Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 211: Deep sea fan... voyage?


In front of Gao Wen was the latest batch of investigation materials on the ruins in the mountains sent by the messenger soldiers. This information detailed what Knight Byron had seen and heard in the ruins in the mountains, and a more detailed map was attached. and some hand-drawn manuscripts of Stranger Things.

After the winter, Knight Byron's exploration mission to the ruins in the mountain is still not over. Half of his time every month is still wandering around in the super-large facility in the mountain, looking for more corridors, secret passages and rooms, and drawing Maps along the way, every three days or so, he will send a soldier to send the newly collected information to the territory.

At present, these are all conventional information, and no new research facilities related to the secrets of the gods have been discovered, but the ever-expanding map itself is enough to bring Gawain quite a big surprise. The true scale of this ruin is challenging again and again. According to his expectations, the scale of those corridors and halls may have reached the level of a small city. Even after exploring for so long, Byron Knight failed to complete its current "floor". Not long ago, Byron and explorer The team also discovered two large stairs leading to the upper and lower floors in the ruins. More and more clues prove that there are brand new large areas waiting to be discovered in the ruins.

Gao Wen in the upper area can understand that it may lead to some observation platforms or lookout structures on the top of the dark mountain range, but where will the lower area lead? The middle layer of the ruins has almost hollowed out the entire mountain. Could it be that the lower layer has spread to the ground

Even as an ancient facility for studying the mysteries of the gods, this scale is too big.

However, no matter how big its overall size is, a large part of its middle area has been completely explored and mapped. Knight Byron has confirmed the safety and security of those areas. Gawain's next plan is to generalize the area on the territory. Some things were transferred to the ruins in the mountains.

Those vast ancient halls cannot be wasted in vain. Their firmness and secrecy are the greatest use value. Gawain plans to transfer the newly assembled production lines of thermal energy ray guns, stamped armor and rune substrates there. Things that are confidential, or that are harmful to the environment or that make a lot of noise can also be transferred to the mountain. That itself is the research facility of the ancient Gondor Empire. The brick and tile factories that come out are much stronger.

Gao Wen picked up the dipping pen next to him, and was about to leave some records on one of the documents, but at this moment, a sound of hurried footsteps came from outside the door.

There was a knock on the door, and after getting Gawain's response, Betty pushed the door open and walked in.

"Master!" The little maid walked quickly to the desk, bowed in a signature gesture that looked like she was going to push herself over, and said crisply, "The square on Knights Street Come on, someone caught a big fish!"

"Big fish?" Gao Wen was stunned immediately, he didn't expect the girl to rush over to report such an inexplicable incident, "If you catch a fish, why don't you just report it and send it to the kitchen?"

Betty straightened up, thought for a while, and shook her head vigorously: "It's too big, it can't be stewed in one pot!"

"It's impossible for you to catch a shark," Gawain laughed dumbly, "It's because the fish from the White Water River ran into the well on Knight Street along the diversion channel..."

"It doesn't look like it grows in the Whitewater River, because half of it looks like a human..."

"… What?!"

Gao Wen rushed to the square of Knight Street in a hurry, and the patrol soldiers who responded in time had already imposed martial law here. A young apprentice knight wearing the commander's armor was maintaining order on the spot, and those who were blocked by the martial law line The citizens outside were curiously watching the movement here in the corners of the streets and alleys.

Gawain recognized the young commander because he had personally awarded the honor to the soldier. In the first Cecil Defense Battle, the young soldier named Kerim was exceptionally brave in combat, so he was appreciated, not only the military rank He was promoted, and also accepted Byron's teaching to become an apprentice knight.

"My lord!" Seeing Gawain, Kerim immediately stepped forward to salute, "The situation is under control, that...creature is still staying by the well."

"What's going on?" Gawain frowned, "I heard that you caught a woman who is half man, half fish?"

Kerim shook his head: "I didn't catch it. Miss Pea discovered that half-fish, half-human creature when she was fetching water. It seemed to be hiding at the bottom of the well, and was later pulled up by a passing carpenter and apprentice."

Gao Wen's mind suddenly appeared in his own notebook that he saw a few days ago... Ahem, the knight's biography, and he thought of the "sea monsters" mentioned in the notebook... the biography.

Could it be such a coincidence

He was expecting and couldn't believe that he would be so lucky, but he had already taken steps under his feet. He led Betty through the blockade of the soldiers, and saw several people in the small square surrounded by a temporary wooden fence. Surrounded by that well.

Pittman, Rebecca, Amber, Hetty... almost all the well-informed came, and beside them stood three craftsmen who were being questioned by soldiers and a little girl with an empty bucket, which was peas.

On the other hand, a strange woman was lazily sitting on the edge of the well. She had beautiful long sea-blue hair, and her upper body was wearing a blue "coat" with a material that looked like leather. Her cheeks and arms were exposed. A scale-like structure can also be seen on the top, and her lower body... just like Betty and Kerim described, is a beautiful fishtail with pale gold and blue patterns.

Gao Wen's heart moved, and he walked forward quickly.

Rebecca and the others were curiously surrounding this strange woman at the moment. Hetty was seriously analyzing the beautiful lines on the other's tail that looked like magic patterns, while Amber was inquiring about the other's origin and the purpose of visiting this place. But the half-human, half-fish woman always looked lazy and didn't respond to most of the questions.

"What's the situation?" Gao Wen asked aloud, and it wasn't until he spoke next to him that the few people who were immersed in the study of seafood finally noticed his existence, and Rebecca was the first to jump up: " Lord Ancestor! This person looks like the 'sea monster' you asked around before!"

Listen to her quantifier, this "article" person! At this moment, the fusion of the two species is superb...

Pittman also turned his face, and the old druid's face was rare and serious: "My lord, I'm afraid this is really a sea monster, but I don't know how she got here. When she saw us just now, she showed a very serious expression." A lot of vigilance and hostility, but after we said we weren't mean, she was... less active."

Really a Kraken? !

Gawain controlled his excitement, and looked curiously at the "Miss Mermaid" sitting on the edge of the well, and the latter also raised his eyelids to look at him curiously, and the two stared at each other for a while. Yes, "Miss Mermaid" suddenly slapped her tail on the edge of the well, and she made a pleasant but lazy voice: "I seem to have seen you somewhere?"

Gawain was taken aback for a moment, then he was ecstatic, and even wanted to dance wildly.

Was this sea monster thrown down from the sky by Goddess Luck to solve the mystery? !

"Are you a siren?" Gawain took two deep breaths before he calmed down, and then asked impatiently, "If so, maybe we have really met my name is Gawain Cecil, we were seven hundred years ago Haven't you seen it?!"

"Gawain Cecil? Yawn..." Miss Mermaid yawned big, then rubbed her eyes, "Seven hundred years ago... I seem to have a bit of an impression. It seems that such a human appeared at that time, but I didn't How do you deal with that human being? You said it was you? Can you human beings live for seven hundred years?"

Gao Wen didn't know how to explain it for a moment: "Um... I was resurrected recently."

Miss Mermaid blinked: "Have you developed new functions?"

Gao Wen: "...you can't say that."

"It doesn't matter, anyway, I don't know you well," the mermaid lady shook her head, her long sea-blue hair glowed wonderfully in the sun, "I'm so sleepy, I was woken up by a bucket of water just in the middle of my sleep By the way, who threw the bucket?"

Gawain glanced awkwardly at Pea not far away, but then he realized: "Of course you will be smashed if you sleep in our well... By the way, what's your name?"

"Tyl," the mermaid lady muttered and replied, "so the place where I was just now was a well?"

It can be seen that she really doesn't want to talk to people, but she is a little interested in Gao Wen, so the two barely reached an exchange, and this exchange is enough to amaze the people next to them, Ruibei Ka looked at his ancestor with adoring eyes when he reached a consensus with a fish, and couldn't help saying: "Master ancestor, did you ever fish?"

I have no idea how she thinks about it.

Gawain looked at Rebecca dumbfounded, and then looked at the sea monster who called himself "Tyre", unbearably curious: "By the way, where did you come from? Why did you come here? What do you need our help for?" Is it?"

"Me? I come from the deep sea," Tire swayed slightly on the edge of the well, "I don't know why I came to your human land... I was still fighting with another group of humans in the sea a few days ago. Then I just wandered away with the big army, and I swam home by myself, but somehow I ended up here. When I opened my eyes and saw humans everywhere, I thought I had fallen into the enemy’s lair. I was so scared. big jump."

"Fighting a group of humans in the sea?" Gao Wen keenly grasped the key point in this sentence, and then realized another key point, "You said you were going back to the territory of your Kraken Wandering here?"

Tyre nodded: "Yes."

If the records of the legends and elves are correct, the siren is a kind of intelligent creature that lives in the far sea in the east of the mainland...

Gawain's expression became strange: "Miss Till, if I'm not wrong, you... probably got it wrong..."
