Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 220: The Great Adventure of Tyr the Siren


It can be seen that Miss Siren Till is not very happy about her "swimming backwards"...

And Gao Wen also finally figured out how this deep-sea creature came to the human continent in a daze during the conversation with the other party.

According to the other party, the sea monster had a war with a group of humans about a month ago, and the war was fought on the endless sea in the east far away from the land. It was "a group of crazy humans, wearing black robes and short robes , and will use strange spells", the battle did not last very long, although those humans had powerful spells, but they were isolated and outnumbered on the island, the Krakens jointly summoned two lightning storms and several The next tsunami broke through their fortifications, and humans fled in panic.

Miss Till lost contact with the main force in the second half of the battle. Those spells used by humans may have interfered with her judgment (as she said herself), causing her to be confused about the direction. She was originally heading towards the sea monster. Swimming in the territory of human beings, and ended up swimming in the human continent...

"At first I wondered why the scene on the seabed became less familiar the more I looked at it." Miss Till sat on the edge of the well, her fish tail slapping the ground, saying that Gawain was very curious about the fish tail of the other party. What kind of structure can be bent to such a degree, "I saw the mainland when I swam, and I saw the mouth of a big river... I thought it was going around to the back of our continent."

"Your continent?" Gawain was taken aback, "Do you have a continent there?"

"Yes," Tyre nodded, "but a larger island is fine... I'm not familiar with the situation on land, we spend most of our time in the sea."

Another useful information!

This Siren lady is definitely a surprise gift from God. Gawain felt that his understanding of the world would be greatly improved with Tyre's supplement. He couldn't help but continue to ask curiously: "War with you?" Do you know the origin of human beings?"

"I didn't know, they suddenly ran to our territory, and occupied an island reef to hold some ceremony. It's a dangerous area. There is a strong unstable energy field on the bottom of the sea. They will mess around in all likelihood. Something happened, so we sent someone to remind them not to mess around, but those humans rushed over shouting 'a storm is about to rise' without saying a word, and were beaten up by us..." Till tilted his head while talking , seems to be quite ignorant of the thinking logic of creatures like humans, "We don't have much dealings with humans, but this is the first time I've seen that kind of crazy guy..."

"It's the Sons of the Storm!" Pittman immediately guessed the identities of those humans from Tire's description, "That's right... Besides the Sons of the Storm, who else would appear in the sea so far from the land? Those lunatics after falling It is far away from the human territory, and 80 to 90% of them have gone to the sea."

While talking, the little old man couldn't help twirling his beard: "I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it... Those guys not only ran to the far sea, they even fought the sea monster in the sea..."

Hetty also looked at Tyre: "So, you want to remind those crazy humans not to take risks, and they didn't listen to you before they started fighting?"

Probably because he had already said a lot, although Tire's lazy energy was still there, he also began to answer other people's questions: "Yes, otherwise who would have nothing to do to fight with you humans? We are very busy every day. Is it okay?"

"Do you know what those human beings are doing for holding the ceremony?" Gawain frowned and asked another question.

"I don't understand, I don't understand, your human magic system is too strange, I can't understand it at all."

Gawain sighed, and thought that there was no other way. There was almost no knowledge exchange between the two races. It was really difficult for a siren to explain exactly what the human cultists she saw were doing. things.

Rebecca was curious about Tyr sleeping in the well: "Have you been hiding in our well?"

"It's not been a long time, I just arrived here not long ago," Till yawned, "I've been swimming for so long, I'm tired, and then I found a place where the current is calmer and I planned to sleep... I didn't expect that just now In the middle of my sleep, I was hit on the head. By the way, who hit me with a bucket?"

Gao Wen: "..."

Didn't it mean that fish only have a seven-second memory? Why does this siren still remember this!

"Don't worry about who hits you with a bucket," Gawain's mouth twitched. "Who knows someone will sleep in the well..."

Tire looked at Gawain curiously: "Is it illegal for you humans to sleep in a well?"

Gao Wen was taken aback for a moment, feeling that this question touched his blind spot of knowledge. After thinking about it for a long time, he hesitated to explain: "Sleeping in a well is not against the law here, but it's suicide..."

Till stretched vigorously, his tail flapped on the ground with all his strength: "Then I'll go to sleep somewhere else."

"Hey, wait a minute," Gao Wenji reacted suddenly, "Are you going to run around in the human world like this?"

Tyr was startled, as if he had just noticed that his painting style was different from those around him, as well as the soldiers who blocked the scene in the distance and their curious gazes, the mermaid lady belatedly said "Oh": "Oh... I forgot that you don't look like this anymore!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Gao Wen saw a cloud of water mist popping out in front of him. After the water mist recondensed into a human form, the mermaid lady sitting on the edge of the well changed her appearance. The scales on her cheeks and arms disappeared. , The fishtail also turned into a pair of human legs, and even the leather suit on her body turned into a light blue long skirt!

The style of the long skirt was obviously very similar to that worn by Heidi, only the color was changed. There was no doubt that it was the product of some kind of magic or innate power that she transformed after seeing the human beings' clothes.

Gawain watched this scene in amazement, and couldn't help thinking of the legend about the sea monster that Pittman told himself before: this race has the ability to change into a human being during social activities, so Only the legend of sea monsters moving on land is left in the world...

It was the first time for Hetty, Amber and others who were watching by the side to see such a magical and convenient "spell". I couldn't help exclaiming: "Wow! It's amazing!"

Immediately afterwards, her thoughts spread: "I want to learn this, don't I have countless new clothes to wear..."

Amber gave the silly roe deer a contemptuous look: "Don't make trouble, you can't even learn a repulsion trick... It's a foul to hit someone with a stick, I tell you!"

Gawain blocked the two clamoring girls, and looked at Tyre, who was not proficient in standing on his legs and was about to walk upright: "The transformation spell is good, but I suggest you not to walk around before you adapt to the land environment. If you can, Would you like to be Cecil's guest?"

Tire was familiar with the feeling of walking upright while looking at Gawain: "...Is this a more tactful 'capture'?"

"No, I did it out of good intentions," Govent said earnestly, "You also know that I had contact with sea monsters seven hundred years ago, so I'm more or less an old acquaintance of your race? I have helped me at sea, and now there is a sea monster on land, so of course I have to help. I don’t know what the society of the sea monster is like, but the human world is very complicated. There are a lot of countries with different customs and cultures here. There are countless forces and races with completely different ideas and concepts. I am not sure what the attitude of humans in other lands is towards a sea monster, especially if you are not yet adapted to human society, you will easily be hostile by them. "

Till thought for a while: "Well... what you said makes sense."

"I am the lord of this land, at least within the Cecil Territory, I can guarantee your safety and keep your race and origin a secret," Gawain said with a smile, "Of course, This is just an invitation, if you really don’t want to, you can leave at any time, just remember to try not to sleep in the well in the future.”

"Ah, walking on land feels more troublesome." Tire took two steps with her legs, she didn't seem to listen to Gawain's last words at all, but waved her hands lazily, "Anyway, I don't plan to go Well, let’s just live here. Do you have a place to sleep here?”

Although it seems a bit difficult to communicate with this fish, but the goal seems to have been achieved

This siren possessed brand new knowledge that Gao Wen didn't know. He wanted the other party to stay in the territory no matter what, and as long as the other party was willing to stay, providing a comfortable living environment would not be a problem at all. Gao Wen laughed Get up: "Of course there is a place to sleep. If you have any requirements, just mention it."

"It's not too much to ask, just sprinkle some salt," Tire waved his hand, "I don't need your help to change the water, I can purify it myself."

Gao Wen was stunned to react for a long time before realizing that what the other party asked for was a saltwater puddle... Of course, a fish tank or a water basin should also work, as long as it is big enough.

Although Gawain believes that his authority can ensure that his words are thoroughly implemented in the territory, it is hard to say how much his authority will be used for this saltwater fish. If he did something amazing that did not conform to the three views of human beings (such as suddenly changing the tail of a fish and fighting with the fisherman), he decided to arrange the other party in the newly completed lord's mansion first.

Although he did not build a huge castle like those extravagant traditional aristocrats, the newly completed Lord's Mansion is still a large building with a large number of vacant rooms that have not been used. This siren is not a problem at all.

It just so happened that Hetty and Rebecca also moved into their new home recently, so it's better to let Till live next door to them.