Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 231: Lighted blade


Andersa Wendell frowned tightly as she watched the soldiers of the infiltration troop returning from the dark mountains.

The infiltration operation on the Dark Mountains failed. Although Andersa also considered the possibility of failure in the operation at the beginning, she did not expect it to be so fast, let alone that the powerful elf ranger did not come back.

According to the information brought by the withdrawn soldiers, they went very smoothly in the first half of the infiltration operation. It can be said that they easily bypassed the "Dark Mountain Pass" of Ansu's eastern defense line. The situation took a turn for the worse during the legendary opening of the territory—a small team suddenly lost contact. According to the clues discovered later, it can be determined that they were attacked by Ansu’s army and wiped out. To investigate, the result is also quickly lost contact.

None of them had time to send back any news—even the messenger bugs were too late to release, which would only happen when encountering an instant devastating blow.

So the other teams withdrew quickly, not even staying for a quarter of an hour.

The choice of the soldiers was correct. If even the main team led by Solderin would be wiped out in an instant, then the weaker subordinate team would have no choice but to die if they continued to act. The ascertained information was brought back to the commander, but this did not make the young General Wolf feel any better - rather, after confirming the existence and threat of that pioneering territory, her mood became even worse .

That pioneering territory is real, and judging by its strength, that Gawain Cecil is also real—even if he is not a real ancient hero, he is at least a powerful man comparable to the Duke of the Three Realms who was cultivated by Ansu. The characters, originally thought to be the weakest link on the border of Ansu, have now become a thorny problem. The decayed and slow Ansu royal family is not as bad as expected at the beginning... They realized in time that the national defense line significant problems and has already begun work on remediation.

It just happened to be ahead of Typhon's official attack.

Andersa asked the soldiers to go back to rest, while she came to the desk and spread out a huge map in front of her eyes.

According to the information brought back by the infiltrating troops, she can probably deduce the location of the pioneering territory—it is at the end of the lower reaches of the Whitewater River, near the starting point of the eastern extension of the Dark Mountains, with the Dark Mountains in the back, the river in front, and the two sides. The large open plains and dense forests are indeed a very good place, and that "Gawain Cecil" has a good vision in choosing territories.

This mysterious pioneering territory seemed to be an abyss in Andersa's eyes. She knew it was there, but she couldn't find out what was inside it. An excellent heir, Andersa quickly suppressed the restlessness that belonged to the young people. She exhaled lightly, took a pen and paper from the side, and began to write a letter:

"As reported by Winter Wolf Fortress... there is indeed a weak point in the pass of the Dark Mountains, which can bypass the Ansu Eastern Border Defense... Cecil's pioneering territory does exist, and there should be a strong military deployment, but the specific situation is still a mystery... Everything in the rest of the defense line As usual, there is no further movement from Ansu, and in recent days... "

A noise from outside interrupted Andesa's writing. The young General Wolf raised his head with a frown and asked loudly, "What's going on outside?"

The thick wooden door of the room was pushed open, and a trusted guard walked in: "Commander! On the plain in front of the fortress... strange things are approaching!"

"Strange things?" Andersa was very dissatisfied with such a statement, "Be clear."

"Well... it seems to be a huge humanoid monster! It ran out from the direction of the dark mountain!"

The resounding bell has already sounded, and the bell is mixed with sharp horns and loud shouts of commanders at all levels. Winter Wolf Fortress has made the most correct response to the unknown—the gates of the city are quickly closed, and soldiers have arrived The city wall was ready for defense, the hot oil and heavy logs were pushed to the edge of the wall, and on the vast snow field facing the city wall, groups of ominous red clouds were gathering.

Andersa came to the city wall, and the high-ranking knight's sharp vision allowed her to see what the monsters on the plain looked like. The youngest female winter wolf commander in history showed a surprised look for the first time: " What it is?!"

Huge blood-colored human-shaped creatures swayed on the plain. They were like ancient giants in myths and legends. They had a huge body size that far surpassed that of humans, but they had no human facial features and body details. It was like blood-colored mud. The body surface wriggled and flowed, and the faceless head was so terrifying that even Andersa couldn't help feeling her scalp tingle when she saw a large group of such giants walking towards the fortress!

It was the most profane, twisted, and horrific nightmare, yet here they were, in front of the Winterwolf Bastion!

"Push up the trebuchet quickly! Monsters of this size need to be dealt with by trebuchets!" Andersa shouted immediately, "You, and you, go and call the magician group, let them go to the battle mage tower!"

And while Andesa quickly deployed defenses, those huge humanoid monsters shaking on the plain also began to speed up—they seemed to finally "smell" the smell of living people and magic power, and they became excited from the wandering state in an instant When they got up, these terrifying monsters roared silently, lowered their heads and made a fearless charge towards the Winter Wolf Fortress, and some of the monsters with the ability to cast spells raised their arms high during the charge. The arrow of chaotic energy with ominous black and red light screamed piercingly in the air, crossed a long parabola, and hit hard on the solid wall of Winter Wolf Fortress.

Under the corrosion of this inexplicable energy, the solid wall bricks weathered and cracked like fragile sand!

Even in places that were not directly hit by the energy arrow, the surface of the city wall showed a clear tendency to be fragile!

Andersa noticed the corrosive effect of those chaotic energy arrows for the first time, and realized the horror of this thing-although the damage caused by these energy arrows is not fatal in a short time given the thickness of the walls of Winter Wolf Fortress, but they The effect of "denaturing" the rock is weakening the overall strength of the entire castle!

"Stop them!" Andersa pulled out her long sword, slashed out a silver-white shock wave, and killed the spell-casting monsters rushing forward. "Don't let them get close to the city wall!"

A chaotic and weird battle broke out in front of the Winter Wolf Fortress.

At the same time, in Cecil's newly built arsenal, Byron solemnly presented a one-handed sword with a strange shape and wonderful beauty to Gawain.

"My lord, the first finished product of the fusion cutting sword has been successfully tested."

Gawain carefully observed this brand-new weapon, which was condensed with countless efforts of technicians and blacksmiths, and his heart gradually filled with joy.

It's a beautiful weapon, beautiful and deadly - it's dark in tone throughout, with an almost black blade and grip that embody the precise beauty of an industrial product. It is a single-edged sword, and in Gao Wen's view, it is more like a combination of a war knife and a slashing sword: the spine of the sword is straight and tough, and on the black metal can be seen an array of runes that have the functions of heat dissipation and reinforcement. The blade, on the other hand, is slightly curved at the front end and has a deep blue color. The hilt of this sword is thicker and more complex than ordinary one-handed swords. On the inside of the guard, you can see a trigger structure that is not obvious. Its position and size are specially designed to ensure that it can be used by soldiers. The sword will not be affected when fighting, and a toggle safety device can be seen next to the trigger-this can prevent the sword from being accidentally activated during carrying and accidentally injuring the wearer.

Gao Wen reached out to pick up the fusion cutting sword as a sample, and first swung it a few times at will: this sword was slightly lighter for him, but it was still very smooth to use. Obviously, when designing this sword, the technicians Seriously listened to the advice from Knight Byron.

"I lightened part of the weight of the sword body, and adjusted the center of gravity to make it still have a good balance," Knight Byron explained next to him, "A lighter sword can save soldiers' energy, and because the melting sword itself It relies on the high-heat blade to kill, instead of relying on gravity and inertia to break armor like ordinary slashing swords, so weight loss will not affect the lethality of the sword itself."

Gawain nodded, and then activated the high temperature blade.

Accompanied by an extremely slight sound in the hilt, the energy stored in the magic capacitor was transferred to the heating rune buried inside the blade, and the burning rune originally used to create magic traps began to work. Gawain saw that the originally deep The lavender blade of the sword quickly began to glow red, and became hot and shiny in just a second or two, covering the sword like a solidified golden-red flame.

Its heat didn't dissipate, so standing around the melting and cutting sword would only feel a slight heat, but Gawain tried to press the blade against an iron plate used for testing, and almost easily smashed the sword An iron plate was cut into two pieces - the feel was similar to cutting a piece of harder butter.

Gawain didn't wear a gauntlet. He carefully felt the heat of the hilt, and asked the magician next to him curiously: "How did you solve the problem of heat insulation and the stability of the melting sword itself?"

"My lord, the purple steel blade and the sword body of the melted sword are not integrated. We added a heat insulation layer formed by mixing quartz sand and crystal dust in the middle, and relied on the purple steel rivets running through the sword spine to complete the connection. The rivets Part of the heat will still be transferred, so we added a rune array around the rivets to enhance high temperature resistance, and added a heat dissipation structure on the spine of the sword, so that all the heat will be channeled in time and will not burn the sword itself. It won't hurt the user either."

"Won't the strength of the sword body decrease because of this?"

"There will be a little decline, but because purple steel itself is a very strong and stable magic material, and the refined steel we forge now is stronger than the steel in the past, so the strength of this sword is still sufficient—and , it doesn't need to be 'head-to-head' most of the time."

At this time, Knight Byron said next to him: "Of course, if encountering energy exhaustion or other unavoidable situations, soldiers can still use this sword to fight the enemy to the death - the purple steel blade itself is sharp enough, It’s fine to use it as an ordinary sword in a short period of time.”

"Very good," Gao Wen lightly waved the melting sword in his hand, and the blade, which contained an astonishingly high temperature, drew a dazzling stream of light in the air. "The security of the territory has been guaranteed again."


The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: .. : m.