Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 258: People without talent


Yet it will be some time before the panic they cause subsides.

With a sword on her waist, Andersa walked steadily on the wall of the Winter Wolf Fortress. She inspected the defense line after the battle, and the sight of her eyes frowned.

Those blood-colored giants who came from nowhere did not step into the fortress, and the brave Typhon soldiers repelled those terrifying enemies on the city wall. "The destructive power is still shocking. Huge scars eroded by corrosive energy arrows can be seen everywhere on the city wall. Soldiers who were directly attacked by energy arrows either died miserably or were seriously injured. Ordinary metal armor is no match for that weird attack. It has almost no protection, it seems that only enchanted armor or armor made of magic metal can effectively resist the attack of monsters, but how many people in the entire army can afford a complete set of magic armor

Andersa stood by the city wall and glanced down. She saw a large number of mottled scars on the surface of the huge stone wall below, and several huge erosion marks even spread all the way to the height near the wall. In the final stage of the battle, those Several special individuals with exceptionally large size and strong resistance to blows appeared among the blood-colored giants. A round of attacks from the magisters failed to stop them from advancing. Those monsters used a strange magical lightning to destroy the magisters. Defense, and then climbed the city wall against the rolling wood and falling stones and the rain of arrows. Although it was eventually wiped out, it left several terrible damages on the city wall.

An adjutant came from behind and handed a report to Andersa: "General Andersa, the dead and wounded soldiers have been counted, please have a look."

Andersa accepted the report with a heavy heart. The monster attacked very suddenly, and the soldiers had never fought against a similar enemy, so this battle was not easy to win. This report was even a bit harsh to her. .

"Take it, give compensation to the families of the dead according to the rules, treat the wounded, and send those who can't continue to fight back to the country to write a certificate of bravery for them. After returning, at least they can have food and clothing," Andersa said a little irritably Returning the report to the adjutant, he turned his head and looked at the plain covered with a layer of dirty blood, "You said... where did these monsters come from?"

The plain in front of the Winter Wolf Fortress was originally covered with snow and was silvery white, but those giants dyed the whole land an ominous dark red, and the killed monsters fell on the land, and their flesh and organs melted like mud , flowing, corroding the earth while rising into billowing smoke and dust, and soon there will be only huge bones left behind, which is daunting to look at. Andersa has faced all kinds of enemies before, but she is the first time to experience a similar scene see for the first time.

The adjutant didn't expect the general to ask himself this question. He was stunned for a moment before he said uncertainly: "The original sentinel reported that the monsters came from the pass of the dark mountain range, so... it should be in the direction of Ansu."

"Ansu?" Andersa's expression gradually became gloomy, "That country..."

"But it doesn't have to be Ansu," the adjutant immediately added his thoughts, "General, the Dark Mountains are next to the wasteland of Gondor..."

"Do you suspect that those monsters came out of the wasteland of Gondor?" Andersa raised her eyebrows, looking at the adjutant who had always acted cautiously in surprise, "This idea is very bold."

"We once received intelligence that Ansu was attacked by an 'unknown monster'. It was rumored that it was some kind of monster wandering from the Gondor wasteland," the adjutant reminded Andersa, "If more monsters come from the wasteland If they wander out and walk along the natural barrier of the Dark Mountains, then they may indeed wander here... "

"But the Gondor wasteland is blocked by a magnificent wall," Andersa immediately frowned. "Didn't the watchtowers on the border also say that the barrier is okay?"

"Those watchtowers are useless, they are too far from the wasteland."

"...to prepare the griffin," Andersa said after a short pause, "you must tell His Majesty the emperor what happened here!"

After giving the order, Andersa raised her head and looked at the misty mountains in the southwest with an uneasy face. Although she couldn't see the scene behind the mountains with the naked eye, she knew that the wasteland of Gondor was located there. direction, and the great wall built by the elves is there.

Thinking of the majestic wall and the sentinel towers supporting it, Andersa couldn't help feeling a little envious. It is said that those ancient magic towers have powerful communication power, allowing information to travel along the entire majestic wall in an instant. The border was passed back to the mainland of the Silver Empire. The elves used this incredible ancient technology to maintain the monitoring of the entire barrier system. In the Gondor era seven hundred years ago, humans also had similar technology.

But now, these technologies have been severely degraded and degraded. The existing communication magic is either expensive or ineffective. Most magic communication towers can only transmit information within a few kilometers, and the cost of building a tower is still high. Borderlands Magical communication can still be used between the main fortresses on the line, but if you want to send news from the border back to the imperial capital... you can only rely on traditional griffin messengers.

There are proposals to set up hundreds of magic towers from the border to the imperial capital to transmit information, and similar proposals have been repeatedly discussed in the noble council for many years, but there is only one result after discussions: no money, no one.

The cost of hundreds of magic communication towers is enough to empty out the empire's annual tax revenue, and the magic materials used as strategic reserves in the treasury will also be hugely depleted. You must know that the magic circle of the communication spell is extremely complicated, and only the rarest high-level materials are used. It can only be manufactured, but it is absolutely impossible to use all those materials to build hundreds of immovable towers.

What's more, even if they are created, who will maintain and control them? Only mages can control magic, and complex large-scale magic devices require multiple spellcasters to maintain together. Hundreds of permanent magic communication towers mean that half of the mages in the empire's mage group have to become "tower guards." , Compared with the cost of money, the labor cost of this part is even more unacceptable.

Various thoughts swirled in Andesa's mind. As an aristocratic officer who took charge of military power at a young age and also had a family background, she knew better than anyone else how important the transmission of information would be in a war. However, There was nothing she could do about it.

After all, she has no magical talent.

In Cecil's collar, Jenny Perot, who is the dean of the Rune Research Institute, put down the blueprints and rune baseplates in her hand, and stretched her waist long.

She raised her head from behind the desk, looked at the several apprentices at a few tables not far away who were burying their heads in calculations or getting together to exchange opinions, and couldn't help smiling.

These few apprentices are the new recruits added by the Rune Academy since its establishment. The number is very small, but it is much better than the original situation where she was the only polished commander here.

Half of these apprentices are from the Cecil Territory, and they are "transferred" from the original rune craftsmen or rune masters in the territory. They themselves have basic knowledge in the field of practical runes, and they are talented in logic and mathematics, so They were assigned here as Jenny's assistants after a certain "talent and skills inspection", and the other few were down-and-out scholars and mage apprentices recruited by the lord from other places. Because of their good qualifications, they were also sent here.

To be honest, these people need to be cultivated when they first came. After all, rune logic is a brand new field. Except for Jenny, Rebecca, Hetty and Gawain, no one in the world understands what they are. What do you mean, the thoughts of these apprentices were still stuck in the traditional magic theory at the beginning, and it took Jenny a lot of effort to reverse their concepts, but after a period of hard work, these people have gradually been able to come in handy.

When they become professionals in the field of rune logic, Jenny will let them take turns to teach courses at the General Academy. At that time, Mr. Santis should have also completed the children's basic courses in rune common sense and magic theory. After laying a good foundation, learn rune logic, and everything will just connect.

Afterwards, the children in the territory will grow into a new generation with knowledge and skills, and these knowledge and skills will continue to be passed on and continue to expand. Driven by the lord, everyone will have the opportunity to learn all of this Chance.

Teaching, learning, dissemination, once the transfer of knowledge begins, it will not stop easily, it will continue until everyone has the right to access knowledge, to think and explore the truth, and all of this... probably also Lavin Mr. Case would like to see it.

Jenny lowered her head again, looking at the complicated arrangement of runes in front of her, as well as some calculations and charts that looked like a bible to laymen, and fell into deep thought.

These things are not regular magic circle design drawings, but a special "observation record" given to her by Master Kamel. They include the control and output unit structure of the magic energy obelisk, and Kamel passed the The readings of the magic energy escaping from the magic obelisk observed by the "Eye of Magic", which include regular fluctuations of magic power and a series of complex diffusion and decay data.

These things are not easy to deal with, it has gone beyond the field that Jenny was in contact with when studying rune logic. Even Rebecca, who is strong in mathematics and science, had a headache for a long time when she first saw these things. It is no longer a simple rune arrangement problem, and it is no longer an example that can be solved by simply comparing the interference value. These massive and pure data make Jenny feel at a loss. However, she knows that mathematics is You will definitely not let yourself down.

These data may hide the most essential secrets of magic power, and the lord is also waiting for these data to reveal the mystery of "magic power remote transmission", and use this as a breakthrough to find a way to simplify the communication circle, so Jenny is deciding After calming down, he picked up the manuscript paper and pen again, and once again devoted himself to thinking and calculation.

Pen and paper are her bridge to the way of magic. Only with the help of this bridge can she let herself go farther than others in this mysterious field.

After all, she has no magical talent.


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