Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 223: attack


Mercenaries are not a rare thing in this world. In fact, the history of this business can even be traced back to the dark ages of the Gondor Empire. The armed men in the gray area fill the vacancies in the process of social operation. They are the "blood gloves" of the nobles and the "money fighters" of the merchants. When there is a lack of employers, they are desperadoes in the mountains.

Mercenaries are legal, and even have formal guilds and a rough registration system, but almost every mercenary has done illegal things, but so what? In this barbaric and backward world, "law" itself is not a glamorous and just thing...

According to the news sent back by the spies, about 20 well-equipped mercenaries were eyeing the refugee settlement with a population of over a hundred, and there were at least three low-level knights and one or two mages sitting in the town, and the others Even if they don't have a professional level, their combat effectiveness should exceed that of ordinary soldiers. This kind of "elite gathering" mercenary group is really rare in this industry, and it also aroused Gao Wen's great curiosity and suspicion. Gawain quickly ordered Knight Philip to form an army of 30 mercenaries, and prepared to lead the team to "expedition" himself.

No matter where those mercenaries came from, they were threatening the refugees on this land, that is to say, threatening the future population security of the Cecil Territory. Gawain would not allow this situation to continue—it was all labor!

And a legendary knight brought thirty fully armed Cecil combat soldiers to deal with twenty mercenaries. This seemed like a big deal, but Gawain had his own intentions:

The thirty fully armed Cecil combat soldiers are all the new generation of "magic infantry" who have just finished changing their outfits. Amidst the roar of the machines in the machinery manufacturing plant, the first batch of standard magic weapons have come off the production line. Ten soldiers were equipped with brand new thermal energy ray guns and mana combat backpacks, and underwent basic shooting and coordination training. This is a fairly young army. It is also inexperienced, but Gawain believes that these new types of fighters who can easily shoot high-energy beams are definitely more effective than traditional soldiers, so he wants to pull these soldiers into actual combat for testing.

Thirty "magic infantry" gathered on the south bank of the Baishui River. Behind them was a bridge that was completed not long ago and was temporarily used to communicate with the two banks of the river. The serfs and slave laborers who have not yet obtained the status of free citizens - all gathered nearby, looking curiously at this army that was quite different from what they had imagined.

The soldiers were neatly dressed in enchanted light armor with basic strengthening magic. Each soldier wore a strangely shaped steel armguard on his left hand, and on his back was a new generation of hard combat backpack that replaced the traditional rucksack. , the enchanted long sword and the spare sword are fastened to their waists and the side of the backpack with iron buckles, looking majestic.

Gao Wen trained these soldiers for a long time with a strict discipline and reward and punishment system, and they themselves knew that it was a special honor to be the first batch of "magic infantry", so at this moment they all stood up straight, even if there was a big A bunch of civilians pointed to this side with envious and amazed eyes in the distance, and none of them turned their heads away.

Knight Philip stepped forward: "My lord, the soldiers and the supply convoy have been assembled and are ready to go at any time."

Gao Wen nodded, and glanced at Amber next to him—this time, he did not bring more people besides Amber and Philip. He believed that there were 30 magic infantry, and with his own pressure on the formation, there were only two people. A dozen or so mercenaries can't make much trouble: "Then we..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly noticed some commotion among the civilians in the distance, and a loud voice came from the crowd: "Let me go, let me go... Thank you Holy Light for giving me a break." ... Shengguang, you stepped on my foot... Let me thank you, for the sake of Shengguang... "

Gao Wen was stunned to see the crowd split in the middle, and then the Schwarzenegger-type missionary named Wright ran all the way to this side.

He was wearing the shabby Holy Light Priest's robe, the ill-fitting robe was a little tight on his body, and the muscle lines of his whole body were bulging out from under the robe—it looked like he was planning to find some strangers. It's as if the believers died together.

"Holy Light! I'm coming..." Wright ran to the front of the troops, looked up at Gao Wen who was riding on the horse, but was stunned after saying a few words, "It's you? Aren't you... the supervisor on the construction site? "

Because Gawain's permission was not obtained, after so many days, no one told the missionary that the lord of this land was the big man who sat on the brick pile with him and chatted...

Gao Wen didn't expect to meet the other party again under such circumstances, and he couldn't hide his identity, so he nodded with a smile on his face: "I didn't lie to you at the time, I am indeed the person in charge of this land—the lord It’s kind of in charge, isn’t it?”

"Holy Light! You are the lord of this land?! The legendary Gawain Cecil who was jumped out of the coffin by the unworthy descendants?!" Wright exclaimed, drawing the Holy Spirit on his chest with his hand. The symbol of the God of Light, "I thought you were the big foreman!"

Gao Wen: "..."

Knight Philip next to him pulled out his sword in a flash: "Preacher! Watch your words and deeds! No..."

"Ahem," Gawain quickly blocked Philip's imminent request for a duel, "Don't get excited, this...is one of the rumors I let Byron spread..."

Amber rolled her eyes: "It's your own fault. Maybe there will be more folk versions left to ferment in the future."

Philip & Gawain: "..."

After a moment of embarrassment, Gao Wen had to divert everyone's attention. He looked at Wright: "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you my real identity when we first met. I just want to talk to you as an ordinary person so that we can understand Look at the priests of this era."

"Understandable, this is a prudent and wise move," Wright smiled freely, "Then it seems that I don't have to continue to worry about whether my documents are really sent to the lord."

Gawain twitched his lips and looked at the missionary curiously: "What are you looking for me for? You should be able to tell that we are about to go to war."

"That's why I came here," Wright immediately straightened up, "I hope to set off with you."

This surprised Gao Wen: "Why? You are not my soldier, nor someone like a lord's advisor. Why do you want to go with us?"

"How could the troops leave without a chaplain?" Wright said with a look of course, "And as the only priest of the Holy Light Church here, I am obliged to use my strength to help everyone on this land, especially in practicing justice." When—I heard that you are going to rescue a group of refugees who are starving in the wilderness, I have to go for this kind of thing.”

Gao Wen couldn't help but twitched his eyebrows—everything the other party said was in line with the teachings and people's moral concepts, but how many priests of the Church of Holy Light really take these teachings seriously in this era? This guy... no wonder he was kicked out of the church in the central parish.

Even if he just thought about it, Gao Wen could guess how unpopular this guy with the wrong style of painting was in the church.

But Philip, who is also devout and chivalrous, admired Wright's speech. The young and rigid knight seemed to have forgotten that he drew his sword and planned to fight the opponent just now, so he praised: "What a righteous man!" The priest's speech, Pastor Wright, you are not only a good priest, but also have chivalry!"

And Gao Wen looked Wright up and down, thinking quickly in his heart.

According to his first reaction, he wanted to reject this weird Holy Light priest.

A military operation, even if it is just a small operation to wipe out a wave of mercenaries, should be rigorous and serious. A Holy Light priest who suddenly asked to "jump in line" made Gao Wen instinctively feel inappropriate, but after thinking for a while, he felt that It's okay to bring this pastor.

Perhaps this is a good opportunity to observe the other party, and what Wright said is indeed true-the chaplain is very necessary.

Although the soldiers all brought the healing potions prepared by Pittman and his assistants, it would be better if there were more professional healers in the team. The law accompanied him, and Wright just happened to be able to fill this vacancy.

As long as the priest can follow orders.

"Please don't worry, it's not the first time I've served as an army chaplain." Hearing Gawain's request, Wright smiled confidently, "Although the central region is peaceful, there are often lords who organize troops to wipe out the robbers and monsters in the mountains. He is often sent by the church to be an army chaplain, so he is very familiar with all this."

Gawain looked at the sinews all over the pastor's body, and doubted whether he went out with the army or led the army to charge...

In the end, a strange Holy Light priest was added to the team.

Under the watchful eyes of the citizens, the team set off.

At the same time, across the mountains and wilderness on the north side of the Baishui River, across the refugees starving in the wilderness and the greedy thugs who prey on the refugees, the family castle inherited by the Kant family for generations is just like the past hundreds of years , still standing quietly on the hill next to "Quilin Town".

This glorious family has ruled this land for more than three hundred years. Before the Cecil family declined, it already existed here as a rare "independent nobleman" in the southern border. After the Cecil family declined, The Kant family was lucky enough to escape the storm that overturned the situation in the entire southern border, and they are still firmly rooted here, and have continued to this day.

Three hundred years is enough to polish the most glamorous and majestic fortress in the past. Even after many renovations and repairs, Kant Castle inevitably reveals its vicissitudes of life. Its traditional long and narrow windows are high. Inlaid on the thick stone wall, even at noon, every room in the castle is filled with vague darkness.

The old Viscount Victor Kant was sitting in his study room, a little sunlight poured into the room from the narrow window behind him, making his hunched body look even more gloomy, he looked down at the book he had just finished writing. A stack of parchment, the paper was filled with symbols of unknown meaning and graffiti-like words, then he raised his head and looked at the butler who was as old as him: "Mr. Carter, those 'hounds' have found new prey ?”

"Yes, sir," said the old butler, bending slightly, "in the mountains and forests to the south, there is a group of malnourished homeless people who don't know their fate yet—but those hounds haven't done anything yet. "

"They want money, more money." Victor Kant's head was trembling, as if he was angry, but his tone was filled with a smile, "Dogs need food rewards to work hard for their masters. Same goes for two-legged dogs...then give them 'food'. Mr. Carter, send for the hounds with purses and tell them, hurry up and bring me the refugees—if they delay any longer , then there will be no next cooperation. Now it is Frost Moon, they should be very clear that there are not many opportunities to make this kind of money."

"Yes, sir."

The old butler left, and Victor Kant lowered his head again, burying his head in those chaotic symbols and lines. The midday sun was struggling to shine into the study through the narrow window, as if separated by a thick and dense fog. Dim and fuzzy.

And in this dim and blurry sunlight, Victor Kant's shadow was pulled out from the desk for a long time, the shadow was indistinct, not human-like...