Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 247: Inversion array


Although the territory has begun to build brick houses on a large scale, all the previous tents have been completely dismantled, and a large number of wooden houses are being demolished and rebuilt one after another, but Pittman's residence is still his original wooden house, which is different from the small one. The old man's tough style doesn't matter (in fact, he doesn't have this attribute at all), and it's not because Gawain is targeting this old man, but because a lot of druid's spells are related to the organic environment, and their spell laboratory needs A large number of wooden bases are used as magic guide materials, and wooden houses are more convenient for them to use magic to transform and catalyze, so this wooden house has been used until today, and it seems that Pittman is still very satisfied and intends to continue to use it like this.

In fact, although the wooden house is still the same wooden house, it has completely changed after Pittman's magical transformation over the past few months. Some kind of "activation", vines and branches and leaves grow from the gaps in the wooden boards, making the wooden house more compact and solid while also greatly beautifying its appearance, while the environment inside the wooden house becomes warm in winter and warm in summer due to the effect of natural spells Cool, Gawain believed this was a rather comfortable place to live.

Otherwise, that old dishonesty who sells ointments, eats, drinks, plays cards, and has a bad habit would have come to find himself to change houses... Pittman is not the kind of guy who is willing to be poor, otherwise he would not have run away because the druid does not make money What kind of antique appraiser...

Walking into this brand-new (and being renewed every day) wooden house, Gawain first saw the old druid who was busy with his head down next to the test bench. The latter had obviously noticed the lord's arrival, but still Without raising his head: "My lord, please wait a moment, I will finish the work here soon, and the magic experiment cannot be interrupted. These equipment are a bit old, I have to watch carefully to..."

Amber stood aside without hesitation to dismantle the other party: "Don't pretend, your pile of containers didn't start to respond. This kind of decent painting style that is obsessed with academic research, responsible for the truth and has no time to care about the lord is not suitable for you."

Gao Wen was half moved by Pittman's rigorous and serious work attitude when he heard the truth revealed by Amber, and immediately looked up and down suspiciously at Pittman, while the latter straightened up from the test bench, blowing his beard and staring at the half-elf Miss: "I just want to cheat some experimental funds. Is it easy for me! Where are you from?"

Amber rolled her eyes: "Nonsense, whoever pays me my salary, of course I will be at that end."

"Ahem," Gao Wen quickly coughed twice, interrupting the topic that was about to stray, "I came to see your experimental results. You seem to have figured out the most critical step of drug production?"

Upon hearing this, Pittman put down the old alchemy props he was using to cheat funds, straightened up triumphantly, and led Gawain to the alchemy platform on the other side of the laboratory: "Take a look at this first!"

Gawain walked over curiously, and he saw a series of connected flasks, retorts, condensers, stills and other devices placed on the alchemy table, which are commonly used by alchemists when preparing medicines. Although their combination is quite complicated, it is not that special compared to Pittman's previous preparation of potions. What is really special is the complex magic pattern engraved on the surface of two of the containers, and the array of alchemy tables.

Gao Wen was sure that there were no such structures on normal alchemy tables and alchemy containers.

"What are these?" Gawain asked curiously.

"This is the 'Druid Magic Array' used to replace the caster." Pittman blinked and said proudly.

"Druid magic array?!"

"Yes," Pittman nodded, "As you know, the biggest problem we encountered when trying to produce druid medicine before was that the caster must participate in the final 'enchanting' step of the medicine: only the druid Ruy spells can catalyze these potions."

Speaking of this, Pittman paused, and then said: "Druid spells are derived from ancient natural magic, which is completely different from today's conventional magic system, so there is no complete set of 'spell model-rune array' corresponding The conversion system, that is to say, many druid spells cannot be converted into magic circles, which makes it impossible for us to replace the caster by imprinting magic circles on foreign objects like magic nets or heat ray guns... This restricts the mass production of alchemy potions, because the number of druids is limited, and the total amount of magic power of a single person is also limited."

Gawain looked at this little old man who usually acted rather indecent in surprise: "So you successfully transformed the druid's magic into a magic circle?"

"Strictly speaking, it is the ancient druid magic circle. When the druid sect was still the sect of the god of nature, the druid magic was still used as the 'magic circle' when the magic was performed," Pittman said in a deep and solemn voice. He said, "For this reason, I read a lot of ancient classics and spent 127 gold coins to buy the books. I also paid for running errands to buy books. The total is..."

"It's inappropriate to say this in such a solemn tone, and I'll reimburse you later," Gawain interrupted directly, "But I remember that the druids' magic spells have all been invalidated. Could it be that those ancient magic circles can still be used?" ?”

"Of course you can't use it directly, but look at these runes... don't they look familiar?"

After being reminded like this, Gao Wen noticed that the magic lines on the surface of the containers and the symbols on the alchemy table were indeed a little familiar, especially the usage of mixing elemental runes and sacred symbols. A strong sense of sight...

After a few seconds, he suddenly realized what it was: in the ruins in the mountains, in the Shadow Realm, that large mixed magic circle used to control and bind the flesh and blood of gods! That magic circle was drawn by mixing elemental runes and divine symbols!

Gao Wen showed a surprised expression: "Is it a technology excavated from the ruins?"

"That's right," Pittman nodded, "At that time you rubbed all the magic circles you found in the mountain ruins, but Ms. Hetty couldn't do anything about the magic circle inside, so she found it. I'm here to help. Although the divine arts of Druids have been lost, as an ancient profession that attaches great importance to inheritance, we have always preserved and passed on those sacred symbols as purely academic materials. Ms. Hetty asked me to help identify those The meaning of the symbol, and in the process, I discovered a bold attempt by the Empire of Gondor... ”

"Try boldly?" Gawain frowned. From Pittman's tone, he had a premonition that this might not be some simple secret.

Of course, this may also be the new posture of the little old man to cheat funds. If this is the case, it will be better solved. One meal is enough. Anyway, he is a 700-year-old coffin essence + 7 million-year satellite essence, in this land No need to worry about being accused of disrespecting the elderly when beating anyone...

Of course, if someone hadn't said that beating up an old man was child abuse, then he would have to admit it.

Fortunately, Pittman is really not cheating funds this time: "They are trying to 'find the interface of divine power'."

As he spoke, the little old man pointed to the magic lines engraved on the containers and the alchemy table: "Unless the teachings are strictly followed, the power of the gods cannot be used by people. This is a shackle recognized by the world, but the magisters of the ancient Gondor Empire They obviously intend to do some disobedient things. They designed this mixed magic circle to bypass some kind of 'restriction' set by the gods, so as to mobilize the power of the gods through the power of magic. Judging from the clues you found in the ruins in the mountains , their attempt was obviously successful, or at least partly successful. They found the 'access point' to use magic runes to control divine arts. Although with our current technology, there is no way to fully restore that complex mix There is no way to create a strong enough energy to drive it, but the way of arranging the runes can still be used for reference... "

What Pittman said was not only astonishing, but also seemed promising, but Gawain couldn't help but be puzzled: "I remember that some people tried to use magic power to cast divine spells, but they all failed. A priest of the Holy Light Even being swallowed by the Holy Light because of this... Are you sure that this technology is not risky?"

"Risks definitely exist, and any magic has risks, but risk control is a compulsory course for us," Pittman nodded, "I also know about the failed attempts you mentioned, we discussed them last time, and now in my opinion , Their failure is actually going the wrong way.”

"Going the wrong way?"

"That's right, they went the wrong way. Those who tried to use magic to control divine spells and failed, they just forcibly replaced the symbols in divine spells with elemental runes through elemental language translation and replacement, as if bluntly Every word in the Elvish language is replaced by a common human language with a similar meaning. It is like trying to translate an Elvish book in this way. What they make can only be nonsense," Pittman shook his head, "while the magisters of the Gondor Empire did it much smarter, they realized that it is impossible to 'translate' the power of gods with human 'language', Therefore, a kind of "interface" was created. This interface did not try to translate the symbols in the magic spell bluntly, but drew the magic spell array, and then set the magic runes for control at each key position, and input and In the output stage, materials with both spiritual and magical properties are used as the "transformation medium". Through this method, they indirectly change the divine power from the original "rigid energy" that must strictly follow the teachings to operate, and become the same as magic power. 'Flexible energy' that can be easily used by mortals."

For some reason, when Gao Wen listened to Pittman's description of using elemental symbols to bluntly replace magical symbols, the word "machine translation" popped up in his mind.

Is this the alien version of the machine-turned-killing-killing...

"So, you have mastered this 'interface' technology?" Gawain shook his head, throwing out the unreliable associations about "machine flip" in his head, looking at Pittman and asked.

"It can't be said that I fully grasp it. After all, what you asked people to print back is only some magic circles, not the original research materials of the Gondor Empire. I have to study those magic circles for a while before I can understand the specific principles of this interface. What is it?" Pittman said honestly, without much care in this professional and risky field, "Now I just found a little way to use it, and connected it to the ancient gods of druids. On the array."

Pittman stroked his beard at this point, with a smile on his face: "Strictly speaking, what I did in the Druid magic circle is the opposite of what the magisters of the Gondor Empire did. They draw power from the magic, but the druid's magic has long since expired, and the magic circle can no longer release energy, so I reverse this process and use magic to charge the magic circle ', so that the latter can operate. Of course, there is a certain degree of loss in this process, but the loss is not too large. With the support of the new honeycomb magic net, the energy loss caused by this reverse transformation is completely acceptable of."

The old druid raised his hand and pointed to a corner of the device on the alchemy table: "You should have noticed that it has a port here to connect to the magic net, so just connect it to the magic net If it is connected, the power of the magic net will be converted into the energy of the magical array through the "divine power inverter array" on the alchemy platform, thereby catalyzing the potions in these two containers, as if an ancient druid priest is facing They cast spells, turning ordinary herbal sap in containers into magic potions..."

After finishing the explanation, the old Druid took a long breath and turned to Gao Wen: "My lord, this is the mass production method I found."