Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 256: the height of technology


The principle described by Pittman is actually not complicated. The connection between the magic circle and the magic circle is actually a process of "frequency conversion compatibility" in Gao Wen's understanding.

Although the two structures are different, the rune system and effective mechanism are also different, but the magic circle and the magic circle are essentially a system that consumes magic power and produces effects (the energy-gathering magic circle like the magic net actually does not produce magic power, It just concentrates and compresses the original discrete magic power in nature, and it also has its own waste energy loss in the process), and such a system is inherently possible to connect: as long as you find a suitable transfer path, you can .

Generally speaking, elemental runes and divine spell runes are not compatible with each other. The only result of forcibly replacing each other is that the spells are out of control. Those priests interpreted it as the supremacy of the gods, so the power given by the gods is also higher than that used by mortals. Spells, low-level spells are naturally incompatible with high-level divine spells, but in Gawain's speculation, he thinks it's just that the compatibility between the two is difficult, or "the same frequency area is too narrow".

He made this speculation not out of nowhere, but because of the historical facts of the transition from druid magic to magic, and the reasonable guesses generated after the discovery of the mixed magic circle in the ruins in the mountains. Now it turns out that his guess is correct.

The power of the so-called gods is not superior to magic power, but the connection between divine magic runes and elemental runes is not as easy as the connection between elemental runes, and without theoretical guidance, it is necessary to find it in the vast number of runes. The correct arrangement is like finding a needle in a haystack, which is why scholars believe that the two systems are not compatible.

The Gondor magisters a thousand years ago seem to have caught this "needle".

The druids' divine arts have been lost. After the energy source from the "gift" of the gods disappeared, they had to absorb magic power in nature to perform the former "divine arts". In this process, the divine arts became Magic, and the magic array has gradually become an invalid historical relic due to failure to find a reasonable way to transform it, but the "interface" found by Pittman has made it possible for the ancient and abandoned magic array to operate again. From Wen's point of view, the mysterious veil of the magic circle was completely lifted at this moment.

It is actually a magic circle, and the sacred rune is actually a special kind of magic rune (independent of the elemental rune system), but its energy cannot be obtained directly from nature, but requires a layer of "filtering" or Only "transformation" can be used, and the inversion array is the key to this transformation.

Gao Wen's thinking expanded and he thought of those mysterious gods. What role did the gods play in this process

They... may be the first and largest inverter array.

The gods purified and extracted the original basic energy of nature, and transformed it into the so-called "superior energy" that can release divine magic, such as the power of nature, holy light, divine power of war, etc., and then used strict teachings as the "authorization standard" to allow Ordinary people who perform religious ceremonies can borrow these transformed secondary energies from them. If placed on the earth, this is equivalent to an advanced country monopolizing all primary resources such as fossil fuels, solar energy, and wind energy, and corresponding Power generation technology, and then convert these resources into electricity and export it to a primitive country. The latter will enter the age of electricity in one fell swoop, but as long as they can't find a way to generate electricity, they will be stuck in this state forever. Living with lights and phones on the surface, but actually living a primitive and backward life.

Because they are missing the most important "conversion link" technology in the middle.

There is only human beings as an intelligent race on the earth, and the gap between people is limited, so this kind of monopoly is difficult to achieve, but in this world, the gods have power far beyond the imagination of mortals, and they successfully carried out this kind of monopoly.

The "fall of the white star" three thousand years ago was the beginning of breaking the monopoly. On that day, the god of nature worshiped by the druids disappeared for unknown reasons. Therefore, the authority to purify the divine power of nature was lifted, and mortals were able to release the power of nature. The ability of magic, and the magisters who studied the flesh and blood of the gods in the dark mountains a thousand years ago further broke the monopoly. They used a more radical method to try to bypass the "authority lock" set by the gods, and obtained success.

However, the overall monopoly has not yet been broken. There are still many gods in the world, and mortals can only get the corresponding divine power by praying to the gods. However, the key to breaking the monopoly is already in the hands of Gao Wen.

"Do you know what this 'inverted array' means?" Gawain calmed down, and he looked at Pittman fixedly and asked.

The old Druid smiled: "I know, to be honest, I'm quite proud."

"The churches all over the world will regard us as mortal enemies," Gao Wen said slowly, "Ninety percent of the priests will bite us."

Pittman blinked, and there was a hint of cunning in his eyes: "Not only those priests, but also the 'gods' behind them."

Yes, and the gods behind them.

Although the news that "the gods are dead" was revealed in the Eternal Tablet, the fact that the power of the world is still there is undeniable. Gawain had to beware of those "gods" hiding behind the scenes. Are they the revived gods? Or some kind of "usurper" who took advantage of the emptiness of the god's position to take the opportunity? Whatever it is that is answering the prayers of mortals, they probably won't be happy to see their monopoly broken.

"For the time being, don't use the inverter array technology on any magical array other than the Druid system." Gao Wen said seriously.

He didn't know how bright the eyes of the gods were, and he could only assume that they would jump if a leg hair was plucked.

"I understand." Pittman nodded, obviously he didn't dare to mess around in this regard.

"This technology, we need to wrap it up," Gawain took a breath, and continued, "This is an attempt to transform the druid magic into a 'magic circle', and due to the origin of the druid spell, the magic circle is naturally There will be ancient magic symbols, it is natural, do you understand?"

"Of course, I'm just a low-level druid, how can I know how to steal divine power?" Pittman stroked his beard and narrowed his eyes, "I just copied the ancient druid magic circle from the book, and then put It's just messing around with the magic net. As for the so-called reverse runes... With the heads of most spellcasters and priests in this era, they only pay attention to whether this thing can be used. Who cares about its principle and what it is? effect!"

Gawain heard Pittman's deep contempt and even a trace of resentment towards traditional spellcasters from Pittman's tone. He knew there must be a story in it, but he just took a deep look at the other party and didn't ask further.

He nodded: "These deceitful statements are just in case. As long as we keep the technology secret, we don't have to worry about the danger that will happen after these leaks. There are only three of us here today. Before I think the time is right , this secret is only known to us, at most the core technicians who will be added in the future will know, understand?"

Pittman nodded slightly, while Amber suddenly glanced at Gao Wen in horror: "You won't kill me to silence you?"

Gawain tapped on the half-elf's head casually: "Is there any normal operation in your mind?"

"Oh my god, isn't it normal to kill people and silence them?"

Gawain looked at Pittman helplessly: "To be honest, how did you and your old buddy educate this girl?"

"Well, we didn't expect her to grow up like this," Pittman sighed dejectedly, "her adoptive father and I have been working hard to make money and raise the baby. We taught her to sneak, poison, dig graves, dig graves, She was deceived, cheated, and even found the best shadow instructor for her. We educated her so seriously, why did she grow crooked... "

Gao Wen: "..."

Damn chicken, can this education be crooked? ! Amber has only been a bit of a petty theft until now, which is considered pure talent, right? !

"...Go back and correct your three views." Gao Wen waved his hand helplessly at Amber, and looked back at Pittman, "You have compiled a detailed document on the new production process and the technical requirements of various equipment. , I will arrange for the industrial department to start designing the corresponding equipment and workshops for you. It is winter now. If the work is completed in the past few months, it will be available in spring. In addition, I remember that you have recruited a group of pharmacist apprentices. Use it?"

According to Gao Wen's instruction of "expanding talents", Pittman recruited a group of pharmacist apprentices in the territory to teach the way of nature The plot did not happen. Among the dozen or so apprentices, not even one had the talent of a druid. Only two or three had a weak ability to sense magic power, but it was difficult to be a mage apprentice. Fortunately, the druid There are not only spells in the knowledge, but also the knowledge of preparing potions, domesticating animals, and cultivating plants can be learned by ordinary people, so these apprentices have grown up rapidly under the leadership of Pittman. Now they are doctors and pharmacists in the territory. And when necessary, they will also help Pittman configure the catalytic potions that are needed in agriculture.

"I'm flattering those little guys if they are useful, but they still work hard and their basic alchemy skills are not bad," Pittman stroked his beard, "Do you have any arrangements?"

"Using a reaction vessel to prepare potions is a technical job, and ordinary people without training can't do it. After the pharmaceutical synthesis factory is completed, there will not only be workers who do chores, but also skilled technicians. How many do you choose? A reliable and stable apprentice, let them manage the factory."

Pittman was a little surprised: "I thought you were going to arrange for me to manage the factory."

"What you should manage is a higher-level research and development system, not a specific factory," Gao Wen glanced at Pittman, "there will be more than just a pharmaceutical factory in the territory in the future, and the ancient magic of druids... It's just for making potions."

"It seems that you have thought very far," Pittman nodded, "I understand, I will pick a few suitable apprentices to train, and let them go to the steel factory and the Mechanical Research Institute to get familiar with the 'factory production' mode."

Gao Wen breathed out: "Then... After completing these tasks, I think you should consider the next research project."

Pittman blinked: "The next step?"

"That is to study 'why'." Gawain looked at the magical runes and elemental runes on the alchemy table, as well as the "inverter array" used as a conversion interface, "why the inverter array can convert the original magic power into The so-called 'divine power'? Why must the magic circle be powered by transformed secondary energy? What is the difference between magic power and divine power?"

Gawain slowed down his tone, but his expression was extremely serious: "Traditional spellcasters rarely pay attention to the underlying principles of spells, and you just satirized this point, so we must not be like them. Especially the inverter array technology is a grave-digging The technology obtained is the legacy of the ancient Gondor Empire. It is not an unanalyzable god-given item, but was researched by ancient magisters who are also mortals. Fortunately, we just have the opportunity to study If so, this opportunity must never be let go.”

Pittman was stunned, and suddenly smiled slightly: "Whenever I think I think far enough, I always find that you are already standing in a farther place waiting for me to catch up..."

Before Gao Wen could answer, Amber had already spoken for him what he was about to say: "He is the wisdom of the elderly."