Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 260: An uneasy winter


Gao Wen's words caused huge waves in Kamel's heart, so that his flickering frequency changed to 4/4 beats, and the overall blue color was not because he could not understand Gao Wen's meaning, but because This idea is very different from the traditional production concept of magic props.

Even in the period of the Gondor Empire, when the technology was superb and some ordinary magic items had been mass-produced, many magic items existed as expensive items. People seemed to regard such magic items as rare and expensive from the very beginning. It can be viewed as treasures handed down from generation to generation, family swords, family rings, family amulets... It is normal for these things to be used for decades or even two to three hundred years. Although the technology of the Gondor Empire is advanced, However, due to technical deformities, the types of magic items that they can mass-produce are actually limited from the very beginning. Basically, only things such as magic infusion and magic shaping can be mass-produced, and those that require in-depth processing require the participation of a magister The things produced still maintain the mode of workshop or laboratory production.

Because the magister cannot be mass-produced.

Therefore, although the technology of the Gondor Empire is advanced, the development speed is not fast, especially in the later period, after the potential of the dark blue magic well is almost discovered, the prosperity and material abundance of the entire empire are no longer the result of technological advancement, but more of "" accumulated".

So Kamel never thought about what kind of changes would happen after all magic devices became cheap, mass-produced, and quickly consumed industrial products.

However, he couldn't refute Gao Wen's words. Although he was old, he was not stubborn. He was only limited by his own experience for a while, but as long as he opened his mind, he would realize that what Gao Wen said was right.

Magic props become ancestral treasures not because they have a long service life, but because they are so precious that people have to use them for a long time. If a magic device can be mass-produced in a factory, it can make everyone It can be easily purchased and used, and it can be replaced every ten years or even a few years, so do people still need to pass it on from generation to generation

Gao Wen himself had his own considerations when he said these words. Although he emphasized the "consumability" of industrial products, he said this only after careful consideration. No matter when, the service life is an important indicator to measure the quality of the product after all. It does not mean that the things that can be mass-produced in the industry can completely ignore the service life, especially the equipment on the battlefield, it must be durable.

Different things have different life requirements, and the life requirements of semi-permanent fortifications and a gun barrel (acceleration track) are definitely different.

Therefore, he conducted some material tests and calculations, using a magic field exceeding the design strength to supply energy to the repulsive substrate, and tested the loss of the copper substrate in various extreme environments, and finally confirmed that this thing can still withstand long-term overload. It can meet the demand.

In fact, he had also fallen into a misunderstanding in this regard before: he considered overloading the short-term output of some magic devices, but after mentioning it to Hetty, the other party would always say that this would seriously affect the life of the magic devices. So the gain outweighs the loss, and there are many other things to be busy, so he didn't delve into this aspect too much, until one day he couldn't help asking Hetty, asking her how well a certain device can work under the condition of frequent overload. How long did it last to maintain stable operation, the latter said a word to him with a serious face:

"Ancestor, in that way, the magic circle will dissolve the elements in less than forty years!"

Then Gao Wen realized that he had a different worldview from the locals on the issue of "lifespan"... In their eyes, if a magic item can't be used by the great-grandchildren, it would be considered a waste...

"According to my test, if the general-purpose substrate with red copper matrix is used as the repulsion generator, the acceleration rail can continuously fire 3,000 to 4,000 shells. The numbers will also be affected by the environment, but I think this lifespan is fully up to par anyway.”

"Three thousand launches...should really be enough," Kamel recalled the way he saw the production of rune substrates in the rune forge, and had to admit that this service life is really enough, "then The problem of the acceleration guide rail is solved, but the formation used on the shell... seems to be the magic circle of the elf system?"

"That's right, Blessing of the Wind, the basic spell with the suffix of Hurricane, skillful elf rangers will attach the power of wind to every arrow they shoot, which can make flying objects almost immune to the interference of air currents, and can greatly Strengthen its flying speed and distance, I think this thing can also be used on shells, although the volume is a bit bigger, but the shells still fly out.”

Kamel hesitated: "The magic system of elves and the magic system of humans..."

"Humans are basically unable to use elf magic. This is because the brain structure of the two races is slightly different, resulting in a different way for humans to perceive magic power than elves. Of course, the way to release spells is also completely different, so elf magic must be converted into humans. Human spellcasters can only master spell models, and when encountering spell models that cannot be converted, there is no way for humans to cast them, but..." Gao Wen nodded, but suddenly changed his tone in the second half of the sentence, "This is just a problem that spellcasters will encounter when casting spells. There is no such difference between magic circles and runes, and there is no such difference in mathematics!"

"what do you mean… "

"I asked for the Blessing of the Wind's 'Formation Expression' from Solderin, which is a magic circle based on elf spells, elves can draw it, and humans can draw it, no matter who it is It can still take effect after drawing it," Gao Wen said unhurriedly, "but this magic circle is still a bit too complicated, consumes too much energy, and requires too expensive drawing materials, so I hope you can do some research on it. Optimization uses formulas in rune logic to reconstruct these runes. The language of elements is common, and although these runes are used by elves, their elemental meanings are no different from human runes."

"That's right, the language of elements is universal..." Kamel's voice gradually became eager, "The language of mathematics... should also be universal..."

Gao Wen nodded: "If rune logic can optimize this magic circle, then we have proved one thing: Mathematics, like elemental language, is the language to describe truth. At least in the fields that we have access to, it has Such a role. The application of runic logic will be greatly expanded. From now on, not only the human spell system, but even the elf spell system can be incorporated into the Jenny formula group and the Ravencrest constant. In the constructed world!"

Kamel was silent for two seconds, then suddenly bowed solemnly to Gawain: "I will accomplish all this with my own hands!"

"I'm looking forward to your results," Gawain smiled, "but don't delay the weapon design on your line. Energy weapons are also necessary."

After Kamel left, Gawain stood up from behind the desk, went to the window sill, and quietly looked towards the direction of the north bank.

There are not too many buildings in the territory for the time being, and his line of sight can directly cross the administrative area, residential areas, and the dock area in the north of the city. Using the powerful vision of the legendary knight, he can see very far.

It was a clear day after the snow stopped, and the scenery on the north bank of the Baishui River was even faintly visible.

The newly established twenty-five production and construction brigade and the "prisoner of war team" composed of sixteen Tifeng prisoners have been sent to the north bank to carry out the construction of a new residential area. The high and low scaffolding is like the snow in the winter background The dry tree branches are growing gradually on that land. The Brumist Moon is coming to an end. After this "month" of more than 60 days is over, there will be a colder and more difficult "Cold Moon". On the land of noble lords, there will be a large number of poor people who have nothing to face the biggest test of life and death they have to experience every year, and Cecil Territory will complete the last batch of engineering projects this year, laying a solid foundation for the population growth in the second year. Get ready for spring plowing.

After the end of the cold month is the month of recovery. After the spring plowing begins, farming everywhere will be busy. It will not be so easy to buy cheap serfs, but there will never be a shortage of refugees. There will always be civilians who will for various reasons Losing their land, losing their homes, being expelled from their homeland or fleeing from their homeland, they are like migrating ants from one territory to another. Some die on the road, some die in a foreign land, even if the weather is good, some people will leave their homes.

After all, this is the withered southern region. It has been a hundred years since the Cecil family fell, and the countless pioneering strongholds and grain storage lands have been wiped out in the process of the nobles re-dividing power. Abandoned land is easy to rebuild and difficult to rebuild. Coupled with the constant friction of the nobles in the southern border, people have no way to settle down to reclaim new land and build their homes. Therefore, refugees have almost become a "normal phenomenon" in the southern border. Get used to it.

Under such circumstances, as long as there is a piece of land that is stable and can fill the stomach, it will naturally attract a large number of people to move into Gawain. There are nothing more than two issues to consider. The first is whether he can To "eat" so many people, the second...

Will those "good neighbors" watch Cecil's collar grow bigger and bigger.

There was also a heavy snowfall in Wangdu, and it was the biggest snowfall since the beginning of winter.

Veronica stood on the tallest tower of the Cathedral of the Holy Light, letting the cold wind blow the snow flakes from the roof and hit her face, but she didn't notice it.

This is the highest place in the cathedral. There is such a special prayer room built on the top of the tall spire. The center of the roof of the prayer room is inlaid with a whole piece of priceless holy light crystal. The crystal penetrates the roof and reaches directly into the sky. Outside the roof, pointing to the sky, set up an energy crystal at a high enough place. Believers believe that this is the closest way to get close to God.

Therefore, this prayer room at the top of the steeple is also the most special place in the entire cathedral. Ordinary believers are absolutely not qualified to enter. Even Veronica was allowed to step in after passing the "God's test" .

However, she didn't pray, nor did she look up at the Holy Light crystal that could make any believer of the Holy Light ecstatic. She just opened the window and looked down at the stream of people walking on the ground.

The snow has not been swept away, the whole city is shrouded in snow, the square in front of the cathedral and several roads are also covered with a layer of pure white, that pure color covers up all the filth and filth , decay, whether it is sewage or feces, or even the corpses of the frozen dead, are temporarily covered by white, as if they never existed.

The people who came to worship were walking in the snow-white area. Citizens in colorful winter clothes, wealthy businessmen, knights, and nobles, they were divided into several distinct streams of people, and entered the church area through different gates. In a building blessed by the Holy Light, they seek the guidance of the gods, as well as some psychological comfort so that they can continue to live their current lives with peace of mind.

In the process, the snow was trampled by the crowd and melted by the sun. Behind the worshipers, the black street appeared again, mixed with the mud after the snow melted, as dirty as those worshipers.

Veronica closed her eyes suddenly, she took a deep breath, and when she opened her eyes again, her expression calmed down again, and there was no longer any fluctuation of emotion in her sight.

"Life is full of regrets, but yearns for the light," Veronica said in a low voice as if hypnotizing herself, and the energy of the holy light surging in her gradually subsided along with these words. Finally, she raised her head and stared at the Street, praying softly, "May you guide the Light..."