Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 208: Team 25 is in action


Gao Wen is very grateful for the various educations he received in his previous life and the habit of flipping through books when he has nothing to do, but he is also very grateful for the fact that he first crossed over to become a satellite spirit in this life, and some kind of mutation occurred in the process. When he became a satellite, he experienced "reconstruction" or "compilation" at the spiritual or soul level, and this reconstruction based on the satellite host must have completely sorted out all his memories and sorted them out. In the end, it brought him two extremely important changes: first, an inhuman mind, and second, a memory like a hard drive.

He can remember things very clearly, even those things that he thought he had forgotten in his previous life, he can remember them as long as he thinks back.

Now, he was happy to teach Rebecca the good things he recalled, um, and by the way, Hetty who stood beside her with a circled face.

While the lord of this land and officials at all levels are planning post-war production and future development, everyone in the territory is also busy with their own affairs, including studying with apprentices how to further improve the magic melting furnace The efficient Hammer, including Norris who is considering land reclamation in the coming year, also includes the 25th production and construction brigade who just returned to the residential area and is meeting to hear tomorrow's work plan.

Before the monster attacked, the 25th production and construction brigade was building a new industrial area in the southwest of the territory. After the alarm came, the whole brigade temporarily stopped the work at hand like other engineering teams. They were assigned to the city wall section Helped carry materials and strengthen the wall, and now, the battle alarm has been lifted, and the entire brigade has returned to its station as a special "team". They are not together with other production teams, assign production tasks, and carry out work. The same is true when summing up. There are several specialized supervisors and soldiers in charge of managing the Second and Fifth Brigade. The one who is holding a meeting for them now is a member of the Cecil Combat Corps who is said to have served the Cecil family for ten years. veteran.

Hall is a member of the 25th Brigade, and also a new member of this territory. He sat obediently in his own position, listening to the tall and strong veteran conveying the lord's order to the people in the team. Let yourself behave like the most normal civilian husband, but you still need to work hard to adjust to fully adapt to the role you should play.

The "citizen husband" in this land is different from other places, which makes him a little awkward, but fortunately, he is a person with strong adaptability and good sense of words, so he has not lived here for a long time. He basically learned the way of speaking and deeds of Cecil civilians.

After confirming that everyone around him was listening carefully, Hall pretended to casually raise his head, and quickly glanced at the soldiers in front of him.

It is normal for the civilian husband's team to be managed by a supervisor, but besides the supervisor, there are three soldiers in this team responsible for maintaining order. It aroused the suspicion of the lord, but soon he realized that the soldiers who managed the team were not targeting him at the beginning, but were monitoring the entire team, so he felt relieved.

In addition to being relieved, he was also quite happy that this team was very special, and the lord's private soldiers personally supervised it, which showed that he had been lucky enough to sneak into a place where he could get access to secrets. There are factors of coincidence and luck in this, but isn't the job of spying itself very dependent on luck

I have heard that several spies were caught at city gates, docks, checkpoints and other places, and were whipped and exiled, but I am still sitting here, I am undoubtedly lucky.

And it was precisely because I was lucky enough to lurk down that I had the opportunity to see so many unimaginable things in this land.

There is no doubt that the resurrected Duke Gawain Cecil is indeed not simple. He led his descendants and hundreds of refugees to the Dark Mountains not because he was out of his mind, but because he was planning something. The speed and extent of the construction of this piece of land far exceeded the expectations of its owner, that is, Viscount Carroll. It was a wise move for Viscount Carroll to send himself here.

And there are those monsters, those monsters that are said to have run out from the wasteland of Gondor, and the war weapons created to destroy those monsters...

Until now, remembering the battle that was over still makes Hall a little bit scared. Although he only took a quick glance at the battlefield when he climbed up the city wall to deliver the bomb in the second half of the battle, the scene still made his legs weak. He couldn't imagine that there would be such a terrible thing in the world, and he couldn't even imagine that the resurrected Duke could create thunderous war weapons to fight against that monster. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, who would have imagined that in this civilization Such a thing is happening in the borderlands

The soldiers who delivered the orders didn't speak at length like noble lords, so when Hall was thinking, the soldiers had already finished talking about the important things, and then he announced his disbandment, and the members of the 25th Brigade on the scene stood up one after another .

Hall also stood up with everyone, flicked his clothes as if nothing had happened, moved his hands and feet, and walked towards the exit.

He restrained the urge to go to that soldier and get close to him, it was too early, and his identity was just a "untouchable". Contacting the private soldiers of the nobles is still unavoidably suspicious. Even if you spend money to bribe the other party, such loyal soldiers are likely to sell themselves immediately. He has to play it safe.

Don't let others see your abnormality.

On the way, someone came to say hello to me. The other party was also a member of the 25th Brigade. They had been working together for several days and their names were familiar, but the details were still unclear.

This is a newly established production and construction team, so it is normal that everyone does not know each other, but in order to avoid suspicion, Hall still responded enthusiastically to the other party, and chatted about the latest production tasks, and the topic changed naturally. To the battle that just ended.

Everyone around was also talking about the same topic. After all, the battle had just ended, and it was still an impressive battle. Normal people can't help but use this topic to talk about it at this moment to relieve their nervousness.

There's nothing suspicious about that.

But Hall still remembered his mission, so he couldn't just chat, but also took this opportunity to inquire about things in the territory, such as asking how the monsters came from, and where the weapons used to fight the monsters came from.

And in this process, he can't just ask questions, the people next to him may also ask questions under the guidance of the topic at any time. The information I observed, as well as my own guesses and understandings to fabricate smooth answers, so that people will not suspect that I am actually an outsider who knows nothing and asks for information everywhere.

After chatting for a while, Hall would sensibly change the subject to prevent others from doubting himself, and then he would find a way to naturally get out of the sight of the people around him and find a chance to be alone.

The dormitory was a relatively safe place, but it was not suitable at this time, because several people in the same dormitory might have gone back, so he turned a corner and walked towards the toilet in the dormitory building.

The number of toilets here is sufficient, and there are also "cubicles". The toilets and sewers seem to have some kind of cleanliness, but until now, Hall has adapted to the strange rules here, and thinks that the strange rules set by the ancient duke have brought him great convenience.

After walking into the toilet, Hall saw a row of cubicles with closed doors. He knocked on the first few, and there were people inside, but in the end he found an empty cubicle, so he quickly dodged in.

He didn't forget to turn around and close the door, and catch the latch from the inside.

Then he took out the charcoal pencil and paper hidden in his body, and after confirming his safety, he began to write a secret letter:

To the host:

Has settled down and become a construction worker. This place is developing very fast, and the population has reached more than 10,000; a monster attack occurred today, and it is said...

He used as accurate words as possible to describe what he saw, but it was not easy, after all, he saw too many things beyond imagination here, even as an excellent spy, he was also describing the process of those things Zhong felt that his vocabulary was insufficient, but he still finished writing the secret letter and hid it close to him.

In the near future, businessmen from the Carroll Territory will pass by here, and some of them have a secret message. He will send the secret letter when the contact person passes by.

After confirming that everything was fine, Hall stood up, deliberately made some clothes noises, and pushed the door to leave the cubicle.

Someone also came out of the next compartment, an ordinary construction worker.

Hall nodded and greeted the other party, and the other party also nodded, without seeming suspicious at all...

In this way, the members of the 25th Brigade were moving in the residential area, chatting, pretending, collecting information from the people around them, and at the same time releasing information themselves, except for a few officers from the Military Intelligence Bureau who were placed among them In addition, none of them are senior citizens who really understand Cecil's situation, but miraculously, countless information about Cecil's territory was brewed among them and passed on.

Some of it was something they saw with their own eyes, but more... God knows who first imagined it, and then spread it to the whole group.

And the soldier who finished the meeting went to the military area after leaving the 25th brigade, and walked into the military security intelligence bureau's station.

There were two men in winter overalls in the office debriefing Amber. They were MII operatives who were placed in Team 25.

Amber was taken aback by what they reported.

What Cecil Territory was built on the ruins of a Gondor city, the monster was summoned by the crazy ancient magister in the dark mountains, the weapons used to fight the monster were secretly smuggled by the Silver Empire...

In the process of raising Gu, the miraculous second and fifth brigade actually relied on internal brain supplementation, fermentation, and rumors to create a fantasy version of Cecil to lead it out.

Even Amber couldn't help exclaiming:

"It's just like what the old zongzi said, this is a miracle created out of nothing..."
