Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 253: Spirit Monitoring Station


The "technical black box" in the magic field is the problem that bothers Jenny and Kamel the most.

Jenny's runic logic is a powerful tool when optimizing and reconstructing traditional magic circles. Based on mathematical laws, it can simplify a magic circle from a purely computational level, eliminate unnecessary interference knots, and strengthen the magic circle. The effective power of the magic circle, or reduce the operation requirements of the magic circle, and in this process, the operator does not need to have the talent to feel the magic power, but the rune logic is also limited-to reconstruct a magic circle, first of all, the magic circle must be In other words, it is first necessary to determine the functions of the different rune areas in the circle, determine which runes are in an interference area, and which runes must be retained to operate independently.

Subsequent optimization and reconstruction can only be carried out after such an effective division of the magic circle.

Under this premise, the "technical black box" has naturally become a roadblock.

The emergence of the technology black box is related to the origin of magic. When the first mortal pioneer cast the first spell by imitating the original magic lines on the surface of ancient warcraft and natural minerals, the technology black box was born. For thousands of years, countless Spellcasters study those complex and ancient symbols and patterns, and a lot of magic has been analyzed during this process, becoming "full-analysis spells", but nearly half of the magic is still maintained in a black box state.

Almost all black-box magics are vague and complicated. They maintain the most primitive spell structure. Both the spell model and the rune array remain unanalyzed. Several functional areas, who can be divided from whom, and who remains independent from whom, in this case, directly applying the formula, may be able to arrange the runes one by one on the mathematical level, but the magic circle The structure itself was completely destroyed in the process.

Simple low-level magic circles don’t need to worry about this problem, because low-level magic circles often have very few functional areas, or even only one complete functional area (such as the “unit” of the honeycomb magic net), but from the middle level up, the magic circle’s The functional area (or "rune field", to use the term Jenny invented) has become more and more complex, and the technical black box phenomenon has become more and more.

Kamel and Jenny are working on solving this problem. They try to summarize the basic elemental language, basic spell models, and basic rune units to summarize a set of effective "dismantling" methods for most magic circles. This work has been done before, but it failed because of lack of correct research ideas and mathematical tools. However, Kamel and Jenny are very confident, and they have made some preliminary progress.

Gao Wen believed in their abilities, and also believed that with the more mature technology samples from the Eternal Sleepers, they would be able to find a breakthrough to crack the black box of communication spell technology, whether it was the research on the magic field or the actual situation of the territory. In terms of development, it will be of great help...

Within the territory of the Typhon Empire, in the valley on the northwest border.

This valley is a special place for the Typhon people. In fact, for the four major kingdoms of mankind, each country has one or two similar "special places". These places are located within the territory of the human kingdom. However, in terms of administrative division, they are the territories of the distant Silver Empire. They occupy a large area of ancient mountains and small towns, but they all have one thing in common, that is, the residents are almost all silver elves.

They are the location of the "monitoring stations" established by the Silver Empire.

During the demonic disaster seven hundred years ago, the majestic wall led by the elves finally curbed the spread of the disaster and sealed the terrible chaotic mana and the army of crazy monsters in the central area of the mainland. However, the special elf magic can only The elves can master it by themselves, and the sentinel towers they built must be controlled by elf spells. Therefore, in order to monitor the magnificent wall barrier, the elves set up multiple monitoring stations around the entire barrier—considering that humans have established four kingdoms. Obviously, these monitoring stations can only be located within the territory of the human kingdom.

The seal of the Gondor wasteland is a matter of the survival of the family and the country. The human kingdom has no choice but to accept this situation—even if they are the proud remnants of Gondor, after the outbreak of the demon tide and the collapse of the empire, no matter how proud they are, they must give in. Give it to reason.

Fortunately, the relationship between elves and humans has always been good, and elves are a race that keeps their promises. These "permanent colonies" located in the human country can live in peace with the outside world. Seven hundred years have passed, and the elves at the monitoring station have been in harmony with the outside world. Human beings have formed a good tacit understanding, and it has been maintained to this day.

Solderin and the elf druid who called himself "Berna" were walking together on the road leading to the depths of the valley. In front of his sight, the elegant spiers and the glow of magic in the style of the Silver Empire had already come into his sight. .

Soldering raised his head, looked at the tall tower located in the deepest part of the valley, and exhaled slightly.

That tower is the core building of the monitoring station. It is a "communication tower" used for data connection and exchange with the Sentinel Tower. Given enough, it could transmit a signal hundreds of kilometers away—enough to connect to the Sentinel Tower on the other side of the valley.

Soldering glanced back. On the other side of the valley, he could clearly see a gloomy dividing line in the sky: that was the direction of the wasteland of Gondor.

The role of the monitoring station is to monitor the wasteland and determine the situation of the Great Wall, but just think about it, it is impossible for the monitoring personnel to go under the Sentinel Tower to establish a permanent monitoring facility—although the Great Wall blocks However, the lethal radiation permeating from the barrier every year is still enough to seriously damage the health of the monitoring personnel. Therefore, all monitoring stations are monitored remotely: a communication tower is set up at a safe distance, and the It is the safest and most secure solution to know the situation of the Sentinel Tower in real time through transmission.

Of course, if there is something wrong with any of the sentinel towers, the nearest monitoring station still needs to send people to deal with it on the spot—each station always has engineering teams to deal with such crises, although these engineering teams may be several There won't be a chance for a real mission in centuries, but the elves never let up in this regard.

After all, they live long.

Berna walked briskly beside Solderin, looking quite happy: this elf girl seemed very happy to see more compatriots.

Along the way, Solderin has learned a lot about Berna. This lively elf girl seems to be unable to control her mouth. Basically, if she asks a question, she will say something blah blah blah. There are a lot of things related to himself, and compared with her, Soldering seems to be more careful about words.

After all, his current identity is still disguised, and if he can say a few words less, he can reduce the risk of exposure.

Soldering did not remove his disguise just because he passed the human level, because constant vigilance is an essential quality of an excellent ranger—not to mention, he only brought women's clothing when he set off...

After all, he is the leader of Lipai.

After Berna showed a smirk for the third time, Solderling couldn't help but glanced at her: "You are very happy."

"Of course, we are going to the monitoring station!" Bernardo smiled happily, "This is the largest monitoring station in the north of the mainland, and there is a city around the station! After I get settled in the city, I will first find a tavern. Drink a large glass of fruit mead, and then eat dried fruit and sommini pies! Let me tell you, everything in the human world is good, but the food is really terrible. fed up… "

Solderin silently listened to Berna's chanting, and before he knew it, the entrance of the city had appeared not far away.

As Bernard said, this is the largest monitoring station in the northern part of the mainland. The elves occupy the entire valley here, and have built a large-scale city centered on the communication tower deep in the valley. Seeing those spiers and city walls with elf style, and the compatriots in charge of guarding the city entrance, Soldering couldn't help showing a smile.

At the city entrance, guards stopped the two of them for routine identity checks and questioning.

Soldering took out the Silver Empire badge that could prove his identity, and asked casually, "Has there been any movement in the Sentinel Tower recently?"

"Everything is normal, so is the sentinel tower, so is the monitoring station, and so is this city," said the guard in charge of the inspection, who was wearing silver-white elf-style light armor and held a spear in his hand. He took Solderin's badge with one hand while He said casually, "How does it feel to travel in the human world?"

Solderling smiled slightly: "The novelty is still there, their society is always changing rapidly."

Of course, the changes are fast. The ancestors who have been hanging on the wall for seven hundred years suddenly climbed out by themselves. Who of you has seen this operation

"Huh?" The guard checked the inscription on the back of the badge, and suddenly made a suspicious voice. He looked up at Solderin, "Solderin, male, Frostleaf Family—are you sure this badge is yours?"

"Oh, I forgot about that." Soldering quickly slapped his head, and then released a small spell on the badge. The resonance of the spell proved that he was the bearer of the badge, "I am."

"Then you..." The guard looked up and down Solderin's huntress outfit, "Did you cause trouble in human society? Are you wanted?"

It can be seen that this is also a well-informed guard.

Solderling didn't intend to explain too much. Although he was his compatriots in front of him, it was troublesome to explain some things, so he casually whispered: "Recently, I changed my dressing style."

The guard looked clear: "Oh, then there's no problem."

It can be seen that this is really a well-informed guard.


The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: .. : m.