Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 212: Amber returns


For Kamel, it's a new era—even a new world.

The mighty Gondor Empire, the supreme glory of mankind, the advanced magic technology, all the brilliance in his memory have disappeared, and a thousand years can eliminate many things. Insignificant up.

To be honest, he felt very uncomfortable.

But the experience of being imprisoned in the Shadow Realm for thousands of years gave him a mind far beyond that of ordinary people. Generally speaking, such experiences can only lead to two consequences, either hysterical madness or calm beyond ordinary people.

He'd been through that hysterical phase—and had been lucky enough to transition into a state where he could think calmly.

So he is very clear that he must recognize the reality and accept this new era. At least, he must understand the environment in which he will survive in the future.

It is said that human beings have experienced a large-scale disintegration of technology and society. Today's human countries are almost built from scratch on the barren land. In the communication with the people in the territory, he heard many incredible places in this era. Technology His regression and the barbarity of contemporary humans stunned him—although he could no longer do this physiologically—and the only thing to be thankful for is that the ancient lord who returned from the grave like him was also a glorious Gondor People, under his rule, this pioneering land is not so barbaric.

This is really the greatest luck for Kamel.

Under Gawain's guidance, he came to the machinery manufacturing plant on the east side of the territory. This place for research and development of mechanical equipment made him feel very friendly—although the mechanical equipment here is similar to the magic workshop of the ancient Gondor Empire. It's very different, but he feels a familiar atmosphere here: technicians are obsessed with research and manufacturing, and new ideas collide in the work area, which is a good place for research and learning.

A silver-white metal ball with an exaggerated smiley face on its surface floated in front of Kamel. Kamel looked at the metal ball in amazement, and the latter floated up and down slightly in front of him. With a metal tremolo voice: "Hello, I heard that you are coming."

Kamel was stunned again (on a psychological level), and he found that the technicians around him—there were some technicians who had no magical reaction on their bodies, and they didn’t know how these ordinary people participated in the magic research—all were curious Looking at this side with a respectful gaze, he realized that the metal ball in front of him might be the person in charge of this place, and he was very surprised: "You are..."

"You can call me Nicholas Egg Boss, or you can call me Egg Boss for short," the metal ball floated up and down reservedly, "I'm the director of Cecil Machinery Manufacturing Institute, and I'm also the ball in charge of the mechanical R&D department."

"I'm Kamel Slane, just call me Kamel," Kamel introduced himself a little awkwardly. He really didn't expect that he would need to communicate with a ball—he finally remembered that the lord once had a conversation with a ball. He said that there are many strange existences like him in this land, but he obviously underestimated this, "The lord asked me to learn from you... about how to adapt to this society. He said that you are also his disobedient Found in the fort."

"Ah, the Fortress of Disobedience... We finally figured out the name of the ruins—come with me, I'll show you around this place, and let you understand the technical route we're taking," Nicholas Egg turned around, silver The funny white face glanced at the surrounding technicians, "What are you doing here to join in the fun! Have you finished the impact test of the new rune substrate?!"

Those human technicians dispersed one after another, and the silver-white giant egg continued: "I did come out from there. I was in the Rebel Fortress a thousand years ago, but I am in the middle zone, not with you. place."

"Are you really a member of the fortress back then?" Kamel looked at the metal ball beside him in astonishment, "My God... I thought my life form had changed enough... What research did you do in the fortress back then? of?"

The Nicholas egg slightly slowed down its floating speed: "... was studied."

Kamel: "..."

"That experience was not pleasant, but I can talk to you slowly if I have time," Nicholas Egg floated forward, "Now we are passing the first assembly workshop, you can see that the industrial power on this land is How it was manufactured. Most of the ideas for these machines and equipment come from our lord, but the specific blueprint design is now completed by me and the technicians. Of course, occasionally other departments will design and send orders, and we will manufacture .”

"... Almost all of them are ordinary people..." Kamel looked at the scene in the workshop in surprise, "Where is their mage master? Are these ordinary people allowed to play with those magic mechanisms at will?"

"Mage 'Master'? There is no Mage 'Master' here," Nicholas said buzzingly, "You must completely forget the past habits. These skilled magicians do not need any guidance from the Mage Master. What restrains them is the workshop. operating procedures and safety rules, and the mages on the territory will not be called masters under any circumstances, their task is to conduct research in the laboratory and teach students in the school."

“… I feel like I do need time to get used to all of this.”

"You'd better get used to it quickly," Nicholas said. "Next, let's go to the machining center. I'll show you how ordinary people use the power of magic mechanisms to make parts."

Amber returned to the territory, and there were hundreds of people who entered the Cecil Territory with her... plainly dressed and individualized energetic social activists.

Even in winter, Cecil Territory still maintains a super-strong construction speed with new changes every day. Standing on the square at the entrance of the town, Amber found that the "merchant's hall", which was only a frame when she started, had already entered the main body capping. At this stage, a newly manufactured mechanical lifting device is sending a large pile of building materials to reduce the weight to the upper floor of the building. She can't help but sigh a little: "Thanks for coming back early... I'm afraid I'll have to ask someone if I'm late for half a month." On the way..."

The scar-faced Anton and the witch Jibri, who got off the caravan, stared at the scene in front of them dumbfounded—they obviously didn't expect that the Cecil Territory, which was said to have been opened for less than a year, had been built to such an extent, let alone Thinking that in this icy and snowy winter season, there is still a territory that can be so prosperous.

They come from the northern region of Leslie Land, which is already a rare and prosperous place in the southern part of the entire kingdom. Even so, the towns they live in are still depressed after winter, and people are reluctant to go out in the ice and snow. The poor are living in their huts with a few meters of grain for the winter, the rich are waiting for the spring around the fireplace in the mansion, and lawless people like them are drinking hot bootleg wine in the tavern. They recognized the "normal way of winter", but Cecil led a normal life against the cold wind and started construction in all directions, which was obviously unheard of for them.

But before being infected by this atmosphere, the first thing these gangsters, rogues, liars and thieves felt was nervousness and anxiety, because they could see the order in the bustling town in front of them, and they could also see the people in neat and light armor The vigilantes patrolling the streets, for whom such a town is clearly "tricky".

The "vigorous civil society activists" who are used to sneaking around and avoiding patrols everywhere are still not used to the status quo of legal entry. They even forget that they are allowed to enter the city...

Scarface Anton, as the leader when Amber left, stepped forward to ask the boss on behalf of everyone at this time: "Big sister, is this really the Cecil collar?"

"Otherwise?" Amber turned her head back, frowned and looked at those guys who were either trembling after getting off the caravan, or took a look at the guys with mischievous eyebrows, and shouted loudly, "Be more energetic! Keep your heads up! One by one Aren’t you able to yell and shout when you’re in the car? Why are you so depressed now—you were hired by the lord! You didn’t sneak across the border!”

Such a large group of people gathered in the square must be conspicuous. At this time, the patrolling security guards had already noticed the movement on the square. A group of patrolling personnel walked towards the square, and the witch Jibri saw those in armor from a distance. , a soldier with a sword, she immediately reminded Amber nervously: "Sister, there are soldiers coming!"

The others instinctively became nervous when they saw the soldiers approaching, but Amber curled her lips, turned her head and raised her hand to greet the soldiers: "Hi! I'm here!"

It was only then that the patrol leader noticed who was leading the group. He hurriedly led them forward and saluted: "Miss Amber! The lord is already waiting for you!"

Then he glanced at the new guest at No. 100 and smiled: "The lord also ordered that if you bring someone here, you can take them directly to the old barracks on the north side of Knight Street to rest for a while. They are ready to come out there."

"Understood," Amber nodded, "But these people have no rules, I'm afraid they will cause trouble..."

"The old barracks are no longer in use, so it won't affect..."

"No, I mean that I will be responsible for educating these people after they cause trouble. Don't stop them when the time comes—you can't kill them."

The young security captain is obviously not quite used to the way of communicating with Amber: "..."

After the security patrol team left, Anton with the scar face dared to speak, with a trace of surprise and awe: "Elder Sister, you... are you really a high-class person? Even the lord's soldiers salute you!"

"Nonsense, didn't I say it a long time ago, I am now the lord's guard," Amber glanced at the bald man, "And if I didn't have this status, how do you think I got Andrew for you number one hundred and ten?" A warrant from Viscount Leslie?"

Anton chuckled: "Master Viscount wishes for people like us to get out of his territory quickly."

"That's true... Come on, don't talk nonsense here, I'll show you the world!"