Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 234: The Mystery of the End of All Things


Bertila, the headmistress of the Death of All Things Society, sat in her seat, looking at the men in black robes around her with interested eyes. Her frivolous and relaxed attitude stimulated the enthusiasm of every headmaster present. Nervous, but no one came forward to accuse her of her negligence in words and deeds.

Although everyone here is the "patriarch" of the church, the same level does not mean the same status. Everyone who has become a senior member of the Death of Everything knows that this woman named Beltera is in the church. Has a special status and... meaning, no one knows who this woman was before she became the patriarch of the Death of All Things Society, and no one knows her real surname and origin, but everyone knows one thing, that is Bell Tira has a direct connection with the supreme leader of the Death of All Things Society, the "Grand Priest". When the Grand Priest falls asleep, Beltira is the only one who can talk to him, wake him up or convey his will.

Just by virtue of this particularity, Beltira is enough to have some privileges here.

"Gentlemen, ah, and ladies." Bertila said unhurriedly, and took a special look at the two women in the black robe. With distinctive elf features, the two fallen elf druids nodded slightly after noticing Bertila's gaze, and they greeted them back, and said at the same time: "Bertila, what is the order of the Grand Priest?"

"The Grand Priest is still sleeping, and it will take time to recover from the wear and tear caused by the advance synchronization with the body of the false god, so I will listen to your opinions instead of the Grand Priest," Beltira leaned on the chair, and her lower body A large number of roots and tentacles are extending and growing with a chilling subtle friction sound, slowly piercing into the ground as if pricking into the ground to absorb nutrients, she squinted her eyes in the process, and her voice was full of joy, " So, who is responsible for monitoring the movement of the wasteland during this time?"

"It's me," said a thin man with a steady face like steel, "I'm in charge of monitoring."

"Master Heaton, fortunately, he is finally a capable person," Bertila said happily, "Then did you expect those aberrations to suddenly come out to attack the border of the Typhon people before that?"

"It was an accident," said the fallen druid known as the Dean of Heaton with no expression on his face, "The activities of those low-level aberrations are irregular, and the changes of the magnificent wall are unpredictable, even if Silver Even the empire cannot monitor the entire barrier 100%... ”

"Okay, Master Heaton, you're not good at making excuses," Bertera interrupted Heaton, "It's true that we can't control the entire Great Wall, but we can control other things... those monsters were originally Let it attack Cecil, right?"

After a brief silence and confrontation, Heaton finally spoke: "The Cecil Territory is a threat."

Bertila interrupted him unceremoniously: "But I reminded you that now is not the time to deal with that resurrected person! We are attracting attention, and we have exposed enough to the world!"

"So we didn't take action personally. The Cecil leader faced the wasteland of Gondor and let it be destroyed by the monsters in the wasteland of Gondor. No one will doubt it."

"But those monsters ran to the border of Typhon, Master Heaton," Bertila said almost word for word, "when asking our companions to drive those monsters to the gap in the dark mountain range, what do you have to do?" Have you ever thought that those mindless freaks will get lost at the foot of the mountain, and then half of them will wander under the noses of Typhon people? Have you ever thought that the borders of Anzu and Typhon are attacked by monsters at the same time, which will affect the situation of the two countries? What kind of impact will it cause? Have you thought about what will happen to you after doing all this? My dear Dean Heaton"

"I will go to the abyss of flesh and blood to accept the trial of the Grand Priest," Heaton looked at Bertila expressionlessly, and then said lightly after the other party finished speaking, "This is my fault, but I still don't agree." Change my opinion that the Cecil Territory is a threat, the resurrected Duke is a threat, he is not just trying to build a pioneering territory... "

"Of course he is a threat!" Bertila suddenly raised her voice, "Do you think that only you can see it?"

Heaton finally felt a little stunned. He stared into Bertila's eyes and asked slowly, "What do you mean?"

"He is a threat, but so what? Isn't the wasteland of Gondor a threat? Aren't aberrations a threat? Aren't we still using such a threat?" Bertila said, sweeping his eyes over everyone, Obviously, her words were not only addressed to Heaton, but also to everyone present, "Threats don't necessarily have to be eradicated. A properly used threat is a sharp sword."

The two elven female headmasters sitting opposite Bertila spoke at the same time: "What is the use value of Gawain Cecil?"

"It's a war machine, he's building a war machine," Bertila's eyes showed a chill, "Although we don't have very clear information, and we still can't understand what his thinking is, there is one thing There is no doubt that the Cecil collar can grow up in a short period of time and grow into a bone grinder that can produce countless flesh and blood corpses... "

The fallen druids exchanged glances one after another. Those who can sit here are not stupid. They have already vaguely guessed the truth of Bertila or the "Grand Master" standing behind Bertila. intention.

"The change in the situation between Ansu and Typhon was indeed an accident, but it doesn't matter, we have a lot of alternatives," Bertila smiled, "Although the Grand Master is sleeping, his wise mind has already prepared for us. Deduced the next action war, no matter what, it will always break out."

Afterwards, Bertila stood up slowly, and the roots of her lower body slowly retracted: "Leerna, Fierna, the Grand Master ordered you to activate the alternative plan in Typhon."

The two Elven Priestesses smiled at the same time: "We like alternatives."

"Master Clement, the Grand Master ordered you to start the arrangement in Ansu. Remember, don't disturb the she-wolf of the Wilder family in the north."

A man who hid his face in a black hood stood up and bowed slightly: "Follow the Grand Master's will."

"As for you, Dean Heaton," Bertila finally looked at Heaton sitting next to him, but the mockery and irony at the beginning did not appear on his face, "Although we have alternatives, what you have committed The mistakes you made can only be described as stupid, and the Grand Priest is very dissatisfied with your unauthorized actions and blind self-confidence, so you have to go to the abyss of flesh and blood and accept the punishment of sacrifice for three days and three nights."

Heaton lowered his head slightly, not to Bertila, but to the Grand Master's will: "I have nothing to say."

Bertila hummed, and then said: "But before you accept the punishment, there is still something to do."

Heaton glanced at the woman with an inhuman body, and his tone barely fluctuated: "What's the matter?"

"Prepare the hidden bridge, I want to get in touch with my companions on the other side."

When Heaton heard this request, he hesitated obviously, and Bertila frowned immediately: "Is the hidden bridge unusable?"

"No, the hidden bridge is available, but recently the magisters of the Silver Empire have obviously noticed the abnormality. They check the channel more and more frequently. Adding additional connections may cause them to be more vigilant."

"You don't have to worry about this, I have my own way to make those elves relax their vigilance," Bertila said lightly, "According to intelligence, there are large mutant individuals among the mutants passing through the barrier this time, which has never been reported before. Someone brought up this matter, and the Grand Master ordered me to investigate clearly."

"I see, the hidden bridge will be ready in a day. Where are you going to make the connection from?"

"...Typhon," Bertila said after a short pause, "Recently, we and the Order of the Eternal Sleepers have been too active in the west, and the lords and nobles there have raised their vigilance."

Cecil collar, inside the Rune Research Institute, Kamel stood quietly in his laboratory, in front of him was a large test bench, which was filled with all kinds of magic instruments and alchemy tools , the surface of the test bench is covered with mysterious runes carved by himself. In the middle of all the runes, on a small tray made of silver, a small piece of black and red bone fragments is emitting slight smoke and dust, in a state of complete collapse. final stage of solution.

Kamel just looked at the bone fragments quietly, without saying a word, motionless, but the devices and tools that still had a trace of magic reaction on the test bench showed that he had just finished a complicated magic. Experiments, and the arcane sparks wandering on the surface of his body showed that the ancient magister's mood was not as calm as he appeared on the surface.

"It turned out to be like this... It turned out to be like this..." Finally, Kamel muttered to himself and broke the silence, "So... we did all of this... Who?!"

He suddenly sensed a sneaky aura appearing beside him. The ancient magister had no idea that someone could easily lurk so close to him. Even if he was a little distracted, his perception ability should not be bad It's just right to this extent!

But just before the arcane lightning appeared beside Kamel, a figure appeared in embarrassment from the air and a familiar voice sounded at the same time interrupted his movements: "Hey, it's me! It's me! What are you doing? If you don't say a word, you will be biu..."

"Miss Amber?" Kamel hurriedly dissipated the magical energy that had just gathered, and asked casually, "What do biu people mean?"

Amber opened her mouth and said, "I don't know. The old zongzi taught me the words. He said that there are two main ways to release magic. One is rubbed out and the other is biu. You are called biu Rebecca." It's rubbing."

"You don't have enough respect for the lord...but you are the lord's guard, so I can only remind you," Kamel's tone was a little serious, but at the same time he was a little emotional, "The lord does know a lot of unknown knowledge... "

"God knows if his knowledge is serious or just to fool me, he always teases me," Amber waved her hand, "Let's not talk about that, old...Gao Wen said he wanted to discuss technical issues with you...but what are you doing here? What? Just now I saw you staring at the test bench for a long time."

"I..." Kamel hesitated to speak, and then a trembling sigh came from his invisible arcane body, "It's nothing, I just have something to report to the lord. Let's go."