Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 233: What can Cecil Collar sell


Workers and alchemy apprentices are doing the final inspection and adjustment of the reaction vessel. They are confirming the sealing of each connecting pipe and testing the operation of each set of runes to confirm that this set of reaction vessels is far larger than any conventional alchemy table. There will be no fatal accidents after the official operation, and its most important part, the central reactor, is personally inspected by Pittman.

As the part with the highest pressure in the entire system, this unassuming metal container can be said to be the crystallization of Cecil's cutting-edge technology. It was shaped by Nicholas Egg himself, and the inside was engraved with elemental runes that resist corrosion and high temperature and pressure. At the same time Under Gao Wen's guidance, Nicholas Dan also designed the first pressure gauge based on a mechanical structure in history. It uses a section of elastic metal tube as a sensitive element, and relies on gears and connecting rods to drive the pointer to display data. It is accurate. Although the speed is not high, it is also unsatisfactory.

In Gao Wen's view, the principle of the pressure gauge is not complicated, and it can be realized with the current Cecil collar's machining technology. The difficulty lies in the standardization of the pressure scale. Fortunately, there is at least some reason in this world of wonderful physical rules. The "atmospheric pressure", Gao Wen and the Tieqiu Stars struggled for a long time to measure the standard value of the local atmospheric pressure, and based on this standard, a series of air pressure and pressure standards were formulated, and then the scale value of the relative atmospheric pressure was engraved on the In the absence of various standard parameters in this world, Gao Wen felt at ease as the setter of a series of standards, and prepared to apply these standards he formulated to various fields that will develop in the future.

In addition to advanced measuring devices, precise pipe connections, and high-strength tanks, this set of equipment also has a special feature, that is, it no longer uses an open flame as a heat source for heating the drug solution, but uses the inscription on the The fire elemental runes at the bottom of the reaction vessel can directly heat most druid potions without the high temperature of melting metals. The fire elemental runes can completely heat the tank body, and compared with the open flame device on the alchemy table, these The heat of elemental runes is more stable and more controllable.

Finally, the final inspection was completed, and Pittman left the inspection area of the reaction vessel, while an alchemy and herb apprentice who seemed to be in his twenties stepped forward. He was the person in charge of the alchemy factory selected by Pittman. It can be seen that this young man is still a little nervous, but he still activates the various parts of the reaction vessel according to the most standard procedures. As the materials prepared in advance are injected into the feeding port, the magic in every part of this "large alchemy device" The runes began to charge gradually, and Gao Wen could feel the flow of magic power. Under the action of the inverter array, the primitive natural magic power activated those ancient magic runes, and everything started to work naturally.

Different from the roaring noise when the first magic energy engine was started, even if the reaction tank in front of it was in full power state, there would be no big noise coming from it, even though it was surrounded by stirring devices, pump devices, etc. mechanical, but the original magic engine has been optimized several times so that it no longer makes such an astonishing noise. The mechanical devices used in this set of reaction vessels are also "miniature machines" with low noise. When it works, it can be said that Is quite "quiet".

As for the large container in the center, it is even more quiet: there are no mechanical components in it.

Rebecca watched a group of alchemists and workers busy among the pots, everyone still had nervous and excited expressions on their faces, and was a little disappointed: "Ah... I thought the movement would be more dynamic when the new machine was started. bigger… "

"If this thing makes a lot of noise, it won't be far from an explosion." Gawain glanced at the iron-headed girl, then looked at Pittman, and nodded slightly, "Congratulations, your inverter array and magic array Works perfectly."

The wrinkles on Pittman's face have already piled up into flowers, and this little old man who usually sells ointments to tell fortunes as a hobby shows a heartfelt smile at this moment: "Yes, yes... the way is right, the way correct… "

Amber looked at the complicated pile of metal pipes and reaction tanks in surprise, and couldn't help but ask: "Such a large set of things... how much potion does it have to produce every day? By the way, old man, what is this set of tanks used for?" of?"

Pittman is obviously in a good mood now, and he didn't even pursue the question of Amber calling him an "old man". He stroked his beard with pride on his face: "Reaction Tank No. Therapeutic potion. Farming is suspended in winter, and no agricultural chemicals are needed for the time being, but there are a lot of construction projects in winter, and there are many reports of injuries and illnesses in the territory every day. If there is no shortage of raw materials, the medicine produced by this thing every day is enough for the territory to consume for a week. This is a conservative estimate... "

Amber's eyes widened: "Produce a week's worth in a day?! Then, wouldn't it take you a while to fill up all the warehouses on the territory! What is the use of such a large output?"

Gawain smiled and glanced at the half-elf: "Sell it."

"Selling..." Amber obviously didn't think of this before. It's not because she is narrow-minded, but because the Cecil Territory has been in a state of development and construction. Basically, any supplies here are not enough. It has always been only for purchase. It was the first time that the production surplus was sold to outsiders. She felt that her mind was a little dull, and she even asked subconsciously, "Who are you selling to?"

"The first market identified so far is Kangde Ling." Gao Wen said casually.

Amber just nodded, and immediately realized: "Wait a minute! Are the raw materials for these potions bought from Kant?"


"Then you cut them up, chop them up, stir them, throw them into a pot and boil them, and then sell them to Kant at the price of alchemy potions?"

“…the process is indeed such a process.”

"Oh my god! Can it still be like this?!" Amber was dumbfounded, and as a thief with three strange views, she felt great discomfort at the moment, "Didn't you say that you want to manage and build the Kant Territory as if it were your own? The people of Kant are treated like the citizens of Cecil... By the way, do you regret leaving the property left to you by Viscount Kant in the castle over there? Then you don't have to use such a bad trick, you leave it to me, I It takes the effort to go there twice to buy groceries, and I will ship everything back for you... "

"Are you doing more damage than me?!" Gao Wen glared at Amber, then shook his head and explained, "I didn't intend to trick my future people into transporting medicines to Kant Territory because that's the biggest place in the southern border. In addition to herbal medicines, there has always been a business of alchemy potions in the distribution center of medicinal materials. Mr. Padrik, who is currently in charge of Kant's affairs, was the advisor of Viscount Kant and the contact person of the chamber of commerce. He has channels and can help us Sell the excess potions. I plan to let him be Cecil's alchemy potion's 'agent', and share with me in selling potions, so that Cecil can earn a lot, and Kant can also get a share of the income, which is good for everyone. "

"...It turned out to be such a thing that can benefit everyone," Hu Po blinked her eyes, "But... this is a huge benefit, so no one... will be harmed?"

"Yes," Gawain laughed. "Of course someone will damage all the third-party pharmacy merchants, pharmacists, druids, and alchemists on the Kant Territory trade line. They will definitely be affected."

Amber's eyes widened: "Then..."

"I will send out a recruitment message at the right time, and then the shortage of alchemy talents in the territory will be solved. Those people will be good at the alchemy factory with a little training."

This time, Amber only stared blankly and had no lines. She could keep up with Gao Wen's steps in the first few steps, but in the last step, she could only stare and didn't know what to say. After a long time, she Just realized one thing from the bottom of my heart:

When a cunning ancient heroic spirit is resurrected and plans to do something, the so-called conspiracy and tricks that those gutters usually brag about are not worth mentioning at all.

"Such a large amount of alchemy potions have flowed into the market, even if it is just the most common rejuvenation potion, it is enough to cause a huge impact on the market in this area," Pittman stroked his beard with a half-smile, "Even if it is just such a set of reaction tanks, Its output around the clock is enough to crush the combined output of all alchemists including Cecil, Kant, Leslie, and even Carol in the north. My lord, I think I finally understand what you said.' "Mass production will be the first step in destroying the old order." What does that mean? But have you considered that once such a large amount of medicine with the label of Cecil enters the market, we will inevitably arouse the curiosity and enthusiasm of all parties? focus on… "

"Yes, they will be curious and concerned, but it takes time to react, and the mere alchemy potion attracts quite limited attention. This little bit of curiosity and attention is nothing to me, and maybe it will be beneficial instead," Gao Wen said. He said with a smile, "Compared to the alchemy potion, the impact I'm going to release next will probably be much greater..."

"What are you going to launch next?" Amber looked at Gao Wen curiously, "What else do you plan to sell?"

Gao Wen patted Amber on the head: "I plan to sell some things to Tanzan Town, but the specific details have not yet been decided, and you will know when the time comes."

Amber blinked her eyes, but this time even if she and Rebecca stepped forward to ask more questions, Gawain didn't intend to answer more, so the two girls had no choice but to shut their mouths full of curiosity.

Standing under the No. 1 reaction tank, Gao Wen looked up at this set of "chemical equipment" that integrated various cutting-edge technologies of Cecil. He looked at the magic runes that quietly flickered and changed, and listened to the sound coming from the container. A smile slowly appeared on the face of the various auxiliary machinery or magic circles that inject liquids, provide heat sources, and release divine spells.

If the way is right, then everything will be much easier.