Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 221: Gao Wen's daily work


Gao Wen sat in the study of the lord's mansion, watching the latest reports from Kant and Leslie.

More than half of the report is about the establishment of trade routes. Padrik, whom he valued, has shown his worth. With the efforts of that "merchant scholar", the southern merchants who originally had trade relations with Kant have already They were connected in succession, and in the process, a large number of merchants were paid by Patrick. He didn't pay much money for it, but used the alchemy potion as a spot payment, and in a short period of time, quite a few merchants Voluntarily became the distributor of "Cecile Potion" and let them take the potion on the road.

Due to the characteristics of this kind of merchants walking between territories, they often deal with mercenaries and the like. The low-level mercenaries are very happy to accept the employment of merchants to help merchants drive away robbers and wild animals on the road. During this process, the cheap and effective Cecil healing potion came into the sight of these mercenaries who did not have enough money.

No one will be stingy when protecting their own life. A bottle of potion that can cure diseases and wound infections and a bottle of weak healing potion that can effectively stop bleeding are less than three silver coins, even the poorest mercenary can afford it So before those merchants arrived at their destination, the healing potion produced by Cecil had already begun to spread among the mercenaries all over the southern border.

The mercenaries who often go out on adventures and are often injured and need treatment will be the first and most stable source of consumers for Cecil's healing potions.

On the other side, Leslie Ling sent a new order for mining equipment, as well as a letter hoping that Cecil Ling would send a few more "Magic Web Technicians" to help them expand the Magic Web.

Gawain looked at the letter written by Viscount Andrew Leslie, a smile slowly appeared on his face.

The first batch of technicians sent to Lesley helped the Tanzania mine lay the basic magic net, and let the mine use the powerful magic engine to pull the mine cart and crush the ore. Before the production efficiency of the Magic Mechanism was brought into full play, he actually had no need to further expand the Magic Net. Now he hopes that Gao Wen will send another group of Magic Net technicians there, which means that Mr. Viscount has already tasted a lot of sweetness from the Magic Net. .

What will he do? Perhaps it is to spread the magic net in his own castle, or it may be to cover the entire mine, or more likely... he wants to take this opportunity to learn the technology of laying the magic net.

In any case, it was within Gao Wen's expectation.

He called the technical person in charge of laying the magic net. He was originally a rune craftsman from the capital, but now he has become a "naturalized talent" who is determined to stay in this territory, and told him to lead the team again. Go to the mission of Tanzan Town. After explaining the mission, he reminded: "According to my estimation, Viscount Leslie may try to bribe you this time, and ask you to tell him the key technology of laying the magic net..."

The person in charge of technology suddenly looked serious: "I will never be swayed by money, my lord!"

"No, I ask you to accept the bribe." Gao Wen shook his head, and the words he said startled the person in charge of technology in front of him. "Of course, you have to be a little more entangled and more difficult."

"My lord... what does this mean?"

"The magic net is a very simple thing, and sooner or later people will learn it, so I don't mind spreading the magic net technology to the outside world, but there must be a tuition fee," Gawain wrote a reply letter to Viscount Andrew while talking. , "Raise the purchase price a little bit, technology is valuable."

After the technical person in charge left, Gao Wen called Heidi again.

As soon as the latter entered the study, Gao Wen said bluntly: "Notify the 'population introduction commissioner' of Tanzania Town that there will be a large number of cheap mine slave labor and unemployed free miners in Tanzania Town in the next period of time. All these people have been recruited, and our factory is short of people.”

Hetty's face was confused: "Ah? How do you know, ancestor?"

"Viscount Andrew has purchased a large amount of mining equipment, and at least two-thirds of the miners will lose their jobs," Gao Wen said with a smile, "According to the habits of traditional nobles, they don't keep unusable labor in vain, let alone Frank. There is no extra land around Sang Town to absorb the population released by the mine."

After Hetty also left, Gawain finally finished dealing with the affairs at hand. He stretched his waist and prepared to take a short rest.

But at this moment, he suddenly heard a slight clicking sound from the window sill, followed by a crisp sound of the spring and the mechanical structure being released. Gawain turned his head and immediately saw someone on the window sill. The mechanism is bouncing high!

The fully automatic anti-amber warning device works!

Without saying a word, Gawain stretched out his hand and held down the head of a half-elf who was falling from the window sill in embarrassment, and his body emerged from the shadow state: "You didn't go through the door!"

Amber rushed forward screaming: "Is there anyone like you who puts mousetrap on the windowsill!!"

Gawain held the opponent's head and easily suppressed all the girl's resistance: "What kind of mousetrap? It's an early warning device. Can you be caught if you don't go through the window?"

Amber stretched her neck to maintain her last dignity as a thief: "I didn't get caught! I was just taken aback!"

I don't know what dignity she has to maintain...

Gawain glanced at the shameless half-elf: "How long have you been listening outside the window?"

"Since you shamelessly asked the magic net technician to extort money for you," Amber opened her mouth and showed an expression of admiration as she spoke, "Hey, old rice dumpling, I found that you can be a very good person even if you are not a nobleman. Okay, your ability to deceive people... okay, okay, I won't talk about it..."

Gao Wen put away his fist that was about to knock down, looked the girl up and down, and then began to talk about business: "I heard that you brought a large group of people back?"

"A hundred or so bastards, all of whom I knew back then, but that's not all," Amber said with a proud face, "Let me tell you, there are more people, but they are all distributed in several nearby territories. Come on, it's winter now, those bastards are all nesting in the black tavern and pouring themselves to death, they have to be caught one by one, but then I don't have to go in person, I have already brought over those people I trusted the most back then, Then just let them run to pull people."

Gao Wen looked at Amber with some surprise: "If you do the math... you were quite powerful back then, weren't you?"

"Actually, these people can't all be regarded as 'my forces'." Amber knew that Gao Wen was an amateur in this field, so she explained with a smile, "This kind of gangster has no stable organization at all, and everyone earns money in the streets and alleys." To make a living, to meet in a group in the gutter is just a loose group to keep warm. Because I ran around more places in the past, I know a wider range of people. This is a sparse net, and I will help you pull it up It’s just a few knots, but as long as these people are willing to work hard, they can help you find more people.”

Gao Wen's face was stunned: "Then I understand. Is there anything I need to do?"

"Of course." Amber nodded, "I'm going to send my most trusted people to recruit people in other territories, but you have to know how much trouble it will be for them to cross other noble territories. They need proof documents and guarantors to prove that they It was commissioned by Duke Gawain Cecil to travel around, which will prevent them and the people they bring from being hanged by the local nobles on the road."

In this era, people are tied tightly to the land they grow on. Every commoner is the private property of nobles. Ordinary people are almost not allowed to leave or enter any territory at will, otherwise they will risk being hanged. If you want to become a merchant, mercenary, or adventurer, you need to obtain proof documents from the nobles, and even with these proof documents, if the issuer is not strong enough, the person holding the documents may still be attacked by noble soldiers along the way. Making things difficult and blackmailing (in fact, this is almost the main source of income for many noble private soldiers), this is the status quo of this era.

But if they not only have supporting documents, but also the issuer of the documents has enough weight in the entire aristocratic system, then they can go unimpeded.

Duke Gawain Cecil is no longer the chief guardian of the southern border, but his name still plays an important role in this land. At least if there is no conflict of interest, the conservative nobles must show respect for this name. Enough awe is enough. This kind of awe for the nobles is also an important part of the nobles' maintenance of their dignity. Therefore, as long as anyone holds a pass issued by Gawain Cecil, they can travel unimpeded in the southern border. Worrying about being blackmailed by the nobles along the way is also an important guarantee for the smooth development of Gao Wen's business route.

Gao Wen agreed to Amber's request without much hesitation: "No problem. But you have to ensure that the people who get the pass are reliable, and before they set off, you must let them understand their mission and the importance of keeping a low profile. I don't want those people to take my pass and make a big show of it everywhere, making this incident known to the whole world."

Amber giggled: "Don't worry about that, the ones I bring out are all veterans, they don't know anything else, they are better than anyone else in a low-key way, pretending to be a grandson, they can walk like a fugitive with the Duke's pass, It would be better to let them die than to let them swagger through the market."

Gao Wen: "..."

I always feel that this is nothing to be proud of. Why is Amber’s expression like she saved the world when she said these words...

At this time, Amber began to feel emotional again: "The pass issued by the Duke... If it is the kind of unconditional pass document, God knows how much money this thing can be sold on the black market. You are probably the first in history to issue this to a gangster. Great aristocrats of documents."

"I'm not the first one," Gao Wen waved his hands as soon as he heard it. "When we first brought down the northern region, Charlie alone signed more than a hundred certificates and permission documents for the local mountain people. Looking at it now, all the northern mountain people back then were uncivilized barbarians, not even gangsters, but they are the ancestors of the northern mountain army now."

"Wow, you mean let me lead a group in the future?!"

Gawain glanced at the half-elf who was climbing along the way, and raised his hand: "Tell me, should I just tap or go through a process?"

Amber: "…"