Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 222: A working web


The less than a month spent in Cecil Land was the most incredible experience in Scarface Anton's life.

He was born in the sewer of a frontier village in Leslie in the south, grew up in a nest of gangsters and beggars, and was mixed among the lowest class of society. He had stolen, cheated, and worked hard. He has fought countless fights, and was beaten terribly. He learned a few low-level stealth skills from a blind and down-to-earth mercenary, but due to his limited talent, he finally failed to become a professional. He once gave people Been a thug for a long time, but then used his strength and a bit of shadow ability to become a "gentleman" in the gutter and turned into a lousy bar owner.

He claims to have seen a lot, whether it is the filth and dilapidation at the bottom of the society, or the feasting and feasting of the nobles, he dare not say that he has experienced them all, but he dares to say that he has seen them all, at least from a distance.

But in this land, he realized that his knowledge was too shallow after all.

The roaring machines, the well-disciplined army, the spirited citizens, and the efficient and orderly officials, everything here is so incredible.

And the training he received was just as incredible.

He still remembered that not long ago, his group was taken to this incredible place by the old boss, and then they were locked in a facility that looked like a military camp. What exactly do you want such a group of gutter rats to do, so that you want to lock people in the barracks? If the boss didn't show up, these people might retreat on the first day.

After that, it was intensive training and... education.

Every day, different instructors come to instill various knowledge and skills to these people. High-intensity physical training is just the foundation, and some people come to teach them how to use swords and some magical magic props. People who look like soldiers come to teach them, and in the afternoon, people who don't look like soldiers, who are said to be evening school teachers, come to teach them reading, writing, calculation, and even some simple social etiquette.

These things are difficult to learn, and most people don't want to learn them at all. They never thought that they would need to be exposed to this knowledge one day. Literacy skills are unnecessary for gutter rats. Think so, but in the end, everyone bit the bullet and learned.

Because if they don't learn, what awaits them is a punishing physical exercise that will almost drill them to death.

What's even more frightening is that Amber will personally come to supervise the majesty of their eldest sister's head, so that no one dares to rise up to resist.

Training day and night, studying day and night, exercising, practicing fighting, using weapons, reading and counting, Scarface Anton and his partners were miserable from the beginning, and it took less than two Zhou Zhou gradually got used to it, and after they got used to it, they felt that this kind of life is not bad. Although the training intensity is very high, the lord here guarantees that everyone has broth and bread every day, regardless of whether these people are after a day of training. No matter how much they can eat, Anton and his friends have never been hungry.

There is broth, bread, and eggs, and everything is still full, as well as new clothes, and the dormitory is also guaranteed to be warm. It can be said that the benevolent lord gave everyone the best living conditions and only asked everyone to live according to his plan. It is enough to train and study according to the established rules. This is a very cost-effective purchase. At the same time, it is much better to starve to death in the ice and snow.

So Scarface Anton and his partners persevered, and learned those knowledge and skills as much as possible. Now those guys who were once worthless have learned to wash their faces, wash their hands, take a bath on time, learn to dress neatly, and learn how to disguise their identities. Get along with people, and as for how to observe words and expressions and pass information in the process... that's their old profession.

Of course, the training is far from over. Their reading and writing skills and professional knowledge of covert operations are only half-baked. So what's the matter? Standing up straight, walking steadily, pretending to be a merchant, apprentice knight, apprentice mage and talking to people calmly is enough for the first mission.

After the task was announced, Amber assigned the batches of personnel to take action and the direction they were responsible for, and then sent the certification documents from Duke Gawain Cecil to them one by one.

"With these documents, you are decent people entrusted by the Duke to do various jobs in the southern border. You can go to and from various towns without worrying about being interrogated, but as for how you bring people back... that is your test Alright," Amber watched her subordinates excitedly check the certificates they got, and said unhurriedly on the stage, "You will get a sum of money for action, which is enough for you to buy fake certificates, Forge employment documents, buy guards, etc. to get people from other noble territories, but remember, when you come back, I will check your remaining money. The more money you have left, the higher the reward you will get. But the ten people with the least money left, I want you to run fifteen times around the entire Street of Knights with a pumpkin on your head! Run at noon when the crowds are the most! Do you understand?!"

Everyone said in unison: "Understood!!"

Scarface Anton and the first batch of Military Security Intelligence Service trainees set off with the duke's certification documents. At the same time, a large number of merchants carrying the "Cecil Alchemy Potion" had begun to flow throughout the southern border. It is a loose free trader, operating in various places and without organization, but under Padrik's hard work, the merchants were bought and persuaded one by one. Facing the temptation of interests and the pressure of the Duke's reputation, they signed Signed a contract swearing by surname, and became the wandering tentacles of the Cecil Chamber of Commerce.

Soon, these merchants discovered that signing up to join this chamber of commerce was not as risky as imagined. Duke Cecil was not just looking for an excuse to exploit the interests of the merchants like other nobles. Charge a high extra fee, as the representative of the Duke, President Padrik provides sufficient and high-quality goods to each dealer in full accordance with the standards stipulated in the contract, and when dividing the profits, it is so fair that no copper plate will be miscalculated. This is really true. Fantastic good thing.

Many members of the chamber of commerce are curious about how those neatly packaged, stable quality, and large quantities of alchemy potions are produced, but this is obviously the secret of Duke Cecil. Smart businessmen will not try to pry into the privacy of the nobles. They were curious, but they still honestly performed their duty as a businessman, concentrating on thinking about how to use these potions in exchange for sufficient profits.

The Cecil Chamber of Commerce stipulates the distribution price and sharing method of the medicine in the contract. These contents cannot be changed at will, but as for how to sell the medicine quickly, this is what small businessmen who have been in business for a lifetime are good at thinking about. .

In the Viscount of Carroll in the central region of the southern border, trader Bob placed three bottles of alchemy potions as samples on the counter of the mercenary guild, and explained the origin and origin of these potions to the guild leader who had dealt with several times in front of him. As a result, behind him are several mercenary soldiers who escorted him here from Kant.

A businessman who went to the mercenary guild to sell potions has already attracted people's attention. The mercenaries waiting for business by the fireplace in the hall are turning their eyes to the counter, and this is exactly what Bob wants to see. The person in charge is not interested in these potions, and he has successfully attracted the attention of the mercenaries, which is his original purpose.

"I've heard of this kind of potion, isn't it produced by the frontier in the south?" The guild leader frowned slightly after listening to Bob's words, "It's said that it's a bit worse than regular alchemy potions, but the price is unbelievably cheap... Is this really as good as you say?"

"You can ask the warrior next to me," Bob turned sideways, pointing to a mercenary escorting him, "he has used potion before."

"Old Gold Tooth, I can testify that this thing is really good!" The mercenary soldier who looked a head taller than Bob grinned, "Did you see this new scar under my neck? If Without this potion, now you can see my name engraved on the wooden board behind you!"

"Rent a counter in the mercenary guild to sell medicine... No one has done this before," the guild leader obviously trusted the mercenaries he knew, but he was still a little worried. He saw Looking at the peddler in front of him, "You have to make sure that you can provide a stable supply, and the quality of the potion is as you said. Most of the mercenaries are short-tempered. I don't want to wait for them to make trouble and smash your counter. Then I have to find someone Shovel you off the ground and throw you out."

"Businessmen are trustworthy," Bob casually took out a supply agreement from the chamber of commerce, and patted it on the counter, "Look for yourself, this is the document I signed with Duke Cecil Signed by the duke himself! You must know the emblem, don't you?"

In this way, a deal was concluded.

Watching the guards he brought leave after the commission was settled, Bob squinted his eyes, as if seeing silver coins walking throughout the mercenary guild, he began to look forward to saving enough money for himself to be in Carroll's territory It is a day to buy your own shop and become a merchant. According to the promise of Mr. Padrik, the Cecil Chamber of Commerce will provide an extra amount of financial assistance to every dealer who is ready to buy a shop, and will send personnel according to the situation It was very clear to Bob who came to assist Bob, that the person who came to assist him was actually the Duke's eyeliner, and was here to stare at him, but what's the problem

From the day he became a member of the Cecil Chamber of Commerce, Merchant Bob knew that he was running the duke's property, and he would even become a part of the duke's property, and which nobleman would not send someone to watch his property

There's nothing wrong with being a noble hawk dog, as long as you have solid gold and silver.