Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 224: Alchemy factory


As more and more basic rune arrays are analyzed and simplified into common rune substrates, the equipment of Cecil soldiers will inevitably usher in new upgrades. In Gao Wen's vision, a complete set of Cecil Searle infantry equipment should include such a system:

The energy system is a combat backpack equipped with high-efficiency honeycomb magic nets and magic power capacitors, which can charge a large number of magic power crystals at the same time and have excess magic power to drive various energy-consuming units on soldiers; the protection system is stamped by machines The molded steel armor is used as a carrier, and various protective and auxiliary circles are engraved inside the armor, so as to achieve comprehensive protection against external magic, poisonous gas, and physical attacks. The traditional enchanted armor is expensive, but the general-purpose magic circle is used to achieve an approximate The effect of enchanting can greatly reduce the cost. At the same time, the force field shield in the gauntlet is also a part of the protection system; the weapon system is mainly the thermal energy ray gun equipped in the gauntlet and the sword in the hands of the soldiers. The former has been mass-produced, and the latter For the time being, there is no idea for improvement. In Gao Wen's conception, even if the soldiers' cold weapon fighting items are retained, the swords of Cecil's combat soldiers must be modernized. Traditional steel weapons are faced with similar The opponents of aberrations and superhumans are too weak, and various enchanting effects are a must.

But how to improve the traditional swords has to be carefully considered.

Besides, what Gao Wen hopes to achieve is instant communication on the battlefield.

The importance of communication technology is self-evident, so that every soldier can receive real-time command from the rear on the battlefield, so that every commander can immediately understand the changes in the battle situation, what a force with modern communication technology can play Combat power is unimaginable for the traditional noble army, so adding a communication system to the "Cecil Combat Suit" is the top priority, but unfortunately there is no prospect yet.

Communication spells do exist, and the Mithril Treasury has also produced communication equipment like the Mithril Ring, but this special spell is a "technical black box" from Gao Wen's point of view, and its magical principles have not yet been revealed. It has been clearly analyzed, and the rune composition of its magic circle is completely inconsistent with the laws of conventional magic circles. Jenny's rune logic is not perfect enough to simplify the analysis of such an unknown magic. As a result, the cost of communication magic items cannot be reduced for the time being, and if the cost cannot be reduced, it means that it cannot be used on soldiers...

The combat gauntlet with the added force field shield module didn’t seem to have changed in appearance. Gawain closed the outer shell of the gauntlet again, and when the crisp clicking sound sounded, he looked at Rebecca next to him: “The inside of the gauntlet is More modules can also be integrated, and more replaceable components can be added. Now that it has both offensive and defensive properties, it can be considered in terms of assistance, such as a first-level 'secondary cleansing technique', or The trick 'Magic Beam' for lighting, it's an extremely low energy spell that can do a lot..."

Rebecca and Jenny did not know when they had already pulled out their small notebooks, and they were listening and taking notes. Jenny couldn't help but raised her head and asked halfway through the notes: "But Lord Lord... added such After the multi-function goes in, is this gauntlet still a 'heat energy ray gun'?"

"So I said from the very beginning that the gauntlet is just a carrier, and the thermal energy ray gun is a part of the gauntlet, not the whole of it," Gawain smiled. Until then, he was able to put his original idea into perspective. The two girls in front of them explained clearly, and it was only then that they could fully understand what the so-called modularization meant, "We should give it a separate name for this kind of gauntlet—I named it 'Magic Terminal', According to the different modules loaded in the terminal, it can be a heat ray gun, an energy shield, a communicator and a medical device, or even a lightning launcher and a fireball launcher. Different arms can use it. functions, and even ... we can also develop civilian models."

Rebecca finally came to her senses: "So... this is what you really thought at the beginning?"

Gao Wen nodded, and then smiled helplessly: "It's a pity that if I told everyone at that time, most people probably wouldn't understand or imagine it."

Jenny looked at Gawain in astonishment, and she suddenly had a strange feeling—it seemed that this was not an ancient hero who lived seven hundred years ago, nor was it a Lord Cecil who lived in modern times, this What the Duke exudes at this moment is an aura that does not belong to this society at all, or even does not belong to this world. He is looking at what happened on this land from the perspective of a near bystander, and based on this foundation A plan—that plan is so grand, so beyond the cognition of contemporary people, that no one can understand what he wants to do even if he casually mentions any steps of this plan...

But this feeling was only fleeting, because Gao Wen suddenly raised his hand and knocked on the head of Amber who had sneaked out of the table—the lord who was approachable and had a unique sense of humor was back.

"What are you doing stealthily?" Gawain stared at Amber who suddenly popped out from the side of the table. The latter obviously intended to scare herself, but she did not expect that her stealth effect would be affected by the protective aura around Gawain. The stimulus was relieved ahead of time, and at this time she was hit on the head, and the half-elf lady covered her forehead with a grievance on her face: "I'm just here to report the situation to you, are you going to hit someone..."

"Don't make trouble, did someone step on the shadows and report the situation?"

"Tch," Amber curled her lips, "How long will it take you to finish your work here? Pittman asked me to tell you that the No. 1 reaction tank of the alchemy factory is in place, waiting for you to check and accept it."

"Ah, I forgot about this!" Gawain slapped his head suddenly. He knew about the completion of the No. 1 reaction tank of the alchemy factory today, but the batch of rune substrates and The progress of the design of the magic armor made him completely forget about it. At this moment, Amber came to remind him, and he immediately stood up and put down the gauntlet on his hands, "Jenny, Rebecca, I will go to the alchemy factory first, GM You can go back and arrange the design work of the substrate—it’s progressing well, and I’m very satisfied.”

Jenny obediently put away the blueprints, boards, and gauntlets on the table, but Rebecca obviously didn't intend to go back to the research institute honestly, she came up and grabbed Gawain's arm and shook it vigorously: "I'll go too Go too! I'm going to the alchemy factory too! I haven't seen what it looks like over there... "

Gao Wen glanced at the silly roe: "What did you do in the past? It was just the completion of the reaction tank, not the ceremony for the completion of the entire factory—and you don't know alchemy."

"I can go over and set off two fireballs to add to the fun! Shouldn't fireworks be set off when something is worth celebrating..."

Gawain glared at her immediately: "If you dare to throw fireballs in the alchemy factory, I'll throw you like a fireball!"

"I'm talking about throwing in the sky..."

"Not even in the sky!"

Rebecca stuck out her tongue and honestly raised a hand: "Then I swear in the name of Cecil's ancestor, I am absolutely honest..."

Gao Wen just wanted to nod when he heard half of it, but he suddenly woke up: "I am your ancestor!"

Rebecca: "…"

Amber, who was next to her, quietly approached Jenny, and whispered to the latter in a low voice: "Do you think that the communication between these two people is like a brain hole?"

Jenny has now adapted to the atmosphere in Cecil's territory, but she couldn't adapt to Amber's mouth, and immediately didn't know how to respond: "I... I don't know what to say..."

"Tch, it's not interesting at all," Hu Po cast a contemptuous glance at Miss Rune Teacher, who was not a fan, and turned to look at Gao Wen, "Old Zongzi, are you still going away? It's interesting to bicker with your granddaughter..."

As soon as Amber opened her mouth, she successfully diverted the attention of Gao Wen and Rebecca, and the latter immediately had no conflicts...

In any case, in the end, under Rebecca's persuasion, Gao Wen still took this curious iron-headed boy, and followed Hu Po and his party to the location of the alchemy factory on the edge of the town.

Even with the "black technology" level of new construction technology, the alchemy factory is still far from being completed. Currently, only the No. 1 workshop and supporting storage facilities are completed. In the No. 1 workshop, only one set of reaction tanks has been closed and assembled. In Gawain's vision, at least three workshops and twelve sets of reaction tanks are needed here to meet the production of basic alchemy agents—plant catalysts, soil improvers, weed inhibitors for agriculture, and Drew for humans. Yi healing potions, weak mana potions, all kinds of healing potions, etc. There are more than a dozen kinds of basic potions. In the hands of traditional alchemists, these potions are all in a small alchemy laboratory , made with an alchemy table and several reaction bottles, but this operation obviously cannot be used in a factory: the reaction vessels in the factory will continue to run, whether it is the addition of materials or the output of finished products, it is batch and uninterrupted Therefore, except for a few special cases, each medicine must correspond to a set of special reaction containers.

Therefore, Pittman divided them into twelve "production lines" and three different workshops according to the attributes of the basic medicines. The workshops were isolated from each other to form different areas to ensure that the produced medicines would not be mixed and cause accidents— In fact, according to Gao Wen's requirements, potions for ordinary people, potions for superhumans, and potions for agriculture should not even be produced in one factory, but the current conditions in the territory are limited, and three alchemists are working at the same time. The cost of the factory was terribly high. In addition, the druid potion was fundamentally different from the "pesticide" Gawain had known in his previous life, and the basic potion currently scheduled did not pose much risk of contamination. The practice of placing three workshops in one factory was permitted.

It's just that he also made a special request to Pittman - if he wants to produce higher-level drugs with greater efficacy and side effects in the future, he must completely isolate the entire production process, from raw materials to semi-finished products to finished products. There must be no hidden danger of mixed contamination.

The tall reaction vessel stands in the still empty production workshop. Pittman, the apprentices he brought out, and the ordinary workers he recruited are busy around this brand-new equipment. This is an unprecedented set of equipment. Any kind of alchemy container in the world is also different from all kinds of magical machinery that are booming in the territory, and of course it is different from the chemical equipment that Gao Wen remembered in his previous life——

Its center is a two-meter-high vertical iron tank. Several curved pipes connect the iron tank and several small reaction vessels around them together to form a star-like radial structure. Those pipes are not only materials and gases The circulation pipe itself is a part of the magic circle. Where these "pipeline magic patterns" are connected to the reaction container, you can see the shining druid magic runes and various magic runes complement each other , and on the surface of some reaction containers, one can also see the magic circles of various sizes emitting shimmering light, while on the "base" of the whole set of devices, the surface of the cement platform that is more than ten centimeters above the ground is where everything The key: the inverter array.

It extracts the magical energy from the underground magic net and converts it into "natural divine power" that can be recognized by the druid magic circle. Through such a magical conversion process, human beings have mastered the power that once belonged to the gods.