Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 248: Blonde Soldier


This is a very direct question, but it is not a problem for the vast majority of believers in the world, Wright nodded without much thought: "Of course, a firm belief is the basis of being a priest. "

"It can be seen that you are even better than most senior priests in practicing the way of the Holy Light," Pittman smiled, "In this era, it is rare to see priests who are as meticulous as you. Follow the classics."

"Ansu's 'Sacred Law Reform' in 503 caused many priests to be less strict with themselves. That reform made it easier to release many divine spells and sacred rituals, and also made it easier for many low-level priests who could not be promoted Objectively speaking, this has greatly filled the manpower of the priest team, and it has also inspired other churches, and brought about the great development of various sects," Wright talked eloquently, usually really can't see this The melee priest with all the tendons actually has such a solid theological knowledge, but as long as someone sits down to talk to him about the Holy Light belief, he will show such a knowledgeable and talkative side, "The increase in clergy is a good thing , but it is also a fact that more and more people no longer pay attention to the warnings about xinxing in the way of the holy light... But no matter what, I believe that pious people still occupy the majority, and the holy light is guiding people to be good after all."

"Sacred law reform..." Pittman said unhurriedly, "Pope Ditas summed up the laws from a large number of divine arts and rituals, discovered the 'key points' in various divine arts and sacred rituals, and found that as long as Following these points reasonably is enough to trigger the miracle of the gods, which greatly simplifies the threshold for releasing divine magic. In the process of summarizing the rules, the bishops of the same period also discovered that through self-certification, self-examination, self-questioning and other methods to strengthen faith The shortcut of the effect, the discovery of this series of laws greatly lowered the threshold for becoming a senior priest, and the Holy Light Church, which was the first to reform the holy law, also took this opportunity to become the most powerful religion in the world. continues to this day."

Wright looked at Pittman a little surprised: "I didn't expect you to know this well? I thought druids were not interested in the knowledge of the Holy Light."

"It's just the history of religion. It's not the knowledge of the Holy Light." Pittman shook his head and said, "It can be seen that you are a priest who follows the path of classical hidden cultivation. Ask yourself... I don't know what you think of those priests who take shortcuts?"

Wright was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help laughing: "They have their way, and I have my way. The Holy Light will take care of them and me. Since the Holy Light shines on each of us fairly, it means that the way There is no right or wrong, and naturally I am not qualified to judge their way."

"That's right," Pittman shook his head, "I'm just curious, what would the God of Light think if he knew that someone relied on taking shortcuts to gain power? They can obtain the power of the Holy Light by using the scriptures to perform rituals and release divine spells. Usually, even if they drink too much, fight, and gamble, they extort high ransom money from the common people, and exchange the poor-quality holy water made after a hangover for the poor people’s family. The last straw, the Holy Light's favor for them will not be weakened at all, don't you think this is a very strange thing?"

If a mainstream Holy Light priest was here, he would probably have been furious after hearing Pittman's words, but Wright is obviously not a mainstream priest. He always thinks about Holy Light before anything else, so in After hearing Pittman's words, he couldn't help thinking. He thought for half a minute before raising his head: "I can't answer your question."

Pittman was stunned, and he stared at the pastor in front of him with wide eyes: "I thought you would try to think of a theory to convince me, do you admit that my doubts about the Holy Light are correct?"

"I don't admit your doubts about the Holy Light, but I really can't answer your question," Wright replied frankly, "The way of the Holy Light told me to be honest with my heart, if I don't know, I don't know. But I think that the disgraceful behavior you mentioned must not be the original intention of the Holy Light. Those priests with bad character do exist. When I was in the central region, I had conflicts with many of them, but their evil deeds It stems from their own unsteadiness, they use deceit and tricks to seek their own interests, not the Holy Light or the God of Holy Light who seeks benefits through these vile priests Woolen cloth?"

Pittman picked up the glass of clear water, raised his eyelids and looked at Wright: "For example... Faith?"

"If it is really for the belief of mortals, the God of Holy Light will not allow the existence of those evil deeds." Wright seemed to finally grasp the contradiction in Pittman's words, and he smiled, "Justice and mercy will Let the people cling to it, just as people naturally yearn for the light."

Pittman stared fixedly at the confident pastor, and couldn't help muttering under his breath: "...but sometimes fear and violence can have the same power."

Dark Mountains, Eastern Extension.

An elite troop is operating on a winding mountain road. They wear fine-quality light armor and carry all kinds of light weapons that are easy to use in mountain combat. They move in an orderly and well-disciplined manner. It can also do it like walking on the ground, and all signs are proving that this is a well-trained and capable team.

It's just that they can't see any identification that can show their identity, and even their weapons are deliberately concealed. Whether it is a sword or a crossbow, they are the conventional weapons that senior mercenaries will use. If you judge only from the appearance, I'm afraid it's easy to confuse them with the desperate mercenaries.

This team and several other troops have been active in the Dark Mountains for two days. Since leaving the border between Ansu and Typhon, these infiltrators from the Typhon Empire have been approaching the depths of Anzu.

Their task is to use the winding mountain roads in the dark mountains to bypass the steel defense line set up by Duke Loren in the eastern border of Ansu, and to find out the country's defense situation in the southeast region. After sending back the information, they will find a way to lurk. Merge with other infiltrated troops and form a "dark nail" that pierces the enemy's flesh and blood, and wait for the opportunity while carrying out various sabotage operations. When the war breaks out, the damage they cause will be enough to cause considerable damage to Ansu. Heavy blow.

There was more than one team that entered the Dark Mountain, but this team was the most powerful among several troops. The high-ranking elf ranger Solderin was the commander of the team. He jumped onto a protruding rock, lightly Easily control the balance of the body on the top of the rock, and look out at the large plains and forests at the northern foot of the Dark Mountains.

At this distance, humans can't see anything, but he can distinguish almost all the cooking smoke and frightened birds from the hazy forest and the fog floating above the forest. Based on this, he It can be roughly judged how many human settlements are within the field of vision, and the approximate size of these settlements.

After observing, the high-level elf ranger jumped down from the boulder, and ordered concisely: "It's safe here, rest for thirty minutes."

The Typhon soldiers immediately found a hiding place in place, took the time to relax their waists and legs, and drank and ate food. The powerful main army is still composed of 90% of ordinary people, and this team of only a dozen people includes a high-level elf ranger, three low-level knights, and a mage. The proportion of extraordinary people is quite astonishing, but low-level extraordinary people still need to rest in this situation.

The soldiers began to regain their strength, and at the same time discussed in low voices what they had seen and heard after entering the Dark Mountains. Monsters mutated and deformed due to the influence of magic power, but no hopeless and powerful enemies appeared. On the contrary, the steep mountains and some poisonous plants appeared more dangerous.

Although everyone knows that they are walking next to the wasteland of Gondor, as long as they don't go to the southern foot of the mountain range to face the Black Forest, the pressure of the wasteland of Gondor will not make them too nervous.

A knight-level warrior took out a map-drawing tool, and marked the key forks and mountain road directions on the rough hand-painted map, while his companion took out a metal cylinder with a small hole, opened the cylinder After that, a pitch-black "flying insect" was released from it. With a slight sound, the black flying insect rushed into the sky like lightning, and quickly disappeared from the soldiers' sight.

This thing that looks like a flying insect is actually the creation of crazy experiments by magicians. A trace of thin lineage of monsters makes it have an extremely fast flying speed and can be trained artificially. Flying insects can conveniently confirm the situation and location of each team, which is a very useful thing.

Solderin looked up at the direction where the flying insects disappeared, then retracted his gaze, leaned on the rock and closed his eyes to rest his mind. His overly neutral face was covered by long golden hair, which made people who didn't know the truth the first At first glance, she might even be regarded as a heroic female warrior, but none of the Typhon soldiers resting nearby would despise this thin-looking elf ranger, because this ranger's reputation can be said to be far and near. Know.

"Blonde Solderin", this is his widely circulated name in Typhon's mercenary world, and this name is obviously related to his blond hair, but only those who know the silver elves will understand The true meaning of this name, understand the powerful force behind this name.

The silver elves are an ancient race living in the southern part of the mainland. These forest family members whose bloodline is closest to the ancient "primordial elves" have many differences from humans. In addition to their special brain structure and supporting elf spells, silver elves Another characteristic of the elves is that their hair color will change as their strength increases. The silver elves in non-combat state all have blond hair, but as they stimulate the hidden power in their bodies, the powerful magic will cause their The hair is infected by elemental power. When a silver elf exerts 70% of its power, its hair color will completely turn silvery white, and its combat power will also rise in a straight line until they end their power explosion.

This is where the words "Silver Elf" come from.

However, no one has ever seen the appearance of "Blonde Solderling" after his strength has been increased to 70%. He always faces his enemies with the most indifferent attitude, even in the face of the greatest challenge, his golden hair Also never changed.

As a result, he won this very special title.