Humanity will live forever", not "XX will live forever." The latter refers to the immortality of individuals, but the former may refer to the survival of the entire race and civilization!

However, during the demonic tide seven hundred years ago, the Gondor Empire only persisted for one month.

Their research in the age of sparks failed? give up? Wrong way? Or... The situation is not what I imagined at all. The research project of the ruins in the mountains has nothing to do with the magic tide

Thoughts swirled rapidly in Gao Wen's mind, and he thought of the "big squid" dug by the sea monster on the seabed.

According to the information disclosed by Tyr, the giant squid died on the bottom of the sea before the emergence of the Kraken civilization. That is to say, the thing that is suspected of being a relic of the gods has experienced several times of magic tides in the deep sea, but it never seems to be affected. …

Sea monsters are also not affected by the magic tide, or the impact is limited. Although their civilization seems to have been impacted, at least they still continue...

"Ancestor?" Seeing that Gao Wen hadn't spoken for a long time, Hetty couldn't help breaking the silence, "What are you thinking?"

"I'm wondering if there is a way for mortals to survive in the face of the demonic tide," Gao Wen said slowly, "Although there is no clear evidence, I think there is a way out, either in the gods or in the way of elements. "

"A priest and an elemental mage?"

"No, what you're talking about is just two spellcasting professions, they are power users, but I think the way out should be in the essence of power, or... the essence of our material world."

Seeing that Hetty fell into thinking following this sentence, Gawain couldn't help laughing: "It's too early to think about these things now, with our current strength, or even the current level of the entire mortal world, we are not qualified to think about these things. Questions, instead of thinking about these, let’s go back and have a rest, and then think about how to organize the selection of personnel for two days.”

Yes, now is not the time to think about it, at least not for Hetty to think about it.

Gawain comforted Hetty and told her to go back to the room to rest. At the same time, he was also concentrating in his mind, calling the monitoring satellite in space.

The "Magic Imaging Overhead View" like a thermal imaging map came to his mind. With his current location as the center, the magic power distribution map and topographic map within hundreds of kilometers around him were combined in a superimposed manner. Floating and changing on the top view, and the most recent giant planet monitoring information jumped into my mind:

"The energy level of the giant planet has dropped, and it has entered a low-alert state.

"The energy level of the giant planet has dropped to a low level, confirming that the giant planet has entered a quiet period, and the alert has been lifted.

"Systems enter low power self-test mode."

At the very least, there is no sign of a demon tide erupting for the time being.

At the same time, the western border of the Kingdom of Ansu, the border of the Duke of Franklin, and the junction of Moss Forest.

The Ogure tribal state adjacent to Ansu is a loosely-structured alliance kingdom. Seven hundred years ago, the human westward pioneering troops chose to coexist peacefully with the local forces after entering this land covered by mountains and dense forests. By concluding contracts and drawing alliances, they have gained a firm foothold in the western part of the continent. After seven hundred years of integration and evolution, many races that were originally on this land have joined together to form a new force. There are more than a dozen intelligent races. Live here for a long time, and the spirit race, gray elves, goblins, orcs and humans are the most powerful races and have the most say. The original hereditary habitats of these races are their respective main cities. The governing structure of the Council", they jointly govern this vast country.

Unlike Typhon, who is now in the same situation as Ansu, the Augure Tribal State has maintained good diplomatic relations with Ansu for seven hundred years, and the Franklin family in the western border of Ansu has contributed to this. : This calculating and business-savvy family has always been happy to deal with the races in the mountains and dense forests, and has a long-term trade relationship with the gray elves. On the border of the "moss forest" where the gray elves mainly live, the Franklin family has also established A large trading town and several specialized settlements to facilitate travel between business travelers. Although they used various means to amass wealth in the process, they even came up with the idea of forcing merchants to exchange one-third of their property for Franklin silver coins, and The "government order" that must be settled with Franklin silver coins before walking in the territory, but compared to the nobles in other regions who directly dig holes on the road to rob traders and hire robbers to directly rob the market, the Franklin family is already a rare wisdom the ones.

But today, the wise Duke of Franklin encountered troubles.

The trading town "Goldwood Town" on the edge of the moss forest.

The blazing torches lit up the night, and a large group of soldiers blocked all the traffic arteries around the market town, and surrounded the largest trading house in the town.