Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 236: meet again


Mary looked at her tutor with a nervous expression. As for what the other party's sudden words meant, she actually didn't really want to know.

She is afraid of her mentor—even to the point of fear, and if she could, she would rather have never shown any magical talent, and did not climb into this abandoned decades ago out of curiosity ten years ago. The Tower of the Lord, and saw the mentor who just moved here in the tower—now she is already a second-level official mage, and according to the mentor, "may be able to become an intermediate in her lifetime", but in Mary's opinion Well, it's not an honor to be a second-level magician, and it's even worse than being an ignorant village woman in a mountain village.

At least, the village woman doesn't have to dissect countless animals, cultivate deformed freaks, learn how to connect human brains to monsters, and don't have to bear the pressure of the mentor's deranged mental state.

Daniel is a magician with mental problems. In fact, in the eyes of the few apprentices in the tower, this mentor is completely crazy. He is often immersed in a strange dream state, and even when he is awake, he has no sound emotions. , he is irritable, irritable, gloomy and terrifying, he will let his apprentices eat rats and poisonous snakes, he will release terrible monsters and magic creatures into the tower because of some hallucination, and then drive the apprentices to fight those monsters , not to mention the horrific magical experiments he carried out on himself...

Although Daniel is also occasionally gentle and friendly, his madness is ten times longer than that. Under this kind of madness, his occasional gentleness becomes even more terrifying.

The old mage remained in a sluggish state for more than ten seconds. He finally moved his body, and the young female apprentice suddenly raised her head.

"Mentor..." Mary bent slightly, "It's as long as you're fine..."

Daniel looked at Mary for a long time, and seemed to realize that this was his student after noticing the buckle on the other's neck. He muttered some vague words in his throat, and then waved his hand: "Clean up the laboratory." Clean, you can rest today."

Mary blinked, feeling genuinely relaxed, and then she watched the old mage in front of her slowly turn around and walk towards the exit of the laboratory. The old mage's mage robe was bulging at the back, like a snake-like artificial nerve cord It protruded from the hem of the mage's robe, twitching convulsively.

Gao Wen didn't stay in the "simulation experiment field" for too long. After confirming that the old mage had been kicked out of the network by himself, he released the data dive state and returned to the surface of the mind network.

Putting eyeliner among the Eternal Sleepers and looking for chess pieces that can be controlled, this is his original plan—especially after discovering that the Eternal Sleepers also fabricated a "outside wanderer" character design, his idea became more perfect After all, this cult group is too weird, and it is impossible for him to investigate everything by himself, so it is inevitable to find such a chess piece, but the chess piece happens to be Typhon's magician, which is an unexpected harvest.

After learning about Daniel's general situation, Gawain quickly outlined many temporary plans in his mind. He believed that as long as he used it properly, the old mage would play many unexpected roles.

He is not worried that this will increase his risk of exposure—after successfully destroying Daniel's mind defense, he has already controlled the other party's authority in the mind network, and at the same time set the "activation switch", as long as the other party mentions any "extraterritorial wandering" If the attacker sneaks into the network", the network connection will be cut off immediately, and even if this security method does not work and the news leaks out, how can the eternal sleeper find Gao Wen

Their network is riddled with holes. Gao Wen has already found countless loopholes and backdoors. This primitive and crude network firstly does not have a real name system, and secondly does not restrict changing skins. Address mapping and feature queries are even more messy. Gao Wen Thinking about how difficult it is for those cultists to find a person from the psychic network, it is probably more difficult than finding a spell other than fireball from Rebecca's spell list—

Rebecca doesn't have a spell list.

"Oh, it's the uncle I saw last time!"

A crisp voice suddenly came from the side, and Gao Wen, who was walking on the tree-lined avenue, was awakened by this slightly familiar child's voice.

He followed the sound and saw a little girl with long light brown hair running towards him happily, bouncing on her feet.

Is it the "little girl" you saw last time

In Gao Wen's mind, he instantly corresponded to a standard middle-aged greasy male cyber scammer, and it was also the type with a luoli sound on the voice changer, so the whole person's mind was instantly clear, when he looked at the "little girl" There was no fluctuation in his heart: "Patty?"

"Ah, uncle still remembers me!" The little girl showed a very happy expression, jumping around Gao Wen, "Uncle, are you here again?!"

The corner of Gao Wen's mouth trembled, and he finally admitted one thing in his heart: the real body behind this little girl is probably not a middle-aged greasy male cultist. After all, the mind network is a fully immersive virtual reality, even if a cultist like this The metamorphosis index of the creature is five plus signs higher than normal people, and it is quite difficult to jump up and down to this level, even a big boss like Solderin can't do it...

Maybe it's a middle-aged greasy female cyber scammer who is too young...

"Uncle, what are you thinking?" Patty's voice came again, "Uncle, do you like to wander off?"

Gao Wen lowered his head and glanced at the little girl who was not even in his belly, and found that this guy really couldn't calm down for a second, so he couldn't help frowning: "Why are you always jumping around?"

"Because I like it!" Patty said with a matter of course, and then wrinkled her nose, "But I can't do it when I get home..."

"To the house?" Gawain felt that he heard a very interesting word, but before he could ask, a soft female voice came from the side: "Patty, are you bothering strangers?"

Gawain raised his head and saw a woman wearing a veil and a long skirt standing not far away, looking at Patty with a slight frown.

Patty immediately jumped over happily: "Ah! Sister Serena!"

Gawain watched the little girl throw herself into the arms of the veiled woman, who subdued the little girl with ease, and looked up: "I'm sorry, this child is not wary of strangers."

"Uncle is very nice!" Patty said with her head raised.

Serena bent down and pressed Patty's hair: "Then let's talk to uncle next time, Patty—you should go to rest."

The expression on the little girl's face suddenly became frustrated: "But I still want to play for a while..."

"You've been playing for a long time," Serena shook her head in a gentle but firm manner, "You can't be willful, understand?"

Patty hesitated for a while, but nodded obediently: "... oh."

Following this promise, Gawain saw the little girl's figure quickly fade in the air, and after just a few seconds, it turned into light particles that drifted with the wind: she left the mind network.

Serena straightened up and smiled politely at Gao Wen: "Sorry, I made you laugh."

"It's okay, I don't mind." Gao Wen shook his head, and at the same time made a quick judgment in his mind—

If it wasn't for the Eternal Sleepers playing too high-end, or playing a scene for themselves, then based on the interaction between Patty and Serena and the scene they saw last time... Could it be that the "little girl" is really a little girl? girl

a child? Will the eternal sleeper who can access the spiritual network at the age of eleven or twelve be a child? This is unrealistic even for a magic genius!

Or... are they "family members" brought into the network by other eternal sleepers

He has seen other children in this dream city, although there are very few, but there are indeed, are those children also in the same situation

Do the Eternal Sleepers have technology that allows people without magical abilities to access the Internet? !

This last conjecture made Gawain's heart pound. If it is true... then the technical value of the spiritual network of the Eternal Sleeper will far exceed his previous imagination!

Thoughts were running fast in his mind, but he didn't show it. Instead, he pretended not to care and casually mentioned: "It seems that children are rarely seen here."

"After all, there are very few eligible cases," Serena smiled lightly, "We can't expose it yet."

The implication is that there is a need for screening conditions... can not be exposed, so this is a test project with exposure risk

Gao Wen casually chatted with the other party on this topic for a few more words, but he didn't get any valuable information. After realizing that it might look suspicious to continue, he changed the subject calmly: "I saw The news that Project No. 0 is soliciting computing power... ”

"It's because of the computing power gap in the time iteration experiment," Serena nodded. Those who can come to this area are the middle and high-level people among the eternal sleepers, and those who can stay for a long time are at least at the level of the middle-level nightmare bishop. It is not surprising to say a few words on Project No. 0, "It is difficult to adjust the flow of time in the deepest layer through thinking acceleration, and the longest-running No. 1 sandbox has only lasted a few hundred years—we need more computing power."

"Sandbox" - Gao Wen's heart moved, he heard a very interesting word.

This is a vocabulary that does not belong to the contemporary lingua franca, but is a combination of two words in the ancient lingua franca of Gondor. Because of its simple and straightforward meaning, Gao Wen can understand it directly, but after understanding this word, But only greater doubts arose in his heart.

However, he couldn't ask directly, because according to Serena's attitude, the Eternal Sleeper standing in this area should know a lot of truth about Project Zero.

And he asked enough questions.

It is easy to arouse suspicion by picking out one person to ask a question, so Gawain ended the topic decisively. He has already collected a lot of information and vocabulary. Ways to cultivate and cultivate the "chess piece" you just found.

After transitioning with some small talk, he nodded to Serena: "It took up a lot of your time, I should leave."

Serena smiled slightly: "It was a pleasure chatting with you."

Then the veiled lady said goodbye to Gao Wen, turned around and walked to the other side of the road.

The moment she turned around, Gawain's eyes suddenly froze:

At this moment, this woman resembled Selina Geerfen seven hundred years ago!


The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: .. : m.