Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 217: on the border


Cecil Territory was once again attacked by monsters from the wasteland of Gondor, and successfully wiped out the invading enemy that day. This became the fastest and most widely circulated news in this cold winter, and the spread of the news was not only from all walks of life. The contributions of spies, merchants, and mercenaries, and Gao Wen's tacit approval and even secret promotion of this also have a great impact.

In Gao Wen's words, "the gang of comfortable southern aristocrats and people from the royal capital must be made aware of the existence of the threat."

In this cold winter, many people are destined to be restless.

On the eastern border of Ansu, Changfeng Fortress.

As the general guardian of the Eastern Territory, Duke Silas Loren has personally garrisoned the fort all year round. At this moment, he is standing on the top terrace of the castle in the center of the fort, looking at the layers of walls in the distance, and Outside the wall, there is a vast expanse of wilderness covered by ice and snow.

This fortress, which was only completed ten years ago, is the pride of the Loren family in the East. It has gone through three generations of painstaking efforts. This strong fortress was erected on a piece of land facing the Typhon Empire tit for tat. It is far away from the Winter Wolf Castle and its affiliated fortresses set up by the Typhon Empire on the border. It is not only a barrier, but also a deterrent.

The establishment of Longwind Keep stems from a rapidly deteriorating relationship between Anzu and Typhon.

During the civil strife in the Brumy Moon a hundred years ago, the Loren family in the East was the one with the best preserved strength among the Dukes of the Four Realms. From the very beginning, this family realized that the Typhon Empire, which was always commensurate with the Ansu brothers, was actually a huge empire. Therefore, during the entire Brumaire civil strife, this family did not allow its core strength to participate in the chaotic and cruel battle for royal power. The status and influence within the kingdom, and most of their energies have been placed on the eastern border. Later facts proved that Duke Loren's prudence and conscientiousness back then protected the entire kingdom.

After the civil strife ended and Ansu's domestic situation was quickly pacified due to the establishment of the Second Dynasty and the thunderous tactics of the Wilder family in the north, the Loren family began to build a series of defensive facilities on the border, and the Changfeng Fortress was all defenses. Among the facilities, it is the one that puts the most energy into it, takes the longest time, and has the strongest defense force.

It is not so much a military fortress, but rather a "fortress city" that has both the functions of a fortress and a city. It has all the facilities to maintain the operation of the fortress and ensure self-sufficiency. The soldiers of the Loren family are the soldiers who guard the city here , is also a resident of this city, and the purpose of this fortress city is to stand on this border land under any circumstances and never fall down.

When Ansu declined sharply due to civil strife, but the Typhon Empire became more and more powerful and became unruly, it was precisely because of the barrier established by the Loren family that stood on the border that made Typhon unruly. The heart of evil can only be the heart of evil.

In fact, it can be said that the four major families of Ansu during the civil strife in the foggy moon have taken on several completely different historical roles: the Franklin family in the western border has always maintained diplomatic and trade relations with the Ogure tribal country, and kept the kingdom The economic lifeline of the country laid the foundation for the reconstruction of the kingdom after the war; the Wilder family in the north used an illegitimate son as a banner to quell the civil strife in the entire country, and forcibly stabilized the kingdom before the situation was completely irreversible; The Lauren family served as a barrier to guard the border of Ansu, blocking those enemies with malicious intentions outside the kingdom during the civil strife.

Although each of them can be said to be selfish, and they were almost divided into hostility during the civil war, but in any case, they still held the kingdom to the last moment.

In stark contrast, at the same time, the Cecil family in the southern border was originally established by the heads of the four founding dukes. The Cecil family has always been brilliant for six hundred years... Didn't do anything.

Now that the ancestor of the Cecil family is alive, no one dares to directly criticize the honor of the Cecil family. It can only be said that their family is unlucky, and at the most critical point in time, they met the worst heir, the ancestor. The foundation was almost destroyed.

Historians have never lacked enthusiasm in this regard. They always discuss with relish what factors caused the four families to behave so differently during the Brumaire civil strife, but in Duke Lauren's view, all Discussions about that period of history are meaningless. He believes that the main reason for the situation back then was that Cecil Gawain died too early. Duke Cecil, who died in battle at the age of thirty-five, left prematurely. That's why he failed to pass on his brilliance and glory to his heirs in time, and that's why the Cecil family's inheritance had a big problem in Grumman Cecil's generation.

Duke Cecil's resurrection may have come to educate future generations.

Silas Lauren stood on the terrace, quietly thinking about these issues related to the history of the kingdom and the inheritance of glory. Many people thought that the duke with legendary strength was just a warrior, but he believed that those were just ignorant people. In my humble opinion, he has never lacked profound thinking, but his talent on the battlefield is far higher than his thinking, so people only pay attention to his strength.

A familiar breath approached, and Silas Lauren retracted his gaze into the distance. He turned around and saw a young man with short brown hair and armor walking up the terrace. He bent slightly in front of him: "Father, the information is here."

"Perform a knight's salute!" Silas Lauren said sternly, "Belk, you are reporting military information now!"

"Yes!" The young man quickly stood up and performed a very standard knight salute, "General, the latest information."

Silas nodded: "Say."

"It has been found that the defenders of Typhon Winter Wolf Castle did fight a few days ago, but it was not against us, but an unknown monster. The defenders of Winter Wolf Castle won, and the fortress was not breached. However, the outer wall suffered moderate damage, and the casualties of the defenders are unknown, but they should not be few."

Silas nodded slightly, but was noncommittal. Seeing this, the eldest son of the young Belx, Silas Lauren couldn't help but said: "Father, this is a good opportunity for us to weaken the enemy!"

Silas looked into Belk's eyes expressionlessly: "You really think so?"

"The enemy's exhaustion is our advantage," Belk said, facing his father's gaze, holding his head up. "Their city walls have been weakened, and it is difficult to repair the walls in winter. The defense of Winter Wolf Castle has weaknesses in a short period of time. Secondly, they were attacked by monsters, and panic in a short period of time will weaken their combat effectiveness, and finally their soldiers are also damaged, so this is a good time for us to attack."


Belk straightened up without flinching.

"Did you know that Winterwolf Castle is not a single fortress, but one of a series of fortresses? Did you know that it is winter now, and there is a vast expanse of ice and snow between us and Winterwolf Castle? You know that the Typhons are in their How many reserve soldiers are set up in the fortress group, can you replace the frustrated legion at any time

"This kind of damage does not hurt Typhon at all, but it will allow them to at least double the defense of Winter Wolf Castle and its surrounding areas in a short period of time, and a large number of defenders will move from the rear of the fort to the front line , to make up for the lack of defense caused by the damage of the city wall; we have to cross the ice and snow to attack Winter Wolf Castle, and the ice and snow will weaken our troops a lot. The enemy's fatigue is our advantage? When you run to the foot of Winter Wolf Castle, You are the one who is tired! And the most important point of attack is all-out war, but did I say I want to start a war with Typhon now?"

Belk lowered his head in embarrassment, but still couldn't help but said: "Our war with Typhon... is just around the corner."

Silas looked at his son, who was too young, and he could feel the courage and desire for victory and glory in the opponent's chest. This is the quality he tried to instill in the opponent, but he still shook his head at this moment: "Don't expect this War. Expect nothing."


"Soldiers should indeed desire victory on the battlefield, but not the war itself, especially the war with Typhon," Silas Loren said slowly, and sighed softly, "And you heard some other news Is it?"

"Another news?" Belk frowned, obviously not knowing what his father was referring to, "What is it?"

"A group of merchants came from the southwest, and they brought a kind of alchemy potion into the city," Duke Silas said unhurriedly, "They said that the New Cecil Territory in the southwest was also attacked by monsters. Attack, those monsters are mutated creatures from the wasteland of Gondor, your information came too slowly, even the news of Cecil led the merchant here, but you only figured out the matter of Winter Wolf Castle!"

Belk was a little ashamed, although he knew that it was not his incompetent businessman walking in a safe and stable country, and he was going to investigate the situation of the hostile fortresses outside the country that were tightly blocked. The difficulty and efficiency of the two were completely different. , but even so, it is a fact that he failed to do his best.

So he silently accepted his father's criticism, and felt a little uneasy feeling from the news his father mentioned: "Those monsters... are the ones mentioned by Duke Gawain Cecil when he warned the nobles in the capital. monster?"

"That's right," Silas Lauren nodded. "When he first issued a warning, not many people believed it, and even I didn't pay much attention to it, but now it seems... I'm afraid I made a mistake."

Belk looked at his father in surprise. He rarely saw his father admitting mistakes.

"Those monsters are real, and they are threatening human territory," Silas ignored his son's gaze, but continued as if talking to himself, "They will attack Typhon, and they will attack us. In the eyes of those wasteland monsters, there is no distinction between Typhon and Ansu, and this sudden threat... may change the whole situation."