Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 246: Upcoming



The long-lost city of dreams, the long-lost splendor, the long-lost palace of buildings.

The magician Daniel stood on the streets of this majestic city, looking at the magnificent buildings spread out in front of him and the pedestrians coming and going on the streets, he couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion in his heart.

He returned to this place again—after a series of trials and "inheritance", he finally got the approval of that terrifying extraterritorial wanderer, and obtained the permission to reconnect to the spiritual network and act in the dream city.

But he knew that he was not free—and that every day from now on, he would not be free in his activities in the psychic network.

The Wanderer has left his spiritual imprint in his mind, and it is in the deepest part. He will never be able to get rid of this imprint. From now on, he must act as a servant of the Wanderer. He cannot say To reveal the master's secrets, one cannot do things prohibited by the master, one cannot try to break away from the master's control, and one cannot ask others for help in any form in the spiritual network or warn other eternal sleepers.

He doesn't need to think about circumventing the regulations through covert actions and self-suggestion, because he knows that no matter how secretive he is, he can't escape the monitoring of wanderers outside the territory. The monitoring is located deep in the subconscious mind, and it is impossible for people to deceive their subconscious mind. —Whether it is in this psychic network or in the real world outside, as long as he subconsciously triggers the "keyword" left by the wanderer outside the territory, then the terrible punishment will definitely come.

But Daniel doesn't care anymore.

He has witnessed the mighty power of the Wanderers outside the Territory, and he has accepted those incredible knowledge inheritances. For him now, his more important identity is the servant of the Wanderers outside the Territory, not a follower of the Eternal Sleepers, let alone Typhon magician.

The old mage reshaped his image into the one he usually used in the spiritual network: an elegant middle-aged magician, and then walked towards the places where the middle and low-level believers gathered in the city.

He watched those Eternal Sleepers come and go on the city streets with cold eyes, and watched those people who knew nothing about the power of the wanderers from outside the territory continue their mediocre life, and suddenly there was a strange smug feeling in his heart:

I am a person who serves that indescribable great existence, and I am one of the first messengers of the master to reshape this world! When the new era comes, I will take my place at the top of the order—what will this seemingly bustling but illusory city of dreams be at that time

The old mage thought it was strange to have this sudden feeling, but in the end, he chose to enjoy it.

A large building with a tall spire and a light golden exterior wall appeared in front of it. That building was a meeting place. Two rows of giant sculptures playing horns were lined up at its entrance. In and out, Daniel tidied up his clothes, calmly and firmly followed the crowd to the gate.

That is the place where middle and low-level believers meet and exchange knowledge and information, and it is also the first step for him to carry out his master's will.

The words the master told before going offline echoed in Daniel's heart:

You are already a mature eternal sleeper, it's time to learn to stand out by yourself, startle everyone with words, beat the crowd with skills, and then reach the pinnacle of life.

Daniel entered the assembly hall. The hall on the first floor of the assembly hall is spacious and bright. Many long tables filled with food and wine are distributed around the hall. In the most central place, you can see crystal pillars: that is the port for accessing the advanced network, uploading, publishing, and reading information.

Daniel ignored the delicious food and wine around him, and also ignored the two female eternal sleepers with charming faces and enchanting bodies walking towards him. He went straight to the crystal pillar, put his hand on it, and issued a message that he could issue at his level. Highest Weight Information:

"Important knowledge sharing - personally significant discoveries - hoping to draw attention.

"I think the psychic network we use actually has serious security flaws. Once unauthorized visitors access the network, it is extremely difficult to detect, and we cannot determine the true status of each visitor on the network...

"I have a set of plans for building network security norms, and I also have some ideas that can improve the efficiency of node management...

"In addition, our database management is also lacking in order and chaos. When looking up information, people feel cumbersome and clueless... With the continuous development of the network, we will save more and more information, and the chaos of the database It's bound to get worse, and for that, I have some proposals for a standardized database, which I'll name database management...

"I hope to get the attention of higher-level nodes."

Daniel sent these messages that had been brewing and editing for a long time, and then left the place directly.

He is not worried that his information will be submerged in the huge data of the Psychic Network, because he knows that the upper echelons of the Order of the Eternal Sleepers—those nightmare bishops and archbishops are always paying attention to this network, and even the Pope himself maintains a 24/7 connection with the network Those powerful eternal sleepers have the strength to match their status, they will not let go of any information flowing on the network, and they can instantly pay attention to those things worthy of attention.

Even if the other party only had a glimpse, he believed that the problems he pointed out could attract great attention from the top leaders of the religious order.

Although the master once told him to first attract the attention of the Eternal Sleepers of the same class or slightly higher level, and then gradually find ways to attract the attention of the top of the order, but he knows that there is a better way to get himself into the sight of the top of the order as soon as possible —and this action has been approved by the master.

Daniel used to have infinite awe and admiration for those bishops. He admired the strength of those bishops, but after reading the knowledge taught by the master and knowing what database architecture, directory index, and calling rules are, his awe of those bishops The heart is gone - using powerful brain power and magical power to control the entire network, its behavior is really not much different from a beast fighting with strength.

Just as Daniel expected, within a few minutes, the messages he sent had already attracted the attention of the Bishops of the Eternal Sleepers.

In the gorgeous palace located in the central area of Dreamland City, a round hall suddenly lights up, and countless mysterious (actually just light and shadow special effects) lines emerge on the surface of the huge round table in the center of the hall, and one after another silhouettes are around the round table Appeared out of thin air.

These are the Bishops of the Eternal Sleepers scattered all over the continent.

A bishop wearing a golden crown spoke: "Important information has appeared on the Internet."

Someone nearby responded: "We are already paying attention."

"The nightmare instructor named Daniel found a major security risk in the network, and the ideas he proposed are in our blind spots..."

"It has been tentatively determined that those vulnerabilities are real — but no one has noticed them, let alone proposed a fix."

"We should be thankful - a talented compatriot caught the bug before it turned into a major crisis..."

"The Pope has ordered that we confirm all the loopholes as soon as possible, and hurry up to contact the nightmare mentor who discovered the loopholes. Since he can detect the flaws of the spiritual network so keenly, then he must have a unique talent in this regard. .”

Cecil led, and Gawain slowly woke up from the "meditation" state.

He silently glanced at Amber in front of him: "Do you always get your face so close?"

"I just want to see when I can successfully scare you!" The half-elf lady smiled playfully, "It turns out that you are so calm every time. Tell me the truth, do you actually not fall asleep every time? ? You just pretended to be asleep and teased me!"

"How can I be as boring as you?" Gao Wen casually pulled Amber aside, stood up in a good mood and stretched his shoulder joints, "Didn't anything happen during my 'meditation' period?"

"It's okay, Hammer came here once to hand over the steel production increase plan, and I put it on the desk for you," Amber said while looking at Gao Wen's expression curiously, "By the way, you seem to be in a good mood. What happened?"

Gao Wen touched his face strangely: "Is it obvious?"

Amber folded her arms and analyzed calmly: "Anyway, I can see that when the left corner of your mouth is raised higher than the right corner, you are usually in a good mood, and most likely you have succeeded in calculating others..."

"...you can't pay attention to something useful when you're idle." Gao Wen gave this guy a blank look, then nodded and admitted, "I'm really in a good mood."

The half-elf lady suddenly showed a very interested look: "Why why? Did you realize something in your dream again?"

Gao Wen didn't answer this guy directly, but suddenly raised a seemingly irrelevant question: "Tell me, how can I hide in a huge organization with an intricate internal structure and never be screened by this organization?" The mechanism was discovered?"

Amber was stunned for a moment, not understanding how this question came about, but she still tried to answer: "Changing disguises? Constant transfer? Prepare multiple false identities?"

Gao Wen shook his head with a smile, but he didn't answer the other party, because he still didn't plan to let people know the fact that he sneaked into the spiritual network of the eternal sleeper.

Actually the answer to the question is very simple:

There is always the possibility of disguise and disguise, and the continuous transfer will be discovered by vigilant monitors. No matter how many fake identities are, they are still fake identities. In fact, there is only one best way...that is to become the maker of the screening mechanism.

Gao Wen was extremely happy, and the corners of his mouth rose wildly: as long as he becomes the person in charge of verifying identities, then all false identities will be real.

And when Daniel completes those tasks, Gao Wen can even use the real-name authentication and address binding functions to kill those cultists along IFI...

Seeing the change in Gao Wen's expression, Amber suddenly couldn't help rubbing the goosebumps on her arms: "... I don't know why, old Zongzi, you lost control of your brain again."

For the first time, Gao Wen didn't pay attention to Amber's broken mouth, but smiled and waved his hands: "Okay, I will explain to you in the future, you first..."

Before he finished speaking, the voice of the little maid Betty suddenly came from outside the door: "Master! Mr. Soldering is back!"

Gao Wen was taken aback, and quickly responded: "Let him in quickly!"

After a while, Gao Wen saw the travel-worn, even rather embarrassing Mr. High-ranking Ranger.

He looked at this powerful friend in astonishment, and immediately noticed the blood on the other's chest: "What did you do?!"

Solderling twitched the corners of his mouth in embarrassment: "He was hacked by the cultists..."

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