Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 225: changes in the situation


In the second week after the end of the defensive battle, the first batch of operatives sent by the Military Security Intelligence Agency began to return to the territory one after another, and they not only brought back the manpower that Amber requested, but also brought back the personnel requested by Gao Wen. intelligence.

Facts have proved that these people who have been at the bottom of society from the very beginning and who are used to dealing with all kinds of religions and nine streams are really talents in intelligence gathering. Although they do not have the extraordinary ability of the Royal Shadow Guard, they have more cunning and small tricks , In some dark corners, their cunning methods are even more effective than the extraordinary power of the Royal Shadow Guard.

In the study of the lord's mansion, Gao Wen was embarrassed to hear Amber report the information to him. The cultural education of the first phase of operatives has not yet ended, and a considerable number of operatives can't even read or write at all or can only do limited reading and writing. , so they used all kinds of weird codes, shorthand, and even verbal delivery methods to transmit information. Although this kind of messy transmission method is more in line with Gao Wen's "confidentiality" requirements, it needs Amber to sort it out in advance. . It is precisely because of such additional work content that Amber now looks more and more like a serious intelligence chief. At least she still knows to show up at the Military Intelligence Bureau to do some serious business.

"Our caravans are spreading to the entire southern border, the trade routes have been opened, and merchants themselves are good at disseminating news. This aspect is the same as your original plan," Amber solemnly relayed the stories of scar-faced Anton and others in various parts of the southern border. I heard, "In addition, a group of merchants have recently gone to the East Territory. Patrick seems to want to buy the potion on the territory of the Loren family."

"That Mr. Patrick shouldn't just be an advisor to the Viscount. His business acumen and courage are rare talents. It was also my instruction to promote alchemy potions eastward," Gawain nodded. , "Is there any other news?"

"There are two things that I think... are a bit concerning," Amber frowned, showing a rare serious look, "First, the activities of the Doom Society and the Eternal Sleeper cultists in various places in the southern region seem to be changing. There are many, and some businessmen from the central region also brought news that there are shadows of heretics in the Holy Spirit Plain, the western part of the kingdom, and even the northern part. Now the lords from all over the kingdom are trying to strangle them in their territories Heretic forces."

"The end of all things and those who sleep forever..." Gawain blinked, "ah, they haven't shown much around Cecil Territory since winter, I almost thought those guys had quieted down... I didn't expect them to be in other places It turned out to be more active?"

"That's right, it's more active, as if it's about to do something big," Amber shook her head, "And the second thing is also related to them. Due to the intensified evil acts of cultists everywhere, the Church of the Holy Light has also become more and more serious recently. The church of the Holy Light in many places has increased the frequency of sending out combat priests and paladins, and more and more priests are helping local lords solve the problem of the spread of cults.”

"This seems to be their job," Gao Wen said unhurriedly, "Holy Light is the natural nemesis of all kinds of negative forces. When evil forces spread, the priests of the Holy Light Church will always be The one at the front."

"Of course it's fine if they're just running around to attack the cultists, but the key point is a saying that has been spreading in the west recently," Amber said with an expression of "the God of the Holy Light is going to make trouble", "because the Holy Spirit The power of light is always the fastest and most effective when fighting against cultists, so dissatisfaction with other sects is becoming more and more serious everywhere, especially the blood god sect and the shadow sect are not good at fighting evil, and The church whose strength attribute is also slightly negative, their situation is getting more and more embarrassing. Anton and the others heard folk rumors near the Earl of Horsman in the west, saying that the gods of many sects can't deal with the fallen at all. The God of Light is the one who wholeheartedly protects mortals..."

Gao Wen's brows slowly frowned: "Is this kind of saying widely spread?"

"At present, it is only spread in the Earl of Horsman, but as long as the winter is over and the number of business travel increases, the speed of the spread of the news will immediately increase. As long as the activities of the cultists remain during this period, the Church of the Holy Light and other sects will The situation has not changed much, so sooner or later this kind of argument will become the mainstream.”

Gao Wen nodded: "That's right... This kind of news always spreads the fastest... Can you find out the source of this statement?"

"It seems to have arisen spontaneously among the people. After all, the fact is that all sects except the Church of the Holy Light react a little later when faced with threats from cultists," Amber shook her head, "But as the Shadow Goddess God's Chosen, I just think the Church of the Holy Light is going to make trouble... "

"You're preconceived." Gawain glanced at this half-elf who always claimed to be God's Chosen, "but I also think the Church of the Holy Light is going to make trouble."

Amber stared: "Aren't you just like me!"

"Don't make trouble, I'm not God's Chosen," Gao Wen waved his hand, and immediately changed the subject, "These things shouldn't affect our territory."

"It shouldn't have any effect," Amber nodded, "There is only one Holy Light priest in our territory, and I'm not worried at all about him using Holy Light to brainwash everyone, but I'm worried that one day there will be a God of War The church came to preach, and was beaten by Wright when there was a disagreement... "

"Anyway, be vigilant. You have to take the changes in the outside world seriously. If the Church of the Holy Light or the cultists really want to do something, they won't just put Cecil aside... By the way, the first phase of the operator How about the results of activities outside? I remember that you seem to have set an assessment item for them... "

When Amber heard this, she immediately beamed with joy: "If you don't tell me, I forgot, those guys really deserved to be the seedlings they were optimistic about back then, and they are all good at working outside. I gave each of them eighty The silver coins are used as operating expenses, and the least ones who come back have more than 90 yuan... "

Gawain heard nothing in the first half of the sentence, but when he heard the last sentence, he almost spit out the tea in his mouth: "Huh!?"

"The most powerful one is Jibri. She pretended to be a magic apprentice sent by her mentor to look for gifted children. She swindled to Carroll for several days, and if she didn't remember the mission, she might have to kill Karoll. Viscount Lore's only son was fooled over..."


"The guy 'Quick Legs' almost became the guard of the local lord. In order to get the target person out of the prison, he mixed with the soldiers guarding the prison, and then accidentally behaved too well..."

"Emmmmm... Is there any more?"

"Anton has contacted more than a dozen pharmacy merchants who want to join Cecil in the Earl of Hossman. If you think it's appropriate, I'll pass the matter on to Patrick..."

Gao Wen: "..."

Facts have proved that the gangsters under Hu Po are really crouching tigers, hidden dragons. Although the training they received in Cecilland and the duke certificates they carried also greatly helped their actions, but as far as they are concerned The way of doing things along the way can't be trained, it's all talent...

However, while lamenting the talent of those people, Gao Wen couldn't hold back a little bit of worry in his heart: "They won't make troubles too much, but they will make too much noise to expose them, right? You should know, the operatives of the Military Intelligence Bureau The most important thing is their own secrecy, if they are too active standing in front of the stage, it will cause bad things.”

"Don't worry, those guys know this of course." Amber is really not worried about this, "First of all, they are all acting strictly according to their disguised roles, and they will not do anything that is not in line with their 'roles'. Even if someone pays attention, they will only be more convinced of the fake identities they used. Secondly, when they acted, those guys did not forget the "sweeping tail" I taught them. Leaving in a way that will never attract suspicion. In the end, do you think that every lord and their advisors and scholars are the same as you? Those guys are very dull, and they don't pay attention to what happens among civilians, except In addition to caring about their own titles and property, anything the common people do is nothing more than 'negligible folly' in the eyes of the traditional nobles. How can it be the same as yours, where there is a complete household registration system from top to bottom, There is also strict personnel management, even if there is one more person in the territory, they can report to the government affairs office on the same day... "

When Amber said this, Gao Wen also felt that it was true. In this era, besides the Cecil Territory, where is there a so-called personnel control and registration system? The lords don't even know how many people they have under their own hands, let alone the various concepts of espionage and counter-espionage, infiltration and reverse osmosis that have been played out on the earth. Although there are spies in this era, intelligence work, and noble eyes and ears, these things are still very primitive, or they are just "same-level contests" between the noble class and the noble class. No one has ever considered going from the bottom to the top. If it weren't for this, how could all the spies sent by the nobles in the southern border to Cecil Territory be exposed so easily

"This is very good. The first results of the Military Intelligence Bureau are quite good." Gao Wen smiled and sat comfortably on his chair. "This is your credit, so..."

"Give me an extra six or seven days' wages, and by the way, give me that bottle of Pockel wine in your cellar, and then give me a vacation or something..."

Gawain stared at this half-elf, always feeling that this guy's shameless climbing ability has improved a lot by leaps and bounds. Before he finished his words of encouragement, Amber has already made a list of rewards...

I'm afraid it wasn't listed before coming here to report on work...

At the same time, in the ancient underground palace far away from Cecil Territory, another group of people were also paying attention to the changes in the situation.

Wearing priest robes with specific religious symbols removed, they stood in the assembly hall of the underground palace. Proliferated flesh or plant tissue can be seen everywhere in the underground palace. However, these religious believers who have long been twisted physically and mentally are accustomed to the weird and terrifying atmosphere here.

After a short period of silence, a woman suddenly walked into the hall. She was wearing a green priestly costume. She had a pretty face and a bumpy figure on the upper body. People feel that the weird and inexplicable roots and vines are supporting her to move forward.

The woman glanced at the gloomy scene, and said with a slight sarcasm: "Gentlemen, haven't your discussions come to fruition yet?"

A priest of the death of all things said dissatisfiedly: "Principal Bertila, you are late."

"It doesn't matter, anyway, it was just a useless discussion before you," Bertila smiled lightly, and walked to his place indifferently. It's going to come to naught, isn't it

"Gentlemen, accept the facts...

"In the wasteland, there have been unexpected changes..."


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